Poems about the letter X - a list of funny poems

Poems about the letter X, quatrains

It’s good to be able to read, We need to know the letter X, Bread, firecracker, round dance, The letter X is calling to itself.

*** The letter X laughed: “Even though it’s cold in winter, I’m not tired of sledding, going down the icy hill.”

*** Letter X, you are a laugher and a good braggart! We will start a round dance, sing together and have fun.

*** X is a funny toy, a wooden pinwheel. Wooden pinwheel – a friend to the free wind.

*** A ferret, a small predatory animal, walks through the forest.

*** At least the pigs have a choir! In it, Khavronya is the conductor. And in good weather, the Pigs dance in circles.

Poems about the letter "X"

Twenty-third in the alphabet, what is this letter, look? Either a letter or a cross, Let's solve it together. No matter how you turn it, all the meanings are the same. I’ll give you a little hint, this is definitely the letter X.


To read well, we need to know the Letter X, Bread, a cracker, a round dance, The Letter X calls to itself.


X - looks like scissors, but at work, not lying down. If you want, you can cut it, If you want, you sew, If you want, you cut your own hair.


You hear “Hee!”, or maybe “Ha!” ? This is how the letter X laughs. Merry in the alphabet, Well, just look!


The ferret tickles the hamster, he bursts into laughter, the hamster will know that X, The ferret’s assistant is here.


Giggles, yes, giggles, The letter X is even tiny, Will make anyone laugh quickly, Better than any artist.


Letter X - Cheeky Hamster Replenishing his supplies. The barn is filled to the brim - Our hamster will be full.


X walks along the road: Hands up, legs wider. Why are you frowning, Brave, Do you want Jellied with Horseradish.


The hamster sits, chews, he puts bread into his mouth with his paw, If you want to know the letter X, you need to call the hamster.


“X” keeps walking, walking, walking, Can’t find a place?...

OH! What letter is this? The cross seems to cross out everything. It’s impossible to do without it - “Okay”, we’ll say how? The word “Bread” and the word “laughter” always make everyone happy!


Letter X, you are a laugher and a good braggart! We will start a round dance, sing together and have fun.


The letter “X”, laughing, will remind us of a circus performer... He climbed onto stilts, He grew to the height of the sky.


What words have the letter X in them? Hill, artist and ear, Chorus, keeper, hut, bread, Hamster, ferret and stable. I can’t count all the words, I’ll recognize them all, X will help me with this, It’s doubly fun with her.


X is a refined artist, he is an unsurpassed master. X is a connoisseur of beauty, His canvases are good.


I expect success from studying, learning the alphabet is fun, for lunch we have ukha, the next letter is ha. I go to the store to buy bread. The ferret lives alone in the hole. Vault Keeps a secret. Grandma is wearing a robe. Piggy is basking in the sun. Khariton looks out the window.


The elephant does not want to go to the Cold Land, because he is afraid of the Cold. But he will wave to the letter X with a nice long trunk.


The hamster put some grain in his backpack and hurried to the hut, so that no one would make him laugh. Let's tickle the hamster, let him tell us the letter... (X)


The letter X is so good, It makes the soul sing, This wonderful letter, a cross, Does not allow you to sit still. If I want, I will walk, I will act bravely everywhere, the letter will give you whatever you want, I am ready to laugh with it.


Ha ha ha, nonsense! The letter is not bad at all - She grabbed the tail of the verse And boasted... the letter X.


I’m already quite big, I’m learning the letters well, Now X’s turn has come, Many words live with her: Refrigerator, bread and hill, The trunk that the elephant loves so much, Winter cold, round dance, Time moves slowly.

Riddles starting with the letter X

The hamster put some grain in his backpack and hurried to the hut, so that no one would make him laugh. Let's tickle the hamster, Let him tell us the letter... (X) *** “Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha!” - This is how the letter laughs...

The author of this riddle is N. Punko, it needs to be continued in rhyme, substituting the correct letter. Hamster, funny animal hamster, The lesson is not taught on an empty stomach. The husks fly from the grains, this is how the hamster learns the letter...

In this riddle, you first need to guess the words in question, and then the letter with which these words begin. For the baby elephant's sake, for the sake of laughter, the letter is in front and behind, That letter is baked in the oven, and weaved from threads on a loom.

Answer: letter X (trunk, tail, bread, canvas)

The letter falls from the Christmas trees, There are enough sleeping chickens at night, It will draw your portrait And easily change the color.

Answer: letter X (needles, ferret, artist, chameleon)

Project “City of Letters” - all about the letter “X” for 1st grade

Project goal: To get acquainted with all the letters of the Russian alphabet and choose your favorite letter.
Draw and talk about her character, as well as behavior in the City of Letters, having learned about her from the works of the textbook “Literary Reading”. Make a letter layout, prepare a report for a speech and a presentation with illustrations. Project execution plan:

  1. My favorite letter
  2. Let's make a letter layout from cardboard.
  3. Character of the letter "X".
  4. Poems about the letter "X".
  5. Riddles about the letter "X".
  6. Text about the letter "X" for the Museum of Letters.
  7. An example of a finished presentation.

Report to the project

I chose the letter “X” for the Museum of Letters. Because she is my favorite. Various writers have said a lot of interesting things about this letter.

The word Bread, which lies on the table for dinner in V. Danko’s poem, begins with the letter X.

The letter X is a consonant and cannot be sung.

In S. Marshak's poem, the word Ferret begins with the letter X, which means a cunning animal that stole a chicken from the bus.

Also, the words Good, Cunning, Laughter, Tail, Trunk begin with this letter.

Tongue twisters with the letter X

Osip was hoarse, and Arkhip was hoarse. Osip is hoarse, and Arkhip is hoarse. Osip Arkhip, and Osip is hoarse. Arkhip was hoarse, and Osip was hoarse.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse!

Zakhar stored sugar. I filled the bins with it. Zakharov's granaries are completely covered with sugar.

I praise halva.

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Poems about the letter X, 3.6 out of 5 based on 7 ratings

Poem about the letter X for 1st grade

Letter X - Cheeky Hamster Replenishing his supplies. The barn is filled to the brim - Our hamster will be full.

The refrigerator hides the cold and food so that there is no hunger. You get the soup, heat it up, eat it and feel better.

X is a refined artist, he is an unsurpassed master. X is a connoisseur of beauty, His canvases are good.

It’s good, friends, to grunt loudly like a pig, to laugh, to snore, to giggle, but don’t just whine!

Brushwood Brushwood can be edible And it crunches incomparably, But it tastes even better if you eat it with friends.

Ha ha ha, nonsense! The letter is not bad at all - It grabbed the tail of the verse And boasted... the letter X.

We love BREAD very much, he is the only master in our kitchen. There is a law for all of us: you should only eat bread with soup.

On the Farm there is a Hut entwined with hops. Piglets live in the stable near the Hut. Sovronya Boasted to Khokhlatka the neighbor: “Oink-Oink! What good kids! Sticking tails, round bellies - the owner said: Real pigs!

The dolls dance in a round dance and clap their hands. The Hamster brings them bread and good halva. The elephant raises its trunk: “Ha-Ha-Ha,” he laughs. One-two-three-four-five, We need to know the letter “X”!

HoKhotunchiak Hamster RazlaKhmatil KhoKholok. Well, I walked, I walked, I had a good time with the Ferret.

The hamster stores grain - The hamster is fed all winter.

Let's just draw a cross... So the letter X is in place. The letter X broke its leg. But the lame one laughs! There is no need to be upset - the result is the letter U. If the letter U places its leg a little straighter, or bends its arm more sharply, the letter H will step forward. The letter X in the middle only needs a back, so that the hand can draw the letter Z - almost a beetle. If a woman, playing hide and seek, hides her left two paws, then she will certainly turn into the letter K.

OH! What letter is this? The cross seems to cross out everything. It’s impossible to do without it - “Okay” we’ll say how? The word “Bread” and the word “laughter” always make everyone happy!

Horseradish is not at all sweeter than radish: the smell is tart, very pungent. And the seasoning for jellied meat! Thank you well done!

The hamster praised the crispy bread: It’s good with halva and just like that!

There lives a hamster on the hill, Laughing and Merry. You stuff your cheeks with bread, you can never be gloomy at all. He is the owner - no matter where. It's always good for him!

The sow havronya was reputed to be a good housewife: She baked enough bread for herself, she cleaned the hut and the yard, she swept it, she grunted and grunted and lay down in a puddle.

Letter X praised the halva: “Oh, there would be enough for all of us!”

Tongue twisters starting with the letter X

Home / Children's section / Collections of tongue twisters / Starting with the letter X

Funny tongue twisters starting with the letter X that children are sure to love. Tongue twisters, or as they are also called, pure spelling twisters, are most often in demand by speech therapists and parents. Their goal is to teach the child to clearly pronounce and reinforce the problematic sound, in this case, the sound X.

For many children, the letter X is not the most difficult letter, but clear pronunciation of “X” is important not only for diction, but also for the child’s further literacy training.

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The ferret had halva, The ferret's food is good.© The refrigerator is cold, The jellied meat keeps the cold. © Hamster with a hamster, They built a good house. © The hamster stores grain in its cheeks. If you want to skate, you have to wait for the cold. ©

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse. In the refrigerator I store: Bread, peas, nuts, persimmons. © Ha-ha-ha, Ha-ha-ha, there is a flea sitting on the rooster. © Piggy grunts in the barn. © Khavroshi’s bread is good. © Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback. Erokha is reluctant to hunt. The roosters went to the worms and became shepherds. Everyone was counted, everyone was pecked. A pig has a hooked tail, and a ferret has a sticky tail. The ferret planted peas and collected thistles. A fly-fly landed on my ear. The chicks of the Corydalis are good. There are many bad things in the world, but there is nothing worse than a bad mind. Praise to halva, delicious halva, praise to halva. Screaming Arkhip, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse. The vaunted Khokhloma is good. The gunpowder crashed loudly, Prokhor gasped in fear. Wow, what good peas, horseradish and good hops too. © Delicious halva - praise to the master. Three old women sat down in the canopy, ate three pieces of bread, stomped their feet, and laughed their heads off. What is done hastily is done in mockery. Giggles and giggles - Masha is tiny. The predatory wolf grabbed the persimmon, he liked the persimmon. The wolf now and in the future wants to be good, he just eats persimmons. © Laughter letter X Laughed: Ha-ha-ha! The rain lashes and lashes, The wolf hides under the horsetail. The tail is under the tail, And he himself is in the rain. The walkers walked tick-tock, the walkers walked like this. © It’s easy for an elephant to get a persimmon with its trunk. © Birds gave chrysanthemums to the turtle. © Boy Alyosha’s galoshes are good. © Hamsters love nuts, but they will probably eat persimmons. Did the hamsters eat persimmons? Was it delicious? I don't understand. © The ferret wanted to go to the hamster for a lesson. The ferret started snoring and didn’t go to class. © HA-HA-HA - sitting flea HE-HE-HE - beetle in a burdock HI-HI-HI - writing poems HO-HO-HO - sunrise has come HU-HU-HU - leaf on top

Tongue twisters help shape speech and diction. The ability to clearly pronounce words is useful not only for children and representatives of creative, television professions, and the blogosphere. Throughout our lives we communicate with people, at home and at work, clear speech helps to convey information to others and encourage constructive dialogue. If, due to the nature of your activity, you need to speak in front of large audiences, tongue twisters are where you should start preparing for each speech.

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Poems about the letters “A”, “B”, “C”, “G” for 1st grade

Poems about the letters “A” for 1st grade
Poems about the letters “A”, “B”, “C”, “G” for 1st grade:

My acrobat, Acrobat, Legs like springs. He's happy to bounce like a ball on the pig's back. The pig flaps its ears and enjoys playing with us.

Everyone knows the letter A - the letter is very nice. And besides, the letter A is the main letter in the alphabet.

The letter B is a big beech, its eyebrows frown and mutter: - I won’t forget my letter brothers even small insults!

I have a Barbie doll - full of golden hair! I'll tie a bow on the doll, and she'll smile at me. I will smile back at her, And, like Barbie, I will comb my hair.

B is a very important letter, I imagined it was terrible. The chest is a wheel, the stomach is inflated, As if there is nothing more important here.

Fun spinner doesn't let me get bored. The cheerful pinwheel is calling me for a walk. The cheerful pinwheel leads me to the river, where the frog croaks in the green reeds.

G is a cheerful, kind gnome! There are many tales about him. He comes into children's dreams at night and even during the day!

No, it’s not for nothing that I hung a hammock. I know that a cheerful gnome will rest in it.

On the letter G, like on a horse, Gleb raced around the garden, but Gleb did not run into the pea beds with his feet.

Poems about the letters “Z”, “I”, “Y”, K” for 1st grade

Poems about the letters “Z”
Poems about the letters “Z”, “I”, “Y”, K” for 1st grade:

The letter “Z” to the number “Three” Speaks in your ear: Look, look, dear friend, How much, How much, How similar we are!

The bunny lives happily, Long-Eared Bunny. In the morning he has a balalaika singing in his paws.

And - she looks like an accordion And like a scared cat. And - between two straight roads, one lay diagonally.

Indian with a bow on his back - Hunter, tracker. He floats along the river road, hurries along the forest path: “Here the crocodile dined, Here the little goat passed, And here, tired of the roads, The wise Yogi sat under a palm tree.”

The little needle has a thin and prickly nose, and a friend thread sticks out of its ear.

There are very few words starting with “Y”: Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga. We usually write “Y” at the end: Tea, random, secret, extra.

At the “I Brief” station We were greeted with a riddle: “Read, guess and guess - How, without getting up from your seat, you can turn a tram

The letter Y is called “And short.” Y like I in your notebook. So as not to confuse Y with I, write above the mark.

It dances with one paw, and waves the other paw, and at the same time the letter K is like the antennae of a beetle.

Where did the letter K go? Apparently she also ran away, It became boring in the primer, Here she is walking in the yard. She is friends with a cat and a dog, And with a bully kid, Yes, she ran to the cow, Then she chatted with the chickens. I rode on the swings and rushed off to the ABC book again.

Cat, map, kings, find the letter “K” there. The letter "K" is funny, This letter is nice. In the word cat and carriage Children hear this letter.

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