Didactic manual "House"
Passport of the speech corner of the group. Speech subject-developmental and game environment of the group article (middle group)
Do-it-yourself speech corner Do-it-yourself manual, supplemented, expanded to suit the needs of children and
Development of phonemic perception in preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment
Phonemic perception Home page / Instructions for work / Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment / Phonemic perception
Types and functions of speech. Egocentric speech and its research
7.1. Types and features of speech Speech (English discourse) is a cognitive process associated with the use
Geometric for children
Development calendar: what a baby should be able to do at 2 years old
Baby's body: new stages of development At 2 years old, the child becomes more mature, he sleeps less,
Paired consonants - rule, examples, table
Introduction. Speech therapy notebook “Distinguish between paired consonants”
How to check paired consonants in a word? In such cases, we remember that in writing paired
Characteristics of sound pronunciation disorders according to the main forms of manifestation
Classification In domestic speech therapy, distortion of sounds is classified as phonetic (motor, anthropophonic) defects, in which
mnemonics for children
Using mnemonic techniques in teaching coherent speech to children with special needs development
Mnemonics for children (and not only) It is quite difficult to explain to a four-year-old child how to create a palace
Summary of a lesson on speech development using mnemonics in the preparatory group “How well we know fairy tales!”
Mnemotables “Favorite Fairy Tales” Good day! I really love doing theatrical activities with my
Illiteracy is a modern disease
Writing words with the letter "SH". Combination “SHI” methodological development in the Russian language (grade 1)
Phrases (161) knocked on the nose knocked on the nose knocked on the nose very badly sewed
Theory of sound and acoustics
We analyze the complex sounds of the English language: / æ /, / ʌ /, / a: /
Knowledge of sound theory and acoustics is often used in production and at home. Need in
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