Psychospeech development delay (PSRD) is a group of disorders that are united by clinical symptoms of delayed development of speech and psyche. These include expressive and receptive speech disorders, unspecified diagnoses, as well as mixed specific disorders in the field of human psychological development (specific disorders of speech development, school skills, motor functions without a predominance of one of the symptoms to be able to make an accurate diagnosis).
They are usually associated with atypical functioning of the central nervous system, which ultimately leads to changes in the pace of all mental development and affects the following components:
- memory;
- attention;
- thinking;
- speech;
- emotional-volitional sphere;
- behavior.
Delayed psycho-speech development is not synonymous with a child’s mental retardation. The key difference is that mental retardation can be corrected and compensated for, while mental retardation cannot be corrected. Difficulties may arise if you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, because... speech problems and cognitive deficits are steadily increasing.
ZPRD syndrome is determined by a doctor (psychiatrist, neurologist) based on the symptoms present. After determining the type of psycho-speech delay, an individual correction plan is developed, as well as a possible referral to a specialized kindergarten, school or development group (if we are talking about a combined institution).
What is FGR in children? Treatment of cervical cancer in Russia, Saratov
SRD is a delay in speech development in children , a delay in speech development. SRD is characterized by a lag in speech development from the age norm.
Sarklinik provides treatment for cerebral cancer in Russia , treatment for cerebral cancer in Saratov .
New methods of treating mental retardation activate the speech centers of the brain, improve speech development, improve diction, increase vocabulary (the number of words used), and improve the acquisition of new speech skills. The doctor will tell you what the diagnosis of mental retardation , how treatment is carried out, diagnosis, correction of mental retardation , what to do, how to treat mental retardation at any age (at 2 years old, at 3 years old, at 4 years old, at 5 years old, at 6 years old, at 7 years and older), how to cure mental retardation, whether classes with children are needed if the child has a delay in speech development , why speech delay , speech disorders , as well as how to restore and improve speech development, what is general speech underdevelopment (GSD) , alalia, alexia (dyslexia), aphasia. If your baby is different from others, be sure to visit a doctor. An experienced specialist will see developmental abnormalities in the child, prescribe an examination and provide the necessary therapy.
Why does it occur
The very name socio-pedagogical disorder explains the etiology and indicates the factors contributing to the occurrence of pathology. Causes of delay in speech development:
- adults ignoring the baby, the child has no one to talk to;
- hyperprotection, in which you don’t need to ask for anything, everything will be given;
- unhealthy atmosphere within the family, constant conflicts between parents;
- Mom and dad communicate in different languages.
In families where the baby’s only interlocutor is the TV, vocabulary is limited to phrases from cartoons. Excessive lisp also provokes a negative reaction. The baby's use of gestures and facial expressions to obtain the necessary information can alert parents. He attracts attention to himself with various sound signals, and can tug on adults’ clothes to stimulate attention.
Delayed psycho-speech development, psycho-speech development, mental retardation in children
Delayed psycho-speech development in children , delayed psycho-speech development , mental retardation are increasingly common in children in recent years. At the first appointment, the doctor will tell you how to identify a child with mental retardation, how to diagnose mental retardation, what is the diagnosis of mental retardation in children, what forms, types, classification, definition of mental retardation, developmental features of children with mental retardation, personality traits of the child, how correction is carried out, psychocorrection, correctional work, treatment of mental retardation, treatment of delayed psycho-speech development in Saratov , are classes needed, osteopath, methods, program, training of children ( children with mental retardation ), which includes general characteristics, examination of children, development of children with mental retardation, examination of children, diagnostics ( including neurosonography), differential diagnosis, psychodiagnostics, is disability registered, what kind of prevention is there, what are the behavioral characteristics of children with mental retardation, how to cure mental retardation of cerebral-organic origin? How to teach children with developmental delays, is mental retardation treated ? Preschoolers (kindergarteners, kindergarten, kindergarten, preschool age, preschool children, preschoolers, schoolchildren), primary schoolchildren (school, gymnasium, lyceum) are currently constantly exposed to great stress, emotional, and mental stress. Increased load can sometimes have a negative impact on the child’s central nervous system, the emotional sphere, sensory development, social development suffer, mental retardation is observed, thinking, cognitive sphere, memory development suffers, and mental development lags. More often, mental retardation of cerebral organic origin is observed; there is also retardation of somatic origin, tempo delay of psychological, psychoemotional, mental, emotional, physical, statomotor, motor development, stages of development, including constitutional, statokinetic origin.
CLASSES WITH A Speech Pathologist AT ZRR
Simultaneously with medical procedures and the active participation of the family in the rehabilitation process, it is necessary to conduct classes with a speech therapist for mental retardation for the proper development of speech and cognitive processes.
In early childhood, speech therapy classes pay special attention to:
- Development of fine motor skills.
- Mobile and finger games.
- Modeling, drawing, designing, appliqués.
- Didactic games: speech therapy lotto, games and exercises for speech development.
- Development of passive and active vocabulary.
- Formation of coherent speech.
Work on the correction of children with developmental disabilities is built in stages “from simple to complex.” Thus, expressive speech exercises begin with sound pronunciation, followed by syllables and simple words. Only after mastering these stages does the transition to phrases and sentences begin.
Such activities go well with physical exercise. There is an impact on the development of motor skills, and the material is absorbed faster.
What is PVD in children? Treatment of ZPRR in Saratov, Russia
ZPRD is a delay in psycho-speech development in children ( delayed psycho-speech development ). With ZPRD, both mental development delay and speech development delay are observed. Sarklinik provides treatment for cervical cancer in Russia , treatment for cervical cancer in Saratov . Diagnosis, correction, overcoming, complex treatment of mental retardation and developmental rates activate both the mental and speech development of the child. ZNPRR is a delay in neuropsychic-speech development, or a delay in neuropsychic development.
At the first consultation, the doctor will tell you what the diagnosis of SPR in children is, autism, what are the signs of SPR, symptoms of SPR, how treatment for SPR is carried out in Saratov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, China, in Russia, how to cure SPR with autistic traits , in including ZPRR on a residual organic background .
Symptoms of the disease
We can talk about SPD with elements of autism when the child’s behavior is accompanied by the following symptoms and looks like this:
- he has no reaction to stimuli;
- lethargy and apathy;
- frequent tantrums;
- reluctance to communicate even with loved ones;
- reacts to changes in tone and gestures rather than to what is said to him;
- closed and seeks privacy;
- his speech is difficult to understand;
- experiences fear if he sees something new and unfamiliar;
When the child is still small, such indifference suggests a lack of hearing or vision. But his unusual reaction of “fascination” to such phenomena of the surrounding world, such as: a ray of light, a pattern of shadows on the wall, the sound of music, rustling sounds, a tree branch outside the window, dispels all doubts in this regard.
At the age of 2 years and older, PDRD with symptoms of autistic traits becomes more pronounced:
- the child makes rhythmic, monotonous movements, for example, sways, walks in circles, or may hit his head on some surface;
- repeats words and phrases aimlessly;
- shows aggression towards others or towards himself, for example, he may bite himself;
- avoids eye contact;
- no desire to play with toys independently;
- does not respond to care and expressions of emotion addressed to him;
- does not feel the need to communicate with peers;
- have trouble falling asleep and sleep restlessly;
- they speak little and incomprehensibly.
With a pronounced disregard for actions directed towards him, an autistic child is sensitive and vulnerable in his reactions to signals from the outside world.
Autistic children also tend to love rituals:
- if it’s time to go to bed, then they will put away toys and change clothes in compliance with a certain sequence of actions, the violation of which can cause a violent negative reaction;
- if it is time for lunch, then hand washing and other necessary actions will be performed with the same precision with which they were performed yesterday and before.
What is a missile defense system? Mental retardation in children: treatment of mental development in Russia, in Saratov
SSD is a mental retardation in children , boys and girls in Russia, in Saratov. Sarklinik provides treatment for mental retardation in Saratov, treatment of mental retardation in children , treatment of mental retardation, treatment of debility, treatment of imbecility, treatment of idiocy, treatment of dementia, treatment of mental retardation. Effective methods activate the brain, central nervous system, improve mental development, intellectual development, thinking, memory, speech, emotions, motivation, movements, skills, learning. Inhibited (torpid) and excitable (eretic) children are treated.
Causes of development of mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, delayed speech development, psycho-speech development
The causes of development of mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation , mental retardation , and delayed psycho-speech development of a child are varied. Why do children experience developmental delays? What is the etiology of developmental delay? Let us dwell on the main factors that provoke developmental delays in children.
- Perinatal encephalopathy (PEP).
- Birth trauma, birth injuries of newborns.
- Increased intracranial pressure, intracranial hypertension, hypertension syndrome.
- Vaccination, vaccinations, vaccination complications, vaccination complications, vaccination complications.
- Traumatic brain injuries.
- Intrauterine fetal hypoxia IVGP, VUGP (deterioration of placental blood circulation, deficiency, lack of oxygen during pregnancy, during childbirth, green original stool, meconium in amniotic fluid, signs - change in fetal heart rate, green amniotic fluid), asphyxia.
- Caesarean section (and a history of cesarean section - in the past, during previous births).
- Intrauterine infection (intrauterine infections).
- Threat of miscarriage.
- Weak labor.
- Fast, rapid birth.
- Low newborn Apgar score (low scores - Apgar scale).
- HDN, hemolytic disease of the newborn, hemolytic jaundice of the newborn (jaundice).
- Anemia of pregnant women (grades 1, 2, 3), anemia in the mother during pregnancy.
- Gestosis of pregnant women in the first (1st) or second (2nd) half of pregnancy, toxicosis (preeclampsia, toxicosis).
- Prematurity, postmaturity (premature baby, post-term baby), premature birth, premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
- Pathology of the pregnant mother (hypotension - decreased, low blood pressure, hypertension - increased, high blood pressure, collagenosis, diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis, high physical activity, prolonged position of the pregnant woman on her back, decreased or worsened uterine blood flow, chronic bronchitis, STIs, cervicitis, colpitis , genital tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases / chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, trichomoniasis, etc. /, heart disease, BA - bronchial asthma, ).
- Absence of fetal heart rate variability, prolonged late low-amplitude decelerations when performing CTG of a pregnant woman, a positive non-reactive result when conducting a test such as a stress test with CTG (cardiotocography), or less than 7 points with a non-stress test.
- Oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, changes in the volume of amniotic fluid during pregnancy.
- Multiple pregnancy.
- Intrauterine growth retardation.
- Placenta previa.
- Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
- Pathology of the placenta and umbilical cord during pregnancy (poor Doppler).
- CDF, congenital malformations.
- Hormonal disorders, endocrine diseases of the mother.
Causes of mental retardation
- infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy (toxoplasmosis, influenza, rubella, etc.);
- intoxication of a pregnant woman (smoking, alcohol, medications, etc.);
- Rh conflict between mother and child;
- intrauterine infections;
- fetal asphyxia;
- birth injuries;
- heredity;
- social factors (living conditions, upbringing, attention deficit (overprotection), overprotection, violence, unfavorable psychological climate in the family, pedagogical neglect).
Pathogenesis of ZRR, ZPRR, ZNPRR, ZPR, ZPRR, why and how developmental delay occurs
Often the pathogenesis of RRR, VMR, delays in speech, psycho-speech, psycho-speech development is associated with oxygen starvation of brain cells during intrauterine development. As a result of intrauterine hypoxia, neurons of the brain are affected, and the function of those parts of the central nervous system (central nervous system) for which they were functionally responsible is lost. When carrying out vaccinations (vaccinations), autoimmune reactions can be triggered, which are accompanied by death and destruction of nerve cells. By the way, the launch of autoimmune reactions can be accompanied by the development of severe pathology, even the development of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy). Therefore, in case of any neurological changes in a child or perinatal encephalopathy, it may be necessary to temporarily refrain from vaccinations until the child’s neurological status is completely normalized. The neurological status of the child includes complaints, anamnesis, general appearance, postures, movements, behavior, study of cranial nerves, sensitivity, motor function, reflexes, meningeal syndromes, additional examination data, speech vocabulary.
Symptoms, signs, manifestations of mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, speech delay, psycho-speech development
What are the symptoms, signs, manifestations of mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, delayed speech development? The developmental delay clinic is clearly visible. If the child does not hold his head up in time, does not turn, does not roll over, the child does not sit , does not stand, does not walk, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Often in this case, a pediatric neurologist , neurologist , microneurologist , neonatologist prescribe medications, medicines, medications, tablets, injections, massage, electrophoresis, baths, infusions, tinctures, decoctions, mixtures, but the effect is, unfortunately, insignificant.
What to do if the defectologist and speech therapist do not help the child?
A speech pathologist and speech therapist are working with the child, but there are no results. What to do, how to improve the psycho-speech, speech, mental, motor, psycho-speech, psychomotor development of a child? Don't waste precious time. Start treatment as early as possible. The younger the child’s age, the higher the effectiveness of treatment , and the faster the positive results. Only special procedures that activate the affected areas of the brain and neighboring healthy cells of the central nervous system can give tangible, real results. Traditional methods of treatment at home are only a waste of precious time.
Comprehensive rehabilitation in Russian clinics may include various techniques: reflexology, neuropsychology, cerebellar stimulation, manual therapy, osteopathy, voytotherapy, physical therapy (physical therapy), children's massage, sand therapy, hippotherapy, development of household skills, developmental classes, articulation taping muscles, neurospeech therapy, etc.
What should the child say? Child's language vocabulary, vocabulary
What should a child say at different ages? What is the child’s language vocabulary, vocabulary in the first year, at 1 year, at 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, at 5 years? A child by 1 year should speak 10 words, by 2 years should speak 50 words, build sentences and phrases from 3 - 4 words, by 2.5 years should speak 100 - 200 words, build complex sentences from 5 - 7 words, ask questions , pronounce most letters clearly. At 3 years old, a child normally speaks in complex sentences of 6–8 words and combines sentences according to their meaning. At the age of 4, speech becomes even more diverse, the vocabulary is already large - 2000 words, sentences are consistent in number, gender, case, declension, are easily combined into a common theme, objects are generalized into groups, almost all parts of speech are used. At 5 years old, a child has a vocabulary of 2800 to 3300 words, can tell a story, retell any fairy tale heard or a story read by mom or dad, evaluates the actions of the characters in the work, retells any information, is interested in surrounding events, fluently uses all parts of speech, pronounces everything correctly letters (including the letters “Р”, “Ш”), the speech of a healthy child is practically no different from the speech of an adult. Of course, there may be individual characteristics of the child, but in this case the lag behind age norms should not be more than 2 - 3 months. Delayed speech development is often accompanied by a delay in mental development, and a delay in psycho-speech (psycho-speech) development occurs.
Psychology of adolescents, problems of age from 12 to 18 years
Dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, anorexia, bulimia
Adolescence brings with it many new, often painful, experiences. So, a teenager, especially a girl, may begin to dislike her own appearance: she seems too fat, or her nose is not the right shape, or she (him) has an unpleasant smell. Ideas of excessive obesity entail limiting oneself in food, up to exhaustion (anorexia nervosa). Subsequently, girls with anorexia begin to periodically eat huge amounts of food, and then artificially induce vomiting (the stage of bulimia and vomiting behavior). Anorexia is life-threatening! Do not delay contacting a psychiatrist!
Depression, depression, social withdrawal
It is during adolescence that mood disorders, most often depression, first appear. Unreasonable prolonged melancholy, thoughts about one’s own failure, unwillingness to live, decreased general activity, sleep and appetite disturbances are a reason to sound the alarm! Adolescents, unfortunately, represent a group at increased risk of suicide.
Leaving home, wandering
Sometimes teenagers develop an attraction to changing places and wandering. Some of them run away from home, may go to another city, or simply ride public transport all day long. They can spend the night in basements, in the subway, and steal for food. Take such a traveler to a psychiatrist.
Adolescent behavioral problems: conflict, rejection of authority, bad company, early sexual intercourse, sexual deviations
Everyone knows how intractable and difficult previously flexible children become with the onset of adolescence. This should make you happy: the desire to separate from parents, group with peers, imitate idols, oppose one’s own opinion, and stubbornness are normal manifestations of growing up. It is the absence of such changes that should be alarming. But if there is a problem with behavior, the teenager skips school, communicates with asocial companies, is insolent and uncontrollable to such an extent that it seems that he is deliberately mocking and “harassing” his parents, shows signs of perversion of impulses (sadistic manifestations, sexual perversions), - this indicates that that the puberty crisis is pathological and this is a reason to seek help.
Fears for your health, including mental health
And finally, the teenager may have concerns about his health. Cancer, AIDS - all the most terrible diseases can be “discovered” by teenagers, usually against the background of an anxious and depressive mood. Sometimes there is a fear of going crazy. Typically, teenagers do not tell anyone about their fears for a long time. But their presence requires psychotherapeutic help.
Child doesn't speak? The child does not speak much - he needs treatment!
If your child does not speak , says few words, or speech development lags behind children of the same age, speech is slurred, if the child’s mental behavior differs from the behavior of other children, if there are learning problems, the child has poor memory (decreased memory), poor speech (poor or speaks little, does not speak), decreased intelligence, poor assimilation of educational material, hysterics (hysterical manifestations), the child does not remember well, restless, aggressive, whiny, hyperactive , then contact Sarklinik. Sarklinik will provide the necessary comprehensive treatment for children (boys and girls), infants, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, schoolchildren, and adolescents using effective hardware and non-hardware methods.
The difference between autism and mental retardation
It is the disruption of communication, the reluctance to come into contact with someone, that is considered the first sign of autism and its main difference from SPD.
In mild forms of autism, when the child is still trying to interact with others, his speech is blurry and unclear, with hesitations and incorrectly constructed phrases. And at the same time, if he doesn’t address anyone, he speaks much more clearly and correctly.
Such a child is distinguished by high sensitivity to the tone of the conversation, gaze, and the unfamiliarity of the surrounding environment. And as a result, he will be tense, anxious and shy beyond measure.
How to treat children with RRD, ZPR, ZPRR, VMTMR in Saratov, in Russia
Since the beginning of work at Sarklinik, 4,726 children with mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, and vegetative retardation have undergone comprehensive treatment. Sarklinik knows how to treat delayed speech development in a child, how to treat delayed psycho-speech development in children , ZRR, ZPR, ZPRR, ZPMR, how to cure ZPR, ZPR, ZPRR, ZPMR, ZNPRR, how to get rid of developmental delay in boys and girls. Treatment methods have proven themselves over many years. Mild, moderate, and severe delays in psycho-speech development are treated. Sarclinic works with serious diagnoses, when parents have less and less hope for recovery. Unfortunately, in such cases, as a rule, multiple courses of complex treatment are required, as a result of which memory, thinking, speech, and motor areas are improved. Recommendations are also given to parents on further rehabilitation of children. Children are treated: 3 months, 4 months, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months, aged 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 – 16 years. On the medical website you can read patient reviews for free online to the doctor.
Comprehensive rehabilitation! Is your child developmentally delayed? Contact Sarklinik!
Sign up for a consultation. There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.
Photo: (©) Mb2006 | \ The people depicted in the photo are models, do not suffer from the diseases described and/or all similarities are excluded.
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Methods for diagnosing pathology
Diagnosis is approached in a comprehensive manner. This means that a small patient is examined by different specialists - a pediatrician, an otolaryngologist, a neurologist, a speech therapist. In addition to collecting an anamnesis, examining and assessing the child’s health, he is sent for hardware diagnostics. This is necessary because, against the background of ZPRD, organic matter changes, in particular, the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the development of speech, is disrupted. Therefore, the final diagnosis is made based on the results of examinations - EEG, computed tomography, evoked potentials technique.
After diagnosis, comprehensive treatment begins. A neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist, and reflexologist take part in it. Parents play a huge role - without them it is impossible to achieve success.