Automation of the L sound in texts using mnemonic tracks

We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound and can pronounce it correctly in syllables. We name words, highlighting the automated sound with our voice. We pronounce the words slowly, pronouncing them clearly. It is advisable to repeat the same word 2-3 times.

Articulatory posture: lips are open, it is better to stretch them into a “smile”, so that the teeth are exposed, the teeth are open, the tongue is free, spread out like a “scapula”, the tip is raised to the alveoli or necks of the upper incisors and forms a tight connection with them, the lateral edges of the tongue are lowered and form gaps with the molars through which air passes, the root of the tongue is raised.

Pronounce clearly the sound [l] in syllables, first vertically, then horizontally: la al ala lal lo ol olo lol lu ul ulu lul ly yl yly lyl

We fix the pronunciation of the sound L at the end of words:

oval glass channel collapse pencil case basement station metal capital dump truck angle prick table trunk falcon goat cauldron church football buffalo knot woodpecker Pavel ashes torch newcomer donkey chair basketball

Exercise “Listen. Remember. Repeat"

Ball - small - hall. Collapse - metal - glass. Digged - nodded - yawned. Vol - goal - count. Cauldron - goat - goldfinch. Donkey - cover - football. Torch - woodpecker - ash. He made noise - hissed - walked.

The sound L at the end of a word in a series of words

List of words: Hall, canal, glass, basement, Ball, pencil case, coral, jackal.

List of words: Table, cauldron, goat, goldfinch, Ox, donkey, football, cover.

We fix the pronunciation of the sound L at the beginning of words:

varnish shop lama lamp noodles bast weasel patch palm avalanche swallow lamp forehead crowbar dexterous boat elbow elk vine catch break chunk tray meadow moon puddle meadow Luka lawn bow splint magnifying glass bast crafty

Exercise “Listen. Remember. Repeat"

Bench - paw - lamp. Delicacy - boatman - shopkeeper. Elbow - spoon - boat. Bow - magnifying glass - puddle. Lusha - hole - ray.

Russian words ending in L

Reverse Russian dictionary (word endings in L) - Igor Garshin’s website




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Common Slavic roots of Russian: | | | | | E, E, Ѣ | | | | | | | | | | | | | U, Ѫ | | | | | | Yu, i | I, and

Original Russian words: | | | | | E, Yo | | | b, s, b | | |

Foreign borrowings in Russian: | | | | | | | | |

Alphabetical sections of Trubachev's ESSAY : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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Words ending with: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

  1. ball
  2. cannibal
  3. clavicimbal
  4. shaft
  5. blockage
  6. bulk
  7. carnival
  8. collapse
  9. basement
  10. semi-basement
  11. pass
  12. drilled
  13. camber
  14. took root
  15. halt
  16. sei whale
  17. squall
  18. cymbal
  19. fin whale
  20. oval
  21. snowed
  22. shabby
  23. hayloft
  24. clayed
  25. fuller
  26. farrier
  27. collapse
  28. on the spot
  29. shapoval
  30. felling
  31. failure
  32. windfall
  33. squared
  34. semi-oval
  35. narwhal
  36. serval
  37. interval
  38. helm
  39. stall
  40. dump truck
  41. dump
  42. val
  43. half shaft
  44. felt
  45. bragging
  46. cover
  47. self-praise
  48. fallout
  49. kagal
  50. astragalus
  51. madrigal
  52. grill
  53. martingale
  54. argal
  55. Kamchadal
  56. vandal
  57. scandal
  58. sandalwood
  59. shandal
  60. feudal lord
  61. ideal
  62. real
  63. cash-real
  64. range
  65. dagger
  66. hall
  67. audience hall
  68. conference hall
  69. railway station
  70. air terminal
  71. bus station
  72. antechamber
  73. cinema hall
  74. kurhaus
  75. gym
  76. dance hall
  77. branch
  78. ceremonial
  79. rial
  80. imperial
  81. semi-imperial
  82. material
  83. building material
  84. lumber
  85. electrical material
  86. timber
  87. photographic material
  88. memorial
  89. equatorial
  90. factorial
  91. curial
  92. vial
  93. initial
  94. official
  95. differential
  96. potential
  97. biopotential
  98. provincial
  99. feces
  100. temper
  101. intensity
  102. caracal
  103. elder
  104. jackal
  105. overheated
  106. radical
  107. cleric
  108. vertical
  109. wineglass
  110. under-calculated
  111. rocks
  112. fiscal
  113. grin
  114. scoffer
  115. lal
  116. starch
  117. channel
  118. signal
  119. block signal
  120. echo
  121. stop signal
  122. video signal
  123. radio signal
  124. light signal
  125. pencil case
  126. arsenal
  127. original
  128. cardinal
  129. crime
  130. denomination
  131. luminal
  132. the final
  133. semi-final
  134. quarterfinals
  135. professional
  136. national
  137. International
  138. ammonal
  139. veronal
  140. staff
  141. medical staff
  142. technical staff
  143. sulfonal
  144. magazine
  145. newsreel
  146. tribunal
  147. revolutionary tribunal
  148. fell
  149. fuse
  150. tanned
  151. municipal
  152. principal
  153. opal
  154. dug
  155. gummicopal
  156. homemade
  157. fell out
  158. maral
  159. emergency
  160. integral
  161. chinodral
  162. liberal
  163. general
  164. mineral
  165. admiral
  166. vice admiral
  167. admiral general
  168. rear admiral
  169. goral
  170. chloral
  171. chorale
  172. corporal
  173. trawl
  174. theatergoer
  175. central
  176. bromural
  177. khural
  178. station wagon
  179. vassal
  180. tall
  181. capital
  182. Santal
  183. tantalum
  184. quintal
  185. blackened
  186. red-faced
  187. drip
  188. quarter
  189. portal
  190. pedestal
  191. ritual
  192. intellectual
  193. halyard
  194. platyphalic
  195. brachycephalus
  196. mesocephalus
  197. macrocephalus
  198. microcephaly
  199. dolichocephalus
  200. platycephalic
  201. brachycephalic
  202. stegocephalus
  203. mesocephalic
  204. macrocephal
  205. microcephalus
  206. dolichocephalic
  207. rhynchocephalus
  208. Bucephalus
  209. pennant
  210. impudent
  211. started
  212. picked up
  213. berth
  214. thought
  215. set sail
  216. marshal
  217. field marshal
  218. marshal
  219. white
  220. shipbuilder
  221. underbelly
  222. decibel
  223. space
  224. chaff
  225. Kartvel
  226. angel
  227. archangel
  228. groundwork
  229. allotment
  230. manager
  231. redistribution
  232. limit
  233. chapter
  234. subsection
  235. word section
  236. syllable division
  237. watershed
  238. aisle
  239. under-delivery
  240. bungler
  241. glassmaker
  242. buttermaker
  243. winemaker
  244. clothmaker
  245. carpet weaver
  246. done
  247. cheese maker
  248. Department
  249. health department
  250. subdepartment
  251. housing department
  252. women's department
  253. financial department
  254. political department
  255. technical department
  256. special department
  257. lot
  258. allocation
  259. goat
  260. node
  261. bathroom
  262. radio center
  263. waterworks
  264. torch
  265. chalk
  266. ash
  267. quail
  268. tripoli
  269. pennant
  270. braid pennant
  271. bogeyman
  272. Karelian
  273. Mingrelian
  274. shot
  275. shelling
  276. shelling
  277. shot
  278. crossbow
  279. urchin
  280. lumbago
  281. execution
  282. shooting
  283. shot
  284. oxide
  285. idea
  286. speculation
  287. thought
  288. fishing
  289. salt production
  290. oil field
  291. intent
  292. fiction
  293. loops
  294. celandine
  295. spit
  296. woodpecker
  297. aim
  298. male
  299. goat
  300. half-goat
  301. eagle
  302. donkey
  303. new settler
  304. calving
  305. new calf
  306. first calf
  307. boiler
  308. church
  309. rod
  310. silt
  311. ail
  312. kabil
  313. moron
  314. strobil
  315. crocodile
  316. aedile
  317. prolific
  318. tubeweaver
  319. sandstone
  320. old-timer
  321. alguasil
  322. dogwood
  323. keel
  324. Tamil
  325. Bogomil
  326. phenyl
  327. vinyl
  328. divinyl
  329. vinyl chloride
  330. polyvinyl chloride
  331. perchlorovinyl
  332. Zoyl
  333. notch
  334. undercut
  335. cut through
  336. slept
  337. sawing
  338. hamadryad
  339. mandrill
  340. tetryl
  341. nitrile
  342. carboxyl
  343. indoxyl
  344. elecampane
  345. methyl
  346. acetyl
  347. chrysotile
  348. TNT
  349. covered
  350. flooring
  351. bedding
  352. self-styled
  353. spread out
  354. butyl
  355. rutile
  356. ethyl
  357. Judophile
  358. bibliophile
  359. Francophile
  360. Turkophile
  361. Anglophile
  362. psammophile
  363. thermophile
  364. Germanophile
  365. Hellenophile
  366. Polonophile
  367. Slavophile
  368. hygrophilic
  369. Russophile
  370. cycle
  371. epicycle
  372. biocycle
  373. motorbike
  374. point
  375. Gaul
  376. coral
  377. metal
  378. non-metal
  379. bimetal
  380. crystal
  381. pseudocrystal
  382. single crystal
  383. phallus
  384. Maxwell
  385. armadillo
  386. beryl
  387. chrysoberyl
  388. mesophyll
  389. chlorophyll
  390. sporophyll
  391. xanthophyll
  392. roll
  393. rock'n'roll
  394. atoll
  395. hall
  396. music hall
  397. penching ball
  398. handball
  399. amphibole
  400. volleyball
  401. obol
  402. discus thrower
  403. motorball
  404. baseball
  405. basketball
  406. football
  407. pushball
  408. ox
  409. arbitrariness
  410. buffalo
  411. symbol
  412. trunk
  413. devil
  414. Goal
  415. verb
  416. goldfinch
  417. Mongol
  418. Buryat-Mongol
  419. collargol
  420. protargol
  421. corner
  422. dol
  423. idol
  424. validol
  425. solid oil
  426. amidol
  427. asidol
  428. indole
  429. hem
  430. continued
  431. stodol
  432. quiet
  433. dry land
  434. carnelian
  435. Creole
  436. halo
  437. dibazole
  438. phthalazole
  439. pyrazole
  440. sulfazole
  441. norsulfazole
  442. podzol
  443. resol
  444. perezol
  445. cresol
  446. Lysol
  447. anisole
  448. camisole
  449. benzene
  450. azobenzene
  451. pyrobenzene
  452. nitrobenzene
  453. coxobenzene
  454. chlorobenzene
  455. creosol
  456. otzol
  457. vizol
  458. ichthyol
  459. count
  460. stabbing
  461. prick
  462. funny
  463. wood splitter
  464. icebreaker
  465. thiokol
  466. bell
  467. The Tsar Bell
  468. puncture
  469. hole puncher
  470. falcon
  471. protocol
  472. stockade
  473. chipped
  474. split
  475. spall
  476. injection
  477. guaiacol
  478. salol
  479. xylene
  480. pyrogallol
  481. they say
  482. ground
  483. threshing
  484. grind
  485. grinding
  486. thymol
  487. mantis
  488. mantis crab
  489. unfinished
  490. flour mill
  491. grinding
  492. Komsomol
  493. osmol
  494. begged
  495. rivanol
  496. methanol
  497. eugenol
  498. phenol
  499. indophenol
  500. nitrophenol
  501. carbinol
  502. pavinol
  503. floor
  504. underground
  505. ramrod
  506. dome
  507. roll
  508. nigrol
  509. nerol
  510. calciferol
  511. styrene
  512. polystyrene
  513. airol
  514. birth
  515. pyrrole
  516. sinestrol
  517. furfural
  518. safrole
  519. salting
  520. Prasol
  521. salt
  522. oversalting
  523. hospitable
  524. add salt
  525. insufficient salting
  526. callus
  527. pickle
  528. ambassador
  529. salting
  530. hypersol
  531. brine
  532. usol
  533. tol
  534. skatole
  535. autol
  536. metol
  537. anethole
  538. menthol
  539. boromenthol
  540. table
  541. throne
  542. apostle
  543. naphthol
  544. benzonaphthol
  545. axerophthol
  546. toluene
  547. nitrotoluene
  548. trinitrotoluene
  549. foul
  550. case
  551. topknot
  552. pearl
  553. schorl
  554. earl
  555. jarl
  556. thought
  557. fishing
  558. meaning
  559. aul
  560. trunk
  561. guard
  562. esaul
  563. podesaul
  564. saxaul
  565. ertaul
  566. Kabul
  567. somnambulist
  568. Beelzebub
  569. hum
  570. Agul
  571. spree
  572. feeding
  573. revelry
  574. pamper
  575. Vogul
  576. absenteeism
  577. time off
  578. walking
  579. blew
  580. oracle
  581. follicle
  582. matrix
  583. vendor code
  584. diverticulum
  585. carbuncle
  586. homunculus
  587. furuncle
  588. tubercle
  589. muscle
  590. minuscule
  591. majuscule
  592. mule
  593. stimulus
  594. manul
  595. pool
  596. scruple
  597. consul
  598. vice consul
  599. proconsul
  600. promise
  601. chapter
  602. title
  603. running title
  604. title
  605. tarantula
  606. chair
  607. blasphemed
  608. Hutsul
  609. Chernobyl
  610. fervor
  611. dust
  612. hoof
  613. rotorcraft
  614. woolwing
  615. kiwi
  616. beaked whale
  617. starfish
  618. tubespout
  619. send
  620. send
  621. message
  622. rear
  623. yal


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© “”, 2012. Igor Konstantinovich Garshin. Subsidiary web project of Igor Garshin's Site. The author and owner of the sites is Igor Konstantinovich Garshin (see author’s resume). Write letters ( ).

Page updated 07/17/2019

The sound L at the beginning of a word in a series of words

List of words: Paws, boat, light bulb, elbow, bast shoe, swallow.

List of words: lily of the valley, bench, lamp, spoon, elk, shovel, varnish, palm.

List of words: bow, rays, moon, lawn, horse, lotus, forehead, husky.

We fix the pronunciation of the sound L in the middle of words:

saw bowl spinning top rock shark fist salad robe talent malachite beam squirrel roll jackdaw stick fork shelf needle violet hairpin pin bottle column tent shovel whisk salt shaker lapdog jump rope piggy bank parcel stretcher catch weed weed chop grind hair head gold milk hunger voice cold ear balloon swamp straw column cold rinse half hammer boulder cleaver naughty sheepskin coat dove dove dove beluga Kaluga acorns deck pitchfork saws vacation scarlet cute white cradle wormwood smile Exercise “Listen. Remember. Repeat"

Cases - ash - saw. Robe - salad - rock. Ear - voice - hair. Pin tents are sleds. Swamp - Volodya - breakdown. Hungry - cold - well. Smile - cobblestone - bagpipes.

Features of sound automation [L]

After the sound is delivered, it should be introduced into free speech. It will take a long time for the child to be able to freely pronounce the sound in his own speech. Repeatedly performing the same articulation will allow the sound to be spoken unconsciously. This process is called automation.

A phoneme cannot be fixed until the child learns to reproduce it accurately in isolation. Before conducting classes to consolidate sound, it is necessary to prepare the muscles of the speech organs by performing special speech therapy exercises. The sounds mixed by the child when talking are automated one by one in different classes.

When a phoneme is omitted, the automation stage occurs quite quickly, since there are no formed conditioned reflex connections in the speech centers of the cerebral cortex; their creation is required. In case of defective pronunciation or when mixing phonemes, these connections already exist; they need to be destroyed, while simultaneously creating a new motor stereotype of correct articulation. In this case, consolidation lasts a long time.

The sound automation process includes certain stages; violation of this stage-by-stage process is not allowed. In uncomplicated cases (with physiological age-related dyslalia), all stages can last only about five minutes.

The sound [L] is automated in the following order:

  • Automation of an isolated phoneme.
  • Practicing on the material of syllables.
  • Consolidation in words.
  • Fixing phrases on the material.
  • Consolidation in poems.
  • Practicing coherent speech.
  • Introduction to independent speech.

[l] and [l']: we speak correctly

  1. They smiled broadly, teeth clenched.
  2. They opened their mouth slightly.
  3. The edge of the tongue rested against the gap between the teeth, or pressed it against the alveoli, or pressed it on the upper teeth. The sides of the tongue should not touch the teeth.
  4. The air comes out through the holes formed at the edges of the tongue with force and pressure.

It’s easier to give a child [l] from the following position: smile, teeth in a fence. Lightly biting the tip of the tongue, we begin to hum like an airplane: “L-l-l.” The baby should hear what sound he makes. Gradually move your tongue to the desired position - behind the upper teeth.

Articulation gymnastics at home

To teach a child to pronounce the sound “L”, exercises that develop the articulatory apparatus and speech breathing are required at each lesson.

Before showing your offspring the exercises, make sure they are performed clearly in front of the mirror yourself. The atmosphere during classes should be relaxed. Remember, all your training should look like an entertaining game so that the child is interested.

First, let's learn how to relax our lips.

  • "Smile". We smile, exposing our upper and lower teeth, and count to ten.

  • "Tube". We stretch out our lips with a tube, as for the sound “u”. Using elongated sponges, make a square.

  • "Needle." In the “Smile” position, we push the tip of the tongue between the teeth. We alternate the “Tube” and “Needle” exercises.

  • "Fish" Let's clap our relaxed lips like a fish in an aquarium.

  • "Let's stop the horse . Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth. The lips are relaxed and vibrate. It turns out “Prr-r-r.”

Now let's stretch the tongue.

Let's move on to exercises for pronunciation of [l'] and [l].

  • "Steamboat". Opening your smiling lips, stick the tip of your tongue out and press it with your teeth. We hum, imitating the steamboat: “Y-y-y.” If the baby says “l”, let him stick out his tongue more and bite it in the middle.
  • "Turkey". Try to imitate the “turkey speech” with your little one: “Blah, blah.” Open your mouth slightly, bend your tongue over your upper lip and move its tip up and down. Then, as you exhale, we begin to hum, gradually accelerating the movements of the tongue.
  • "Horse". Speech therapists usually break the exercise into two parts. First, we learn to click our tongue loudly (“The horse is galloping”). The muscles of the tongue are strengthened, and the position of the raised tongue is learned. Hold the lower jaw with your palms if the baby cannot hold it still. The second part is “Horse on Reconnaissance.” The pace is leisurely, without voice. The tip of the tongue rests on the upper palate.
  • "Breeze". They opened their mouth slightly, biting the edge of their tongue with their teeth. We exhale - “breeze”. Air streams should come out from the sides of the tongue. You can see if your baby is blowing correctly by holding a feather to his mouth.

When exercising, do not overdo it, otherwise you will cause a negative reaction. Remember that to make sounds you need to exhale correctly. Therefore, exercises are necessary to control the flow of exhaled air. Blow soap bubbles, boats on the water, blow on them, blow off feathers, blow out candles. Start by setting the soft [l'] - it’s easier for the child, and it’s easier to move from it to the hard [l’].

General recommendations for audio automation [L]

The correct pronunciation of any speech unit is demonstrated by an adult, and only then repeated by the child. Ideally, he should not make a single mistake when fixing a phoneme, so that an incorrect template does not interfere with the formation of the correct one. Therefore, the teacher must control the pronunciation in order to prevent mistakes and provide hints.

It is extremely important to practice a new phoneme not only in remedial classes, but also in everyday activities. If the sound being studied is pronounced correctly only in class, then “office speech syndrome” appears, when in the presence of a teacher all speech material is pronounced accurately, and the acquired skills are not applied in everyday life.

It is necessary to control the content of the proposed material - there should be no oppositional phonemes. “Conflicting” phonemes can be absolutely any pairs. For each case, it is necessary to select an individual material file. If you encounter such a word or combination, you cannot demand that all sounds be pronounced correctly. Mixed phonemes are distinguished at a special stage of differentiation.

At first, a very exaggerated articulation of the given phoneme is necessary. This is required in order for the auditory analyzer to record the new sound as exemplary.

At first, you need to reinforce the new sound by any means; you cannot give the baby the right to speak it without support and control. Doing homework on your own creates a serious problem. If a child can read, you should not allow him to read the words on his own; an adult must give the correct example, after which the child must reproduce it. It is also important for adults to monitor and correct incorrect pronunciation in everyday life.

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