Presentation: Texts with the sound Ш/ Automation of the sound Ш in connected speech

Presentation: Texts on the sound “Ш” / Automation of the sound “Ш” in coherent speech - a game guide for automating the sound “Ш”.

Automation of the sound “Ш” in tests occurs after the sound is set, automation in syllables, in words, phrases, sentences.

Material on automating the sound “Ш” can be found at the link.

Automation of the sound “Ш” in texts can occur simultaneously with automation in poems and tongue twisters.

Before you start automating the sound “Ш” in tests, do articulation gymnastics. Articulation gymnastics - special exercises. These exercises will prepare the speech apparatus to pronounce this sound.

Since the automation process usually takes a long time, a huge amount of material is required

On the site you can find both presentations for the development of coherent speech and visual material. Visual material can be printed, laminated for longer-term use and enjoyed.

You can also study online directly on the website. All illustrations are accessible, colorful and of good size. Follow the highlighted link and learn to pronounce the sound “Ш” correctly in texts.

Now let’s talk about presentations for automating the sound “Ш” in texts.

Benefits of presentations:

  1. All children love to play on computers and all kinds of gadgets. Therefore, this type of gaming activity will definitely interest them.
  2. All material and pictures are understandable for children.
  3. In the presentation, the child will be able to switch files himself, and this is an additional game moment.
  4. The presentation is a very accessible educational material that does not require any costs. All you need is a computer, laptop or tablet.

In the presentation you will also find instructions for working on texts. You can read these instructions right now.

These are games and exercises:

  • “Name and repeat”;
  • "Big small";
  • “One is many”;
  • "The fourth wheel";
  • “Let’s do the math.”

These games will help not only automate the sound “Ш” in words, but also develop the grammatical structure of speech. Children very often make mistakes in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, errors in the formation of plural nouns, in the agreement of nouns with numerals, etc.

This presentation will help you deal with this problem, and will also develop attention, thinking and memory.

We hope that our presentations will become your good assistants. And automating the sound “Ш” will not be a boring task, but an exciting game.

List of stories for automating the sound “Ш”

  1. "At the edge"
  2. "Chess and Mice"
  3. "Fur coat for Pushka"
  4. "It's good in the countryside"
  5. "Pushinka"
  6. "Teddy bear"
  7. "Masha and Natasha"

There is only one presentation on the site: “Automation of the sound “Ш” in the story “At the Edge”. This version contains 13 illustrated pages.

You can receive the rest of the presentations on automating the sound “Ш” in texts (6 stories) by writing an e-mail

You can also write feedback via email. You can find it at the end of each page.

Presentation: Texts on the sound “Ш” / Automation of the sound “Ш” in coherent speech - a game guide for automating the sound “Ш”.

We hope that our presentations will become your good assistants. And automating the sound “Ш” will not be a boring task, but an exciting game.

Presentation on the topic “Automation of sound Ш”.

Presentation on the topic “Automation of sound Ш”.

In a playful way, children will be able to automate the sound Ш in isolation, in syllables, in words and in coherent speech. The tasks will help consolidate the lexical and grammatical categories of speech.

Slide 2. Isolated pronunciation of the sound [Ш] (animated game) help the snake hide behind a stone while it crawls pronounce the sound [Ш]

Slide 3. Putting things in order (animated game) The child looks at the picture and, in accordance with the movement, pronounces a sentence (Masha hangs a fur coat in the closet, Masha hangs a hat in the closet, etc.)

Slide 4. Each character has an object with the sound Ш. Give all characters a name with the sound Ш (Natasha, grandmother Masha, grandfather Misha). Tasks: Who has what item? (Grandfather Misha has an accordion.) Whose object is this? (This is grandpa's accordion.) Come up with a sentence with these words. (Grandfather Misha loves to play the harmonica.)

Slide 5. The child looks at the picture and says sentences (there is a grandmother near a small hut, a basket with cherries near a small hut, etc.)

Slide 6. Determining the place of sound in a word. Ask your child to name pictures where the sound Ш is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word.

Slide 7. Game “Hide and Seek” (animated game) the child looks at the picture and names a sentence, after the hat falls (cones under the hat, a jug under the hat, etc.) then you can close all the words again and ask the child to remember what happened under the hats.

Slide 8. Game “Higher, lower, between” The child looks at the picture and determines its place (bear between the mouse and wallet, balls above the bear, pillow below the wallet, etc.)

Slide 9. Game “Count” the formation of numerals with nouns in gender, case, number. The child looks at the picture and counts one pants, two pants, three pants, four pants, five pants.

Slide 10. Instructions: look at the picture and make sentences.

Slide 11. Differentiation of sounds S-Sh. Instructions: Look at the picture and tell me which of the animals will go by car and which by bus?

(animals whose name contains the sound s - go by bus, if the sound is sh - by car)

Slide 12. (animated game “Catch the Mouse”). Instructions: watch the mouse and tell where it will appear (mouse on the closet, mouse on the pillow, mouse behind the curtain).

Slide 13. (animated game “What’s for what?”). Ask the child to say, starting with the horse: “for a car - a tire, for a stick - a puck, for a cherry - a basket, for a horse - a stable, for a hat - a wardrobe”

Slide 14. Automation of the sound [Ш] in sentences with the preposition “NA” based on pictures: a bumblebee on a daisy, a pine cone on a pillow, a hat on an accordion, a fur coat on a hanger, etc.

Slide 15. (animated game “Squirrel Reserves”) Instructions: help the squirrels collect cones, to do this, listen and repeat, the speech therapist turns on the recording, after the child has repeated, click anywhere on the screen and the cone ends up in the hollow, so you need to repeat 5 audio recordings , thereby collecting 5 cones.

Slide 16. (animated game “Who is bigger?”) Instructions: look at the cat and say is it bigger or smaller? The speech therapist presses anywhere on the screen, when an animal appears, the child determines (a cat is larger than a frog, a cat is smaller than a bear, a cat is larger than a mouse, etc.)

Slide 17. (animation game) Instructions: ask the child to come up with a name for the girl with the sound Ш, then the child looks at the picture and says (Masha eats pancakes, Masha eats chocolate, Masha eats a pear). Additional task: ask the child to remember what Masha ate?

Slide 18. Instructions: look at the picture and tell me who will live in the hut, only we will put there only those animals whose names have the sound Ш (a frog will live in the hut, a mouse will live in the hut, etc.)

Slide 19. (animated game for differentiating sounds S-SH “Getting things in order”) Instructions: look at the picture and say what we will put in the closet and what in the chest, pictures with the sound Ш - in the closet, pictures with the sound S - in the chest .

Slide 20. (animated game “Barash’s Birthday”) Instructions: look at the picture and tell me who came to Barash’s birthday and what did they give him? (for Barash’s birthday, Nyusha came and gave daisies, for Barash’s birthday a cat came and gave him a hat, etc.). Additional task: ask the child to remember who came to Barash and what they gave him.

Slide 21. Instructions: look at the picture and tell me what’s hidden behind the curtain? (behind the curtain is a hat, behind the curtain is a matryoshka, behind the curtain is a wallet. We automate the sound Ш, practice the preposition, develop visual perception and thinking.

Slide 22. “Extra” Instructions: ask the child to name all the pictures in a row, then highlight the extra item, saying (extra chocolate, extra ears, extra wardrobe, extra pillow), each time the child guesses the extra picture in each row, click on and a cheerful smiley will pop up.

Presentation: Fairy tale “The Adventures of Tongue”

1. The cheerful tongue decided to go on a trip.

Guide the tongue and snake along the path to the sea, pronouncing the sound [w] for a long time.

2. When the tongue swam in the sea, it met kind dolphins. Help him repeat the syllables after the dolphins. For each dolphin jump, say the syllable sha (3 times), the syllable shi (3 times).

3. When the tongue was swimming in the sea, it met kind dolphins. Help him repeat the syllables after the dolphins. For each dolphin jump, say the syllable sho (3 times), the syllable shu (3 times).

4. In the underwater kingdom, the tongue met a little mermaid who sang wonderful songs. Help the tongue sing the girl's song (the adult and the child can come up with their own sequence of syllables sha, shi).


5. Then the tongue saw the children who were fishing in the boat and decided to help them. Help your tongue name objects with the sound [w].

6. Then the tongue saw the children who were fishing in the boat and decided to help them. Help your tongue name objects with the sound [w].

7. When the tongue came ashore, he saw children playing his favorite game “telephone”. Help your tongue pronounce the magic syllables that children repeat to each other (an adult and a child can come up with their own sequence of syllables sho, shu).


8. In the clearing, the tongue saw flowers with unusual names. Repeat the words on the flowers together with your tongue (the adult pronounces the words, the child repeats).

seam chocolate big shock bag scallop

9. The tongue decided to help the butterflies name the words correctly. Say the words and the butterflies will fly away. The adult says, the child repeats.

joker noise fur coat teddy bear wearing


Potychuk Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 24”, Krasnodar

  1. Presentation: Pure sayings for automating the sound [L] in syllables and words
  2. Presentation: Automation of sound [P] in words and phrases
  3. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic “Automation of sound [Ш] in words”
  4. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson: Sounds and letters R, L, automation in syllables, words
  5. Automation of sound [L] in words, phrases, sentences

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Presentation “Sound Automation [Ш]”

  • May 10, 2012

Competition "Presentation Master - 2012"

Nomination "Presentation in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

We bring to your attention a presentation of frontal speech therapy work “Automation of sound [Ш]”.

Purpose of the presentation: activation of speech activity, automation of the sound “Ш” in various positions.


  • practice the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh]. in syllables, words, text;
  • learn to describe the articulation of sound and characterize it;
  • exercise children in composing words from syllables;
  • cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

Efficiency and practical significance:

The lesson is designed taking into account the capabilities of children of senior preschool age, the tasks are arranged according to the principle: from simple to complex. All exercises are performed with the help of a teacher - a speech therapist, who reads the tasks to the child and, if necessary, explains them. The tasks that are offered are varied, but always playful and entertaining. The computer technologies used help make the learning process more diverse, interesting, colorful and modern.

Slide “Paired consonants”, No. 1. Today we continue to learn to distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants. What pairs of sounds have you already learned to distinguish?

Slide “Sound and letter Sh”, No. 2. Lesson topic: Sound and letter Sh.

Slide “Articulatory gymnastics”, No. 3. Let’s do articulatory gymnastics.

Slide “Characteristics of the sound Ш”, No. 4. Characteristics of the sound Ш. Consonant, deaf, hissing.

Slide “Sound Articulation”, No. 5. Clarification of sound articulation.

Slide “Syllable tracks”, No. 6. Reading syllabic tracks. Reading pure talk.

Slide “Count”, No. 7, 8, 9. Count how many objects are shown in the pictures?

Slide “Hut and Teremok”, No. 10. What is shown in the picture? At home.

Slide “Mouse”, No. 11. Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Slide “Make a word”, No. 12. If a ball with the sound “Ш” flies up to each word, you will get a new word. Working with handouts.

Slide “Frog”, No. 13 – 16. I’ll let you go if you help me compose words from syllables.

Slide “Make words from syllables”, No. 17 – 26. Let’s read the words that came out, clearly pronouncing the sound Ш. How can these objects be called in one word?

Slide “Toys”, No. 13 – 29. Is there a sound Ш in the word “Toys”? Where is it at the beginning, middle or end of a word?

Slide “Little Bunny”, No. 30. Let’s rest and do a little warm-up.

Slide “Riddles”. No. 33 – 43.

Slide number 44. Task “4 is extra.”

Slide number 56. Reading words.

Appendix 1: Abstract.

Appendix 2: Presentation.

Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Gerasimova, teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 15, structural unit of the Cheburashka Kindergarten, city. Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region. Teaching experience 16 years. I take an active part in city and regional seminars and conferences.

Automation of the sound [Ш] in syllables and words using the example of the fairy tale “The Adventures of the Tongue”


Children often get bored during the tedious daily pronunciation of syllables, words, naming pictures, automation and differentiation of sounds.

Therefore, there is a need to come up with something new yourself that could arouse in the child a genuine interest in the activity and a desire to complete the proposed tasks.

Computer technology and, in particular, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations became such a new means of achieving a goal for me.

GCD for automating the sound [Ш] in syllables and words is presented in the form of a Presentation - a funny fairy tale about the tongue with animated effects.

This presentation is designed for children of older preschool age. Its advantage is that it can be used not only in the work of the speech therapist himself, but also as material for teaching a child at home.

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