Poems about the letter M - a list of the funniest poems

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter M, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.


  • introduce the preschooler to the letter M and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter M in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Ask: How does a cow moo? (My!..) Say it like I do: MMMU. What sound did you make first?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:





MOUSE, CARROTS - tell me how I do. What is the first sound in these words?

When we pronounce the sound [m], the lips first close and then open.

Say: MMM.

The lips prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [m]. Please remember: if you pronounce a sound, and your lips, teeth or tongue prevent the air from freely leaving your mouth, then this sound is a consonant. Some consonant sounds are pronounced with a voice, others without a voice.

Repeat: MMM. With or without voice, do we pronounce the consonant sound [m]?

If the child finds it difficult to determine the participation of the voice when pronouncing consonant sounds, here and in the future the child is asked to place his palm on his larynx. With the participation of the voice in pronouncing a sound, the child will feel vibration of the larynx (“neck trembles”). This is observed when pronouncing voiced consonants.

Who is bigger?

  1. Remember which berry begins with the sound [M] and ends with [A]. (Answer: raspberry)
  2. Name the flowers whose names contain the sound [M]. (Poppy, chamomile, mallow, daisies)
  3. List the products that have [M, M'] in their names. (Meat, margarine, butter, pasta, semolina, milk, tangerines, flour.)

Assignment: Printed letter M for preschoolers

  • Look at the letter M. What does it look like?
  • Form the letter M with your fingers.
  • Write the letter M in the air.

Draw the sticks carefully along the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line. If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.


Continue the sentence

He slept all winter in a fur coat, sucked his brown paw, and when he woke up, he began to roar. This is a forest animal... (bear).

Look at the fellows: Cheerful and lively. Dragging from all ends Material for construction. One suddenly stumbled and a friend rushes to the rescue. The people here are good. Without work, for the life of me. Can’t live... (ant).

Lyudmila went to wash her hands. She needed... (soap).

Everyone here in the forest is talented - both a singer and... (musician).

Our Tanya is crying loudly. Dropped it into the river... (ball).

The distance of the fields turns green, the nightingale sings. The garden is dressed in white, The bees are the first to fly. Thunder rumbles. Guess what month this is? … (May.)

We put the puppy in water and soap for two hours with a washcloth... (washed).

Under a heavy burden - Underground, in a closet. She lives in a hole. Gray baby. Who is this? ... (mouse.)

In a black field, a white hare jumped, ran, and made loops. The trail behind him was also white. Who is this hare? … (chalk.)

Riddles for children starting with the letter M

The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness, and signals to the ships: “Come and visit us!” (Lighthouse)

Above the river, across. The giant lay down stretched out. Across the river, along the back. He allowed me to walk. (Bridge)

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring, And in winter, to the howl of a blizzard, He sleeps in a snowy hut. (Bear)

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling: The working people are busy all day, building a house for themselves. (Ants)

The red nose has grown into the ground, and the green tail is outside. We don't need a green tail, we only need a red nose. (Carrot)

He flies all day long, bores everyone; The night will come. Then it will stop. (Fly)

Crowded, noisy, young, the city rumbles underground. And there are houses with people running along the street. (Metro)

It slips away like something alive, But I won’t let it go. It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands. (Soap)

What kind of artist applied leaves, grass, and thickets of roses to the glass? (Freezing)

Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse)

A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (Lightning)

Liquid, not water. White, not snow. (Milk)

The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (Chalk)

Horned, but not butting. (Month)


Teach children to highlight the first consonant sound in a word;
introduce the letter Mm;
teach children to select action verbs for the proposed nouns; introduce a conventional (color) designation for hard consonants (blue) and soft consonants (green).


Pictures with sounds [m—m']; sticks; pictures of flowers; markers; sound houses.

Progress of the lesson

I. The teacher invites the children to meet one very interesting girl, Masha, and listen to a story.

1. — Once upon a time there lived Masha. Every day she came up with different games for herself. Today Masha woke up and thought: “Whatever sound I hear first, I’ll be friends with it all day long.” Masha went to the window and saw a cow and a cat. They sat opposite each other and talked. The cow mooed: “Moo-oo!” And the cat answered: “Meow!”

What is the first sound in a cow's song? ([m]).

What is the first sound in a cat's song? ([m']).

Masha smiled: “So today I’m playing and making friends with the sounds [m—m’].” Masha went to the kitchen where her mother was preparing breakfast. She told her mother: “You are the most important in my game, because your word has two sounds at once.”

- What two sounds did Masha mean? ([m]). Where in the word mother

can you hear the sound [m]? (At the beginning and middle of a word)

Masha went out into the garden. She wanted to pick a bouquet of flowers with the sounds [m—m']. Flowers grew in the flowerbed: irises, poppies,


- What flowers do you think Masha picked? (Maki) Why? Masha returned with a bouquet of poppies.

I put them in a vase.
And on the table there was already semolina
porridge and
Masha laughed:
what a great fellow you are!
You help me

- Why did Masha say that? (In the words semolina, milk

- first sound [m]).

After breakfast, Masha went to the garden. We need to help mom prepare dinner. Masha

I picked
for soup,
for compote.

- What is the first sound in the words carrot?

(Sound [m]).
Coming from the garden, Masha saw that there was pasta
. The quick-witted girl realized that her mother would cook pasta the navy way.

— What sounds are heard at the beginning of the words pasta,

meat? (Sounds [m-m']).

Dad arrived at lunchtime. Seeing his daughter, dad asked: “What new game are you playing, Mashenka?”

“I play words with sounds [m—m'],” answered Masha.

“While mom is setting the table, I’ll play with you,” said dad, he sat Masha on his lap and began to ask her riddles. “I was driving through the field and saw this one with the sound [m] in the name:

Little animals

Gray fur coats,

Long tails

Little black eyes,

Sharp teeth. Who is this?" (Mice)

- Masha thought and guessed. Did you guess who Masha's dad saw?

“I brought you a toy. Guess it - it will be yours:

They beat him with a hand and a stick -

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And because he’s inflated.” (Ball)

- Masha guessed this riddle right away. What about you, children?

2. Children, together with the teacher, compare the sounds [m-m'] in the words we sew

a ball.
It is determined that in the first word the sound is pronounced firmly, in the second word - softly.

Articulation of sounds.

When pronouncing sounds [m-m'], the lips are closed; there is an obstacle in the way of the air stream; the air stream seems to tear the lips.

The teacher agrees with the children that sounds whose pronunciation encounters obstacles in the mouth will be called consonants.

As can be seen from the examples, consonant sounds are hard and soft.

Characteristics of sounds.

Sounds [m-m'] - consonants; can be hard or soft.

II. 1. Sound analysis of words mouse

a ball
(with markers to color the windows in the houses).

2. Game situation “Focus”.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the diagrams of words on which the vowel sounds [m-m'] are painted over with a blue felt-tip pen.

— You and I discovered that consonants can be pronounced softly and firmly. But this is not visible in our diagram. How can we show that the sound [m] in the first word sounds hard, and in the second - soft, but the sun melted all its hardness?

The teacher takes a yellow felt-tip pen and paints over the blue square in the second word (as if a ray of sun had fallen on it). The blue square turns into green before the children's eyes. After this, a decision is made to designate soft consonants in green, and hard consonants remain blue. Red, as before, denotes a vowel sound.

III. Consolidation of new material.

1. The teacher offers to select and name from a pair of words those that begin with the sound [m'].

Example word pairs: oil

meat, poppy
ball, sea
stranded, mouse
bear, car
, etc.

2. The teacher shows pictures with the sound [m] - the children select action verbs for them. For example: fly

flew, buzzed, got bored.
An approximate set of words: car (drove, stopped, carried), carrots (grew, turned green), pasta (lay, boiled, fried), mouse (ran, squeaked), boy (jumped, ran, drew, slept, played)

and etc.

IV. 1. Getting to know the image of a letter. The teacher asks the children:

- Do you think the sound [m] has its own sign - a letter? Does the sound [m'] have its own letter? I'll tell you the secret of our language: in Russian, hard and soft sounds are denoted by one letter. Now I will show you the letter that represents the sounds [m-m']. Display a demonstration letter and place it on the panel at the address: fourth floor (fourth row from the bottom), apartment No. 2 (second cell from the left). The flats for letters denoting consonant sounds are highlighted in blue.

2. Analytical and synthetic activities.

V. Game exercise “What elements does an object consist of?”

Goal: to train children in the ability to analyze an image and isolate its constituent elements.

The teacher draws schematic images of various objects (table, chair, snowman, etc.) on the board and asks them to answer the questions: what elements does the image of each object consist of? How many elements are there in total?

Tale about the letter M

The mouse Mouse and the bear cub Misha were lying in the clearing and eating raspberries. The mouse says: “Let’s come up with poems.” Listen to what I wrote:

Every day and every hour we stubbornly repeat: There is no one in the world better than ours...

- Raspberries! - Misha yelled. - What does “raspberry” have to do with it! I wanted to say: “Better than our mother.” - That's great too! And now I’ll write... What about? - Well, at least about this fly agaric.

Don't eat white pasta, but eat red fly agarics!

- What are you, what are you! - The mouse was scared. “You can’t eat fly agarics, you’ll end up in the hospital.” Here, listen to the verse about the doctor:

There is no more important doctor in the forest than the lively redhead...

- Aibolit! - the bear cub yelled. - Yes, not Aibolit, but an ant. Aibolit heals animals, and the ant heals the forest. - How do you know so much? - He who reads a lot knows a lot! - the mouse Mouse answered importantly...

(G. Yudin)

Tongue twisters with the letter M

Masha, don’t look for us, We pinch sorrel for cabbage soup.

You are welcome to our hut: I will crumble the pies and ask you to eat.

A minute passes and replaces another. They are of constant length.

The variety of monotony is no worse than the monotony of variety. Soap Mila dropped the soap on the bear, Mila dropped the soap, Mila dropped the soap - Didn’t wash the bear with soap

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Funny poems about the letter M for children

Let's sit in silence. Mom is sleeping, she's tired... Well, I didn't play! I don’t start the top, but I sit down and sit. My toys don't make noise, The empty room is quiet. And a golden ray creeps across my mother’s pillow. And I said to the beam: “I want to move too!” I would like a lot: To read out loud and roll the ball, I would sing a song, I could laugh. There's so much I want! But mom is sleeping, and I am silent! The beam darted along the wall, and then slid towards me. “Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “Let’s sit in silence... (E. Blaginina)

Confused - Look - the letter!.. Here are the ones on: Not in the book - on the path! What is it called? Similar to horns? A learned dog, a bull and a goat Stare at her... The goat figured it out in her mind, Said: - This is the letter “me.” The bull objected: “Not “me,” but “mu.” I know better what’s what!” - And the dog exclaimed: - Come on, don’t argue, this is the letter “am”! - No, “mu”! - No, “meh”! - Not there"! Am! Am!

We took the multiplication tables and hid them. Give us Microcalculators to speed it up! (E. Grigorieva)

Mom, grandmother, sister - Everyone is dressed up in the morning. Congratulations are accepted. Even though it's not their birthday. Each holiday gift and bouquet - it is very bright. And another surprise awaits them - Dad and I baked a cake. We washed all the dishes and put things in order everywhere. We forgot the word laziness. This is what Women's Day means! And my sister asked us: “Will this happen every time?” (V. Nesterenko)

Mother! I love you so much that I don’t even know! I will give the name “Mama” to the big ship. (Ya. Akim)

Lighthouse...In the evening, as well as at night, it is very difficult to swim in the sea... The captain is so upset - you can’t even see the shore. Suddenly the sailor is delighted: the LIGHTHOUSE lights up. A red eye just appeared at the very top of the head. He blinked, and again it didn’t, and the light came on again. Here, they say, it’s quiet - all ships sail here... The light shows everyone whether it’s dangerous here or not. (V. Mayakovsky)

The bear cub Mishka climbed into the hive, and now sweet honey drips from his paw! I started laughing at him: “The little bear made a joke!” - What kind of jokes! - he answered. - I am a bear! I've been a bitch! (M. Yasnov)

It's March, and there's a snowstorm and frost... We bought mimosas for mom! (E. Blaginina)

Poor Mishka got sick - Mishka ate a lot of honey. The bear cries and shouts: “My stomach hurts!” The bear is moaning. Tears are shedding - His stomach hurts. Naughty Greedy Bear Ate a forest raspberry Lishka. (F. Bobylev)

The pen runs up and down, drawing the letter M, as if you were going down the subway and then going up. Soft light falls on smooth marble and granite. The staircase itself runs here - And there is no end to it. (S. Marshak)

Ball A colored ball is jumping in the yard in front of me. This ball is very cute: It hasn't broken glass yet. (G. Vieru)

Bear march and bear waltz! A bear with an accordion in the arena. A she-bear dances with a bear. The little bear waves his paw at them. (V. Berestov) The ball flies striped. Bear cubs play ball. - Can I? - asked the mouse. - What you! You're still a baby. (G. Satir)

Poems about the letter M for 1st grade

Picture in the ABC book. Mom bathed the baby in a tub, washed the baby with soap and a washcloth. Mila stood next to her mother and poured warm water over the baby. Allochka will gently dry the baby with a warm, shaggy, large towel. I. Lopukhina. *** I love mice and birds. Meow! I don't hide my habits. Meow! She is clean, neat, If they iron her, I am pleased. in the dark I see vigilantly, I will not offend in vain. But teasing me is dangerous - I scratch terribly. Meow! V. Stoyanov. *** – Look – a letter! Here are the ones on: Not in the book - on the path! What is it called, Similar to horns? A learned dog, a bull and a goat Stare at her... The goat figured it out in her mind, Said: “This is the letter “me.” The bull objected: “Not “me,” but “mu.” I know better what's what! And the dog exclaimed: “That’s enough for you!” Don't argue, it's the letter "am"! - No, “mu”! - No, “meh”! - Not there"! Am! Am! There was such a commotion, Such a terrible noise and scream! The learned dog, goat and bull got completely confused, Seeing the letter M... A. Shibaev.

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