Automation of the sound R in texts: automation of the sound R using mnemonic tracks

Automation of the sound “R” in texts using mnemonic tracks is carried out after the sound is automated in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and tongue twisters.

Here you can also find poems for automating the sound “R”, a game exercise “Snails”, a set of classes (the complex includes 9 full-fledged lessons with visual material).

You can recite texts and memorize poems at the same time. These two types of lessons on automating the sound “R” are final.

After them, differentiation (discrimination) of mixed sounds begins. In this case, these are the sounds “R” - “L”. They are most often mixed and confused by kids.

Games and exercises for differentiating sounds can be found at the dedicated link.

Automation of the sound P in texts using mnemonic tracks will help:

  1. Teach your child to pronounce the sound “R” in a coherent text, and therefore in colloquial speech.
  2. Using mnemonics will develop associative thinking, memory, and attention in children. They will need to match each word with a picture and name it.
  3. With the help of preposition models, the child will learn to see and hear this “small” word. Children very often connect prepositions with nouns and consider them to be one word (for example, a combination of words ON the table , kids perceive them as one word DESK, etc.). Models of prepositions are presented below.
  4. With the help of mnemonic tracks, the child will learn to correctly compose sentences and stories. This skill will also be useful in the future when studying at school, because... will teach the child to think figuratively.

Preposition models:

The texts are made in two versions to choose from:

  1. The first option is signed for the convenience of adults. Tex goes immediately below the picture path. It is designed for individual work with children who cannot read.
  2. The second version of text mnemonic tracks contains only chains of connected pictures. The pictures are larger in size. There is no signed text in the second version so as not to distract reading children. With the second option, you can work both individually and with a subgroup of children. In this case, the text of the story must be printed separately or on the reverse side.

Print the presented pictures on A4 sheets. It is advisable to laminate them, then they will serve you much longer and enjoy doing them.

Or study online on our website.

Texts for sound automation R:

At a construction site

Fedor gets up with the first roosters. Dresses quickly. Need to go to a construction site. There is tea in the thermos. But Fedor doesn’t drink it in the morning. He takes out kefir and pours in sugar. In the morning, kefir is refreshing. He puts on his jacket and goes out into the yard. Gets on a motorcycle. He starts the engine and drives to the construction site. The work morning begins.

In the garden

Roma and Tamara have a vegetable garden. In the garden beds, red tomatoes, colorful peppers, crispy cucumbers are ripening, sugar snap peas are blooming, and curly parsley is growing. Roma and Tamara are loosening the beds and fertilizing them. The harvest will be good!

In zoo

Yesterday Roma and Raya were at the zoo. There they saw many different animals and birds. Roma especially liked the tigers and panthers, and Raya especially liked the colorful zebras and giraffes. Roma and Raya asked the guide where these animals live and what they are fed at the zoo.

We fed the birds

It was bitterly cold. Vera and Ira went outside. Vera attached a piece of lard to the birch branches. The branch swayed. These were sparrows, titmice, and red-breasted bullfinches. Then the red bullfinch flew off to the side. He only eats grains and seeds. Ira ran up to the tree and scattered a handful of seeds. The birds were happy. The children fed the birds all winter!


Yegor has a friend. His name is Artyom Dronov. Egor has been friends with him since first grade. Together Egor and Artyom do homework, play football and computer games.

One day Yegor caught a cold. The doctor prescribed him to drink cough medicine. Egor was lying in bed at home, and Artyom bought the medicine at the pharmacy. All week Artem visited his friend and told him school news.

Yura and Raya

Yura has a rocket. Raya has rackets. In the morning Yura and Raya play with a rocket. Yura rules the rocket, and Raya controls the game. Then they go into the yard and play badminton with Raine's rackets. Yura and Raya love to play with each other.

Cockroach's dream

Roma has a hole in his pocket. Roma stuffs his pocket with food. The cockroach follows Roma and picks up crackers, bagels, fruits and cake crumbs. Today the cockroach will invite his friends to visit, and they will have a huge feast. A hole in a slob's pocket is every cockroach's dream

About the letter R

Author: Lada Kutuzova

Once upon a time, an incredible event happened in the country of Letterland. The letter "R" has lost its hardness! She even began dragging her leg a little. All the letters immediately became nervous and upset, they decided that old age had come to the letter “R”.

“We need to buy her a wand,” the letter “P” suggested excitedly.

“Then it will no longer be the letter “R,” the letter “T” disagreed with her, “but the letter “I,” only mirrored.”

- Horrible! – the letter “O” burst out. – Poor letter “R”, she will soon be unable to stand or walk. It will start crawling like a worm.

The letters began to speak quickly, interrupting each other. Only isolated phrases were heard.

- You need to lubricate your leg with turpentine.

“And I say that the best thing in this matter is fly agaric tincture.”

- Five drops a day!

- And wrap it in a warm scarf...

Suddenly there was silence. A fairy appeared in the clearing where the letters were gathered. She was dressed in a formal business suit, holding a folder in one hand and a handkerchief in the other. The fairy cried loudly:

- Oh, it’s all a new student! He doesn't want to pronounce the letters. I ask him to say “cancer”, and he says “varnish”. He doesn't listen to me at all.

The fairy began to cry again. The letter “A” ran up to her, grabbed a handkerchief and began to wipe away her tears.

- We have to do something! – the letter “U” was indignant. “Otherwise he’ll cripple us all.”

The fact is that the fairy worked as a speech therapist in a regular school. Her name was Anna Ivanovna. She taught the children to name letters correctly. But this time she came across a schoolboy who categorically did not want to study.

- Friends, come on, let’s invite him to visit our country. “Let him see how good we are, how beautiful we sound when we are called correctly,” suggested the letter “Yu.”

The fairy wiped away her tears, opened the folder for papers and read loudly, syllable by syllable:

— Student Fedor Ivanov is called. The case of intentional damage to the letter "R".

A strong wind rose in the clearing and the sky darkened. Then a hole appeared in its very center, from which a boy fell out. He looked to be seven years old. Fedya, that was the name of the schoolboy, was all a little disheveled and rumpled. It looks like he was running around the yard, playing tag with the guys. The boy was not at all afraid that he was in an unfamiliar place. He looked arrogantly at the letters, at the speech therapist and chuckled:

-What kind of theater is this? Are you giving me a show?

This is such a completely ill-mannered and impolite boy.

The letter “b” decided to talk to him in a good way, because next to it all the letters became soft and kind:

- Fedenka, can I ask you? Could you say the letter "R" correctly? Otherwise it is difficult for her to walk. She will turn into a worm so soon.

- Ha-ha-ha, that’s what she needs! - shouted the obnoxious child. – I will deliberately call you all incorrectly. Soon you will all start crawling.

I wonder why he didn’t like the letters? And the country of Literallandia itself was amazing. On tree branches, together with leaves, the letters “O” blossomed, the letters “X” and “F” fell from the snow clouds to the ground, and instead of bridges, the letters “P” and “W” stretched over the rivers, only upside down. But no, Fyodor Ivanov turned out to be indifferent to miracles. Then Anna Ivanovna straightened up to her full height and said sternly:

- You will be punished! From today you can only eat food that contains the letter “R”. But to do this you will have to name it correctly.

The fairy slammed her folder shut and the boy disappeared.

He again found himself in his yard, where he played football with the boys. For some reason I didn’t want to play. Fedya went up to his home.

“To have something like this?” — the boy climbed into the refrigerator.

There were a lot of tasty things in the refrigerator; Fedya’s mother loved to cook. But the trouble is, no matter how much the boy tried, both the cheese and the sausage slipped out of his hands.

“Oh, there you are! - Fedya got angry. “Then I won’t eat anything.”

He watched cartoons and played games, but he wanted to eat more and more.

“Okay,” thought Fedka and said loudly, “fish.”

He just came out with a smile.

“Carrot!”, but it turned out to be “silent.”

The boy had to open his notebook with speech therapy exercises and seriously do his homework.

“Rrrr,” Fedya growled, and each time the growl came out better and better.

“R-rr-r-r, carrots, cheese, rum-baba, fish. Hurray, I did it!” - and the boy rushed to the refrigerator to eat to his fill.

The next day, Fyodor apologized to Anna Ivanovna and letters. They, of course, forgave him and were not angry - after all, Fedka turned out to be a good boy, just stubborn. He became friends with letters and learned to pronounce them beautifully. And when he grew up, he began to write amazing stories, and the letters served him faithfully.

fairy tale with sound Presentation for a speech therapy lesson (senior group) on the topic

Explanatory note.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Vladimir “Kindergarten No. 126 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of children’s development.”

The author of the fairy tale is Litova Irina Dmitrievna.

Position: teacher-speech therapist.

A fairy tale for the development of articulatory motor skills

This fairy tale is intended for children from three years old to seven years old.

The fairy tale helps while working on the sonorant sounds r and r.

The goal is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.


  1. Teach children to correctly perform articulation exercises and control their actions.
  2. Develop communication skills in the “Child – Adult” communication system
  3. Develop the ability to prepare a message in the form of an educational story based on a model. Develop cognitive abilities and creative thinking of children in the speech therapy group
  4. To develop the ability to listen and follow instructions in the “Child-Adult” communication system

Once upon a time there was our cheerful tongue (smile, open your mouth. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Keep it calm for a count of 5. In this exercise, it is important to ensure that the lower lip does not strain and does not pull on the lower teeth). His house is our mouth (open your mouth as wide as possible and hold it in this position for a count of 5, then close your mouth). The house is closed with two doors. The first is the lips (pull your closed lips forward and hold them in this position for a count of 5), and the second is the teeth (smile widely, show closed teeth, in the correct bite, hold for a count of 5).

Our tongue is very hardworking, he started renovations in the house. I decided to paint the ceiling and invited the painter (smile, open your mouth. Use the wide tip of your tongue to stroke the roof of your mouth from your teeth to your throat. The lower jaw should not move), and I also renovated the walls (open your mouth wide, round your lips, move the tip of your tongue up and down the inside of your cheek and down). Now the house smells of paint.

Our tongue looked out into the street (open mouth, stretch sharp, tense tongue forward as far as possible), looked right-left, right-left (open mouth, smile on the count of 1-2, stick out your sharp tongue, touch the right or left corner of your mouth), liked the weather tongue, he decided to sit on his horse and go for a walk, sat on the horse and galloped (smile, open your mouth. Click the tip of your tongue, like horses clicking. The mouth is open, the tongue should be wide. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, and the lower jaw remained motionless).

Oh! Stop the horse quickly (take air into your lungs and blow it out forcefully, making your lips vibrate: prrrrrrr)! They almost crushed the fungus, look how beautiful it is (smile, open your mouth. Suck your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth. This is the cap of the mushroom, and the hyoid ligament is the leg. The tip of the tongue should not turn up, the lips should be in a smile. If the child cannot suck the tongue, then You can click your tongue, as in the “Horse” exercise (the clicking of the tongue captures the desired movement of the tongue). We need to collect it, let's take a basket and put the mushroom in it (smile, open your mouth, put your wide tongue on your lower lip, bend the side edges of your tongue into a cup shape. Hold for a count of 5. The lower lip should fit your lower teeth). But the tongue bent down only for one mushroom, and there, behind it, was another (same thing), and another (same thing)! The tongue collected all the mushrooms and then galloped away (smile, open your mouth. Click the tip of your tongue, like horses clicking. The mouth is open, the tongue should be wide. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, and the lower jaw remains motionless).

Stop the horse (take air into your lungs and blow it out forcefully, causing your lips to vibrate: prrrrrrr). We saw the tongue of our friend - a woodpecker, he is sitting on a tree and knocking on the tree (smile, open your mouth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the sound d-d-d. The tongue rests on the upper teeth when pronouncing this sound, the mouth should not close), said hello the woodpecker is with us in his own language (the same), and the tongue also knows the bird’s language and also greeted the woodpecker in his language (the same). They greeted each other, and the tongue continued to gallop (smile, open your mouth. Click the tip of your tongue, like horses clicking. The mouth is open, the tongue should be wide. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, and the lower jaw remains motionless).

Oh! Stop the horse quickly (take air into your lungs and blow it out forcefully, making your lips vibrate: prrrrrrr)! Almost hit a mosquito! The mosquito greeted us in its own language (smile, open your mouth. Raise your tongue by the upper teeth, pronounce the sound z for a long time (if the child knows how to pronounce it correctly), and the tongue also greeted the mosquito in its language (the same) and then galloped away (smile , open your mouth. Click the tip of your tongue, like a horse clicking. The mouth is open, the tongue should be wide. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not tuck inward, and the lower jaw remains motionless).

We galloped to the garage. Stop the horse (take air into your lungs and blow it out forcefully, causing your lips to vibrate: prrrrrrr). Our truck is in the garage, shall we drive it home? Then you need to bring the horse into the back, not leave it. Start the horse (click your tongue, but slowly). We got a horse. Now you need to load the basket with mushrooms. Take our basket (smile, open your mouth, place your wide tongue on your lower lip, bend the side edges of your tongue into a cup shape. Hold for a count of 5. The lower lip should fit your lower teeth). Let's check if all the mushrooms are in place (perform the exercise 3 times in a row: Smile, open your mouth. Sucker your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth). And we will invite guests to our place.

The tongue of the mosquito began to call (smile, open your mouth. Raise your tongue by the upper teeth, pronounce the sound z for a long time). A mosquito responded and flew into the car (same thing). And the woodpecker’s tongue also decided to call (smile, open your mouth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the sound d-dd-d. The tongue rests on the upper teeth when pronouncing this sound, the mouth should not close), and the woodpecker answered the tongue, yes, it flew to the car (then same).

Everyone is here! Now let's start the engine and go home (while pronouncing the sound d-d-d or z-z-z for a long time, make quick oscillatory movements with the flat handle of a teaspoon, a wooden spatula, a pacifier, or simply with the clean, straight index finger of the child himself. side).

About the letter R

The letter R was the most joyful letter in the Alphabet! Of course, “joy” and all joyful words begin with the letter P! That's why the letter P always walked around and sang a song:

- Ra-ra-ra! Ra-ra-ra!

I'm glad this morning!

The letter P also helped boys and girls learn to pronounce it correctly. It is very difficult. Not everyone succeeds. Some people spend their entire lives pronouncing the letter R incorrectly. And there is even a whole country, France, where everyone pronounces the letter R completely differently. In French, not Russian. Therefore, it is important for children to learn how to pronounce the letter R.

The word “Motherland” and the word “Russia” and “Russian language” also begin with this letter! That's how important the letter R is.

But, although she was important, she was not at all self-important, but was simple and kind.

One day the letter P went for a walk and reached a river. The river was so clean, beautiful, and fish swam there. The letter R began to swim, dive and play with the fish.

So they happily played and had fun for a long time, and then the letter R swam ashore and began to change clothes. And suddenly she felt that someone was moving in her swimsuit.

- Oh! Who could it be? - exclaimed the letter R and took out... Who did you think? Goldfish!

She was so beautiful, bright orange, like the sun, and spoke in a human voice.

- Oh, fish, swim quickly to your river, you can’t be without water! - and the letter P quickly released the fish into the river.

And the fish says to her:

- Thank you, letter R! Because you are so kind and joyful, I will fulfill one of your wishes, your strongest! Speak!

The letter R thought about it. What was her strongest desire? She thought and thought, and then she said:

“I want all the kids, all the girls and boys, all the moms and dads, everyone big and small, adults and children, all the people on planet Earth to never be sad again, but to rejoice like me!”

The Goldfish was thinking here.

- Wow, you have a very big desire, as big as the whole planet! But I will still try to fulfill it. It will only be fulfilled gradually. At first, everyone who reads this fairy tale will stop crying and begin to rejoice at everything. Then those who live next to them. And then everyone else. Joy, it sells out quickly! If one person is happy and happy, then everyone will be too!

The fish said so and swam away.

And the letter R, joyful and happy, ran to her home to rest.

She went to bed and had an interesting dream. It’s as if she flew into space on a big rocket and arrived on the planet of Joy, where everyone is just happy and doesn’t even know what grief and sadness are. Everyone is so happy and contented. It was as if our letter R stayed there for a while and came back. She got into the rocket and flew back to Earth, home. And she said to the inhabitants of that planet:

– I will fly to Earth, help people, teach them to enjoy life! Enjoy the sun that rises every day, enjoy the beautiful blue sky! And white clouds!

And blue seas! And green plains and fields! And beautiful flowers! And the chirping of birds! And rain! And the wind! And to all living things!

Just be happy!

Let's help the letter R and enjoy this wonderful life on our wonderful planet Earth!

Author - Daria Luch

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