Poems about the letter C - a list of funny poems for children

Pure sayings starting with the letter C

Xia-Xia-Xia, Xia-Xia-Xia - they didn’t catch the crucian carp.
Se-se-se, se-se-se - everyone caught crucian carp. Si-si-si, si-si-si - there are crucian carp in the pond. Xia-Xia-Xia, Xia-Xia-Xia - I wish I could catch a crucian carp! Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa - oh-oh-oh the wasp is flying! Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps! Su-su-su, su-su-su - which of you saw the wasp? Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy - we didn’t see a wasp. Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa - guess where the wasp is. Sa-sa-sa: there is a wasp on the table. Su-su-su: we are not afraid of the wasp. Sy-sy-sy: the sting of the wasp is sharp. Se-se-se: let's give jelly to the wasp.

Sa-sa-sa - there is dew outside. Sa-sa-sa - there is a fox in the forest. Sa-sa-sa - I have a fox. Su-su-su - I give Sasha the fox. Sa-sa-sa - who has the fox?

Os-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the clearing. Su-su-su - we saw a wasp. Sa-sa-sa - the wasp is flying. Sa-sa-sa - the wasp flew in. Su-su-su - we will drive away the wasp. Sa-sa-sa - the wasp flew away. Sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps.

So-so-so Svetlana has a wheel. So-so-so - we changed the tire. Su-su-su- it was cold in the forest. Us-us-us - a goose is grazing in the meadow. Si-si-si - take a bite of the cheese. Xia-xia-xia - we caught a crucian carp. Xia-Xia-Xia - Kostya catches crucian carp.

Sy-sy-sy - Semyon doesn’t have a braid. Sa-sa-sa - that’s a braid. Sa-sa-sa is a sharp braid. Soy-soy – we mowed the grass with a scythe.

Sy-chi-sy - here's the clock. Sy-chi-sy - the clock is ticking. Sov-sov-owl - there are hands on the clock. Sy-chi-sy - the hands look like a clock.

The sun - The sun is the golden bottom. Sun - sun - shine. Sun - sun - burn.

The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor:

“The magpie strives to become the sharpest!”

Oh, you, canopy, canopy, canopy. Sleepy Senya came out into the canopy. And in the entryway Senya stumbled, and tumbled over the steps.

The Sun-Sun is the golden bottom. The sun - the sun is shining. The sun is a shining sun.

The dog was able to smell the fox - He immediately raised his voice. The fox ran off into the woods - Sal gave the dog a piece.

Short poems about letters for 1st grade

Poems about letters for grade 1, short
Poems about letters for grade 1, short:

A - Oh, what a beauty - B - The cat’s cap! B - Checkered shirt! G - Where are you, Stepashka? D - The cat is dozing on the sofa E - He wants to sleep. E - The hedgehog hurries to his prickly mother F - He is eager to tell a fairy tale. Z - The hedgehog knows a lot of fairy tales, I - And he’s an expert at telling them. K - Kitty listens tiredly, L - Moves his paw, simpleton. M - The mouse crawled out of the hole, N - I couldn’t sleep, O - I really wanted to go off the shelf P - Slowly steal the cheese. R - He’s afraid to wake up the cat, S - Styopka is sleeping lightly. T - This is how she dresses up with herself, U - She manages everything around her. F - Ugh, I’m incredibly tired, X - At least lie down in a row with the cat. C - The dial looks foggy - C - The watch has been standing for a long time. Sh - Styopka's fur stood on end, Sh - He clicked the mouse on his forehead, E - It was you who came for the cheese - Yu - Snuck into my hut? I - I-I-I...


And - a toothy shark! B - the butterfly fluttered, C - the wolf cub howled with boredom, D - the dwarf took the guitar in his hands, D - the road to the house winds, E - there is a mushroom under the spruce tree, E - the hedgehog was happy! F - a crane without boots, Z - a bunny forgot a book, I - a turkey, too puffed up, J - sweet fruit yogurt, K ​​- the cat ate it on the sly. L - the frog loves water, M - the bear ate honey, N - the rhinoceros was angry, O - keep the window open, P - the dishes washed the Fields, R - daisies grow in the field, S - the sun is shining brightly, T - and the tiger is hot in the cage ! U - dill is growing in the garden, F - an eagle owl plays hide and seek, X - a small piece of bread, C - old lady's chickens, W - we poured tea for Lyuba, Sh - we wear a fur coat in winter, Sh - the puppy is waiting for us at the house b - entrance friend, Y - so many holes in the cheese! b - there is nothing softer in the world! E - the screen flickers in the night Yu - the baby dreams of becoming a cabin boy I - the anchor will be thrown into the sea, Do you remember everything, my dear?

Automating the C sound in words

1. Oh, the entryway, the entryway, sleepy Senya came out into the entryway, and in the entryway Senya stumbled and somersaulted through the vice. 2. It was fun on the slide for Sana, Sonya and Yegorka, but Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow. 3. Stepan has sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese, seven kopecks - a tuesok (a birch bark jar with a tight lid and a bracket or bow in it). 4. Sanya is taking his sleigh up the hill. 5. We sat down in seven sleighs, seven to a sleigh. Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh. 6. There are dryers for Prosha, Vasyusha and Antosha. Two more dryings for Nyusha and Petrusha. 7. Grandma bought beads for Marusya, but at the market the granny tripped over a goose. All the beads were pecked by the geese. 8. Sasha loves sushi, Sonya loves cheesecakes. 9. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. 10. Sasha walked along the highway, carried a dryer on a pole, and sucked on the dryer. 11. Senya was carrying a cart of hay. 12. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. 13. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled; Sleigh jump - off Senka's feet, Sanka's side, Sonya's forehead. 14. Kostya mows hay for Senya, Senya carries hay in the canopy. 15. Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay. 16. Elephants are smart, elephants are meek, elephants are calm and strong. 17. Titmouse, titmouse - sister to the sparrow. 18. The bridge of the nose does not move from nose to nose. 19. There’s a tit on the knitting needle, the tit can’t sleep. 20. Senya, Seryozha and Sasha have soot on their noses, necks, ears and cheeks (f, s, w, sch) 21. Grishka asks Sasha: “Does the swift have a wife with a haircut?” (f, s, w). 22. There is forty forty on the nose of a rhinoceros. 23. Raisa has a sister Larisa, Larisa has a sister Raisa. 24. Tosya, don’t carry soda in the sieve. 25. The badger carried the dry branch. 26. Have fun, Savely, stir the hay. 27. The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae. 28. Osa is barefoot and without a belt. 29. Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard. 30. The post on the pavement is empty - Senya the guard is on strike. 31. Styopa brought colorful sparkles to the sisters at the crossroads. 32. Alesya sat down, her legs hanging off the stove, don’t laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove. 33. Anos took him to sow oats. I sowed oats. The oats are born. Anos came, cut the oats, tied the oats, threshed the oats, Anos picked the oats down to the grain, took away a cartload of oats. 34. The birch is rooty, crooked at the root, gnarled at the middle, and tall at the top. 35. A goat walks with a side-eyed goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat (k, s). 36. A scythe-goat walked with a scythe; a scythe goat came with a scythe (k, s). 37. Does not want to mow with a scythe; says: “Scythe braid” (k, s). 38. Mower Kasyan mows obliquely. Kasyan the mower will not mow. 39. The scythe hare sits behind the sedge-grass, looks with a scythe, as a girl with a scythe mows the grass with a scythe. 40. The mower mowed, carried a scythe. Mow, scythe, while there is dew, away with the dew - mow home. The scythe mows smoothly, the scythe loves the spatula, the spatula is sand, the scythe is a pie. 41. Vasya mowed ripe oats with a mower. 42. In the field, the flight of millet fields, Frosya takes out the weeds (I. Demyanov). 43. The chicken is bright and colorful, the duck is flat on its toe. 44. Ruff, gudgeon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are happy to meet each other. Sukhina E.I. 45. Sysoy has a mustache from his nose to his waist. 46. ​​Father-in-law has a nose and mustache in dough. 47. A stay-at-home neighbor has a restless neighbor, a restless neighbor has a stay-at-home neighbor. 48. The daughter-in-law scurries from sheaf to sheaf. 49. Not all Lenas in the universe are cheerful. 50. Don’t sit on a pug dog - it will bite.

Poems about letters of the alphabet for children

Poems about letters of the alphabet for children
Poems about letters of the alphabet for children:

Hello, my reading: A, B, C, D, D, E, E! I’ll read it out loud to everyone: F, Z, I, J, K, L, M! Well, I’ll re-read it again: N, O, P, R, S, T, U! Read with me too: F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Sh, S! Kommersant and b - There’s no way we can read them! But I read twice: E, Yu, I! E, Yu, I!

Thirty-three sisters, written beauties, live on one page and are famous everywhere! They are rushing to you now, Nice sisters, We really ask all the guys to make friends with them! A, B, C, D, D, F, F They rolled up on the hedgehog! 3, I, K, L, M, N, O They climbed out the window together! P, R, S, T, U, F, X Saddled the rooster, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I - That’s all of them, friends! Meet them, kids! Here they are, standing side by side. It’s very bad to live in the world for those who don’t know them!

For the holiday, Santa Claus brought me the Miracle Alphabet... Well, I’ll learn it: A, B, C, D, D, E, E And I’ll continue without problems - F, Z, I, J, K, L, M, A then I’ll read it again - N, O, P, R, S, T, U And I’ll add from the heart - F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, Y, Finally it will be like this - Hard sign (Ъ), and soft sign ( b), But in the end, I know, It’s very simple - E, Yu, I...

A – watermelon, B – bull, C – ox, D – mountain, garage and goal. D - board, E - spruce, E - hedgehog, In the word “hedgehog” you will find F. Z – fence, I – silt, Y – iodine, K – holidays and cat. L – lemon, M – fruit drink, N – thread, O – cut to sew a dress. P – wig, P – rice, S – sleep, T – tram or coupon. U - ukha, F - Finn, X - henna, C - tsigeyka and price. Ch - thicket, Sh - screw, Shch - sorrel, as well as probe. B, Y, b - words don’t begin, But, even though it’s the way it is, They are not forgotten. E is the emblem on the machine, Y is the top in your hand, I am the egg, and the letter I is the last in the alphabet.

Repeat these letters, To remember, three times, From beginning to end, From watermelon to egg.

Children's poems about letters in riddles

Children's poems about letters in riddles
Children's poems about letters in riddles:

A - A school of silver fish flashed by, And a predatory one rushes after them... (shark)

B - They were looking for a husband for the lamb, a handsome man with ringlets. We've traveled to many countries, but one like this... (ram)

Q - How a crown would suit me! Caws important... (crow)

G - I’ll waddle around, People will say - like this... (goose)

D - If he combed his hair just once, they wouldn’t call him... (porcupine)

E - He won’t put anything unwashed in his mouth. And you be like a neat guy... (raccoon)

E - There is a hedgehog and a ruff in the thorns, But you can immediately make out: He who shudders is (hedgehog) And whoever is ruffling is ... (ruff)

F - Igo-go! - the child shouts, So - this is ... (foal)

Z — Sharing with everyone is my habit! “You don’t need poison,” asked... (snake)

And - The sawfish does not saw logs, the fish cannot sew... (needle)

Y - on the tails of birds and animals. Here is an ermine, and here... (sparrow)

K - Where does the underground passage lead? (mole) knows this

L - The enemies had to retreat! Met them with horns... (elk)

M - In front of the mirror, a boy makes faces like ... (monkey)

N - By the river on a hill there is someone’s mink, The name of the owner of the mink is also... (mink)

O - The donkey wandered lazily up the mountain, And hovered over the mountain... (eagle)

P - The shepherd wakes up first. Before the shepherd gets up... (rooster)

R - I tore off the bait, And without saying “thank you”, the Impolite One swam away somewhere... (fish)

S - He sang solo among the branches. The singer was named... (nightingale)

T - For some reason, there’s no time for games, If ... (tiger)

U - Even if the roof leaks and the gate breaks, He will never leave his house... (snail)

F - There is only a line on the piece of paper: “Wake you up at night.” Dot. (eagle owl) sleeps until nightfall

X - Moving from branch to branch, He changes color each time. And he becomes invisible! Plays hide and seek... (chameleon)

C - Just came out of diapers and began to rooster... (chicken)

Ch - Sea, rock it! - Asked... (seagull)

Sh - Winter has gone far away. (bumblebee) hummed over the meadow.

Sh - I'll grab it! I'll swallow it! Clicks his teeth... (pike)

b - Leo is harsh! Softer lioness. There is a soft sign hidden in it!

Y - Clubfoot doesn’t fit into the book... (bear) We will replace “I” with “Y” - It turned out... (mouse)

Kommersant - Announces Kommersant: The beast is my enemy and the bird is my enemy! I’d rather hide in the entrance, And no one will eat me... (won’t eat me!)

E - I see a team of runners. Come forward, rhea ostrich! And a report on this topic was prepared for you by an ostrich... (emu)

Y - Pigs love the letter “Y”! Without it you can’t say... (oink)

Me - Hide, chickens! In the clear sky, a black shadow circles... (hawk)

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers

Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers
Poems about Russian letters for preschoolers:

The letters are very tired of sleeping and sleeping in thick books. At midnight, in a heap of madness, they climbed down from the shelf onto the bed. And immediately from the bed to the floor, They looked - people were sleeping - And they started mischief, A joyful masquerade. A became a stork, C became a heron, E became a hedgehog... A wonderful ball! I didn't sleep and wrote everything down. In the morning the artist knocks on the door (Fat, with a black beard and as ruddy as a pie), It was my friend. He read, took the paper, took out seven pencils, and immediately copied the whole gang for the kids...

Ara, nice parrot, play checkers with the Stork. The squirrel is pole vaulting, sweeping the heavens with its tail. The Wolf plays ball with the Hare - This means something. The geese argue and make noise, but the loons will win. Dingo walked on a log - surprised the Crocodile.

The hedgehog put on shorts and a T-shirt. Guess how many holes there are in them! - Toad, what are you unhappy with? — Swallowed a soccer ball. Zebra, Bison, and Horse, and Ox - All play volleyball. Iguana and Triton love badminton very much. The cat can't put on skates. Which one of you will help him? A lion flies on a motorcycle. What's wrong? Everyone is used to it. A bear on a bicycle rushes to the finish line - to victory. To the rhino runner, cross the road, come on! The octopus put on gloves, and the Seal ran away from the site. The pelican dives deftly. This is what training means! Cancer will not hesitate, In karate he will get his claws. An elephant flies on a parachute, waves its trunk and jokes. The tiger jumped the farthest - What an unprecedented success! Ducks swam in the canal, resulting in three medals. The owl took the queen with a pawn - You can’t doze off at the board. The hamsters have swollen cheeks - They sleep, lazy people, in the heat. Heron is a walking coach and will give you advice too. The turtle squeezed the barbell. Helped the Orangutan. Bumblebee shot from a bow at the target - The cheerful Bumblebee hit the target. A pike is swimming on a yacht, standing watch at the helm. We take the emu ostrich as the goalkeeper for the team. The young hare got on his skis. Here it is, the finish! Closer! Closer! The Jaguar waves his racket, and the Tapir dances behind the net. I want to tell you all: Glory to the puck and the ball!

Poems about the letters “D”, “E”, “E”, “F” for 1st grade

Poems about the letters “D” for 1st grade
Poems about the letters “D”, “E”, “E”, “F” for 1st grade:

D - like a neat house with a high gable roof.

The dragon flew far, he visited the sea. He saw a magical forest, Enchanted princesses. He saw heroes, sorcerers, kings... He knows many fairy tales - My flying dragon, And he tells me these fairy tales in silence.

Here is a house where there are good friends, There is smoke above the house, and there is a door in the house. We guessed, you and I, what we need to write now.

Next will be the letter E, I’ll show you that too. The tall spruce is growing. The hedgehog is chewing blackberries. Grandfather is riding in a cart. He turned one hundred years old. A raccoon lives under a bush. Egor goes outside.

In the word spruce we hear E, we write the letter E like this: A trunk, and the trunk has three branches. Let's remember the letter E, kids.

The tree is the same as the spruce, and there are drops above the tree. We add dots, E - this is how we read the letter.

Hedgehog, my rubber Hedgehog, You can’t spill water on us. We float in the bath, As if in the ocean. I will dive, and he will dive, and he won’t lag behind me.

F has so many legs, as if a letter could crawl. The letter Z is for sure There is a shadow of a beetle on the paper.

The letter Z is just like a beetle, perched on a branch. And with six legs spread out, he just can’t get down.

She looks like a beetle, and is friendly with an acorn. And the giraffe said: I also need the letter Z.

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren

ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren
ABC - poems about letters for schoolchildren:

What's happened? What's happened? The alphabet fell off the stove!

The leg was painfully dislocated. The capital letter M, G hit a little, F completely crumbled!

The letter U its crossbar! Finding herself on the floor, she broke her tail !

F , poor thing, it’s so swollen - There’s no way to read it! The letter P has been turned upside down - Turned into a soft sign!

The letter C completely closed - It turned into the letter O. The letter A, when it woke up, Didn’t recognize anyone!

Sad, sleepy, cheerless , our Hedgehog came from school, sat down at the table, yawned once and fell asleep over his books.

Then three words appeared: “Orange”, “Pine”, “Ring”.

All three of them came up and said: “What is it? What have you, Jerzy, done to us? We'll complain to mom!"

“I,” exclaimed “Orange,” “I’m not an “Orange”!” “I,” “Ring” burst into tears, “I’m not “Cripple”!”

“I,” Sosna got angry, “I’m outraged to the point of tears!” You can only write from a dream that I am “Sasna”!”

“We, the words, are offended by the fact that they are so distorted! Hedgehog! Hedgehog! Stop being lazy! This is no good way to study!

It is impossible to get an education without attention! It will be late! Just know it! The lazy person will become ignorant!

If you even once again cripple us, boy, we will act cool with you. Treasuring our honor, the name Hedgehog will be transformed into Hedgehog in half a minute!

You will be a prickly hedgehog! This is how we’ll teach you a lesson!”

Jerzy shuddered, was horrified, stretched and woke up. Suppressed a yawn and got to work.

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