Poems about the letter P - a complete selection of interesting poems

Poems about the letter "R" by famous authors

The letter R is growling, simply wonderful. With this letter, trills are loved by whistlers.

Author: Zelenaya K.


For the letter P, Santa Claus will draw a bouquet of roses.

Author: Krasnikova I.


Crayfish, fishing, angler, Fish, river... so many words! Say, as an example, at least a word with the letter R.

Author: Laktionov V.


The letter is like the Rolling Thunder, like a Lion's Roar in the desert. I'm studying this letter, but it's hard for me to say it.

I learned from the crow “KaR-R-R-R!!!” scream at home today. And then, when I was writing, I repeated “R-R-R” all the time.

All day long in the apartment there is roaring, croaking and screaming. By the evening, “er-R-R” was able to say, sing, and also read.

Author: Anoshina V.


She will tell, for example. About Turnip and Rybka. Guys, this is the letter P - We will say without error.

Author: Manfish A.


The crow says: - Car-r-r! I have a huge gift. I am an example to all the guys, the letter R is not difficult for me.

Author: Mokhorev A.


There is a circle hanging on a stick, Everything is the size of a letter, It’s like a small flag In the notebook there is the letter R.

Author: Rain S.


If you take the word “Game”, there is a letter “RA” at the end! You wave your hand in response: “There is no such letter “RA”!” If you take the word “Metro”, there is a letter “RO” at the end!

You wave your hand again: “There is no such letter “RO”!” If you take the word “Barrier”, there is a letter “ER” at the end! This is the correct example: - There is such a Letter “ER”!

Author: Manzhos N.


The sea crayfish lives in the Shell, the Lynx lives in the oak tree at the edge of the forest, the fish lives in the River, and the hazel grouse lives in the grass in the meadow.

Author: Varteresyants E.


A fish swims in the river, Fishermen are not far away. They catch crayfish and fish, They delight the cat with fish.

Author: Punko N.


Rita wrote with a pen, Rose drew with paint: This is the Rainbow, Its beauty makes us happy!

Author: Atilla S.


I want to roar in the morning, I've been walking for three days now, I'm roaring. Mom asks me:

- Why do you growl for three days? - Maybe you are a stern lion? - No! — Is there such a chorus in the song? No! -Are you a flying helicopter? - No!

- So the bear in the forest is roaring? - No! —Are you a huge Truck? No! — Is this the tiger’s evil Roar? - No! - Why, my baby?

Have you been growling for three days now? - Mom, how can I remain silent? I learned to growl. I've been pronouncing the letter “R” for three days now!

Author: Bredikhin V.


We bought red roses at the Market for MaRinka.

Author: Limonova N.


Like a stately gentleman, R stood up with her arms akimbo. “R-r-r” roars the Robber Lynx, You can’t just say to her: “Scram!”

Author: Ivanov S.


The cancer found a hole in the River and began to hide in it in the heat. And when evening comes, Cancer walks along the bottom of the River.

Author: Tselishchev S.


Early and early, fishermen catch fish near the river. They came across a crayfish, a shell, a pen, a radio, and a toy. steering wheel, shirt, carved chair. And not a single fish!

Author: Gorenburgova R.


Roma played Robot, lifted up his hands, jumped on straight legs, inspired fear in his friends. He growled like a terrible beast,

But he hit the door... The robot no longer growled, Roma wiped away his tears. The guys invited Roma the Robot to play pirate...

Author: Schott K.


The stream is babbling and flowing. The brook is striving for the River. Like a little boat, a red leaf rushes down the Stream.

Author: Lebedeva N.


The fish got crazy in the morning, the crayfish immediately got angry. And the shells opened up, opened up like old women.

Author: Smiles D.


They asked Cancer the Fish to play the violin for them. For THREE weeks, as best they could, Cancer played, and the Fishes sang.

Author: Mikhailovna I.


Pisces became friends with Cancer and settled next door. The fish swims forward, but Cancer, on the contrary.

Author: Belova V.


A gray mole digs the ground - Destroys the garden.

Author: Samuel Marshak


Chamomiles grow in a field. Chamomiles grow in the wild. They are flowers of the field, cheerful and lively.

Author: Goryunova I.


Fishes swim in the pond, I will swim and I will find them.

Author: Ditkovskaya I.



I like any roll. I’ll stroke his back: Tell me the secret, what’s the filling?

Author: Slutskaya L.


Letter P

Seryozha is five years old in January, So far he’s four, five, But grown-up kids are playing with him in the yard.

And how on a sled, for example, He boldly flies from the mountains! For Seryozha, only the letter “r” spoils things a bit.

My sister is angry with her brother. Her name is Marina. And he stands in the middle of the yard, shouting: - Where are you, Malina?

She repeats: “Press your tongue, press it tighter to the roof of your mouth!” - He, like a diligent student, takes up his studies.

Marina repeats: “Cancer”, “stream”. Marina teaches her brother. He repeats: “Varnish”, “rays”, - Sighing guiltily.

She repeats: - Say “subway”, We’ll go to my uncle in the subway. “No,” he answers slyly, “We’d better get on the bus.”

It’s not so easy to say “belt”, “Frost”, “river”, “cold”! But one day in January, a miracle happened in the morning.

The older sister sneezed, He shouted: - Be healthy! - But he couldn’t say this word just yesterday.

Now he loves the letter “r”, Shouts while riding down the slide: - Hurray! I am a brave pioneer! I will live in the USSR, study for A grades!

Author: Agnia Barto



There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky. Close your eyes! The rain is over. The grass is shining, there is a rainbow in the sky.

Author: S. Marshak.



- Kar! - the crow screams. - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing!

The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket! Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful box.

- Stop, crow, don’t scream. Don't shout, be quiet. You can't live without deception. You don't have a pocket.

- How! – the crow jumped and blinked in surprise. - Why didn’t you say so before! Guard! My pocket was stolen!

Author: V. Orlov.



The mongrel came out of the barn into the rain. The mongrel has become raw and raw. For a long time the mongrel dried himself, sighing. Became a mongrel

Dry-dry. The mongrel came out of the barn again. Again the mongrel Raw-raw. And it’s hard to tell on paper how unlucky this poor mongrel was!

Author: N. Slepakova.


Yesterday the monkeys told me that you traveled to distant countries, where toys grow on trees and cheesecakes fall from the sky.

So I came here to listen to wonderful toys and eat heavenly cheesecakes.

Author: K. Chukovsky.


The letter R is lost. Where? On a tram, for example. Or didn't we pick her up from the yard yesterday? Dropped in a grocery store

Didn't find it behind the door in the house? Or hidden (check!) in a printed envelope? Maybe the policeman will give us the letter R?

But Masha said loudly: “Our letter has been found!” Look how simple it is: Fish! Cancer! Hand! Rocket!

Author: V. Tvorogova.


Digging a hole, the old mole loosened our garden.

Author: L. Ulyanitskaya


All day and night the mole digs an underground passage. What does the mole need there? Darker darkness.

Author: A. Kondratyev


Fuck-fuck-gobble! Thunder rolled in the mountains. Thundered over the black cloud, Roared over the red steep, Let thunder rumble in the mountains! Let's go for a walk anyway!

Author: S. Pogorelovsky.


Ruff gave a gun loaded with a cork to a timid fish. Since then, the pugnacious black cancer has not started fights with her.

Author: G. Sapgir.


For a fish, cancer is neither a friend nor an enemy. Fish are unlikely to be afraid of cancer. The fish is afraid of the worm that is attached to the hook.

Author: V. Lunin.


Beavers live in our river, Beavers are cheerful, beavers are kind. Dam builders are wise Beavers are river dwellers.

Author: V. Livshits.


The rhinoceros butts with its horn, Don't joke with the rhinoceros.

Author: S. Marshak.


In a quiet river.

In a quiet river near the pier, a fish met a fish: “Hello!” - Hello! - How are you?

— I was fishing. I fished for a fisherman, Uncle Petya - an eccentric. - Where is your fisherman? Gotcha? - No, the sly one has left! Broke it.

Author: E. Chepovetsky.



It’s a simple way for us to travel through the city by metro: No cars or pedestrians, Crossroads, crossings - The path is laid underground. The fastest and most direct.

Author: I. Lopukhina.



The tram rattles, the tram rings, it rushes quickly along the rails. It will reach in any direction. Who wants to go for a ride?

Author: I. Lopukhina.



A rotary-wing helicopter is preparing to fly. No acceleration, no run-up: We untwisted the propeller - And into the sky!

Author: I. Lopukhina.



Left, right! Left, right! A detachment is going to the parade. A detachment is going to the parade.

The drummer is very happy. He drums and drums for an hour and a half straight.

Author: A. Barto


Through a transparent ball.

I hold a transparent red ball on a string and look at everything around me through the transparent ball.

I see a red river, and a red ball of the sun, and a lot, a lot of red, as if everything is a fire.

Author: N. Sidelnikova.


Egor and Fly Agaric.

Egor walked through the forest and saw that a fly agaric had grown. “Even though he’s handsome, I won’t take him,” Yegor said out loud in the forest. - You said it right, Egor! - this is how Bor answered him.

Author: A. Prokofiev



The light birch trees are happy, happy, happy, and roses grow on them with joy. The dark aspen trees are happy, happy, happy, And oranges grow on them with joy. It wasn’t rain coming from the cloud or hail, it was grapes falling from the cloud.

Author: K. Chukovsky.


Vice versa.

Fish swims in the sea. The cat is sitting on the fence. A mole is burrowing underground. Well, what if it’s the other way around?

For the fish to be on the fence, for the mole to end up in the sea, for the cat to burrow into the ground? It won't work the other way around!

The fish will fly down and kill itself, the mole will drown, the cat will suffocate. Because the “opposite” does not lead to good.

Author: M. Kudinov.


Fisherman and worm.

— How long have you been fishing on the Dnieper, fisherman? — I came here early at dawn. -Where is the fish? - I asked the fisherman. - I didn’t catch it - I taught a worm to swim!

Author: G. Boyko.


At the lesson

Vera stood at the board, unable to solve the example. She looked at the ceiling and twirled the chalk in her hands.

I saw that things were bad, and I wanted to help her. Even though the example has now been resolved, I’m the only one who got out the door.

Did I give you a hint? Of course not. I showed the correct answer on my fingers.

Author: M. Plyatskovsky.



Nata and Yegorka were buying a grater. “What a grater,” my brother whispers. - We'll take it! - We won’t take it! –

Nata objects. - The grater has holes! We'll go around the city, maybe we'll find a kisser!

Author: A. Klyushev.



Empty buckets are lazy buckets. They are reluctant to go for water: The weather is very frosty today, It’s cold to dive headlong into an ice hole.

Author: V. Stepanov.


Firstly, the dog is slightly annoyed that the dacha is surrounded by a high fence. After all, if it weren’t for this nasty fence, the cats would have a different conversation.

Author: B. Zakhoder.

How to teach a child to say “rrrr”?

First, we’ll show you how you can hold a berry or a small ball on the tip of your tongue, like on a spoon. You can have fun by making a cup out of your tongue and pouring water into it - a good speech therapy exercise.

Next, we touch the upper teeth with the edge of this cup. Muscles must be trained to pronounce sounds correctly.

If the cup just doesn’t work out, you’ll have to break the rules of good manners and start by licking the plates. This is a very good training for the tongue, and where the natural desire to lick the remnants of ice cream from a saucer was not cut off by a stern shout, and tongue twisters generally do not pose any difficulty:

  • "Greek rode across the river…"
  • “Three hundred and thirty-three tractor drivers...”
  • “The blackbird gave the black jackdaw a bunch of blueberries...”
  • “Karl stole from Clara...”
  • “Thieving crows stole the jam...”
  • “The ships tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack...”
  • “The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground...”
  • “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass...”
  • “Four little black, grimy little devils...”
  • “Osip is hoarse, and Arkhip is hoarse...”
  • “Once upon a time there were three Chinese Yak, Yak-Tsi-Drak and Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni...”
  • “In the depths of the tundra, Otters in spats are digging into buckets for kernels of cedars...”
  • “Three hundred tourists cracked the cod three hundred times…”
  • “Dawn charges, infection infects. Look with contempt at the infection at dawn..."
  • “The census rewrote the three times rewritten census results...”
  • “Ivan the Terrible dreamed that the dirty Ivans were formidable...”
  • “The townspeople have piled up, the suburbs are raking…” and so on.

By training the tongue muscles for diction every day, we will also train breathing. Place a sheet of paper against the wall and ask to blow on it so that it is pressed and does not fall down. Ask to tilt the candle flame without extinguishing it, and to keep the flame tilted longer. Play football by blowing a cotton ball around with your breath. Make a spray bottle from two tubes for spraying flowers. Teach how to disperse water with your mouth the way housewives did before the advent of an iron with a steamer.

When the edge of the “cup” of the tongue is easily held against the alveoli, you can move your little finger or the tip of a pen under the tongue from side to side as you exhale. The result is a kind of “r”, which quite easily turns into a normal “r” sound, especially after “t”, as in the word “grass”. Sometimes the “r” appears as a little trick in response to a request to say “d” a hundred times in a row as quickly as possible. And it doesn’t matter that in a dispute with counting the number “d” in a minute, not “d” but “r” will win, there would be a result.

After the language begins to be heard and the sound “r” is heard, the question arises of changing the habit. A child who habitually grades has no need to relearn; everything sounds good to him anyway. Even elegant in its own way. What if you throw your head back?

And then it turns out that the small tongue does not work in this position, but a real Russian growl with the fluttering of the tip of the tongue at the edge of the upper teeth works perfectly. After several trainings with the head thrown back, the burr goes away.

Photo: Depositphotos

But it’s not easy to agree with your child about such training. But you can play car with him. The car’s engine growls, but the car itself cannot see what’s ahead. We put our hand on the back of the neck, lean the child’s head back on our hand and lead him while he growls, that is, while the motor is running. The more interest there is, the more simple obstacles there are on the way of the “car” and the closer the comments are to the situation on the road. At the same time, it would be good for an adult to pronounce the letter “R” in an exaggerated manner.

Well, then again tongue twisters for diction. For example:

  • Those who speak tongue twisters are tongue twisters.
  • Those who study the skill of tongue talkers are tongue talkers.
  • Those who like to read fast talkers are speed talkers.
  • Those who hate fast-talking Novedophiles are fast-talking Novedophilophobes.
  • Those who eat fast-talking Novedophilophobes are fast-talking Novedophilophobophages.
  • Those who are fighting against the fast-talking Novedophilophobophages are anti-short-talking Novedophilophobophages.
  • Those who pretend to be anti-skorogovorunovedophilophobophages are quasi anti-skorogorunovedophilophobophages!

In principle, “R” is developed on various rules of the Russian language, on theorems of geometry, on Stories about historical patterns, about Radio and Radar, about garages, about Crafts, about professions from fisherman to programmer.

Offer your child an attentiveness exercise: you need to cross out “r” and “l” in the text; this is a good way to practice distinguishing similar sounds, in which the organs of articulation make the necessary micro-movements. At the same time, perhaps, there will be phrases with a very frequent “r” sound for new tongue twisters, which can be posted on special sites (at least Skorogorov.ru) for other tongue twisters. Children really like the rolling sonorous sound “r”, and they happily compose or repeat rhymes with it:

Digging a hole, the old mole loosened our garden. L. Ulyanitskaya

Rainbow There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky. Close your eyes! The rain is over. The grass is shining, there is a rainbow in the sky. S. Marshak

About ostriches Ostriches build nests on the sidelines. These funnels look strange. They dig holes in the sand quickly and easily. Slender, tall birds.

Drum Left, right! Left, right! A detachment is going to the parade. A detachment is going to the parade. The drummer is very happy. He drums and drums for an hour and a half straight. A. Barto

Verochka with Egorka By the fire under the hill Verochka with Egorka. Verochka and Yegorka repeat tongue twisters.

Their conversation is agile, quick and rapid:

“An officer is marching, an engineer is reporting, a fire is burning,” Vera and Egor are happy.

Crow - Kar! - the crow screams. - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing! The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket! Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful box.

- Stop, crow, don’t scream. Don't shout, be quiet. You can't live without deception, you don't have a pocket.

- How! - The crow jumped and blinked in surprise. - Why didn’t you say so before! Guard! My pocket was stolen! V. Orlov

The letter P is lost Where? On a tram, for example. Or didn't we pick her up from the yard yesterday? Dropped in a grocery store, Didn't find it behind the door in the house?

Or hidden (check!) in a printed envelope? Maybe the policeman will give us the letter R?

But Masha said loudly: “Our letter has been found!” Look how simple it is: Fish! Cancer! Hand! Rocket! V. Tvorogova

Olesik always had trouble with the letter “er”. Says “cancer” - comes out “varnish”. Instead of "rye" - it turns out to be "lie".

He learned to growl from a puppy who was angry. And now, in spite of misfortune, he pronounces “er” everywhere:

“Crocodir” and “Morotok”, “Moroko” and “boxes”. At the zoo there is “roar” and “rvitsa”... Who can we learn “el” from? N. Timchak

Try adding your own, maybe it will work?

Tags: pronouncing the letter r, tongue twisters for diction, speech therapy exercises, articulation, diction, pronunciation of sounds, teaching children

Project “City of Letters” - all about the letter “R” for 1st grade

Project goal: To get acquainted with all the letters of the Russian alphabet and choose your favorite letter.
Draw and talk about her character, as well as behavior in the City of Letters, having learned about her from the works of the textbook “Literary Reading”. Make a letter layout, prepare a report for a speech and a presentation with illustrations. Project execution plan:

  1. My favorite letter
  2. Let's make a letter layout from cardboard.
  3. Character of the letter "R".
  4. Poems about the letter "R".
  5. Riddles about the letter "R".
  6. Text about the letter “P” for the Museum of Letters.
  7. An example of a finished presentation.

Report to the project

I chose the letter “P” for the Museum of Letters. Because she is my favorite. Various writers have said a lot of interesting things about this letter.

The word Rocket begins with the letter R, about which in V. Danko’s poem it is said that it flew around the Moon.

The letter P is a consonant and cannot be sung. And in F. Krivin’s story about the letter R it is said that it Roars.

The bear growled and roared in G. Sapgir's poem.

In S. Marshak's poem, the word Lynx, who loved to invite others to close their mouths, begins with the letter P.

Also, the words Mind, Reality, Rainbow begin with this letter.

Tongue twisters that will help you get rid of burr

Incorrect pronunciation of the letter “r” haunts every second preschool child. Problems with diction develop an inferiority complex: such children are laughed at, pointed at and called “French.” The speech of an adult with a burr looks at least ridiculous, and the burr may remain forever... Pronunciation can be improved by practicing special tongue twisters for burrs.

Preparing to memorize tongue twisters is a painstaking and responsible task. Initially, you will need to practice the pronunciation of the sound “r” in syllables, and only then move on to words and difficult words:

  • Pronounce the syllables: ra, rya, re, re, ru, ryu, ro, ryo, ri, ry, ry. Repeat at least 10 times, changing the sequence if desired.
  • Come up with words based on syllables: rainbow, ripple, rex, turnip, hand, glass, rum, ribs, rice, fish, zealously. Repeat the words several times to practice pronunciation. You can choose other words that are longer and more complex.
  • Choose any tongue twister and start working on memorizing it. Exercises will not take much time: 15 minutes a day is enough for even the busiest person.

In the Russian language there are hundreds of tongue twisters for burrs. They can consist of two or three words, or they can be long. Beginners are advised to start with small and simple phrases:

  • The king is an eagle, the eagle is a king. This is the most difficult exercise for burrs. The text should be pronounced at a fast pace at least 10 times. Don't give up if confusion occurs. Patience and a little effort!
  • Beavers are kind, beavers are cheerful. To practice this tongue twister, it is necessary to distinguish the meaning of two adjectives that are presented in the text: kind and cheerful. Say them several times, and only then add the beavers.
  • In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight. It just so happens that crayfish are the favorite heroes of hard-tongues for burrs. Before memorizing this text, say the words “darkness,” “cancer,” and “fight.” There is a second comic version of the proverb: “In the darkness of the river, foolish crayfish fight.”
  • Libretto by Rigoletto. If it seems to you that these are made-up and completely incomprehensible words, you are unlikely to understand art. The opera “Rigoletto” was written by the famous composer Giuseppe Verdi, and the words to it, that is, the libretto, were written by Francesco Maria Piave. If opera still doesn’t interest you, memorize these two words: they will perfectly help you practice the letter “r”.
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. This difficult-to-talker has long passed into the status of Russian folk, since its text is included in all collections. The main task when memorizing it is not to confuse the letters in the words “in the yard” and “firewood”.

After memorizing these short tongue twisters, you will be able to move on to longer and more difficult ones. Burr is not a death sentence, but a completely solvable problem that does not always require the intervention of a speech therapist. All you need is a little time, patience, perseverance, and the result will not keep you waiting!

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