Poems about letters of the alphabet - for preschoolers, for 1st grade: the best selection

Project “City of Letters” - all about the letter “H” for 1st grade

Project goal: To get acquainted with all the letters of the Russian alphabet and choose your favorite letter.
Draw and talk about her character, as well as behavior in the City of Letters, having learned about her from the works of the textbook “Literary Reading”. Make a letter layout, prepare a report for a speech and a presentation with illustrations. Project execution plan:

  1. My favorite letter
  2. Let's make a letter layout from cardboard.
  3. Character of the letter "H".
  4. Poems about the letter "C".
  5. Riddles about the letter "H".
  6. Text about the letter “CH” for the Museum of Letters.
  7. An example of a finished presentation.

Report to the project

I chose the letter “C” for the Museum of Letters. Because she is my favorite. Various writers have said a lot of interesting things about this letter.

The word Turtle begins with the letter Ch, which means an animal with a house on its back in V. Danko’s poem.

The letter CH is a consonant and cannot be sung.

The word Quatrain begins with the letter Ch, in the form of which many poems in this section are written.

In S. Marshak's poem, the word Worm, who was scared of a running chicken, begins with the letter H.

Also, the words Black, Blackness, Honest, Human, Purity begin with this letter.

Poems about English letters for children

Poems about English letters for children
Poems about English letters for children:

You saw a friend - Aa! Call him quickly! Here is the machine - Bb, Bb, Bb. Look at the road! The bird whistled - Cc, Cc, Cc. Bring her crumbs in winter. The hammer knocks - Dd, Dd. The birdhouse is ready - look! The baby elephant hummed - Ee. Don't ask for more chips! Ira said: “Eh!” I will remember the letter Ff. Show your knowledge and remember the letter Gg. I told Kate’s mom: “The letter Hh looks like Hn. Don’t play on the road! If you get hit by a car, you'll scream ! Remember the alphabet, don’t be timid! And don't confuse Gg with the letter Jj ! Learn me quickly: I am not “Kk”, but the letter Kk . The letter Ll is easy to remember: Corner and stick. Turn the corner over and you'll get a tick! Mm a wide gate . And also on the turret, And the accordion too. Stop! Think about it! Do not rush! Write the crossbar correctly! And remember forever: I am not “Ii”, but the letter Nn . To everyone's surprise, the show was round, like a ball, this letter Oo. The chicken squeaks: “ Pp, Pp, Pp” Look at this letter! The bird shouted: “Phew-fue.” This is the letter Qq, Qq. The crow will shout: “Kar!” Meet: this is the letter Rr. Do you know the word SMS? In it you will find the letter Ss. Looks like a hammer. This is the letter Tt , my friend. The nightingale whistles: Uu, Uu. I'll sing you a song. Take a closer look! The jackdaw is the letter Vv . You know, I’m telling the truth: if you turn “Mm” over, you’ll get Ww . The English letter Xx looks like an “X” or a cross . We baked a loaf. He's huge: Yy, Yy ! Let's put an end to it. Alphabet Ended with the letter Zz .

AA is for Apples One apple for me, And one for you, One for him and for Her, too. B is for Bird. Birds like to sing. They start to sing When it's spring. C is for Cat. My cat is grey. He likes to run, And he likes to play D is for Dog and Doggy. I have a dog, His name is Bobby. E is for English. At school we learn English and Russian, too. Do you like English? Yes, I do. F is for Five. And also for four. Four little kittens Are on the floor. G is for Girl. The girl is six. She likes to play With little chicks. H is for Hat. Ann has a hat. I am a boy, I have a cap. I is for I. I am a boy. What have I? I have a toy. J is for Jane and also For Jean. Jane is a girl. The boy is a Jean. K is for Kite. Kate has a kite. Her kite is big and white. L is for Letters. Do you know them all? Yes, we do. Twenty-six in all. M is for March And Mother's Day. And also for May And May Day. N is for Nelly and also For Nick. They are in the garden. Playing with Dick. O is for one. One plus two is three. Three little birds Are on the tree. P is for Pen. Have you a pen? “Yes, I have two”, Says little Ben. Q is for Questions. How do you do? How are you? How old are you? R is for Roses. They are white and red. “Give me this rose, please”, Says little Fred. S is for Spring And for Summer, too. When it is warm And the sky is blue. I'm for Tie. We are gentlemen And we have ties. U is for Us, Going by bus. Let's go with us By bus. V is for five and seven. It is also in twelve And eleven. W is for Willy and also for Why. Why do you cry, Willy? Why, Willy, why? X is for Six. Let's count to six! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Y is for Yard Where children play. They play in the yard Every day. Z is for Zoo. Let's go to the zoo. I like to go to the zoo. And what about you?

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers
Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers:

The letters are very tired of sleeping and sleeping in thick books. At midnight, in a heap of madness, they climbed down from the shelf onto the bed. And immediately from the bed to the floor, They looked - people were sleeping - And they started mischief, A joyful masquerade. A became a stork, C became a heron, E became a hedgehog... A wonderful ball! I didn't sleep and wrote everything down. In the morning the artist knocks on the door (Fat, with a black beard and as ruddy as a pie), It was my friend. He read, took the paper, took out seven pencils, and immediately copied the whole gang for the kids...

Ara, nice parrot, play checkers with the Stork. The squirrel is pole vaulting, sweeping the heavens with its tail. The Wolf plays ball with the Hare - This means something. The geese argue and make noise, but the loons will win. Dingo walked on a log - surprised the Crocodile.

The hedgehog put on shorts and a T-shirt. Guess how many holes there are in them! - Toad, what are you unhappy with? — Swallowed a soccer ball. Zebra, Bison, and Horse, and Ox - All play volleyball. Iguana and Triton love badminton very much. The cat can't put on skates. Which one of you will help him? A lion flies on a motorcycle. What's wrong? Everyone is used to it. A bear on a bicycle rushes to the finish line - to victory. To the rhino runner, cross the road, come on! The octopus put on gloves, and the Seal ran away from the site. The pelican dives deftly. This is what training means! Cancer will not hesitate, In karate he will get his claws. An elephant flies on a parachute, waves its trunk and jokes. The tiger jumped the farthest - What an unprecedented success! Ducks swam in the canal, resulting in three medals. The owl took the queen with a pawn - You can’t doze off at the board. The hamsters have swollen cheeks - They sleep, lazy people, in the heat. Heron is a walking coach and will give you advice too. The turtle squeezed the barbell. Helped the Orangutan. Bumblebee shot from a bow at the target - The cheerful Bumblebee hit the target. A pike is swimming on a yacht, standing watch at the helm. We take the emu ostrich as the goalkeeper for the team. The young hare got on his skis. Here it is, the finish! Closer! Closer! The Jaguar waves his racket, and the Tapir dances behind the net. I want to tell you all: Glory to the puck and the ball!

Poems about letters. Literacy training. 1 class

POEMS ABOUT LETTERS The letter “A” Everyone knows the letter “A” - the letter is very nice. And besides, the letter "A"

Main in the alphabet. — — — — — — The letter “A” is the head of everything, It has a respectable appearance, Because the letter “A” Begins the Alphabet! Asters, storks, pharmacies With the letter “A” we are friends forever! Letter "B" Cheerful, fat clown Plays the trumpet. The letter “B” looks like this pot-bellied one. — — — — — — With drum hippopotamus

He's having fun and singing. He could dance, But he's afraid of breaking the floor. The letter “B” “B” is a very important letter, I imagined it was terrible. The chest is like a wheel, the stomach is inflated, As if there is nothing more important here. - - - - - - Sparrow! Sparrow! Tweet us some news! “Chick-chirp, spring is coming! Over there the water is flowing, the willow in the field has blossomed, Chick-chirp spring has come!” Letter "G" Stork on one leg

Reminds me of the letter "G". — — — — — — I bought myself a goose tie, Fashionable, foreign. And he put it around his neck in the capital city. Raising his head proudly, Goose stands dressed up: “Ha-ha-ha, now I’m a count in a dress tie!” The letter “D” “D” is like a neat little house with a high gable roof. — — — — — — There is no kinder doctor in the world. He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children. Go to the doctor, children. This very doctor is the best in the world!

The letter “E” In the word spruce we will hear “E”, We will write the letter “E” like this: A trunk and the trunk has three branches. Let's remember the letter "E", kids. — — — — — — A raccoon ate a blackberry, with its mouth open wide. Suddenly, a fist from a berry showed him a worm. The letter “Yo” The Christmas tree is the same as the spruce, And there are drops above the Christmas tree. We add dots and “E” - this is how we read the letter. The letter “Zh” “Zh” has so many legs, as if the letter could crawl. The letter "F", for sure, is the shadow of a beetle on the paper. — — — — — — The giraffe lives in his garden, the giraffe chews his food, and waits for the beetle to come and bring the toad to visit. Letter "Z" Look at this letter! It’s just like the number 3. “Z” is not just a curl, “Z” is a spring, a pretzel, a shaving. — — — — — — Bunny, bunny, dear! Why are you running home? “I have a hare there. I haven’t seen her for three days.” And I’m in a hurry to get to the bunnies, But I’m afraid of wolves! The letter “I”, the letter “Y” “I” is like an accordion, Like a scared cat. “And” - between two straight roads. One lay diagonally. — — — — — — The Christmas tree has needles, And the hedgehog has needles. And the porcupine has all its quills sticking out at once. And people without needles cannot sew T-shirts! — — — — — — And then, in order, I will call “Y” - and a short one. The letter “K” “K” dances with one paw and waves with the other paw. And at the same time the letter “K” is like the antennae of a beetle. — — — — — — Whale released a fountain to the sky! It's a shame you weren't there. You and I together would splash around in it to our heart's content! The letter “L” The alphabet will continue with our Letter “L” - a forest hut. — — — — — — I love my horse, I’ll comb its fur smoothly, I’ll smooth its tail with a comb, and I’ll ride on horseback to visit! The letter “M” It’s not difficult to know this letter. Anyone who has been on the subway at least once. In the evenings, the letter “M” shines for all of us Between the houses. — — — — — — Among the fir trees and pines, a calf lost its mother: Where is mother, I don’t understand? - “Here I am, my good one, muuuuuuu!” The letter “N” I’m talking about the letter “N” Suddenly a song came up: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n - It turned out to be a ladder. Letter "O" Letter "O" - moon and sun, There is a round window in the house. And the clock, and the wheel, And that, it seems, is not all. — — — — — — A sheep is standing near the house, looking out the window alone. A brownie has locked himself in her house and won’t let the little sheep go home. The letter “P” Someone recently said: “P” is like a gate, I was too lazy to object, I knew that “P” is like a stump. — — — — — — There was such a case with a spider: Somehow he was weaving a spider’s web. There is no funnier story - he himself got entangled in it! Letter "R" How to remember the letter "R"? Everyone can, for example, put their hand on their side and introduce “R” to each other. — — — — — — The fish says to the crayfish: “Our stream murmurs loudly.” It is better for fish to live in the river. Than in a cold stream! The letter “C” An elephant weighs three hundred tons: A ton of ears, a ton of legs - Here is such a “crumb” - - - - - - The lunar crescent was melting in the sky, The crescent was bending towards damage. And that’s why the letter “C” shone from heaven for us. The letter “T” looks like an antenna “T”, And it looks like an umbrella too. — — — — — — Listen, how do you like it, seal, aren’t you too lazy to lie down all day? - I would stand up if I could, borrow a pair of legs! The letter “U” The letter “U” resembles the ears of a bunny on the top of his head. The snail's horns also look like the letter "U". — — — — — — A snail crawls slowly on one leg in the rain. She won’t get wet in the rain - She has a home with her. The letter “F” An owl with a flag at the fountain For a very long time I watched how the water flows from the tap, how the fountain works. — — — — — — The letter “F” puffed out its cheeks Or put its hands on its sides. Letter “X” Letter “X”, you are a laugher and a good brag! We will start a round dance, sing together and have fun. — — — — — — The letter “X” laughed: “Even though it’s cold in winter, I’m not tired of sledding, going down the icy hill.” The letter "C" The letter "C" stands sideways and hooks everyone. The letter “H” The seagull said to the seagull: “Listen, seagull, help me out! I want to drink tea - Where can I get a teapot? The letter “SH” The letter “SH” in the following words: School, pole, charade, check. I wrote the letter “Ш”: Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom. - - - - - - The schoolboy was getting ready for school, dressed warmly: He put on a fur coat, a hat, a scarf - He walked to school and began to sweat. Letter “Shch” Pike cooked cabbage soup all night, And put sorrel in it, Cooked delicious cabbage soup and began to invite guests. The letter “Ъ” The hard sign “Ъ” They write it like this: Wheel and match, Behind is a pigtail. — — — — — — A terribly proud, firm sign: “I am the strongest in the world!” Even the softest sign will not soften me in any way!” The letter "b" The letter P was turned over, And they sat down as if on a chair, And they called the letter like this - Soft sign - "b". The letter “Y” “Y”... What a fatty you are! Your tummy is like a pillow. To make it easy for you to walk, you had to get a stick. — — — — — — In the Russian language, alas, there are no words starting with “Y”. The letter "E" The letter "E" - no matter how you look - You will see pincers and claws. - - - - - - An echo rang out in the forest - It’s me who’s calling the storm. I shout to her: - E-gee-geeee!!! Echo repeats: - Hey! The letter “Yu” The letter “Yu” is all bent, holding his wand. This is what she looks like - an old woman with a stick. — — — — — — The spinning top was invited to visit the ball. How can she get to her friend? After all, the spinning top goes in a circle! The letter “I” A pile of apples on the counter... And I noticed, I’m friends: If an apple had two legs, the letter “I” would immediately come out. — — — — — — The egg thought: Who am I, after all? Swan, duck, or am I a poisonous snake?

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