Automation of sound
Exercises for automating the sound Рь: isolated, in syllables, words and sentences.
Automation of the sound Рь begins with the easiest tasks for the baby.
Sing the little tiger song.
Say the sound Ry for a long time on one exhalation: ry-ry-ry...
Repeat straight syllables with the sound Рь.
ri - re - ryo - ryu - rya
Repeat the reverse syllables with the sound Рь.
ar - or - ur - yr - ir - er - yor - yur - yar
Repeat the syllables where the sound Рь is between the vowels.
ari - are - areo - areu - arya ori - ore - oryo - oryu - orya uri - ure - ure-uryu - urya iri - ire - ire - iryu - irya yri - yre - yryo - yryu - yrya
Repeat straight syllables with consonant clusters.
three - three - three - triu - tria cri - cre - cre - cru - quack gri - gre - gre - gru - grya at - pre - pre - prue - straight brie - bre - breu - bru - brae dri - dre - dre - rubbish - rubbish
Repeat the words where the sound Рь is at the beginning of the word.
Ri: Rice, Rome, Riga, Rimma; draw, rhythm.
Re: River, turnip, belt, child, Regina, Renat, guys; radish, lattice, rebus, cut, radish, rubber, gum, repair, speech, frisky, burdock, rarely, lath.
Ryu: ruffle, glass, backpack.
Rya: row, ripple, Ryaba, rowan; hazel grouse, pockmarked.
Repeat the words where the sound Рь is in the middle of the word.
Ri: wig, feather bed, Marina, Irina, cook, measure, believe, heroes, turners, lanterns, plowmen, bakers, mosquito, flashlight; tangerine, three, tribune, makeup, mane, mushroom, vulture, surf, hello, receiver, brigade, briquette, razor, shave, doors, primers, old man, tourist, chicken, fry, crackers, minnows, animals, bullfinches, bubbles, Boris, iris, apricot, clothespin, violin, Grisha, prize, order, whim, pier, prince.
Re: tree, takes, root, stool, nut, sea, nuts, burns, shore; turtle, jam, village, third, trembling, demand, anxiety, cream, crepe, strong, shrimp, flint, comb, croutons, rattle, warm, object, log, doze, ancient, Andrey, cucumber, pepper, lilac, wrestler, crackling, trezvon, cod, fortress, peasant, cross, paper clip, buckwheat, rave, address, wood, meeting, hawk.
Ry: believe, feathers, earrings, animals.
Ryo: ferret; birch, rope, forward, Seryozha, earrings, bird cherry, matryoshka.
Ryu: I believe, I soar, apricots, I’ll give, I say, I give; trousers, hold, dressing table, hook, rutabaga, hook, fry, argue, turquoise, Andryusha.
Rya: outfit, dive, storm, weight, Varya, Borya, burn, seas, sailor, say, lose, boil, soar; detachment, rag, quack, mallard, grunt, bed, hide and seek, gingerbread, straight, hide, stubborn, spin, strand, curly, in a row, dawn, hot, exercise, fry, shaking, dirt, dirty, Bryansk, in vain.
Or: Borka, bitter, struggle, dawn.
Ur: frown.
Repeat the words where the sound Рь is at the end of the word.
Ar: lantern, turner, plowman, baker; cracker, primer, gudgeon, January, December, amber.
Or: polecat, Igor; anchor.
Yyr: hero; bubble, wasteland.
Ir: bullfinch, Siberia, expanse.
Er: now; door, Tver, beast.
November-April: November, October, December; September.
Repeat the phrases.
Straight corridor, bitter radish, pickled mushrooms, boiled shrimp, rare comb, wooden stool, tough nut, curly birch, silver earring, boiled rice, speckled chicken, ancient fortress.
Based on the book by E. N. Spivak (Automation of sound P)
Automation of the sound P in phrases (in reverse syllables):
New fence. The choir sings. Raya has a tan. Home yard. Strong boxer. Poisonous fly agaric. To push back. I'll go to the market. | Delicious marshmallow. Russian cheese. Drink kefir. Buy a samovar. Fairy tale "Moidodyr". Number five. Embroider a pattern. I'll sweep the yard. |
Automation of the R sound in phrases (with two R sounds in words):
Smooth bars. Roma has bronchitis. Brave officer. Bronze award. See your brother off. Splash in the pond. | Throwing a cork. Jump from the mountain. Elastic spring. A simple pencil. We saw a zebra and a cobra. Walk down the aisle. |
The sound R in phrases (in reverse syllables in the middle of words):
Old hill. Northern city. Mischievous sparrow. Short pile. A bright picture. Black cardboard. | Sea wind. Beautiful stamps. Royal coat of arms. Stainless jacket. Collect potatoes. Carrot juice. |
Topic: “On a visit to the sounds (p), (ry).”
Goal: differentiate and automate the sounds (p), (рь) in words and sentences.
- correctional - educational: to form phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis, to consolidate the ability to build sound patterns; consolidate the ability to determine the place of sounds (p), (рь) in a word, differentiate the sounds (p) - (l), (рь) - (l).
- correctional - developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking, phonemic processes, speech breathing;
- correctional and educational: to develop the ability to work in a team.
Equipment : ball, “Train” from a construction set; pictures depicting objects for the sounds (p), (рь); an envelope with a letter from Aunt Winter; sound houses, chips: green, red, blue, triangles (bells).
Move N.O.D
I.Organizational moment.
“Exercise: “Name it, call it kindly.”
(When correcting a word, the child clearly pronounces the sounds (r), (ry)).
Goal: automate the sounds (р), (рь) in words.
- Catch the ball, the right word, call it affectionately. Insert sounds (р) or (рь) into the words.
Lybak, lyba, lastenie, sculpting, ladyski, lubin, kolablik, labota, lechka, kaleta, etc.
II . Main part.
1. Breathing exercise “Start the engine.”
Goal: to develop speech breathing and voice strength.
— We’ll start the engine next to the car. Inhale through your nose and start growling. Strong motor (rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr);
inhale through your nose, weak motor (rry, ry, ry).
- Didactic exercise “Hear the sounds (r) and (r).”
Goal: to form phonemic hearing, develop auditory attention.
(Hearing the sounds (r), (ry) in the word, the children clap their hands, making a spot sound.)
- If you hear the sounds (r), (ry) - spot.
“The fish lived in the lake, The fish found a worm. The fish was joyful, The fish swam well-fed.”
- Didactic game "Give gifts for the horse and cow Slingshot."
Goal: to develop the ability to differentiate sounds (p) - (l).
The toys in front of the children are a horse and a cow called Slingshot.
“We’ll play with the guests and send them gifts.” Whoever names a wintering bird receives a gift.
(for the correct answer, children receive a picture whose title contains the sound (p) or (l)).
- Take turns saying what is shown and give it to the guests.
The pictures show (shovel, rose, rocket, steering wheel, bench, paw, frame, roll, varnish, swallow, etc.).
— Who are you giving the shovel to? (to the horse). Why? (the word “horse” has a sound (l) and the word “shovel” also has a sound (l)), etc.
4. Didactic game “Sound Houses”.
Goal: to form sound analysis and synthesis.
(In front of the children are houses with windows and chips of three colors: green, red, blue, next to them are bells “triangles”. Children must place the desired chip in the window, identifying the sound by the color of the chip. “Bell”, designation of the sonority of the sound).
- Listen to the sound carefully and select the right chip for the house.
r.o.z.a r.e.k.a
- Physical exercise.
“Raise your hands up and swing them above your head. Spread your arms to the sides and wave like a bird. Lean forward, backward and clap like this. Now, smile and sit down.”
- Didactic game "Sound Train".
Goal: to form phonemic perception, the ability to determine the place of sounds (p), (рь) in a word.
(Children take a picture and clearly name what is shown in the picture, determine the place of sounds (p), (рь) in the word and send it to the correct carriage).
Pictures: fish, ship, river, carriage, steam, anchor, rose, etc.
— What is shown in the picture? (fish).
- Where is the sound (p)? (the sound (p) is at the beginning of the word, I send it to the first carriage), etc.
- Didactic game "Cannon".
Goal: automate the sounds (р), (рь) in words.
-We'll shoot with you. Clip the fingers of your right hand into a fist and start counting. Whoever speaks and counts correctly bends his finger and fires from a cannon (one at a time).
For example: one happy fisherman, two happy fishermen, three happy fishermen, four happy fishermen, five happy fishermen, etc.
(pink rose, birthday cake, beautiful river, capricious Rita, bright drawing, expensive bracelet, antique chair, food market, etc.).
- Didactic game "Correct the sentence."
(Children correct the words in the sentence).
Goal: to form phonemic awareness. Differentiate the sounds (р) - (л), (рь) - (л) and automate the sounds (р), (рь) in a sentence.
- Children, Aunt Winter sent a letter. You need to correct the words in the sentences to make everything clear. Ready to help?
— Vlach works, helping the fighting people. The prick was quickly fought by the striped strip. Plant the vine side by side under the labia. The lybak caught lyba and caught fish.
The column of the birr bell is golden. Lastenia wanted to drink. Loma ate a lot of tolt. The byri volots are closed. Volona retara, retara and ustara. The palakhod honks loudly. There is hot boiling water in the truck. Kolova Vine gave me a lot of trouble. Etc.
- Didactic game "One - many".
Goal: to automate the sounds (р), (рь) in words, to form the grammatical aspect of speech.
- Catch the ball, talk a lot.
- One rose - many roses, one river - many rivers. One steamer - many steamships, one turnip - many turnips, one joy - many joys, one roll - many rolls, one carriage - many carriages, one doctor - many doctors, etc.
III . Result N.O.D
— Did you enjoy playing? Whoever names a word based on the sound (r) goes into formation, whoever names a word based on the sound (r) goes into formation.
The sound R in phrases (in a combination of consonants):
Red sundress. Indoor market. Black paint. Open window. Beautiful rabbit. | Old photo. Sharp turn. Red line. Large gooseberry. Paint the roof. | Tiger Tamer. Beautiful coverage. Painted porch. Close the tap. Screw on the lid. |
Loud shout. Competent instructor. Spacious apartment. The orchestra is playing. Bright coloring. Large supermarket. Urban transport. Huge size. Red solution. | Sandwich with red caviar. Broad outlook. Even parting. Beautiful fair. China. Evening program. Broken steamer. Difficult tongue twister. Short conversation |
Automating the sound R in phrases using mnemonics will be a fun activity for an adult and a child. Download visual material or study online on our website for 15-20 minutes every day. And soon you will hear your baby cheerfully, cheerfully, and most importantly, speak correctly.