How to write prefixes with z-s - let’s look at the general rule and remember the principle

The spelling of prefixes that end in “z” and “s” depends on which consonant, voiceless or voiced, the root of the word begins with.

In Russian spelling there is a rule related to phonetics - writing prefixes with “z” and “s”.

Let's list these prefixes:

  • without-/without-;
  • voz-(vz-)/voz-(vs-);
  • from-/is-;
  • bottom-/bottom-;
  • about-without-/about-without-;
  • times-/ras-;
  • rose-/ros-;
  • through-/through-.

Why are prefixes with z-s written the way they are heard?

Because voicing or deafening occurs. If there is a voiced consonant after the prefix, then it affects the final consonant of the prefix and makes it voiced. We will never say [distribution]. We can only pronounce [distribution]. And we write, accordingly, also.

If there is a voiceless consonant after the prefix, then the opposite situation occurs. The final consonant of the prefix also becomes voiceless. Therefore, you cannot say and write [promotion], you can only [promotion].

At school these processes are called voicing and deafening. But at a university it is more correct to use two other terms: “assimilation by deafness” and “assimilation by voicedness.” Assimilation = assimilation. The voiceless consonant becomes similar to the voiced one and also becomes voiced. The voiced person becomes like the deaf person and also becomes deaf.

Like this.

Is it really possible to make money on the Internet?

Straight to the point: yes, it is possible to make money on the Internet. There is no intrigue here. The question needs to be posed differently: how much can you earn this way?

But there is no short answer to this question. Essentially, the same rule applies as in offline work. The more skills and knowledge, the more income. Beginners and people without education or specialized knowledge will be able to earn a minimum income.

In any case, you can earn at least some money on the Internet. At the same time, this kind of income has many advantages:

  • more free time. There is no need to travel to and from work, or waste time getting ready;
  • more flexible schedule. There are companies whose working hours from home are also regulated. But this is rather an exception. The general rule is that the task needs to be completed, and at what time to do it is the employee’s decision;
  • no problems with the team. A familiar situation: the work is good, but the team significantly reduces the joy from daily responsibilities? In the case of remote work, you will need to communicate with a small number of people - a coordinator, administrator, editor, etc.;
  • the ability to independently regulate the amount of work.

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There are also disadvantages - difficulties with self-discipline and concentration at home rather than in the office, lack of a clear time schedule. In general, the reality of making money on the Internet depends only on the employee himself.

Another disadvantage of working on the Internet is the often unofficial status and unreliability of the employer. Some sentences need to be cut off immediately:

  • earnings on sports betting;
  • services with paid withdrawal of money;
  • brokerage operations on unverified sites;
  • offer of quick money with passive participation of the employee.

How to explain spellings in these prefixes

If you come across a prefix with z-s, then you need to explain the consonant in this prefix like this:

  1. Select the prefix.
  2. Underline “z” or “s” with one line. This way we show that these letters cause us doubt.
  3. Underline the consonant that follows the prefix with two strokes.

For example, in the word “to become furious” we will highlight the prefix “ras”, with one line we will underline the letter “s” in it, and with two lines we will underline the second “s”, which is after the prefix. It's enough.

How to make money on the Internet without investments and deception?

“Without investments” – refers only to the financial part. Because for most vacancies you still need to invest – education (including self-education) and time. Below we will describe in detail ways to earn money without financial investments.

Rewriting or copywriting

Numerous websites and social media accounts need to be constantly filled with content. And in such a way that search services give users the necessary pages in the first lines when they request. To create beautiful and useful texts for advertising, we need copywriters.

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A copywriter's payment depends on his professionalism. Masters of words can earn a good income, for beginners - tasks from undemanding customers with low pay. You can look for orders on copywriting exchanges, or you can constantly cooperate with one employer. For example, with a company that advertises various business projects on the Internet.

Partnership programs

The essence of the work is to attract Internet users to follow links. The ultimate goal is the purchase of a product or service. There is a reward for every sale. Most often, affiliate programs are created for online language courses and for online stores.

Tutoring or teaching

Particularly relevant work for translators. Online foreign language courses are popular today. Many people study with teachers via Skype or any other messenger. You can submit a job request, for example, to the SkyEng platform or other sites -,

Working with website content

Online stores need to constantly update information about products and services. Filling websites with content is a necessary job for other portals not related to sales. For example, information pages. A content manager works with website content.

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Filling out questionnaires and surveys

For many commercial and non-commercial projects, it is necessary to collect statistical data. For example, to describe the company's target audience. But not everyone is ready to spend 20-30 minutes of time for free to answer questions in writing. To increase coverage, paid questionnaires are used. You can find similar work here –,

Social media page administrator

The responsibilities of such an employee include:

  • working with messages - accepting applications or processing letters in another way;
  • writing posts;
  • replies to comments.

You can maintain not only personal pages, but also groups on social networks.

Examples of words with prefixes ending in z-s

I will give a few examples of words with prefixes that end in z-s. Say each word out loud and practice mentally explaining the spelling of the prefix.

  1. Swallow without chewing.
  2. A heartbreaking scream.
  3. A beautiful queen.
  4. Scatter the crows.
  5. Make way, honest people!
  6. Tugarin the Serpent loosened his belt, not like before.
  7. I'll roam free!
  8. Spread the butter over the porridge.
  9. Color with pencils.
  10. Distribute into groups.

Earn money on the Internet for teenagers without investment

Here are the easiest ways to make money on the Internet. With the help of such opportunities, a student can earn money. Naturally, this will be a small income. What can you do?

  • Solve captcha. You may not have heard such a word, but you have definitely encountered a captcha. This is a numeric or alphabetic code that sites often request to prevent a person from being mistaken for a “robot.” One decrypted captcha will cost little - about 6 kopecks;
  • like, leave comments, watch videos on YouTube or join various groups. The work can be found on You won’t be able to earn a lot on tasks of this kind;
  • test mobile applications. There is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to download newly developed applications and complete tasks (leave comments, test some functions, etc.);
  • passive income on the Internet - installing the SurfEarner (SE) service on your computer. This is an advertising platform that places banners. After installing the program, advertising windows will pop up. For each impression, money will be awarded;
  • work with Yandex.Toloka. The service offers to perform simple tasks for money. Most often, evaluate visual or textual content. To start, you need to complete a test task and undergo express training.

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What else to read and watch

Watch my short video about how to correctly explain spelling. It will help you understand the general principle of working with all spelling rules. The rule about prefixes with z-s is just spelling.

Another useful video on how to learn Russian correctly:

And a few articles:

  1. How to learn to write correctly. The article contains a lot of practical advice. I explain how to improve your literacy in a short time and begin to feel more confident when writing texts and doing written work.
  2. What is spelling? In addition to the definition, you will find there tips and tricks on how to master spelling rules correctly and quickly.
  3. Russian language courses. I recently expanded this article and added free courses, simulators and electronic manuals to the very beginning. Read at least the first block, and then, if paid courses are not interesting to you, you don’t have to read.

Ukraine chooses war. What happened in Staromaryevka and why they used Bayraktar

The fighting began in the Telmanovsky district. Telmanovo and Staromaryevka came under fire. The Ukrainian military entered the latter. In addition, a number of other populated areas were also shelled.

The fighting was of such intensity that it made many remember 2014.

What happened in Staromaryevka

At first, information about what was happening varied. Thus, the Ukrainian publication Babel, citing sources in the country’s Ministry of Defense, reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces occupied the village of Staromaryevka.

“Not Ossetia, but Karabakh.” Kiev expert on what the Russian Federation will do if the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack Donbass


RIA Novosti, Alexey Druzhinin/Anton Denisov/Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation/Go to photobank

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine returned the village of Staromaryevka in the Donetsk region to the control of the Ukrainian government. It is located near the village of Granitnoye,” the message indicated.

According to sources in the Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian military entered the village on the evening of October 25.

Later, journalists in Donbass confirmed the capture of the village.

“In the Telmanovsky district, the Ukrainian Armed Forces captured the village of Staromaryevka, which was located in the so-called gray zone. 180 people live in this village, 37 of them are citizens of the Russian Federation. More than half of these residents voted in the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation a month ago. The situation in this area is quite tense right now. In fact, the capture of this settlement is Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Minsk agreements,” reporter Andrei Rudenko .

To this message he attached a video of the shelling of the Telmanovsky district by the Ukrainian military.

Residents of Donbass clarified Rudenko’s message.

“I would like to emphasize that Staromaryevka is not just located in the “so-called” gray zone. This village was controlled by us and subordinate to the DPR. Staromaryevka is our village, not a “gray zone,” one of them wrote.

Another contacted his friend, who serves in the People's Militia of the DPR.

“We went to Staromaryevka. I'm on my way there already. F*ck (fight. - Ed.),” he said.

This message arrived at 10:34.

Go to Donbass? Block transit? Send boats? Expert on Ukraine's plans against Russia


RIA Novosti, Stringer / Go to photobank

Novaya Maryevka, Telmanovka, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, Yakovlevka also came under fire from the Ukrainian side. In Gorlovka, the fire department building and several houses were damaged. Part of Gorlovka was without power. In Yakovlevka, a residential building, outbuildings and a gas pipeline of the Donetsk mine named after Zasyadko were damaged.

In response, the DPR pulled its forces to the contact line. Thus, a video with a T-72 tank on the streets of Telmanovka appeared in Donetsk Telegram channels.

The Ukrainian side tried to deny that they occupied Staromaryevka.

“The positions of the Ukrainian military remain unchanged,” said the headquarters of the Joint Forces Operation.

Moreover, the JFO headquarters blamed the DPR and LPR, as well as Russia, for the escalation of forces.

However, late in the evening of October 26, former militiaman and writer Vladlen Tatarsky posted a video from Telmanovka.

“What is happening at Staromaryevka. While the “people's militia” was fucking (inaction. - Ed.), the fucking (Ukrainians. - Ed.) established a crossing and occupied the village. At the moment, ukrov has not yet been knocked out. Telmanovo is under fire, video from there,” he wrote in his Telegram channel at 22:42.

Russia reacted to what happened. Thus, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, ordered to open a criminal case in connection with numerous shellings of Donbass.

By that time, the Ukrainians had directly admitted to using weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements in Donbass.

"Putin's Big Shock"

Putin’s big shock . The Bayraktar drone was used against Russia for the first time.”

The article talked about what happened in Donbass a few hours earlier. The first news that Ukraine had used an attack drone came from a Ukrainian journalist, editor-in-chief of the publication Censor.Net, Yuri Butusov .

“Remember this historic day! October 26, 2021 - the first combat use of Bayraktar attack drones in Donbass!” — he wrote on Facebook.

Butusov said that this is how Ukraine responded to the shelling of the Ukrainian 93rd mechanized brigade in the Granitnoye area (it was from there, according to the DPR, that the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at Telmanovo and a number of other settlements).

“But for the first time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were sent to the Bayraktar battle area for counter-battery combat, and the Russian howitzer was destroyed by a MAM-S bomb. This is the first combat use of Bayraktar in the war,” said Butusov, emphasizing that air defense and electronic warfare systems were useless against the Turkish ethereal vehicle.

According to Butusov, the order to use the drone was given by the commander in chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny .

Later, the journalist’s information was confirmed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Today, October 26, 2021, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Valeriy Zaluzhny, in the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation, the Bayraktar reconnaissance and strike unmanned system was used for the first time in combat,” the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on Facebook.

At the same time, the message indicated that the fire from the drone came from the Ukrainian side.

“The unmanned aerial vehicle did not cross the line of contact and, with a controlled bomb, destroyed one gun with the crew of the Russian occupation forces,” the Ukrainian military said, publishing a video of the attack on the positions of the People’s Militia of the DPR.

And the Ukrainians were immediately caught in a lie.

“The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is lying that they did not cross the demarcation line. In the lower corners are the coordinates of the drone. Only the first two pairs are visible on the right, and only the third on the left. If you compare it, you get a point deep inside the territory of the DPR. There is, of course, the option that this is a second drone that fixes the target. But why, if “Bayraktar” can do it itself,” noted Russian journalist Alexander Kots .

And the representative of the LPR in the political subgroup on Donbass, Rodion Miroshnik, accused Ukraine of violating the Minsk agreements.

“Kyiv signed a memorandum in 2014 that introduced an unequivocal ban on flights of military aircraft and foreign unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine today announced the use of Bayraktar. That is, he didn’t give a damn about Kyiv’s obligations under the Minsk agreements,” Miroshnik said.

Orientalist and historian Igor Dimitriev is confident that in the future the use of Bayraktars by Ukrainians in the Donbass may become commonplace.

“We have been waiting for this moment for a long time and fearing it. Ukraine has begun to use UAVs with homing missiles purchased from Turkey. There were suspicions before, when the Ukrainians destroyed the DPR dugout with the first hit, that it was them. But now Ukrainians are saying this openly. Why? Because they are sure that there will be no answer. They recently captured a Russian citizen on the dividing line, and no special action followed. Russia is not ready to escalate. And UAVs were invented exactly for such cases - for low-intensity conflicts. When opponents hold their positions and lazily exchange fire. With their help, you can dramatically increase the effectiveness of your attacks, cause damage and demoralize the enemy,” he said.

Kots agrees with him , recalling the events of seven years ago in Slavyansk. Then they started shelling Slavyansk with mines. Seeing that there was no strong reaction from the Russian Federation, they brought up cannon artillery, then rocket artillery.

"Bayraktars" against the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Why does Kyiv need drones?


NSDC press service

“Let's try Grad. One RS, two RS. Have the “little green men” appeared on the horizon? Well then - 300-30-3 - take it, Slavyansk, in packages by area. Why be ashamed,” Kots recalled.

According to him, even now the strike was carried out with just one missile in order to test the Russian reaction, and not because this missile itself is quite expensive.

“They are testing how far they will be allowed to go. And if they allow it, as in Slavyansk, then soon the Bayraktarov carousel will hang in the sky over Donbass,” Kots noted.

As for Turkey, it will willingly give Ukraine a discount on the purchase of missiles for its drones - you can’t imagine a better advertisement for Turkish drones.

“It’s good that Bastrykin opened a criminal case. But they can’t shoot down drones. Here we need a reaction from a completely different department,” Kots concluded.

It's hard to disagree with him. The shelling on October 26 shows: Ukraine preferred war to even a bad peace.

Earning money on the Internet with investments

Below we will post ways to earn money that require cash injections. Without finance, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a return.

Promotion of a personal account on social networks

Everyone knows about bloggers. Young people dream of becoming one, the older generation does not understand how they earn money. The main source of profit is advertising. But to receive such offers, you need to have a large number of subscribers. And this requires high-quality visual and text content. You can’t do without expenses - on photographers, on targetologists, sometimes on copywriters and administrators.

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