Poems about the letter U - a selection of funny children's poems

Funny poems for children about the letter “U”

Letter U - Boa constrictor Plato Meryl a new coat. A very big Boa Constrictor - Won’t fit in your sleeve

Author: Zelenaya K.


The letter U is in the corner. She looks sad. Apparently the letter was punished. For what? They didn't tell us...

Author: Manzhos N.


The letter U SMILED on a cool morning at the motley ducklings, and at the ducklings quacking together, and at the snail in a round shell.

Author: Magfish A.


The letter U would have time to learn a lesson in the morning.

Author: Krasnikova I.


I have the Letter U. You have the Letter U. He has the Letter U. She has the Letter U. Where else is there the Letter U? Let us know, AU!!!

Author: Manzhos N.


Ulyana teaches the snail diligently. Clever Ulya, the snail is stubborn.

Author: Melnikov S.


At the gate, at the gate In the morning we met snails. They smile at the ducklings, the mother duck and the ducklings.

Author: Punko N.


Already Smiled at the Snail, And Already Smiled at the Snail. Already politely walked away, Already crawled away.

Author: Marshalova T.


Grandfather's mustache is for beauty. The cat is growing a MUSTACHE... Why does a cat need a MUSTACHE, since they are not for beauty?

Author: Mishutin A.


The snail was cleaning the hut in the morning. I stocked up on coal - both in the chest and in the tub. I pushed the iron and tub, unnecessary utensils, and a cast iron grip into the corner. Dried Dill Placed Everywhere.

Then she washed the dishes in the Washbasin... Before Dinner, the Snail worked in the house. And then she said with a Tired Smile: “Let them see my Cozy House in the forest - I will carry it with me on a walk.”

Author: Radchenko N.


Duck In the morning at the gate, I saw how the snails, from the eared kangaroos, crawled into the kennel

Author: Smiles D.


The hoopoe teased the crocodile with its milk. The hoopoe was swallowed by the crocodile. The hoopoe was not the first to fish for a crocodile; the crocodile's belly is filled with ouds.

Author: Nikolaevich I.


On the street the snail saw a snake. She found out and said with a smile: Our harvest was a great success. I'm waiting for you for dinner. He answered the snail: Hurray! Hooray! I'll come!

Author: Gorenburgova R.


The student learned his lessons - His cheeks were stained with ink.

Author: Samuel Marshak


Ears should not freeze, children's ears are important! Children hear fairy tales with them, they also hear hints with them,

And you can shut them up, only very carefully. If mom scolds us, then she won’t be heard.

Author: Goryunova I.


A snail invites guests into the house, but how to accommodate friends?

Author: Ditkovskaya I.



Early in the morning, fishermen are fishing by the river. If the catch is not nonsense, the fish soup will be delicious.

Author: Slutskaya L.


The letter U SMILED on a cool morning at the motley ducklings, and at the ducklings quacking together, and at the snail in a round shell.

Author: Magfish A.


You will find a twig in any forest And you will see the letter U. And on the top of the bunny’s head,

How funny my ears stick out. U is a slingshot, everything is clear here, it’s dangerous to shoot from it!

Author: Magfish A.


The Platypus was surprised that it was frosty outside.

Author: D. Smiles


VINEGAR is not eaten or drunk, this product cannot be taken! Vinegar is an acid, always be careful!

Author: V. Antoshina


Restless ducks circle over the lake, Why don’t they sit on the water for a long time?

What alarmed them, what scared them, what made them fly, what lifted them into the sky?

Maybe the cheating fox is offending the Ducks? Maybe a hungry gray wolf is walking through the forest?

No, we blamed them in vain, And the fox and the wolf, It’s just that a hunter came into the forest with his double-barreled shotgun.

Author: M. Mikhalev


Apricot is not a fruit, apricot is a product - Dried apricot. The apricot itself grew in the south. What tastes better - the question is?

Author: E. Martishin

Poems about the letters “L”, “M”, “N”, “O” for 1st grade

Poem about the letters “L”
Poems about the letters “L”, “M”, “N”, “O” for 1st grade:

The letter L came to visit us, Larisa found it for us, gave it to Lena, Alla, and did you recognize it?

The moose loves the calf, the fox loves the fox. Mother lioness is proud of the lion cub. And for the frog, Her little frog is the best of the best... Just think, a lion cub!

It’s not difficult to know this letter. Whoever has been in the subway at least once? In the evenings, the letter M shines for all of us Between the houses.

Bear rushes on a moped to the Store for raspberries. Eh, Bear would have a car, he would give Mom a ride.

To pronounce the letter N, put your tongue to the sky, sing it alone: ​​This is the news - well, well!

I have known the letter N for a long time - Since childhood they have been telling me: “But, but!” And as I grew up, now the answer I often hear is: “No!” "Don't want!" And mom: “We must!” In general, we don’t get along with the letter N. I would erase N from the alphabet, but my name is Nikita...

The letter O is known to everyone, You can’t do without it at all, Remove the letter O And you will go without a coat. The cat will disappear, the house and the catfish, You won’t roll the snowy cat. You won't find a nut in the forest, Without her there is only laughter.

"ABOUT!" - said the letter “O”, “Everyone has known me for a long time, I look like a lot: Like a ring, a bagel too, A circle, a bun. Wheel, moon, flower - Dandelion or chamomile... On a plate with semolina!”

Riddles starting with the letter U

Ulyana the snail's entire lawn is overgrown with weeds. I don’t have time to mow the weeds – I have to move the house. And opening the gate, a snail crawled. It crawls along the path, carrying the little house on its back. He will crawl a little and hide his horns in the house. He sleeps in his own house and dreams about the letter... (U)

These riddles need to be continued by substituting the required letter into the rhyme. Author: I. Ageeva, A. Khrebtyugov.

I found a twig in the forest, It looks like a letter...

If I make sponges with a very thin tube, then make a sound, then you will hear the letter...

The author of this riddle is N. Punko, it needs to be continued in rhyme, substituting the desired letter

A duck in the morning at the gate Smiling at the snail, Picking his nose In the picture with the letter... In this riddle you must first guess the words in question, and then the letter with which these words begin.

This letter can tell children about everything in the world, catch crucian carp in the river, carry their house in a backpack. Answer: letter U (teacher, fishing rod, snail)

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children:

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren
ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren:

What's happened? What's happened? The alphabet fell off the stove!

The leg was painfully dislocated. The capital letter M, G hit a little, F completely crumbled!

The letter U its crossbar! Finding herself on the floor, she broke her tail !

F , poor thing, it’s so swollen - There’s no way to read it! The letter P has been turned upside down - Turned into a soft sign!

The letter C completely closed - It turned into the letter O. The letter A, when it woke up, Didn’t recognize anyone!

Sad, sleepy, cheerless , our Hedgehog came from school, sat down at the table, yawned once and fell asleep over his books.

Then three words appeared: “Orange”, “Pine”, “Ring”.

All three of them came up and said: “What is it? What have you, Jerzy, done to us? We'll complain to mom!"

“I,” exclaimed “Orange,” “I’m not an “Orange”!” “I,” “Ring” burst into tears, “I’m not “Cripple”!”

“I,” Sosna got angry, “I’m outraged to the point of tears!” You can only write from a dream that I am “Sasna”!”

“We, the words, are offended by the fact that they are so distorted! Hedgehog! Hedgehog! Stop being lazy! This is no good way to study!

It is impossible to get an education without attention! It will be late! Just know it! The lazy person will become ignorant!

If you even once again cripple us, boy, we will act cool with you. Treasuring our honor, the name Hedgehog will be transformed into Hedgehog in half a minute!

You will be a prickly hedgehog! This is how we’ll teach you a lesson!”

Jerzy shuddered, was horrified, stretched and woke up. Suppressed a yawn and got to work.

Poems about the letters “P”, “R”, “S”, “T” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “P”
Poems about the letters “P”, “R”, “S”, “T” for 1st grade:

For the letter P we have sand, And a tomato, and a cockerel, Bubbles, gifts And a pony in the zoo.

Ooh-ooh, ahi-ahi - They spun the yarn with a spinner's spinning wheel. The strands were spun, the spinners sang, the spinners simply puffed.

The letter R is a sail on the mast, floating into the distance, touching the sky.

The letter R is growling, simply wonderful. Waxwings love trills with this letter.

The sea crayfish lives in a shell, the lynx lives in an oak tree at the edge of the forest, the fish lives in the river, the hazel grouse lives in the grass in the meadow.

I love the letter C very much, I write “Son” from the letter C. What else? Go ahead and say it! Juice, and sun, and a bench.

The elephant had a terrible dream, that he slept through his breakfast. Pineapple salad Forty-seven baby elephants ate.

The hammer knocks: “Knock-knock!” To the letter T I am an old friend.”

T looks like an antenna And it looks like an umbrella too.

Three newts taught the alphabet, They received thirty-three letters, Pumpkin, shoe, notebook, Everyone needs to know the letter T.

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