Automation of the sound L in pure tongues using mnemonic tracks

Automation of the sound “L” in pure tongues using mnemonic tracks is carried out after automation in syllables, words and phrases. Classes on automation in sentences can be carried out both before and after phrases.

At the initial stages, when pronouncing the sound L, you need to bite the tip of your tongue. Later, when the sound is pronounced easily, we move the tongue behind the upper teeth.

Helpful Tips:

  1. At the beginning of each lesson on automating the sound “L” we conduct 2-3 articulatory gymnastics exercises.
  2. During the lesson, ensure the correct articulation of the sound “L” (see articulatory gymnastics).
  3. Classes are held regularly for 20-25 minutes depending on the age of the child and alternating play exercises.
  4. At the first signs of fatigue, take a physical minute. Kinesiological exercises are very useful for relieving tension and emotional relaxation.
  5. Classes should be conducted in a friendly and comfortable environment for the child.
  6. If the child has already mastered the correct pronunciation of the sound “L”, then the lessons can be made active. Walk, climb, jump, repeating rhythmic phrases. Learn them and use them. like counting rhymes, songs, etc.

Automation of the sound “L” in pure phrases, as in sentences, develops associative thinking. The child needs to match each word with the picture and name it.

Mnemonic tracks of pure tongues will also introduce children to prepositions and will be able to visually designate this “invisible” word using model diagrams.

Preposition models:

Pure sayings for children in kindergarten

  • Pure sayings in A
  • Pure sayings in B
  • Pure sayings in B
  • Pure sayings in G
  • Pure sayings in D
  • Pure sayings in F
  • Pure sayings in Z
  • Pure sayings in I
  • Pure sayings in Y
  • Pure sayings in K
  • Pure sayings in L
  • Pure sayings in M
  • Pure sayings in N
  • Pure sayings in O
  • Pure sayings in P
  • Pure sayings in R
  • Pure sayings in C
  • Pure sayings on T
  • Pure sayings in U
  • Pure sayings in F
  • Pure sayings in X
  • Pure sayings in C
  • Pure sayings in H
  • Pure sayings in Sh
  • Pure sayings in Shch
  • Pure sayings starting with Y
  • Pure sayings in R'
  • Pure sayings in L

Our website also presents tongue twisters for children, with the help of which you can diversify exercises for the development of a child’s speech.

Pure sayings for preschoolers

Pure tongues will help a preschooler develop auditory attention and diction, and automate all sounds that cause difficulty in pronunciation by the 1st grade.

The goal of pure tongues is the development of automated, correct, clear pronunciation, the development of a preschooler’s speech, and the differentiation of all sounds. The mama7ya website presents interesting and varied tongue twisters for automation and differentiation of sounds, which will actively help develop a child’s speech in a playful way.

Pure sayings for children 3 years old


Pure sayings in I

  • And And And you take the sled up the hill.
  • And And And the nightingales flew in.
  • And And And Feed the birds in winter.

Pure sayings starting with Y

  • Flowers grew in the field.
  • We miss spring.
  • We are brave and kind.

Pure sayings in U

  • I'll be going to kindergarten soon.
  • Wu Wu has a lot of grass in his meadow.
  • We will not give in to the mosquito.

Pure sayings for sound B

  • WA WA WA all the leaves fall.
  • IN IN IN IN THE beetle is a living thing.
  • WOO WOO WOO we arrived in Moscow.
  • YOU YOU YOU lions live in the jungle.
  • VI VI VI catch the ball quickly.

Pure sayings in N

  • An elephant has a long trunk.
  • WELL WELL WELL I'm pulling the sled up the hill.
  • Neither call me today.
  • DON'T DON'T see the sun in the window.
  • AN AN AN I knock on the drum.
  • IN IN IN we went into the store.
  • OH OH OH suddenly the phone rang.
  • UN UN UN Only in fairy tales there is a sorcerer.

Pure sayings in K

  • KO KO KO children love milk.
  • KA KA KA the fast river runs.
  • KI KI KI snow-white socks.

Pure sayings in G

  • GA GA GA geese came out into the meadows.
  • GU GU GU there is a lot of hay in the meadow.
  • GI GI GI decorated the circles.
  • GE GE GE is the filling in the pie.

Pure sayings in X

  • HA HA HA fed the rooster.
  • HU HU HU We cook fish soup together.
  • HEE HEE HEE gave me perfume.
  • OH OH OH We sowed peas.
  • UH UH UH Our rooster flapped his wings.

Pure sayings in F

  • AF AF AF let's put things in the closet.
  • AF AF AF in Africa giraffe.
  • IF IF IF the vulture flew to us.
  • FE FE FE we'll go to the cafe.

Pure sayings for the sound T

  • TA TA TA the house is clean.
  • SO AND SO we played lotto.
  • TIT TIT TIT read a smart book.
  • YOU YOU YOU All cats love sour cream.
  • TYA TYA You are not joking.
  • TU TU TU I'm growing up very quickly.

Pure sayings for the sound D

  • DU DU DU I'm going for a walk now.
  • YES YES YES water is flowing through the pipe.
  • DID DID DID we all collected the fruits.
  • DI DI DI come visit us.
  • BEFORE BEFORE there is a nest on the tree.

Pure talkers

  • AY AY AY I see our tram is coming.
  • HER HER HER pour some tea into a mug.
  • OH OH OH come home quickly.

Pure sayings for children 4 years old


Pure sayings with the letter C

  • SA SA SA a wasp flew to us.
  • SA SA SA here comes the fox.
  • SA SA SA was bitten on the nose by a wasp.
  • SA SA SA A fox sits by the hole.
  • SA SA SA how much hay and oats.
  • SA SA SA There is dew on the grass.
  • SA SA SA A fox is running in the forest.
  • SA SA SA mows the scythe meadow.
  • SA SA SA A fox sits under a bush.
  • SA SA SA there is a fox standing by the pine tree.
  • SA SA SA loves sweets, the fox.
  • SA SA SA there were miracles in the fairy tale.
  • SA SA SA the wasp was afraid of us.
  • SA SA SA Oksana has a braid.

Pure sayings for the sound C

  • SE SE SE seeds are all here.
  • CE CE CE everyone caught crucian carp.
  • CE CE CE let's give the wasp some jelly.
  • SE SE SE big hole in the wheel.
  • SE SE SE everyone sat down on the bench.
  • CE CE CE red ribbon in a braid.
  • SE SE SE the drake whistled to the fox.
  • SE SE SE I'm riding on a goose.
  • SE SE SE pinched the wasp's tail.
  • SE SE SE we know the fairy tale about the fox.
  • SE SE SE Sonya has a bow on her braid.
  • SE SE SE jay hid in the oats.
  • They all spilled the milk.
  • SO SO SO, it’s all summer.
  • SO SO SO I'll find out everything soon.

Automation of sound C in pure language

  • SI SI SI crucian carp in the pond.
  • SI SI SI take the food to the chickens.
  • SI SI SI take a bite of the cheese.
  • SI SI SI bring the hay home.
  • SI SI SI we drive past by taxi.
  • SI SI SI bring everything quickly.
  • SI SI SI a taxi came to us.
  • SI SI SI butter dough knead.
  • Si-si-si - crucian carp in the river.

Pure sayings for the sound C for preschoolers

  • CO CO CO the wheel rolled off.
  • SO SO SO and Sonya has a wheel.
  • SO SO SO we changed the tire.
  • SO SO SO hid behind the wheel.
  • CO CO CO spin the wheel.
  • SU SU SU damp in the forest in autumn.
  • SU SU SU I'm grazing calves in the meadow.
  • SU SU SU I'm bringing the bag to mom.
  • SU SU SU we dodged the wasp.
  • SU SU SU It was cold in the forest.
  • SU SU SU The kitten ate the sausage.
  • SU SU SU We are not afraid of the wasp.
  • SU SU SU we deceived the wasp.
  • SU SU SU I saw a fox in the forest.
  • SY SY SY We are not afraid of wasps.
  • SY SY SY The fox has a beautiful tail.
  • SY SY SY and the catfish has a mustache.
  • SY SY SY The fox has cubs.
  • SY SY SY There are scales on the floor.
  • SY SY SY two wasps flew in.
  • SY SY SY the chickens climbed onto the scales.
  • SY SY SY there is a clock hanging on the wall.
  • SY SY SY gave beads.
  • SE SE SE there is a highway next to the garden.
  • SE SE SE the bus was walking along the highway.
  • XYYYYYY we're going to visit the goose.
  • XYYYYYY Sonya ate all the porridge.
  • XYU XYU is not lucky for the crucian carp.
  • SOOO SOOO we're having a lot of fun.
  • XIA XIA Grandma has two geese.
  • XIA XIA we caught a crucian carp.
  • XIA XIA Kostya catches crucian carp.
  • XIA XIA has moose calves.

Pure sayings in Z

  • FOR FOR FOR FOR A goat stands in the meadow.
  • FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR THE thunderstorm is approaching.
  • FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR A goat is tied here.
  • FOR FOR FOR FOR A goat climbs into the garden.
  • FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR A goat wandered into our forest.
  • FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR A dragonfly flew by.
  • FOR FOR FOR FOR go home goat.

Pure sayings with the sound Z

  • We gave ZE ZE grass to the goat.
  • ZE ZE give water to the goat.
  • ZE ZE mosquitoes fly towards the goat.
  • ZE ZE It’s not easy for a goat in the forest.
  • ZE ZE Zoya rides a goat.

Automation of the sound Z in pure tongues

  • ZI ZI ZI bring the monkey!
  • ZI ZI ZI If you can’t, don’t bring it!
  • ZI ZI ZI ZI watermelon, bring it quickly.
  • ZI ZI ZI If you can’t, don’t take it.
  • ZI ZI ZI piglets are all covered in dirt.
  • ZI ZI ZI you can get stuck in the mud.
  • ZI ZI ZI take the hay with dad.

Pure sayings for the sound Z for preschoolers

  • ZO ZO ZO is an art lesson in progress.
  • ZO ZO ZO Katya has a C in fine arts.
  • ZO ZO ZO here comes the bison.
  • ZO ZO ZO You and I are lucky.
  • ZO ZO ZO Zoya has an umbrella.

Pure sayings with the sound Z for children

  • ZUZUZUZU we saw a goat.
  • ZU ZU ZU We untied the goat.
  • ZU ZU ZU The wolf saw that goat.
  • ZU ZU ZU We wash the bunny in a basin.
  • ZU ZU ZU I'm taking the little locomotive.
  • PS PS PS the goat doesn’t have enough grass.
  • PS PS PS the wolf was scared of the goat.
  • PS PS PS they gave roses to mom.
  • PS PS PS we were scared of the thunderstorm.
  • PS PS PS washed the basins.
  • ZY ZYA You can’t go home without a goat.
  • ZY ZY ZYA monkeys are not allowed here.
  • You can't walk on the lawn.
  • ZYA ZYA we caught it.
  • ZY ZYA You can't drive through the forest.

Pure sayings for the sound T

  • TSO TSO TSO I wash my face.
  • TSA TSA TSA I see a hare in the field.
  • CA CA CA There is a sheep standing in the meadow.
  • Tsy Tsy Tsy salted cucumbers.

Pure sayings for children 5 years old


Pure sayings for the sound Ш

  • SHA SHA SHA put the baby to bed.
  • SHA SHA SHA I have noodles.
  • SHA SHA SHA mother washes the baby.
  • SHA SHA SHA swim out of the reeds.
  • SHA SHA SHA porridge is good.
  • SHA SHA SHA our school is good.
  • SHA SHA SHA our Masha is good.
  • SHA SHA SHA our fur coat is good.
  • SHA SHA SHA delicious noodles.
  • SHA SHA SHA we don't have a pencil.
  • SHA SHA SHA come out of the reeds.

Automation of the sound Ш in pure tongues

  • SHE SHE SHE how wonderful it is for the soul.
  • SHE SHE SHE is a duck in the reeds.
  • SHE SHE SHE the cat is sitting in the hut.
  • SHE SHE SHE we dance with joy in our souls.
  • SHE SHE SHE gave a scarf to Dasha.
  • SHE SHE SHE I take care of the baby.
  • SHE SHE SHE Masha whispers in the hut.
  • SHE SHE SHE scary on the roof.

Pure sayings for the sound Ш for preschoolers

  • SHI SHI SHI our children are good.
  • SHI SHI SHI dance in our fur coat.
  • SHI SHI SHI write your congratulations.
  • SHI SHI SHI the reeds rustled.
  • SHI SHI SHI come on, Masha, dance.
  • SHI SHI SHI Misha and Masha are kids.
  • SHI SHI SHI kids go to kindergarten.
  • SHI SHI SHI I have pencils.
  • SHI SHI SHI what are the reeds whispering to us?
  • SHI SHI SHI sew fur coats from the heart.
  • SHI SHI SHI porridge is loved by kids.
  • SHI SHI SHI kids go to bed.
  • SHO SHO SHO is good in our fur coat.
  • SHO SHO Masha is dancing well
  • SHO SHO SHO is good in the summer.
  • SHO SHO wash the dishes well.
  • SHO SHO SHO the guys sing well.
  • SHO SHO SHO we say good.
  • SHU SHU SHU I’m writing a letter to Misha.
  • SHU SHU SHU I’m wearing a new hat.
  • SHU SHU SHU I will dance for Masha.
  • SHU SHU SHU I wave the flag.
  • SHU SHU SHU I'll give the baby a teddy bear.
  • SHU SHU SHU I'll wave to mom.
  • SHU SHU SHU I'm rushing to school.
  • SHU SHU SHU I write diligently.
  • SHU SHU SHU I sing songs to the baby.
  • SHU SHU SHU I dance to the music.

Pure sayings for the sound Z

  • ZHA ZHA ZHA the hedgehog has needles.
  • ZHU ZHU ZHU I'm sitting on a branch.
  • The SAME rain has already passed.
  • Zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhizki are swimming in the river.
  • OJ OJ OJ Who do I look like?
  • YAZH YAZH YAZH let's go to the beach together.

Pure sayings for the sound Ch

  • CHO CHO CHO I'll hang the bag on my shoulder.
  • CHAH CHAH I don't have the key with me.
  • CHI CHI CHI the doctors are treating us.
  • CHU CHU CHU we'll go to the doctor.
  • VERY VERY night has come.
  • The bag is worn on the shoulder.

Pure sayings in Shch

  • I'm looking for you.
  • Look for cabbage soup, cabbage soup, mushrooms.
  • There are two bream in the river.
  • We STILL walk in the rain in a raincoat.
  • There is MORE fish in the river, bream.
  • ASCH ASCH ASCH I have a new raincoat.
  • Let's drink some more milk.

Speech therapy pure tongues

In order for parents to understand how speech develops with the help of speech therapy pure tongues for children, they can study the following norms for the development of sounds in relation to age:

  • Pure sayings for children 2 years old
  • Pure sayings for children 3 years old
  • Pure sayings for children 4 years old
  • Pure sayings for children 5 years old
  • Pure sayings for children 6 years old
  • Pure sayings for children 7 years old

Pure sayings in verse are actively used in kindergarten in junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups, since speech pure sayings allow children to quickly develop their speech through pronunciation and memorization of pure sayings. You can download and print cards with pure sayings from our website for free, which you can use to conduct classes with children.

Automation of the L sound in words

1. We found burbot in the shallows.

2. Lenya climbed the ladder and picked Lenya’s peaches. Lenya rolled down the stairs with songs and peaches. 3. People cherish bread in the fields and spare no effort for bread. 4. Lara plays the piano at Lyalya’s. 5. Lara plays the piano at Valya’s. 6. Vera told Lera not to cry. 7. Clara and Valerka have dumplings on their plate. 8. For Lyuba and Lyudochka - pancakes on a plate. 9. Kolya stabs stakes, fields field flight. 10. Marina Galina called for raspberries, Galina called Marina for viburnum (S. Pogorelovsky). 11. Kolya breaks the ice with a crowbar, Klim puts ice in the cart. 12. Olya ironed diapers for little Alenka. 13. There is a shock with a little underfoot. 14. Our Polkan fell into a trap. 10. Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench. I was too lazy to crawl under the bench; I searched for the pin all day. I was looking for a pin all day. 11. Klim arrived from Klin to Crimea. 12. A fisherman is catching fish; the entire catch floats into the river. 13. Uncle Kolya gave his daughter Polya a collie puppy, but the collie puppy ran away from Polya into the field. 14. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground. And the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks. 15. There is a cap, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style. 16. There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap. 17. Swans flew with swans. 18. The rabbit jumps around the beds deftly - the rabbit steals carrots from the garden. 19. Corey Kirill: “Don’t tease the gorilla!” They reproached the gorilla: “Don’t tease Kirill!” 20. Either Borya bought a roll of roofing felt for Tolya, or Tolya bought a roll of roofing felt for Borya. 21. Lara took eclairs for Lera. Lara and Lera's eclairs with cream. 22. Lyalya has a Lelya doll. Lyalya is made of linen - Lyalya likes it. 23. Olga and Galya did not lie to Oleg in the meadow. 24. The fox runs along the six: lick, fox, sand. 25. The liar put it in the chest, and the liar took it from the chest. 26. On the street, Lavrenty is with a bast shoe, with a nine - in public, Lavrenty has no time for bast shoes, or nine (weight, measure, counting, connecting nine units). 27. Crucian carp, don’t climb into the hole, the crucian carp is stuck in the hole. 28. Polya went to weed parsley in the field. 29. The field is not weeded, the field is not watered, the little pole asks for a drink, the little pole needs to be watered. 30. In the Polya-Polyushka field, the pole-polyushka flight. There will be no weeds in the field if the field is flying. (S. Pogorelovsky)

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