Automation of sound [Ш] in pure sayings, words, phrases, sentences, poems and riddles. card index

Pure sayings starting with the letter Sh

Sha-sha-sha-sha, our Tanya is good.
Sho-sho-sho-sho, he sings well. Shu-shu-shu-shu, - sings a song to the baby. Shi-shi-shi-shi, kids love songs. Sha-sha-sha - we love the baby. Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby. Sha-sha-sha - I’m sitting by the hut. Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter. Ash - ash-ash - Marina has a pencil. Shoo-shoo-shoo—the mouse jokes with the cat. Ysh-ysh-ysh - the cat is afraid of the mouse. Ysh-ysh-ysh - a mouse rustles under the bench. Shey-shey-shey - I'm afraid of mice. Oshka-oshka-oshka - the mouse catches the cat. Eat, eat, eat, and you’ll get yourself a bump. Ear-ear is my pillow. Ear-ear is a soft pillow. Ear-ear - I put a pillow on the bed. Ear-ear - I'll sleep on the pillow.

Sixteen mice walked, And six carried pennies; And the mice, which are worse, Noisily scrounge for pennies.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies. Two mice, which were worse, carried two pennies each.

A mouse squeaked among the reeds: “Your rustling broke the silence!” The reeds whisper noisily: “Hush, mouse, don’t rustle!” The cat will hear your rustling, You should go to your grandmother, baby, if you disobey us, mouse, - The cat will snatch you, silly! In general, mouse, don’t make a noise, it’s better to hurry into the hole. The mouse did not listen to them, The baby squealed again: - For me, fearless, a cat is like a midge for the same cat... Since then, the mouse has not been heard, the playful braggart Vladimir Kremnev.


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Pure sayings for children for the development of speech - starting with the letter C. Pure sayings for children for developing speech - starting with the letter C. To consolidate the pure pronunciation of the letter "C", pure sayings for the development of speech for this letter will be useful to you.

*** Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. *** Sasha quickly dries the dryers, Sasha dried about six of them. And the old women of the Sushiki Sashas are funny in a hurry to eat. *** A sparrow sat on a pine tree, fell asleep and fell in his sleep. If he had not fallen in his sleep, he would still be sitting on the pine tree. *** Grandma bought beads for Marusya. At the market, a grandmother tripped over a goose... All the beads were pecked off by the geese. *** Pussy eats soup from a bowl. The pussy is full, the bowl is empty. *** Let's make the dough with yeast, Let's look for a warmer place. *** The mouse sat in the corner and ate a piece of bagel. *** Sanya is carrying a sleigh up the hill. Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh. *** Larisa prepared rice soup for Boris, and Boris treated Larisa to toffee. *** It was fun on the slide for Sana, Sonya and Yegorka, but Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow. *** Vasya mowed ripe oats with a mower. *** Skok, magpie, skok, magpie, blind from the eye, crooked from the side. *** They gave the children a lesson at school: They jump into the field forty-forty. Ten took off, landed and did not eat. How many forty are left in the field? *** Dachshund Getting into a taxi The dachshund asked: - For the fare What is the fee? And the driver: -We don’t take money from taxes at all, That’s it, sir. *** The tit said with a laugh to her neighbor: She strives to become the most squeaky magpie! *** There are dryers for Prosha, Vasyusha and Antosha. And two more dryers for Nyusha and Petrusha. *** You can hear the laughter of honest people, Luda is afraid to slide down the hill. *** Snowflakes are caught by Taya, they fly off as they melt. *** The stern Suvorov soldier Suvorov sternly drilled the damp wall of the Suvorov school with a drill. *** For seven and forty days I tried, I hurried, I sewed rawhide boots for myself. *** Mow your hair while there is dew. Dew away, and we're home. *** Osa is barefoot and without a belt. *** Soon, but not soon. *** Forty forty stole peas, Forty crows drove away the forty. Forty eagles frightened the crows, Forty cows scattered the eagles. *** A sideways goat walked with a scythe, A sideways goat came with a scythe. *** Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard. *** It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, And forty forty is forty hassle. *** Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour, and if you sift the flour, bake some rolls in the oven and the swords are hot on the table. *** Help the shoemaker sew boots. Silver plate the buckles on the boots. Help the boots, help the Master, quickly sew boots for the barefoot flea. *** A hare with a scythe, sitting behind the sedge-grass, looks with a scythe, like a girl with a scythe Mows the grass with a scythe. *** Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled. The sled jumps, Senya off his feet, Sanya into the side, Sonya into the forehead, off the sled everything into a snowdrift. *** Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves. *** Sasha sewed a hat for Sashka, Sashka knocked off a bump with the hat. *** Grew behind the mountain, behind the hillock, A pine tree with a sprouting pine tree. *** Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay. *** Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. *** Sasha loves sushi, Sonya loves cheesecakes. *** We heard from the owl that there are no words starting with the letter Y. *** The cream in the pussy’s bowl has turned sour. *** A badger was carrying a dry branch. *** Oh, you, canopy, canopy, Sleepy Senya came out into the canopy. And in the entryway Senya stumbled, and tumbled over the steps. *** Elephants are smart, elephants are meek, Elephants are calm and strong. SOURCE this will also be interesting Tongue twisters for children starting with the letter B Speech therapy exercises - tongue twisters and poems for children starting with the letter Z Speech therapy classes with children - tongue twisters starting with the letter R and L (l) Pure twisters for children for the development of speech - starting with the letter C Tongue twisters for the development of correct diction starting with the letter F Tongue twisters for improving diction and speech development in children and adults starting with the letter H Tongue twisters for developing diction starting with the letter W The most complex tongue twisters Speech therapy exercises for the language for children, in pictures Speech therapy exercises. By the age of 4-5, a child should pronounce all sounds correctly. Funny physical exercises in verses and pictures POSTERS FOR CHILDREN (alphabet, etiquette, numbers, DD rules, etc.) in high resolution

Automation of the sound Ш in words

1. In the silence of the night, the rustling of a snake is barely audible near the reeds. 2. Masha has whey in her porridge. 3. Mom gave Romasha whey from yogurt. 4. Glasha was given curdled milk, and Glasha had porridge. 5. They gave curdled milk to Klasha. Klasha is dissatisfied: “I don’t want yogurt, just give me porridge.” 6. There are six naughty girls in the hut. 7. Sasha knocked over some bumps with his hat. 8. On the window, the cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw. 9. The slippery cones rustled and splashed noisily from the pine tree. A layer of snow, like a shawl, will hide the cones until spring. 10. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. 11. A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka is. 12. Mishka knocked down the pine cones with his hat. 13. Donuts and shanezhki - for Pashka and Sanechka. 14. Six little mice rustle in the reeds. 15. Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies; two smaller mice carried two pennies each. 16. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies. 17. The mouse whispers to the mouse: “You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping.” The mouse whispers to the mouse: “I will rustle more quietly.” 13. Spy and spy - millet. 14. A car was walking down the street, a car was walking without gasoline, a car was walking without an engine, a car was walking without a driver, a car was walking without knowing it, a car was walking... winding. 15. Gleb walked with bread, Olya walked with salt. 16. Proshka made a mistake with the bowl - Proshka turned the bowl over. 17. Our conscience is a sail, even a storm will not frighten us. 18. Frol walked along the highway to Sasha to play checkers. 19. Cones on the pine tree, checkers on the table. 20. Maybe grandma knits, but ask - she won’t tell (f, s, w). 21. Vanechka - Vanyushka, Tanechka - Tanyushka, Katechka - Katyushka, Nadechka - Nadyushka, Vitechka - Vityushka (h, w). 22. Pasha hid all the toys under the pillow. It’s stuffy with toys hidden under the pillow. 23. The seamstress sews pants for Masha, Pasha, Dasha and Natasha. 24. Cats breathe, mice breathe, bears and kids breathe. 25. Grandma Lusha was going to see baby Grusha. Lusha has big pears in her basket. 26. Grisha covers the roof for Gosha, Alyosha and Misha. 27. There are noodles on the sleepers. 28. Your spy will not out-spy our spy, but our spy will out-spy your spy. 29. Antoshka has a little porridge in his spoon, and Timoshka has a little potato in his spoon. 30. Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka. 31. Timoshka’s mongrel barked at Pashka. Pashka hits Timoshka's mongrel with his hat. 32. Although the pike is eager, it will not eat the ruff from its tail. A ruff is good for a ruff. (fishing equipment made of rods in the form of a bottle, funnel). 33. Old talkative women live in a hut at the edge of the forest. Every old lady has a basket. There's a cat in every basket. Cats in baskets sew boots for old women. 34. The old woman listened to the cuckoo crowing at the edge of the forest. 35. Masha stirs the porridge, and Misha interferes with Masha. 36. Masha has midges in her porridge. What should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a bowl and fed it to the cat (S. Pogorelovsky).

Tongue twisters starting with the letter Sh

Home / Children's section / Collections of tongue twisters / With the letter Sh

Funny tongue twisters starting with the letter Sh that children are sure to love. Tongue twisters, or as they are also called, pure spelling twisters, are most often in demand by speech therapists and parents. Their goal is to teach the child to clearly pronounce and reinforce the problematic sound, in this case, the sound Ш.

For many children, the letter Ш is a rather complex letter; clear pronunciation of “Ш” is important not only for diction, but also for the child’s further literacy training.

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Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket. Six little mice rustle in the reeds. I sewed a new fur coat for the chinchilla. © The little doll lost its accordion. Six ruffs cooked cabbage soup. ©

You are welcome to our hut: I will crumble the pies and ask you to eat. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. The cuckoo bought a tub and decided to give the cuckoos a bath. A mouse dries its ears on dry land. © A cat was coming from the market, the cat had drying clothes in a basket. The bumblebee has his own hut, House Six, sixth floor. © The jackal walked step by step. © Masha has water lilies and daisies in her pocket. Checkers on the table Cones on a pine tree. The reeds make noise and wake up the mouse. © Silk shawl, wool scarf. © The chess player was very happy, he put checkmate. © A hat, a fur coat, a plush scarf, which Dasha really needs in the cold. © Hush, mice! Cat on the roof! Make some noise - he will hear! The jester put on a funny hat, too bright and big. © A hat and a fur coat - that’s our Mishutka. In the silence of the night near the hut, the rustling of reeds is barely audible. The old women listened to the cuckoo crow at the edge of the forest. Masha sewed a fur coat, a hat and pants for the monkey. Children wash their necks and ears in the shower. The balls of the ball bearing move around the bearing. Our hut made of reeds for a baby mouse. On the window, a tiny midge is deftly caught by a cat with its paw. Ivashka has a shirt, the shirt has pockets, Pockets have a shirt, Ivashka has a shirt. Proshka made a mistake with the bowl - Proshka's bowl was knocked over by the cat. Timoshka Proshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka. You can hear a rustling in the reeds, It makes your ears ring, A hundred young frogs frighten the Heron with their whispers. Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the poorer mice found two pennies each. Masha has midges in her porridge. What should our Masha do? She put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat. Sashka has chess and checkers in his closet. © Chinchilla changed her hat for a hat. The chinchilla decided that the hat looked beautiful. © Shura’s fur coat is made of wool and skin. © The tires on the car with studs are winter. © During the sixth lesson at school, Tolya ate a chocolate bar. © Our grandmother has wool yarn, Grandmother knits a scarf from wool. © Car’s mother has chestnuts in her basket. © Shorts, fur coat, hat, scarf, Masha put everything in the closet. © Rose hips have very sharp thorns. © The hornet has ripe cherries in its bag. © We sewed flies on the cushions. © The chinchilla has a scarf around her neck; the mouse gave her the scarf. © Silk shawl in a box on a shelf, Box in a closet, shelf at the top. © The mouse has cheesecakes in its hole. © Pike have scales, pigs have bristles. Grandmother was hanging her fur coat on a hanger. © We didn’t find skewers to fry kebabs. We don’t need kebabs or skewers on the grill. © The mice sewed shorts for school, The mice don’t have school uniforms. © It’s stuffy in the shower after a shower, you need fresh air in the shower. © The flies asked where someone’s ears are, Does the frog have ears on the top of his head? © The mouse whispers to the little mouse: “You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping.” The mouse whispers to the mouse: “I will rustle more quietly.” Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka. Our sail is sewn conscientiously, The storm does not frighten us. The Son even stained his neck, even his ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Hornet and Bumblebee bought Chanel. © Minibuses have been on the highway for six days, For the sixth day there have been terrible traffic jams on the highway. © All the cheesecakes were eaten by the cats, leaving crumbs on the window. © Sasha will be a musketeer; he made a sword from a stick. © Ilyusha hung noodles on Marfusha’s ears, Marfusha didn’t believe it, oh, and he’s lying, Ilyusha. © Old talkative women live in a hut at the edge of the forest. Every old lady has a basket, in every basket there is a cat, Each cat in the basket of the old lady has clothes sewn on her. There are two insects on a chamomile tree. They feed their son sweet porridge. The son wiggles his mustache: “I’m full!” Eat yourself! The bunnies threw the cone, the cone hurt the bear's forehead, the bear got terribly angry, there is a cone on the top of the bear's head. © The cat found peas on the window, The cat threw the peas out of the window. © The sailor lowered the boat into the calm, It will be easier in the boat in the calm. © We sewed wide-width pants for the jester. As a joke, the jester puts a bag of firecrackers and balls in his pants. © In the caricature of a cartoonist with checkers, chess players. © The hat with earflaps has ears for the ears, The ears in the earflaps are sewn together against the cold. © The cat hissed at the mouse with the reel, The mouse made noise while playing with the toy. © The kids joked when they decided to make pants out of curtains. The curtains were silk, but now there are holes in the curtains. © Fleas and insects dance with bumblebees on a chamomile. © Lush cheesecakes in grandma’s tub. © SHA-SHA-SHA - the soul sings SHE-SHE-SHE - paradise in the hut SHI-SHI-SHI - we sit in silence SHO-SHO-SHO - everything is fine SHU-SHUSH - Hurry home

Tongue twisters help shape speech and diction. The ability to clearly pronounce words is useful not only for children and representatives of creative, television professions, and the blogosphere. Throughout our lives we communicate with people, at home and at work, clear speech helps to convey information to others and encourage constructive dialogue. If, due to the nature of your activity, you need to speak in front of large audiences, tongue twisters are where you should start preparing for each speech.

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