Poems about the letter Z - a selection of the best children's poems

Sound automation [Z]

  • Speech therapist.No
  • Automation of sounds
  • Sound automation [Z]

Sound automation exercises [Z]. Z__ - long pronunciation of the sound [Z].

1) Pronounce (read) the syllables Z__A, Z__O, Z__U, Z__Y, Z__E

The sound [З] is pronounced for a long time

2) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [Z] at the beginning

Sample: z__al, z__o-lotto, ve-z__u

  • call
  • Zoya
  • goiter
  • itching
  • tooth
  • teeth
  • zone
  • volley
  • teeth
  • umbrella
  • smell
  • west
  • sunset
  • bunny
  • factory
  • fun
  • care
  • gold
  • outpost
  • mystery
  • sing
  • pour in
  • Score
  • curl
  • set
  • throw
  • roll up
  • purchase
  • lure
  • remember

3) Pronounce (read) with the sound [Z] at the beginning in the middle

Sample: ba-z__a, ko-z__a

  • base
  • goat
  • vases
  • dose
  • vine
  • pheasant
  • lawn
  • buffalo
  • fuel oil
  • Cossack
  • jellyfish
  • sinus
  • mimosa
  • music
  • corn
  • mosaic
  • show
  • call
  • gilding
  • forget-me-nots

4) Pronounce (read) syllables with the sound [З_]

Sample: from__ma, z__ma

  • uzma-yzma-azma
  • ozma-ezma-yuzma
  • ism-ism-ism
  • zba-zbo-zbu-zba
  • call-call-sound-call
  • gza-gzo-gzu-gzy
  • Azma-Yazma-Ozma
  • yzma-yzma-ism
  • ezma-ezma-ezma
  • hello-hey-hey-hey
  • zma-zmo-zmu-zmy
  • zga-zgo-zgu-zgy

5) Pronounce (read) words with a combination of consonants with the sound [Z] at the beginning

Sample: z__nak, zn__noy

  • sign
  • ringing
  • sound
  • heat
  • banner
  • building
  • rank
  • call
  • call
  • ring
  • sound
  • knowledge
  • voiced
  • sound
  • familiar
  • meet

6) Pronounce (read) words with a combination of consonants with the sound [З] in the middle

Sample: az_buka, late_bottom

  • riding
  • hut
  • bridle
  • coffers
  • to know
  • late
  • nest
  • blade
  • name
  • convoy
  • through
  • Name
  • draft
  • languish
  • late
  • call

7) Pronounce (read) phrases

  • Zoya's worries.
  • The bell rings.
  • Western zone.
  • Snake poison.
  • Evil disease.
  • Familiar smell.
  • Whiteness of teeth.
  • Useful activity.
  • The smell of mimosa.
  • Funny riddles.
  • Western outpost.

8) Conjugate sentences

  • I forgot my umbrella.
  • I found out the task.
  • I called Zoya and Lisa.
  • I tied a bow for Zoe.


  • I ordered a lock.
  • You ordered a lock.
  • He (she) ordered the lock.
  • We ordered a castle.
  • You have ordered a lock.
  • They ordered a castle.

9) Say (read) sentences

  • Zoya has forget-me-nots.
  • Forget-me-nots on the lawn.
  • Zoya puts a mimosa in a vase.
  • The bunny calls Zoya.
  • A pheasant walks on the lawn.
  • Dunno stands near the building.
  • The bell rings and calls Znayka and Dunno to class.
  • Forget-me-nots in a vase.
  • Lisa's teeth hurt.
  • Zoya washes the vase in the basin.
  • The evil winter swept the whole earth.
  • The evil spider has tangled and wrapped its web.
  • Zoya called Lisa for strawberries.

10) Pronounce (read) pure sayings.

  • Zoya is the bunny’s owner; the bunny sleeps in Zoya’s basin.
  • Here's a familiar idea - flying a kite on a string.
  • The arrogant bunny is visiting Dunno.
  • For-for-for - Zoya has a goat,
  • Zo-zo-zo - Zoya has an umbrella,
  • Zu-zu-zu - Zoya grazes a goat under an umbrella,
  • Zy-zy-zy - Zoya has neither an umbrella nor a goat.
  • Stop by for a minute - don't forget the forget-me-nots.
  • Forget-me-nots, forget-me-nots, don't forget the forget-me-nots!
  • The bell rings, the bell rings.
  • A cart is rolling over the stones.
  • It's a funny cart to roll,
  • And the bell rings above the cart.
  • For-for-for - Zoya bunny - fidget,
  • Zo-zo-zo - the bunny's name is Egoza,
  • Zu-zu-zu - Zoya loves fidget,
  • Zy-zy-zy - the fidget has no worries.
  • Where's my bunny? Where's my bunny?
  • Take, Zoya, a cod, treat the arrogant one,
  • Treat the arrogant one, the bunny and Dunno.

11) Pronounce (read) and retell the text

That's the nest

Little Lisa has a green umbrella. One day Lisa was walking under an umbrella along the fence. Suddenly a strong wind blew and carried the umbrella over the fence. Lisa climbed over the fence and sees her umbrella on a birch tree.

Zoya, bunny and goat

Zoya has a goat. Zoya is herding a goat. Here's a bunny. The bunny is sitting under a bush. Zoya sees a bunny. But the bunny doesn’t see Zoya. There is a pheasant behind the bush. At sunset, when the heat of the day subsides, Zoya drives the goat home. The bell rings. The bell calls Zoya to class.

12) Pronounce (read) and memorize a poem

Bunny and Zoya

The bunny doesn't sleep - he calls Zoya, the goat doesn't let the bunny sleep. Take the goat, lock the goat - And my little bunny will fall asleep in the basin. The bunny will yawn, and Zoya will yawn, the Bunny will fall asleep, and Zoya will fall asleep

Poems about the letter Z for children: 26 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” presents poems about the letter Z for children. These poems will help children quickly memorize the alphabet and learn to read.


Look at this letter! It’s just like the number 3. 3 is not just a curl, 3 is a spring, a pretzel, a shaving.

Author: Zakhoder B.


Bunny, cute little bunny, started playing like a child. A small bunny was playing at the edge of the forest with a toy.

Author: Punko N.


Kingfisher on the lawn Riddled a Riddle to the Bunny: - White in winter, gray in summer, Come on, Bunny, guess!

Author: Ukhanova I.


Stop by for a minute - Don't forget the forget-me-nots. Forget-me-nots, forget-me-nots, Don't forget the forget-me-nots! Goats climb into the vine during a thunderstorm - Goats gnaw the vine during a thunderstorm.

Author: Demyanov I.


Umbrella, mirror, lock - The sound torments the tongue. There is one common letter: The letter “Z” for the words she.

Author: Mishutin A.


Grief is not enough for a goat. Closing its eyes, the goat gnaws - it chewed up all the beauty. When, baby, you run into the garden, splashed with dew, don’t pick flowers, don’t rot bushes! No need to be a goat!

Author: Voronko P.


Our bunny is playing hide and seek - He is sitting in the cabbage patch.

Author: Ditkovskaya I.


Bully, Started the Letter Z in the Bell Rang. And if so, call her - the Most Ringing One in the alphabet.

Author: Ivanov S.


The birds are chilly, the animals are chilly, They close the doors in their holes. They climb into hollows and nests... In the blue sky the stars freeze, Fading at dawn. Oh, it's frosty in January!

Author: Suslov V.


Zebras are dancing in the backyard, Our dog is making the snake angry, Hares are chilling in the meadow, Bison are sleeping on the shore.

Author: Varteresyants E.


Winter Snakes along the Earth. Evil blizzards. Frost the Bully pulls your ears. And the ringing ice shone in the Zaton. And the Golden Stars Ringed. Stocks are placed in bins, closed with locks and latches. The owners are jealous of the Bunnies - the animals are chilly and hungry. Winter!

Author: Radchenko N.


Starship The green star lit up... They will launch the spaceship there.

Author: Blaginina E.


The letter Z told me that she came from the train station. To this I told her that I was going to the station. And then he returned back. I missed her on the way!

Author: Manzhos N.


Marshmallow If you want to eat marshmallows, and be toothy, then don’t forget to buy toothpaste.

Author: Slutskaya L.


We’ll put two circles in a column and leave holes on the left. Just look: The letter Z is like the number 3.

Author: Rain S


I'll see a zebra, a hare and a snake at the Zoo.

Author: Limonova N.


A sight for sore eyes The strawberries behind the fence are ripe. Strawberries, look, Zorka is starting to get red!

Author: Marshalova T.


The idea Here's a fun idea - to fly a kite on a thread. The snake flies higher than the birches! The wind, without mercy, carried the kite straight towards the sun.

Author: Demyanov I.


We saw the stars during the day across the river above the Kremlin.

Author: Marshak S.


Bunny, cute little bunny Playing like a child. A small bunny was playing at the edge of the forest with a toy.

Author: Punko N


Hare, hare, what are you doing? - I’m chewing the stalk. - Why are you happy, hare? - I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

Author: Sapgir G.


The letter Z got stuck in a puddle and began to sob: “I need an umbrella!”

Author: Krasnikova I.


Bunnies hid under the Green Umbrella. Let me write the letter Z, guys.

Author: Manfish A.


The snake charmer is busy with his sonorous music. And to the music, friends, the snake will dance too.

Author: Berestov V.


The hare is a very cowardly animal, he hides his tail under a plum tree and behind a bush in the grass, both in spring and in November.

Author: Goryunova I.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter Z

Home / Children's section / Collections of tongue twisters / Starting with the letter Z

Funny tongue twisters starting with the letter Z that children are sure to love. Tongue twisters, or as they are also called, pure spelling twisters, are most often in demand by speech therapists and parents. Their goal is to teach the child to clearly pronounce and reinforce the problematic sound, in this case, the sound Z.

For many children, the letter Z is a rather complex letter; clear pronunciation of “Z” is important not only for diction, but also for the child’s further literacy training.

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Zebra crammed the alphabet Zebra forgot the letter Z. © The hare had a toothache, the hare ate a lot of marshmallows. © An angry, toothy beast in winter, raising a brutal howl. © The green zil made my dad angry, it started up badly. Lisa tied up the roses and planted two splinters.

The tongue is hidden behind the teeth, and silence is hidden. © Zoya’s strawberries by the fence will bloom soon. © The late winter swept the huts overnight. Here tomorrow I will plant a vine, the rains will water the vine in a thunderstorm. © Winter froze both fences and houses. Zakhar forgot to go to the market. Now Zakhar has neither grain nor lard. © A snake noticed the umbrella - my life will change. I'll pick up the umbrella tomorrow, I'll crawl back at dawn. © Zoya is a know-nothing, and Zina is an arrogant one. Zina has elderberries in her basket. Children know that cow's milk is good for health. © Breakfast ended suddenly - The hare ate the whole breakfast in one gulp. A star has lit up in the west... They will launch a spaceship there. We spotted jellyfish in a watermelon basket. © I’ll assign a test problem, the problem has a difficult calculation. © The finch sang at dawn The finch was chilled in the yard. A gazelle's eyes were staring at me from behind a spruce tree. A sideways goat walks with a goat. Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck. A green grasshopper in a green lawn, fell asleep at sunset in a green bed. On a winter morning, from the frost, the birch trees ring at dawn. Bison, zebras, hares, snakes Spun around as they saw Outside the fence of their zoo The cook shuffled with breakfast. © In the heat, caring goats hammered a nail into the fence, So that a toothy thief would not get in during the winter frosts. A goat is walking with a sideways goat, A goat is walking with a barefoot goat, A goat is walking with a sideways goat, A goat is walking with a barefoot goat. The snakes took the umbrella with them, the umbrella will help the snakes in the heat. © Tomorrow morning at dawn, the bison will be on the mountain. © A noble gentleman has a famous winter castle. © The evil winter frosts froze the mimosas. © The corn was ripe - it was ripe, only ripe in the fall, Now a whole truck is full of corn. © Zebras with bison are annoyed, a lion has been sitting in ambush since dawn. © The toothy evil shark had a toothache in the morning. © The hares knew low - low on the ground there are strawberries. © Why did they force the snake, in the cold winter, to crawl to the stream? The snake never liked the cold.© Jellyfish ate watermelons for breakfast, Watermelons for jellyfish to taste for breakfast. © There are many nobles in the hall in the castle, all of them dressed in gold. © Zina was collecting strawberries in a basket. There are a lot of strawberries in Zina’s basket. © The animals knew that the snakes were evil, but they did not know what they were. And that’s why snakes have no friends among animals. © Pink roses on the window in the frost, Not dangerous for roses, frost on the street, The window is closed, the roses in the vase are warm. © ZA-ZA-ZA – Behind the fence goat ZE-ZE-ZE – seeds in a watermelon ZI-ZI-ZI – pig in the mud ZO-ZO-ZO – rusty iron ZU-ZU-ZU – scary in a thunderstorm ZY-ZY-ZY – brave divers ZYA-ZYA-ZYA – you can’t be late

Tongue twisters help shape speech and diction. The ability to clearly pronounce words is useful not only for children and representatives of creative, television professions, and the blogosphere. Throughout our lives we communicate with people, at home and at work, clear speech helps to convey information to others and encourage constructive dialogue. If, due to the nature of your activity, you need to speak in front of large audiences, tongue twisters are where you should start preparing for each speech.

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