Automation of the sound C in tongue twisters using mnemonic tracks

Forty forty stole peas...

Reading complex tongue twisters will help consolidate skills, and funny children's tongue twisters will help you learn in a playful way.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter C for schoolchildren


Oh, you, canopy, canopy, sleepy Senya came out into the canopy. And in the entryway Senya stumbled, and tumbled over the steps.


Larisa prepared rice soup for Boris, and Boris treated Larisa to toffee.


Getting into a taxi The dachshund asked: - What is the fare? And the driver: - We don’t take money from taxes at all, That’s it, sir.


Forty forty stole peas, Forty crows drove away the forty. Forty eagles frightened the crows, Forty cows scattered the eagles.


The stern Suvorov soldier Suvorov sternly drilled with a drill the damp wall of the Suvorov school.


The birch tree is rooty, Curved-leaved at the root, Knotty at the middle, Tallly curly at the top.


Help the shoemaker sew boots. Silver plate the buckles on the boots. Help the boots, help the Master, quickly sew boots for the barefoot flea.


Anos was taking him to sow oats. I sowed oats, and oats grew. Anos came, mowed the oats, tied the oats, threshed the oats. Anos blew the oats down to the grain - He picked out the oats and took away a cartload of oats.


Mom sews a shirt for her daughter. He scribbles lines on his shirt. He urgently writes forty lines: My daughter is growing like a sprout.


I tried for seven and forty days, I hurried, I sewed rawhide boots for myself. The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor: “The magpie strives to become the most squeaky one!”


A poplar stomped along the road. Poplar was stomping towards Sevastopol, Well, and Seva was stomping nearby. Poplar on the right, Seva on the left. Where is Seva with the poplar? Already near Sevastopol.


Once upon a time I gave a crucian carp a coloring book. And Karas said: “Color the fairy tale, Little Karas!” On the coloring page of Little Kara - Three funny little pigs: Little Kara has repainted the piglets into little crucians! M. Yasnov

Tongue twisters starting with the letter C

Home / Children's section / Collections of tongue twisters / Starting with the letter C

Funny tongue twisters starting with the letter C that children are sure to love. Tongue twisters, or as they are also called, pure spelling twisters, are most often in demand by speech therapists and parents. Their goal is to teach the child to clearly pronounce and reinforce the problematic sound, in this case, the sound S.

For many children, the letter C is not the most difficult letter, but clear pronunciation of “C” is important not only for diction, but also for the child’s further literacy training.

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Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. A marmot stole a dustpan from the barn. © The nightingale asked the magpie, will it be possible to sew a frock coat by the deadline? © Sweet juicy pineapple, we ate it right away. ©

The elephant licked the cream on Saturday so that it would not turn sour later. © The marmot lost his cheese, now the marmot is shedding tears.© The baby elephant slept sweetly, sweetly, dreamed of juice and chocolate. © Som combed his mustache today for beauty.© Seven titmice are small, more sisters are waiting for a visit.© Only seven found an octopus boot for eight legs, There is no eighth boot, there will be a bare leg.© On our table lies a Sweet, juicy pineapple! © The rats found the cheese in the dining room and quickly took it away with them. © Alesya is sitting with her legs dangling from the stove. All forty are in trouble, and forty forty are forty in trouble. Have fun, Savely, stir the hay. Sanya's net caught on a twig. Frost bites your nose until you cry. Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. Larisa cooked rice soup for Boris. Pussy eats soup from a bowl. The pussy is full, the bowl is empty. Osa is barefoot and without a belt. The storyteller was telling a fairy tale about the Snow Maiden and Sineglazka. The mouse sat in the corner and ate a piece of bagel. Elephants are smart, elephants are meek, elephants are calm and strong. Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge. Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves. Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour. A moose has moose calves, a pig has piglets. Haymaking, haymaking - the meadow was left without hair. A magpie chirps on a tall pine tree. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. Slava ate the cabbage salad. The cabbage salad was delicious. The pump has a long nose. It whistles like a vacuum cleaner. The mice saved their savings in the savings book today. They added up their savings and took them to the savings branch. © The magpie got hold of the cheese There were forty holes in the cheese The magpie pecked at the cheese The cheese with the holes was gone. A sparrow sat on a pine tree. He fell asleep and fell in his sleep. If he had not fallen in his sleep, he would still be sitting on the pine tree. Forty forty for their own forty they scribble forty shirts. Skorokhod bought pressure cookers - gifts for fast-moving friends. The fast walkers are walking soon, Pressure cookers are suitable for them. Everyone sat down at the table and ate everything from the table: sour cream with yogurt, lard and butter with porridge. They said in a message that it was Sasha’s birthday. Gather the soldiers quickly, a detachment will soon be in formation, It’s an honor for the soldiers today, a parade of soldiers will be held here. Slava Vlas ate all the lard. Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own. Not at all slippery, not slippery at all. The badger was carrying the branch. The old elephant sleeps peacefully, He can sleep standing up. I want to become an astronaut. I’ll fly into space with my mother. He himself dumped the sand onto the shaft of a tall dump truck. Tall pine trees stand by the river, The pine trees have trunks that are high to the sky. I tried for seven and forty days, I was in a hurry, I sewed some cute boots for myself. An owl sits by the samovar, the samovar is boiling hot. Soon, soon the samovar will brew a decoction for the owl. © The elephant decided that he had turned gray because he was all grey. © Sasha collected straw for the hayloft from the field. © Before soup I will eat salad, after soup I will eat marmalade. © A very scary dog ​​guards the village fence. © The sleigh rushes through the snow, the children laugh joyfully. © Plums are slimy, plums are sour. © Stand firm as a soldier in the ranks, “I am a soldier, that’s how I stand.” © Waxwings whistled near the pine and spruce. © The old lady bakes cheesecakes, treats all the neighbors, sits smiling. © Snowman, icicles, snow, but most snowflakes! © Cheesecakes are not raw, cheesecakes are with cheese. © The nightingale fell from the pine tree, he had a terrible dream. © The pigs in the barn were trying to sleep. © The rat sleeps sweetly, she dreams of cheese today. © Sveta’s at dawn, the whole bedroom is in sunlight. © The cricket chirps with crickets at night. © Oh, you canopy, my canopy, Sleepy Senya came out into the canopy. There in the hallway Senya stumbled, the steps were too slippery. The marmots are getting ready to count how many seeds they should take. A snowy winter is coming, they need to collect the seeds. © SA-SA-SA - flies OSA SE-SE-SE - bow on the braid SI-SI-SI - bring an umbrella SO-SO-SO - throw a lasso SU-SU-SU - eat sausageSU SIA-SIA-SIA - and a fairy tale all

Tongue twisters help shape speech and diction. The ability to clearly pronounce words is useful not only for children and representatives of creative, television professions, and the blogosphere. Throughout our lives we communicate with people, at home and at work, clear speech helps to convey information to others and encourage constructive dialogue. If, due to the nature of your activity, you need to speak in front of large audiences, tongue twisters are where you should start preparing for each speech.

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Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves

Tongue twisters for the sounds “s”, “z”, “ts”

Tongue twisters starting with "s-z"


Lucky Senka, take the woman on a sleigh: sleigh - gallop, Senka in the forehead.


It’s never too soon, but it’s not too soon, but it’s great.


Rake - to row, broom - to sweep, oars - to carry, runners - to crawl.


My duck, my drake, don’t fly across the river, don’t peck at the sand, don’t dull your toes!


There is a magpie on the gate, a crow on the fence.


Repeat without hesitation: - On the aspen tree, the dewdrops sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.


A sideways goat walks with a goat. A goat is coming, a slanting goat. A goat walks with a scythe, a goat walks with a barefoot goat. A goat walks with a sideways goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat.


Old Semyon said to his sons: “Mow the haystack.” The sons mowed a haystack. Old Semyon said to his sons: “Thank you!”


- Crucian carp, don’t climb into the hole! — The crucian carp climbed into the hole. A crucian carp got stuck in a hole. If the crucian carp had not climbed into the hole, the crucian carp would not have gotten stuck in the hole.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Before we start working with these mnemonic tracks, we consolidate the skills of clear pronunciation and discrimination of the sounds “С”, “Сь” in syllables and words. We pronounce words and phrases clearly. We highlight sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words.
  2. We should not forget about speech warm-up before learning tongue twisters. This is a complex of articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds. You will find it at the dedicated link .
  3. Using mnemonics will develop associative thinking, memory, and attention in children. They will need to match each word with a picture and name it.
  4. With the help of preposition models, the child will learn to see and hear this “small” word. Children very often combine prepositions with nouns and consider them to be one word (for example, a combination of words ON the table , kids perceive them as one word AT THE TABLE , etc.). Models of prepositions are presented below.
  5. With the help of mnemonic tracks, the child will learn to correctly compose sentences and stories. This skill will also be useful in the future when studying at school, because... will teach the child to think figuratively.

Preposition models:

Mixed sounds exercises

  • There is a cart of oats, next to the cart there is a sheep.
  • The dog is sitting on a chain.
  • The sun will also peek into our window.
  • There lived a crane on the slope near Shur.
  • The cat sleeps, but sees the mouse.
  • The hedgehog lies under the Christmas tree.
  • You can't get bread by lying down.
  • The student was studying his lessons, his cheeks were stained with ink.
  • A boy cleans a horse with a brush.
  • The puppy plays with the ball.
  • Sa-sha-sha- Sonya washes the baby.
  • As-ash-ash - there is a hut under the pine tree.
  • Six little mice rustle in a hut.
  • Sasha loves sushi, and Sonya loves cheesecakes.
  • The mice washed the bowls for the bear.
  • Cha-tsa-tsa - the boy is standing at the porch.
  • Tsa-cha-cha, the rook's chick is growing.
  • The she-wolf has cubs, the hen and heron have chicks.
  • A girl drinks tea from a cup.
  • Right now a fox is sitting under a bush.
  • If you look for a goose's mustache, you won't find it.
  • Cabbage soup and porridge are our food. Every thing has its place.
  • A fisherman catches fish.
  • All the catch went into the river.
  • Delicious halva, praise to the master.
  • Rimma and Tima walked past the shooting range.

You can come up with humorous phrases yourself, like:

  • “yes-yes-yes - there’s quinoa in the garden”
  • "doo-doo-doo - apples are growing in the garden"
  • “sha-sha-sha - they brought home a ruff”
  • “too-too-too - we’ll go to Vorkuta”
  • “zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles”
  • “chi-chi-chi - the rooks have flown to us”
  • “zhu-zhu-zhu - I’m lying in the sun” ... and so on.

Mnemonic tracks with pure tongues:

  • ASKA - ASKA - Sanya has a mask;
  • USKA - USKA - Sonya has a blouse;
  • OSKA - OSKA - Nastya has a nipple;
  • ISKA - ISKA - the pussy has a bowl;

  • SA - SA - SA - I was stung by a wasp;
  • CO - CO - CO - the nose became like a wheel;
  • SY - SY - SY - I'm not afraid of the evil wasp;
  • SU-SU - SU - I carry a wasp in my hand!

Pure talk

Sounds M, P, B
1. Om-om-om-om-we will build a new house. 2. Whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop - I'm making soup for dad. 3. I wish there were mushrooms growing in the forest. 4. Mila’s mother washed soap in the bath. 5. Petya was sawing a stump with a saw. 6. All monkeys love bananas.

Sounds T, D, N

1. Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta - the cat has a fluffy tail. 2. Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - children are running around in the garden. 3. But-but-but, but-but-but- it’s dark in our room. 4. The dog Tom guards the house. 5. Daria gives Dina melons. 6. The nanny is babysitting Nadya and Nina.

Sounds K, G, X, Y

1. Ko-ko-ko- the cat loves milk. 2. Ga-ga-ga the goat has horns. 3. Ha-ha-ha - we can’t catch the rooster. 4. Oh-oh-oh-bunny is cold in winter. 5. Geese are cackling on the mountain. 6. A fly landed on the hamster’s ear.

Sounds F, V

1. Af-af-af- we will put a closet in the corner. 2. Woo-woo-woo - an owl was seen in the forest. 3. Fanya has a sweatshirt, and Fedya has shoes. 4. Our Filat is never to blame.

Sound S(s).

1. Sonya’s sleigh goes down the hill on its own. 2. Senya met a fox in the forest. 3. Our gas has gone out. 4. Su-su-su-su - quiet in the forest in autumn. 5. Senya carries hay to Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay.

Sound Z

1. We wash Zu-zu-zu-bunny in a basin. 2. Zina has a goat in her basket. 3. Lisa bought Zina a basket in the store. 4. Zoya and Zina are drinking juice at the store. 5. Zina’s bell rings loudly. 6. Little Zina’s bunny sleeps in a basket.

Sound Ts

1. Tsutsy-tsy-the chicks want to eat. 2. Water is pouring from the well. 3. The tit bird is not great, but smart. 4. Tsu-tsu-tsu - they gave us a cucumber. 5. The chicken drinks water from the saucer. 6. Slava put flowers on the windowsill. 7. Tsk-tsk-tsk - we washed the cucumbers. 8. My ring has no end.

Sound Sh

1. Our Masha was given little porridge.

Sound Zh

1. Zha-zha-zha two hedgehogs ran away. 2. I am chewing, chewing, knitting a blouse. 3. The pie is good, there is curd inside.

Sound Ch

1. Cha-cha-cha - the bunny is sitting at the doctor. 2. Chu-chu-chu - the doctor goes to the rook. 3. A sheep’s fur coat warms better than a stove. 4. Four turtles each have four baby turtles.

Sound Shch

1. Shcha-shcha-shcha- Kolya walks around without a raincoat. 2. Shchi-schi-schi-we are looking for sorrel for cabbage soup. 3. For fish soup you need bream, and sorrel for cabbage soup.

Sound L (L)

1. Lu-lu-lu- sharpened Tolya’s saw 2. Li-li-li soup is salty, don’t add salt! 3. Grandfather Danil divided the melon. 4. Lara washed the floor, Lilya Lara helped.

Sound R (рь)

1. The magpie said to the magpie: I’m like a fish, silent in class. 2. There is a mink under a walnut bush. A mink lives in a hole. 3. I have poppies and daisies in my pocket.

Exercise: Describe the picture

We show the child pictures with fairy tale characters or animals and ask the child to tell who he sees, to describe what kind of character he is. For example: a bunny is gray, soft and fluffy. If your child has difficulty describing it, help him. For older children (4-5 years old), you can complicate the task: let them compose the story not in individual words, but in whole sentences. For example: here is a bunny. He lives in the forest. He is gray and fluffy. This exercise expands the child’s vocabulary and promotes the development of thinking.

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