A selection of fairy tales “About the Merry Tongue” file for speech therapy

Tales about the tongue

How Tongue drank tea with friends


Speech therapist.

Little Tongue had not seen his old friends for a long time, and then one day he invited them to a tea party.
The tongue took a deep plate ( open your mouth wide and hold it for a count of 5
) and began to knead the dough (
squeeze your tongue between your teeth back and forth
When the dough was ready, Tongue placed it on the window ( open your mouth wide and hold it for a count of 5 )
Soon the dough began to rise and puff ( take in air through your nose and smoothly push it out through your lips, you will hear a dull sound (p) )
He put the tongue of dough on the table and began to make pies ( stick out a wide tongue, raise the edges of the tongue and hold it between the lips, you get a rolled up tube)
Inside each pie, put raspberry jam on the tongue ( lick your lips from left to right and right to left
) and put them in the oven (
open your mouth wide and hold for a count of 5

Then the tongue took out 5 beautiful cups ( open your mouth, lift your tongue up and bend the side edges to make a cup),

poured water into the kettle (
smile and say: “sss”)
and put it on the fire.
The water quickly boiled ( smile and say: “sh-sh-sh”).
Soon the pies also began to brown (
stick out your wide tongue, lift the edges of the tongue and hold it between your lips, you get a rolled-up tube).
Suddenly someone knocked on the door ( say: “t-t-t”

These are the guests: Mishutka ( puff out her cheeks and keep counting to 5
), the fox-fluffy tail (
put her wide tongue on her lower lip and bend the tip up 5 times),
the jumping squirrel (
smile and say: “tsk-tsk”
), Running Bunny (
bite your lower lip, lift your upper lip up, exposing your front upper teeth).
He seated the tongue of the guests at the table and began to treat them to hot tea with pies (

a folded “tube”) celebrated his birthday.

Speech therapist.

Today was Tongue's birthday, and his family decided to give him a real celebration.
First we needed to thoroughly clean the house. Dad took out a vacuum cleaner and began to clean the carpets ( pronounce “w-w-w”
The older sister began to wipe dust from the cabinets ( move her tongue left and right along her upper lip
The cat Timofey walked around the house and wagged his fluffy tail, as if he was helping to prepare for the holiday (smile, tongue touches first the upper teeth, then the lower ones)
Soon dad rolled the carpets into a tube ( the side edges are curved, forming a tube
) and began to wash the floors (
lick his lips first from left to right, then from right to left).
When everything in the house was sparkling, mom returned from the store. She bought flour, eggs, sugar and milk. The whole family began to help prepare the cake for the holiday. Knead the dough ( rest your tongue on the left and right cheeks)

Small roses were made from the cream ( pull your cheeks between your teeth 5 times and at the end hold for a count of 10).
We put the cake in the oven to bake (
inhale through your nose, open your mouth and say “Ha”, repeat 10 times).
After a few minutes, a large, beautiful cake turned out (
open your mouth, put your wide tongue on your lower lip and hold it for a count of 10).
Mom and daughter decorated the room with multi-colored balloons ( inflate first the left, then the right cheek

Soon Tongue returned from school. He brought his friends with him. Everyone sat down at the table. They brought in the cake. The tongue took in more air and inflated all the candles ( inhale through your nose and blow hard, repeat 5 times
). It was fun and noisy that day. Everyone laughed, smiled, and congratulated Yazychka on his birthday.

How Tongue went to visit Squirrel.

Speech therapist

One day, Tongue decided to visit Squirrel. He collected a whole basket of nuts, berries and mushrooms. These are the ones ( exercise “Mushroom”
). And he went to visit. Tongue walked along the path and listened to the sounds of the forest. "Kuk-ku, kuk-ku." Who is this? (Cuckoo) How does the cuckoo crow? (Peek-a-boo) What is the cuckoo doing? (Cues) “D-t, d-t.” Who is this? (Woodpecker) How does a woodpecker knock? (“d-t, d-t”) What is the woodpecker doing? (Knocks) “Ugh-uh, uh-uh” Who is this? (Owl) How does an owl hoot? (“oof-oof”) What is the owl doing? (hooks).

Tongue walked for a long time. He heard a bear making noise in the forest thicket (“o-o-o”)

how a hungry wolf howls
how a hedgehog snorts
Near the tallest pine, the tongue stopped.
He knocked on the tree 5 times (imitation of sound) and a Squirrel looked out of the hollow. She quickly went downstairs and greeted Tongue with her fluffy tail. Like this ( exercise “Swing”).
Tongue gave Squirrel a basket with nuts, berries and mushrooms.
Like this ( exercise “Mushroom”
The squirrel was very happy ( exercise “Smile
She took Tongue to her house and treated him to delicious pancakes with jam ( exercise “Jam”).
When Tongue had eaten everything, Squirrel poured him a cup of hot tea made from fragrant herbs (
exercise “Cup”).
After dinner, Tongue washed himself (
exercise “Jam
”) and began to tell the squirrel funny stories (
exercise “Smile”).
How Tongue cooked mushroom soup

Speech therapist.

The tongue woke up early.
He got out of bed and began to stretch, first up and then down ( exercise “Swing”).
I stretched my sides (
exercise “Clock”
Then I brushed my teeth: first the upper ones, and then the lower ones ( exercise “Let’s brush my teeth”).
I had breakfast.
I put on a warm jacket, a hat, and a scarf. I took an umbrella and a basket with me. I got on the horse and rode into the forest ( exercise “Horse”).
In the forest he found many different mushrooms. Here they are (“exercise “Mushroom”).

Soon the clouds rolled in and it began to rain.
The tongue opened the umbrella, sat on the horse and rode home ( exercise “horse”)
At home, he cooked mushroom soup and ate a whole plate at lunch ( exercise “Jam
”). He lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. That's how tired Tongue is.

How Tongue visited his beloved pets

Speech therapist.

It became cold outside.
The birds flew away to warmer lands. The last leaves have fallen from the trees. Winter will come very soon. Tongue decided to go to the village. He harnessed the horse, got into the cart and drove slowly along the path ( exercise “Horse” at a slow pace).
In the village, Tongue first visited the mother pig, next to whom ten little pink piglets were sleeping quietly and peacefully (
exercise “Spatula”),
then he went into the chicken coop.
A chicken was sitting high on a perch, and under it yellow fluffy chickens were walking back and forth ( exercise “Clock”).
In the garden, Tongue saw a goat, shaking its beard, eating ripened cabbage ( move its lower jaw and lips, as if chewing).

Suddenly Tongue heard someone yawn.
He approached an old birch tree and noticed a shaggy dog ​​near the booth ( yawn 3-4 times
The cat Vasily was walking nearby; he was frightened by the awakened dog and immediately arched his gray back ( the “cat is angry
” exercise).
Tongue fed all the animals, removed the fallen autumn leaves, collected the last harvest and hurried back home satisfied (exercise “Horse” at a fast pace)
How Tongue played with friends in winter

Speech therapist.

Winter came.
The tongue went outside and saw hundreds of fluffy snowflakes, which seemed to be dancing in the air ( circular movements of the tongue along the lips, first to the right, then to the left, repeat 5 times).
In surprise, he smiled widely and opened his mouth (
exercise “Smile”, “Window”).
A lot of snow fell in the yard (
hold your mouth open for 30 seconds)
, and Tongue really wanted to play with his friends.
He walked up to the fence ( exercise “Fence”)
and began to call them together: “Zoe, go play!”
( repeat phrases clearly

The guys quickly ran into the yard and began to play different games. Zoya was sledding down a hill ( exercise “Slide”: the tongue rests on the lower teeth and arches out of the mouth).

Zina was spinning on skates on the ice (
tongue lies in the middle of her upper lip; lick her lips 1 time from left to right and 1 time from right to left, repeat 5 times).
Zakhar made three snowballs for a snowman (
inflate the left cheek, then the right, then both at the same time
Sasha and Syoma had fun playing snowballs ( put your tongue to the left, then to the right on the inside of your cheek).
And Sveta skied first forward and then backward (
exercise “Needle”: pull the sharp tongue out of your mouth and pull it back in. Repeat 7-8 times)
The guys played all day and didn’t even notice how evening came. It was time to say goodbye: “Goodbye, Zoya!” ( Repeat phrases with clear pronunciation of sounds (з), (зь), (с), (сь).)

“Goodbye, Zina!
Goodbye, Zakhar! Goodbye Sasha! Goodbye, Sema! Goodbye, Sveta! Having seen off his friends, Tongue yawned tiredly ( yawn widely
) and slowly walked towards the house (
exercise “Window

How Tongue prepared for the New Year.

Speech therapist

All roads and paths were covered with snow. Slowly, slowly, the tongue makes its way through the snowdrifts straight into the forest ( the tongue rests from the inside of the mouth against the cheeks in different directions).
The cold, frosty wind began to blow even stronger
(“oo-oo-oo”), and
the tree branches rustled even louder
It's scary and cold for Tongue. He hid his nose under the collar of his fur coat and began to warm it (“x-x-x” - blowing warm air on his palm
For a long time, Tongue was looking for a Christmas tree in the forest for the holiday. He heard the owls hooting (“Ugh, uh, uh”),
and the little wolf cubs yapping in the hole
(“oo-oh-oh” - the sound is pronounced with a nasal connotation, for this you need to press the root of your tongue to the soft palate).
Finally, nearby, Tongue noticed a furry Christmas tree ( open your mouth, place the sharp tip of your tongue on your upper lip and hold for 10 s)

He walked up to her, took out an ax and began to chop (“d-t-d-t”).
Soon the Christmas tree fell straight into the snow (hold the thin tongue on the upper lip, then smoothly move it to the lower lip, repeat several times). He put the Christmas tree tongue in the sleigh and drove home (lick his lips from left to right, then from right to left).

Forest inhabitants came to admire the Christmas tree: Fox, Wolf, Bear, Hare, Hedgehog. They crowded around the tongue and began to help decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday. The fox hung a big red ball on the Christmas tree 9 open his mouth wide and hold it), the Wolf stretched multi-colored beads along the branches (mouth closed, lips slowly stretching into a smile), the Hare hung a bell (mouth open, move tongue left and right inside the mouth), Hedgehog put under the Christmas tree an accordion for Santa Claus (suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and move your lower jaw, stretching the frenulum), and the Bear put a five-pointed star on the very top (put the palms of both hands together and spread your fingers wide).

There was a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree in the yard. Suddenly the animals heard the tramp of someone's feet (tap-tap-tap). It's Santa Claus. The animals and the tongue began to celebrate the arrival of the New Year cheerfully and noisily (smile, baring their teeth, opening and closing their mouth on the count of 5).

How Tongue made a snowman.

Speech therapist:

One winter day, Tongue looked out the window (open and close his mouth counting to 5) and very


gymnastics for children

in fairy tales"

Tales of the Happy Tongue

It is no secret that the development of the articulatory apparatus is an important component in correcting defects in the pronunciation of sounds.

Articulation gymnastics for children should be carried out by a speech therapist, teachers, and parents several times a day. As a result, full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs are developed, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. In addition, with its help, simple movements are combined into complex articulatory structures of various phonemes.

Traditional articulation gymnastics consists of a number of exercises:

  • Static,
  • Dynamic.

From these exercises I was able to compose logically structured, entertaining tales about the Merry Tongue . Their use certainly increases children's interest in performing exercises, adds variety to the learning process and helps accelerate the improvement of children's articulatory organs and, accordingly, their speech.

We began to actively use “Tales of the Merry Tongue” in the garden in our practice. The kids like it. The results of the development of the speech apparatus are excellent.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue No. 1

1. Once upon a time there lived a Cheerful Tongue in his house. One day he decided to take a walk. He looked out of the house and froze, became thin, sharp, like a needle. He hid in the house and looked out again, and again, like a snake’s tongue. Then I finally decided to go out and take a walk. He went to the clearing and didn’t even walk, but rolled like a reel. In the clearing he saw a fungus. I saw a horse and rode it. He also met an important turkey. Suddenly he heard the steamer hum and realized that it was already a long time, it was time to go home. I looked at my watch and it was definitely time. And at home the sponges punished him for walking for so long. I brushed Tongue's teeth and went to bed in my warm bed.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue No. 2

2. Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue. So one day he decided to go for a walk to the children's park. I looked out of the house - it was warm and sunny. He decided to bask in the sun, like a pancake in a frying pan. I warmed myself up and hit the road. Tongue came to the park and decided to ride the slide first, then on the swing. I clicked the tip with pleasure and went to watch magic tricks. And then Tongue enjoyed the delicious jam that was in a beautiful ladle and ate some candy. I looked at my watch - it was already late. And he rolled home like a reel. And at home the sponges punished him for walking for so long. I brushed Tongue's teeth and went to bed in my warm bed.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue No. 3

3. Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. And he had a house - his mouth. And the house had 2 doors - lips and teeth. Tongue decided to put things in order in his house. First I whitewashed the ceiling. Then the walls, like a real painter. The house sparkled like new. The tip of the tongue clicked with pleasure. He sat down on the porch and played the pipe, the harmonica and the drum. I also gave myself a festive dinner - pancakes with delicious jam. Then he looked at his watch - it was late. It's time to rest. He brushed his teeth and went to bed in his bed.

Kuznetsova Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification. category, combined kindergarten No. 5, Otradnaya village, Krasnodar region

  1. Joint activity “Visiting a fairy tale”
  2. Presentation: Automation of sound [Ш] in syllables, words

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