Automation of sound [L]. Part 5. Sound [L] in texts

Project “City of Letters” - all about the letter “L” for 1st grade

Project goal: To get acquainted with all the letters of the Russian alphabet and choose your favorite letter.
Draw and talk about her character, as well as behavior in the City of Letters, having learned about her from the works of the textbook “Literary Reading”. Make a letter layout, prepare a report for a speech and a presentation with illustrations. Project execution plan:

  1. My favorite letter
  2. Let's make a letter layout from cardboard.
  3. Character of the letter "L".
  4. Poems about the letter "L".
  5. Riddles about the letter "L".
  6. Text about the letter “L” for the Museum of Letters.
  7. An example of a finished presentation.

Report to the project

I chose the letter “L” for the Museum of Letters. Because she is my favorite. Various writers have said a lot of interesting things about this letter.

The word Horse that rolls a cart in V. Danko’s poem begins with the letter L.

The letter L is a consonant and cannot be sung.

In I. Gamazkova's poem, the Fox miraculously learns about jam.

In S. Marshak's poem, the word Fox, who knew what time it was and told the Turkey about it, also begins with the letter L.

Also, the words Laziness, Moon, Leaf, Summer, Loader begin with this letter.

Word combinations and phrases starting with the sound L

Word combinations and phrases starting with the sound L.

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning and at the end of words in monosyllabic words.

Here is a varnish, there is a varnish, smear the varnish, here is a laz, barking Laika, here is a bark, a quiet bark, here is a doe, a clever doe, here is a stall, I see a stall, here is an elk, an elk is lying, his forehead hurts, here is a crowbar, a crowbar is lying, here is a ray , a ray of the moon, a ray of light, here is a bow, a bow lies, here is a meadow, a large meadow, an elk meadow.

Here is the hall, gave the hall, here is the ball, there was a ball, there was a hall, there was chalk, here is the hall, there was a hall, there was a shaft, the wolf howled, the ox walked, led the ox, led the wolf, sewed the doe, lived the ox, lived the wolf, drank the wolf , the ox drank, the ox sang, the wolf sang, the floor was chalked, the hall was chalked, a goal was scored, the hall was roaring, there was a table, there was a table, there was a chair, a small chair, a small table, a mule was walking, an ox was sleeping, a wolf was sleeping, an ox was sleeping, eating the wolf ate the mule, washed the hall, washed the table, washed the chair, the meadow bloomed, the mule stood up, dug the meadow, the ox whined, washed the floor, took a crowbar, knocked down a doe, crushed the meadow, ate chalk, took the rod, ate the roll, the raft floats, Evil Vlas, the fleet has sailed.

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 2 complex words with an open syllable.

Lava flows, the llama lies, the llama walked, the llama ate, the llama saw, Lada ate, Lada saw, Lada soap, Lada sang, Lada led, the paw lay, the paw of soap, the lasso lies, the armor lies, the vine blossomed, the lotto lies, the bed of soap , Laura walked, Lola sang, the moon floated, the magnifying glass lay, the magnifying glass was washed, a large puddle, Lusha drank.

Yula sang, Alla whined, Bella washed, Mila vila, Mila drank, the ash lay, there was strength, there were things to do, she blew hard, she lived happily, the soap lay, there was an awl, there was work, the sting bit, the lard hung, she sang solo, she washed the body , the pitchforks were lying, he took the armor, patched the armor, watered the elk, the moon rose.

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 3 complex words with an open syllable.

The avalanche was running, Larisa was walking, Larisa was driving, Laura was reading, Lolita was thinking, the lagoon was turning white, Volodya was young, the shack was scary, the paws were lying down, she wanted to go to bed, the aches were pressing, the shovel was lying, the leggings were pressing, the moose was sniffing, the ravine was curling, the ravine was breaking, there was logic , they were making a den, a torch was burning, Louise saw, Milana was running, Camilla was changing, Camilla was whitewashing, Mikula was changing, Nikola was running, Danila was looking, the shark was catching, the viola was blooming, the koala was eating, the mistletoe was curling, Milana was screaming, the bowl fell, the bits were lying, the chamber stood, head was buzzing, the mace was knocking, dear Milana, Louise drove, Louise drove, Camilla walked, Milana read, Milana wrote, Louise thought, treated her hair, a complaint was received, bought gold, drank milk, a white stripe, straw fell, whitewashed the floors, washed white, Louise itched, the mare ran, changed gold, washed the railings, it was nicer, it was fun, it pressed hard, there was a stuffed animal, dried clothes, sharpened a saw, near the shack, a whole swamp, got tin, a scarecrow gorilla, aloe blossomed, Ilona searched , Volodya thought, the swamp has bloomed, there is a deck lying, white straw, a white column, a beluga is swimming, a bluebird is flying, the deck is being washed, the husk is lying, a cherry plum has been washed, a white boat, a blue lagoon, a doll is being treated, the power of a voice.

Collocations with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 2 complex words with an open syllable, with a confluence in the middle of the word.

The best shop, Laima barks, the boat is swimming, she barked okay, the husky ran, the agile husky, the lamp was shining, the fins burst, she was cooking noodles, the boat was sailing, the spoon fell, catching pins, breaking hair, a deep hole, it was better, the husk was lying, the tree was falling , Alsou sang, the needle pricked, the bangs lay, the bun fell, they washed the fork, the stick lay, the stick fell, the saw sawed, the squirrel caught, the clever squirrel, the crowd left, the crowd buzzed, the doll cried, the doll sang, the doll walked, the doll spoke, alder hung down, the fool was calling, the beam fell, the beam was whitened, the thickness of the ice, the wave came, the jackdaw pecked, the jackdaw flew, searched for a long time, cooked spelled, cried a lot, there was a flask, stockings were hanging, white stockings, walked silently, the shelf fell, washed for a long time, the link hung, there was a rumor, the halva was drying, the halva was lying, a wave came, a squirrel's paw, a ski pole.

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word in 2 complex words with a closed syllable.

I washed my palm, a cheerful camp, there was a bast shoe, a forest storehouse, there was lavash, a radiant laser, a cheerful footman, the stall was broken, the casket was opened, barking for a long time, lapping up the milk, patching the bast shoe, breaking the bench, watering the burdock, salmon was swimming, catching salmon, the tray burst , salmon catcher, catch deftly, any horse, a crowbar lay, a crowbar fell, a smooth crowbar, a curl curled, an elbow hurt, a hunk of bread, an oar blade, shoveling lard, a lotus bloomed, a ray shone, moon elk, watered a ray, a meadow bloomed, bald elk, sweet salad, Bulat sang, a robe hung, a deft executioner, a shuttlecock flew, a strong fist, a strong man ran, a strong cold, a cold closet, a hut was made, a kalach lay, there was balance, to do things, to wish well, there was talent, I found a little thing, satisfied my hunger, I heard a voice, long hair, a smooth chute, a heavy hammer, a chub was swimming, a salmon catch, a pilot was flying, a white chalk, a large roll, a roll of a veil, a large tax, there was a coupon, a serf was coming, to chop salmon, dear milord, to grind noodles , weeding burdock, a long stocking, a heavy balloon, there was a squirrel, a deft gallop, a pendant was hanging, a white interior, pounding wormwood, washing the canopy, a dove was flying, a naughty man was running, a boulder was lying, she was carrying a cleaver, she was carrying a sheepskin coat, an acorn was hanging, a scarlet sheepskin coat, white dove, naked Bulat, naked baby, small bast shoe, melted ice, frail man, weeded wormwood, Pavel cried, Danil slept, smashed a glass, vocals sounded, vinyl played, woodpecker hammered, there was a blockage, a jackal howled, he saw the ending, he was impudent, a goldfinch sang, dug a canal, a deep canal, saw metal, drew an oval, a leaf fell, an acorn fell, a pencil case fell, there was an injection, made an injection, made an angle, tied a knot, found a cover, saw an aul, carried a trunk, a goat bleated, a cauldron hung , a donkey walked, ashes flew, a falcon flew, received a title, carried a torch, dug a canal, injected an injection, wrote for a long time, breathed heavily, ate for a long time, sweated heavily, walked far, drove far, mowed a meadow, wore a bast shoe, sat poorly, wanted milk, took out a sheepskin coat, put on a bast shoe, planted a vine, bitten bread, went far, chewed burdock, repaired the salon, hammered a stake, rolled a trunk, filled the salon, washed down with milk, learned the rule, combed his bangs, ran deftly, sowed wormwood, melted the ice, the eagle flew, touched with its wing, the dome was on fire, a deer walked, put on a case, caught coral, metal glittered, a musical was on, drank pickle, did a ritual, a brave kid, went to catch, a ball of thread, a white lotus, put down a pencil case, a clever naughty boy, the kid was sleeping .

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 2 complex words with a combination of consonants in the middle with a closed syllable.

Blue casket, nice casket, spruce spruce branches, cool landscape, white lily of the valley, white liner, white stripe, caress the weasel, smooth eraser, dexterous lobster, white flap, poured lotion, smooth jigsaw, dexterous Luntik, brittle hair, dull burst, slice of bread , brittle hair, the best person, a tired skier, a warm station, a cheerful football, a smooth dagger, a scarlet pennant, a thick magazine, an angry grin, a warm jacket, a cold basement, took a day off, a white angel, an angry buffalo, a strong muscle, sneezed after him, sweetly yawned, cleaned his bast shoes, caught a buffalo, got tired of breaking, fell asleep sweetly, smoked salmon, the consul arrived, cooked the grill, the marshal walked, ate menthol, the Mongol ran, spruce flooring, complete collapse, scarlet signal, the best symbol, white balcony, put on a tie, the best sorcerer, became silent, a soldier walked, a cheerful sultan, a yellow yolk, a shuttle sailed, pushed a boat, brewed sage, a stupid dunce, a full bottle, noon came, midnight came, a booming signal, tightened the bolt, the chatterbox spoke, brewed bulgar, wore a cap , wolf howl, spinning top, volcano seething, had to, found a diamond, read an atlas, pathetic debt, yellow forehead, warm pea coat, full salary, rock slope, slight slope, cyclone came, there was a report, swept the floors, sour onions.

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle of words, in 3 complex words with an open syllable with a combination of consonants in the middle of the word.

Lavender lawn, a full bench, a smooth bench, sweet pancakes, a forest loophole, there was a gourmet, lit a lamp, dear little sweetheart, little sweetheart, a trap opened, a full palm, stroked the stripes, bought a shack, my ankle hurts, the horse fell, there’s a spatula, I bought a treat , they washed the loggia, a boat sailed away, a tin spoon, Lukerya lived, carried a basket, saw a lawn, a splinter was burning, there was slyness, a skier ran, Angela a skier, hid a pin, a pin fell, a warm loaf, ate a loaf, there was a tent, baked pancakes, dear mulatto, dear sister-in-law, golden baby, ampoule of medicine, there was an outing, the tower grew, the sleigh was carrying, Lukerya the strong girl, the squirrel was jumping, the bun was lying, the fork fell, they were weaving fiber, the jackdaw was jumping, the jackdaw was hungry, milk was flowing, the wand was broken, the canvas was ironed, the shelf was hanging, the bangs were hanging down, there was a salt shaker, there was a trick, a lapdog was running, a speaker was rattling, the shoe was broken, it was awkward, a cap was lying, a long strip, a yellow straw, Cinderella was singing, the dumpling was growing, the dove was flying, a big payday, lazy cabbage rolls, it was semi-dark , bagpipes were playing, baby naked, the baby was running, she lost her needle, a doll was lying, there was a hanger, there was a hairpin, a fortune teller was telling fortunes, a white hairpin, a mermaid was swimming, lightning was flashing, a bottle burst, a package was being sent, a whisk was chalking, whitewash was falling, a craft was hanging, she was singing an oriole, the sausage was being smoked, a nurse came, there was a drinking bowl, she saw a gorge, a latch clicked, a rocking chair was hanging, a filly was running, a piggy bank was broken, gentle palms, a sweet smile, Allah is a gourmet, the clouds were floating, the boat was sailing, he put on his cap.

Phrases starting with the sound L at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 3 complex words with a closed syllable.

A lacquer bracelet, tasty bread, a scout crawling, a barking wolf, a full infirmary, dug up lapis lazuli, looking for a labyrinth, a cheerful laboratory assistant, a sweet speech therapist, an affectionate elk calf, a green burdock, a small tray, a crafty fox, an onion mite, a lunar lunatic, a lunar rover walked, a meadow burdock , warm chocolate, sweet salad, white robe, heavy hammer, heavy ball, thick fist, green malachite, the booth was buzzing, there was trouble, she was carrying in half, catching salmon, laying a bast, breaking sticks, getting things done, a good fellow was running, a young fixer was lying cellophane, kiss granny, stirred gelatin, twisted a hula hoop, ate a hut, lapped up milk, a desired pancake, patched up a patch, imposed a tax, arranged a rest, a bun ran, a long hair, ice set in, a gentle voice, a business babble, a bell rang, ground burdock, white soap maker, warm rug, warm pullover, the nightingale sang, cold jellied meat, a chill came, a dear man, a deft diver, a hair fell, kill a salmon, chop an olive, grind a loaf, philologist, spruce spruce branches, a full well, there was a dialogue, a daring pilot, white ceiling, white stocking, forest windbreak, hungry sperm whale, clever whale catcher, fat bowler hat, clever mouse catcher, uninhabited closet, light foam rubber, pale fisherman, full cabbage roll, blue scarf, sweet dove, was half asleep, favorite kiss, receiving a parcel, favorite silhouette , a skilled pilot, a tasty balyk, a smooth peg, a cheerful pilot, a burnt closet, a wilted burdock, a clever Daniil, a cheerful Mikhail, a forest drill, a white validol, a brave winemaker, there was a fiction, there was a general, a blue hole puncher, there was a plan, he saw an ideal, a complete cinema hall, a bell was ringing, an icebreaker was walking, a white mineral was crossing a pass, falling on the spot, a quail was flying, there was oversalting, the hayloft was on fire, a cheese maker was walking, preparing a dish, buying milk, starting a buffalo, tying a ribbon, hammering a peg, a motorcycle was racing.

Complex phrases with the sound L.

An avalanche rolled down, a cold forehead, a broken ladle, a one-year-old baby, Aladdin's lamp, long lactation, swims poorly, was looking for a pin, a good swimmer, smoothed his hair, a shaggy elk, tied a tie, the baby cried, adjusted the bicycle, ironed a towel, a lump floated, flotilla flag , combed her hair, imperious ruler, caught roaches, cried at first, Glory is a crybaby, swam poorly, made pilaf, heavy blanket, lagman's shop, wet palm, heard a voice, apple jam, golden treasure, prickly needle, complex puzzle, watered gladioli, Glashka cutie, ironing a blouse, notebook cover, blue blouse, white blouse, the locomotive left, blue-eyed Klava, fragile boat, broken bicycle, warm blanket, bald pilot, swallow sat down, hammered it with a hammer, beat the buck, it turned out nice, the whitewash came off, showed ingenuity, folded the lotto, a broken jigsaw, a piece of lavsan, shoed a flea, buried a treasure, white polystyrene foam, won with a word, put together puzzles, tilt the lampshade, white dress, allowed to break, blue dress, elephant hears, main puppeteer, clown bent over, silky cotton, clown clapped , thick cellophane, nylon raincoat, the best gloss, blond hair, the speech therapist listened.

3 word sentences.

Lusha has a magnifying glass. Lukoshka made of bast. Onion in the hole. Puddles on the lawn. Shuttlecock on a robe. Cold in the room. Tent near the hut. Hammer in the closet. There is wormwood near the rock. Went on vacation. Bees on cherry plum. A village near a swamp. Salt shaker made from straws. Ladle from the dining room. A lap dog near a column. Mousetrap under the table. There's a sheepskin coat on the floor. There are acorns near the boulder. Cinderella at the ball. Husk on deck. Dumplings with blueberries. Milk in a bottle. Dacron T-shirt. I sat down deftly. I float easily. Melted from the heat. There is a chair in the corner. Brass armor. They crawl out from under the bench. Jackdaw on the beam. Latvians from Latvia. The wolf is trapped. Swimmer at the dam. He barked and fell silent. Cap on a hanger. Sausage on a napkin. Violets on the balcony. Yolk in a plate. The moose has a calf. There are phloxes in the flowerbed. Cinderella has a towel. Scarves and towels. I was digging a flowerbed with a shovel. Volodya in a T-shirt. The archer has a bow. In a deep well. Lasso on a horse. Clap. Soldiers on the parade ground. Hall with columns. Tin spoon. Ripe sweet apple. Spoon in a bowl. With blue hair. He hit the floor. Dress with flounces. Luntik from the Moon. Needles at the Christmas tree. I went to the station. Plasticine jackdaw. There is a scarf on my head. Lies down on the bench. A rolling pin under the bench. Visited Lapland. Bast shoes made from bast. Swim to the raft, got hit in the forehead, Mila put on a robe. Mila was eating a salad. A bee on a panicle. The commander on the hill. Slava put on his bast shoes. Volodya became a pilot. The pilot put on his cap. The Latvian caught salmon. Alla washed herself with soap. Volodya became a pilot. Glasha chopped the onion. The scout scratched his head. Mila was a bad swimmer. Well done dug the well. The Scot was playing a prank. I went fishing. Klava was looking for a pin. Lusha took the spatula. Volodya smoothed his hair. The shaggy husky barked. Pavel smoothed his hair. Mikhail studied the globe. Pavel was catching a pigeon. Ulukbek made pilaf. Pavel caught a jackdaw. The kitten lapped milk. Pavel smoothed his hair. Pavel broke the plate.

4 word sentences.

Lola has a robe with frills. Volodya’s voice breaks. Lusha washed ripe cherry plum. I'm floating on the waves. Craft made from bad material. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly needle. There is a cold lagman in the palm of your hand. The lamp fell to the floor. Aladdin's lamp is on the bench. Mikhail sat down at the table. The moose fell into a trap. The kid was playing lotto. The girl hummed a cheerful melody. A skilled fisherman catches a beluga.

A squirrel stores ripe acorns. The young horse galloped. Volodya had lotto. The cutie was walking with chocolate. Mila drank cold milk. A boat was floating near the swamp. Lara was looking for her galoshes. A woodpecker was hammering the trunk of a Christmas tree. Mikhail sat down at the table. The flames engulfed the entire raft. A crowd of kids feasted on salmon. The woodpecker sat on the tree. The raft floats on the waves. Frol fell to the floor. Lada was skiing. The bathroom has a blue ceiling. Baby, don't cry. Laika barked at the scout. The horse galloped into the meadow. Klava washed her palms with soap. Volodya rode a bicycle. Malvina has blue hair. A white shark scared a scuba diver. Uncle Mikhail watered the horse. Grandpa Neil caught the bees. Kirill bought a silk tie. My brother went to football. Father went to the station. A dog was barking near the house. A raft floated on the waves. The pilot took the helm. Cinderella went to the ball.

5 word sentences.

The vociferous nightingale sings all night. The lop-eared babbler stood by the burdock tree. Mila pushed her chair away from the table. The wolf howled at the moon for a long time. Lana has a scarf on her head. The carpenter has a jigsaw in his hands. The fellow has armor made of brass. A ripe apple fell from the apple tree. Mikhail put the lilies of the valley in a glass. The crowd in T-shirts pushed the pusher. Volodya filled the glass with sweet juice. Volodya made a horse from plasticine. Alla put the plasticine on her palm. A ball of thread fell to the floor. Mikhail saw a squirrel on the tree. Volodya forgot where he put his pencil case. Slava ironed the scarves and towel. Uncle Luka was digging a flowerbed with a shovel. The dog took the doll into the closet. Volodya was sailing on a fragile boat. A bee fell into apple jam. Vova put the bottle on the shelf. Neil received a letter from Mikhail. The soldier reported that he had completed the task. Volodya forgot where he put his pencil case. The youth pitched a tent in the meadow. On cold days, short fur coats are worn. Kids dig with shovels in the sandbox.

Sentences of 6-7 words.

We have striped rugs on the floor. Klava put on a white dress and a blue scarf. Mila has a new notebook with a blue cover. Uncle Neil tied his tie and left. Volodya and Slava are sailing on a boat. The pilot was riding a bicycle in galoshes. Dad put up a Christmas tree, and mom decorated it. The chair fell to the floor and I got scared. Mikhail played football and scored a goal. My father served in the Navy on a submarine. Petya broke and then repaired the bike. The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it. The stake is near the table, the table is near the stake. Here the cheerful bun rolled like a ball. The squirrel jumped from tree to tree. In the spring, a swallow built a nest under the balcony of the house. She placed dry moss at the bottom of the nest.

The article was prepared and compiled by Elena Yuryevna Borovskaya. You can contact me about classes on alalia correction via Skype.

Automation of sound [L] in independent speech

The introduction of a phoneme into independent speech is the final stage of automation. Here you also need to follow some rules. For a long time, the child is not able to control two things at the same time - what to say and how to say it. It is quite difficult to teach him to include self-control over pronunciation.

At first, only specially organized, slightly unnatural situations are considered independent speech. At first, only adults - parents and teachers - will control the correctness of sound pronunciation. They develop what is called a “guard reflex” in speech therapy, when an adult controls two aspects: organizes the conversation and corrects all articulation errors. To teach a child to use a new correct sound, after each erroneous pronunciation, give him a sample, achieving correct reproduction.

Typically, independent monitoring and correction of incorrect pronunciation begins approximately two weeks after the phoneme is set. Adults must emotionally reinforce the creation of a new articulatory stereotype. Full automation of a given phoneme lasts approximately one and a half months.

This period is relevant only for dislastic defects; with more severe defects, the automation period increases. To get a positive result, you need to practice every day for about twenty minutes and control the child’s speech in everyday activities.

Automation [L] in connected speech

Fixing a phoneme in coherent speech is the most important stage of automation. At this stage, work with the phoneme in specially organized situations is completed. Next, the phoneme will be used in your own spontaneous utterances.

Not all children need to practice pronunciation using text material - if a child easily uses the given sound without difficulty, it is advisable to start spontaneous speech. But most children definitely need reinforcement in the text. For work, short stories are chosen, enriched with the phoneme being practiced.

When working with texts, sound is used without lengthening, without exaggerated articulation. The phoneme must be equivalent in relation to the flow of other phonemes. At this stage, stories of different types are used:

  • Stories based on reference pictures are a transitional step from repeating phrases to retelling texts. Stories should be short, [L] should be contained in only a few words, which are proposed to be inserted in the right place after showing the image.
  • Stories-tasks. The work begins in a similar way with one or two words. The speech therapist reads the problem, the child must solve it and answer orally in one word, and then in an expanded phrase.
  • Stories on leading questions.
  • Ordinary stories with a lot of fixed phoneme. Questions are also allowed here.
  • Writing a story on a specific topic. The child is given a topic for an essay and words with a fixed phoneme, which he must include in his story. These classes prepare you for incorporating phonemes into your own speech.

Automation [L] in words

You should not fix the phoneme in syllables for too long; you should start working on words as quickly as possible. This is important because in words the sound is surrounded by other sounds that leave a characteristic auditory-speech imprint. Also, children perceive meaningful, meaningful words more easily.

In addition to the meaning accessible to the child, words for automation work play a very significant role. They help fix the phoneme in different positions and create the necessary articulatory patterns. The child does not memorize all the words of his native language with the studied phoneme, he learns to pronounce various combinations with the new phoneme, which will later be used in other words containing the phoneme [L].

Automation of [L] in words is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Practicing words starting with [L].
  • Practicing the intervocalic position [L] (between two vowels).
  • Practicing words ending in [L].
  • Practicing [L] in the middle of a word.
  • Consolidation in words containing several sounds [L].

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