Work program for speech therapy classes 1st grade (ZPR)

Work program for speech therapy classes 1st grade (ZPR)

Meta-subject results.

The course provides the formation of the following universal educational actions:


understand and accept the learning task formulated by the speech therapist teacher;

preserve the educational task of the lesson (reproduce it during the lesson at the request of the speech therapist teacher);

determine ways and means of achieving educational goals;

with the help of a speech therapist teacher, plan an educational task by establishing cause-and-effect sequences;

highlight the main thing in the educational material with the help of a teacher - speech therapist;

exercise control over the progress of one’s activities (from the ability to use samples to the ability to use special self-control techniques);

work at a certain pace;

apply knowledge in new situations.


navigate through textbooks;

understand and interpret conventional signs and symbols used in teaching aids to convey information (conventions, color highlighting);

find and highlight, under the guidance of the teacher, the necessary information from texts and illustrations;

with the help of a speech therapist teacher, analyze objects (words, phrases, sentences) highlighting distinctive features;

compare and classify objects (sounds, words) according to specified criteria;

group objects (sounds, words) based on essential features.


listen carefully and hear the speech therapist teacher, without switching to extraneous influences;

subordinate your actions to the instructions and comments of the speech therapist;

understand and accept the learning task posed in verbal form;

be fluent in verbal means of communication in order to clearly perceive, retain and concentrate on completing a learning task in accordance with the instructions received;

purposefully (in accordance with the task) carry out educational activities;

follow the rules of speech etiquette when communicating (appeal, request);

explain instructions and learning tasks using the necessary terminology;

turn to an adult or groupmate for clarification;

apply instructions when preparing speech statements in the course and results of educational work;

respond adequately to control and assessment by a speech therapist teacher.

draw up

your thoughts orally (at the level of a sentence or small text);


monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;


The training program includes 4 sections:

SECTION 1 - Improving the pronunciation side of speech


Development of conscious sound analysis and the skill of controlling the pronunciation of sounds found in children’s speech. Formation of the articulatory base.

Working curriculum for speech therapy classes in 1st grade

Explanatory note.

The process of humanization of society and school, changes in goals and content create a situation that allows for a new assessment of speech therapy work in secondary schools.

The organization of educational activities, as a special form of activity of the child, aimed at changing himself - the subject of learning, is closely related to the problem of the development of his speech.

The formation of a full-fledged educational activity is possible only with a sufficiently good level of speech development, which presupposes a certain degree of formation of the means of language (pronunciation, grammatical structure, vocabulary), as well as the skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for the purpose of communication.

The school's student population has undergone significant changes in recent years. Speech impairments in the majority of those entering the institution are of a nature characterized by general underdevelopment of moderate speech, which is characterized by:

— violations of sound pronunciation; - underdevelopment of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis; - agrammatisms manifested in complex forms of inflection; — violations of complex forms of word formation; - insufficient formation of coherent speech (in retellings there are violations of the sequence of events); - dyslexia; - dysgraphia.

Therefore, speech therapy intervention should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at one isolated defect.

Like any program, the “Working curriculum of speech therapy classes for 1st grade students in a general education school” has methodological and theoretical foundations. One such basis may be the principles that determine the construction, implementation of the program and the organization of work on it:

- humanism - faith and capabilities of the child, subjective, positive approach;

- systematicity - consideration of the child as a holistic, high-quality, unique, dynamically developing subject; consideration of his speech disorders in connection with other aspects of mental development;

— realism—taking into account the real capabilities of the child and the situation, the unity of diagnosis and correctional and developmental work;

- activity-based approach - support of correctional and developmental work on the leading type of activity characteristic of age;

- individual - differentiated approach - changing the content, forms and methods of correctional and developmental work depending on the individual characteristics of the child, the goals of the work;

- systematic approach - the relationship of correctional and developmental effects on sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

The goal of the program is to correct defects in students’ oral and written speech, facilitating successful adaptation in educational activities and further socialization of children with speech pathology.

Main objectives of the program:

1. Create conditions for the formation of correct sound pronunciation and consolidation of it on verbal material based on the individual characteristics of students.

2. Develop articulatory motor skills, phonemic processes, grammatical structure of speech through the correction of defects in oral and written speech.

3. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary, develop communication skills by increasing the level of general speech development of students.

4. Create conditions for the correction and development of students’ cognitive activity (general intellectual skills, academic skills, auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, phonemic hearing) and general coordination of movements, fine motor skills.

A speech therapist teacher provides advisory assistance to teachers of general education institutions and parents in identifying the causes of academic failure and gives recommendations on how to overcome them. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for organizing and timely identifying students with primary speech pathology and for completing groups.

Teacher speech therapist:

  • Conducts classes with students on correcting various violations of oral and written speech. During classes, work is carried out to prevent and overcome failure in the native language;
  • Maintains relationships with teachers and educators on issues related to children’s mastery of educational programs;
  • Maintains contact with special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and medical specialists in children's clinics and specialists from psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.
  • Provides the head of a general education institution with an annual report on the number of students with disorders in the development of oral and written speech in the educational institution and the results of training at the speech therapy center, an analysis of the activities of the speech therapy center for the academic year.

Organization of work according to the program

Correction of speech disorders in secondary school students requires the organization of special speech therapy work, therefore the curriculum includes hours of speech therapy classes.

The speech therapist teacher compiles groups based on the homogeneity of speech disorders in students, if possible, from students in one or two parallel classes. In the first grades, groups are made up only of first grade students, since working with them requires the selection of special educational and didactic material.

Group size for speech therapy classes is 4 – 6 students.

Scheduled hours are allocated for correctional and group classes in both the first and second half of the day. The main form is group classes. Classes with a group of students usually take 30 minutes.

Classes for each group are conducted:

1 – class – 3 times a week;

Total number of hours – 69

The number of hours indicated in the program is approximate and may vary depending on the speech defect and the degree of mastery of the material by the children.

Work to correct speech disorders is built taking into account age characteristics, the Russian language program and the characteristics of students’ speech defects.

The effectiveness of speech therapy sessions and the transfer of acquired skills into the classroom environment is significantly increased if didactic material is used in accordance with the topic of the program that is studied in the classroom.

The structure of the lesson may include:

— exercises to develop general coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the fingers; - breathing exercises; — formation of phonemic processes; — work with words, sound-syllable analysis of words; — work on the proposal; - enrichment and activation of vocabulary.

The program allows for developmental education, comprehensive improvement of intellectual and volitional qualities, and makes it possible to develop in children all mental processes and personal qualities such as creativity, curiosity, initiative, responsibility, and independence. One of the main objectives of the Program is to teach children coherent, grammatically correct speech, provide verbal communication skills, and consolidate knowledge of the phonetic system of the Russian language. The Program provides for the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

The volume of educational material is calculated in accordance with physiological age standards, this helps to avoid overwork and maladaptation of schoolchildren. Optimal conditions for correctional and developmental work are created by modifying general developmental programs and the entire range of classes in the speech therapy group, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children.

General educational tasks are implemented with synchronous alignment of children’s speech and mental development, i.e. One of the main principles of the Program is environmental conformity. The program takes into account the commonality of children with general speech underdevelopment and their peers and is based on the ontogenetic principle.

The Program is based on the principles of systematicity and interconnection of educational material, its specificity and accessibility, gradualism, and concentric build-up of information. This allows the child to build on the knowledge and skills he already has and ensures progressive development.

This program is built on a cyclical principle and involves repeating lexical topics in each class, at a higher level: speech material, forms of sound analysis and synthesis become more complex.

Working with parents and teachers.

A speech therapist teacher carries out educational work among parents and teachers.

Group and individual consultations for parents are held throughout the school year.

Topics for group consultations for parents.

1. “The child’s speech readiness to master literacy.” 2. “Results of the examination of students. Causes of speech impairment." 3. “Protection of the speech organs.” 4. “Results of the work carried out. Using sensory games to develop speech."

Individual consultations for parents and teachers are provided as needed.

Topics of group consultations for primary school teachers:

1. “Dysgraphia. Its essence." 2. “Development of phonemic awareness in primary schoolchildren.”

Methodological work plan for the 2012–2013 academic year.


Directions, types of work Deadlines
1Selection of material for examining students’ oral and written speech. August
2Primary examination of oral speech of first grade students. September 1–7
3A survey of the oral speech of first grade students. Formation of groups and subgroups. September 7–15
4A survey of the written language of first grade students. December
5Examination of the written language of 1st grade students. May


Directions, types and forms of work Deadlines
1Correction of violations in the development of students' written speech. Conducting group classes with 1st grade students. During a year
2Correction of violations in the development of students' oral speech. Conducting individual lessons. During a year


Directions, types and forms of work Deadlines
1Group counseling for parents of 1st grade students with speech impairments enrolled in a school speech center. September
2Individual counseling for parents of students with oral and written language impairments. Parents attend individual lessons. During a year
3Group and individual counseling for parents of future first-graders. February, May
4Individual counseling for parents of students with learning difficulties referred to PMPC. April


Directions, types and forms of workDeadlines
1Speech at parent meetings in 1st grade on issues of education and upbringing of students with speech disorders. During a year


Directions, forms and methods of workDeadlines
1Participation in PMPk. Speech therapy examination of schoolchildren, identification of features of speech development, formulation of a speech therapy report, development of recommendations, support of younger schoolchildren with learning difficulties. During a year


Class Themes Correction goals work Development of non-speech processes Scheduled date Actual date
1A word as part of a sentence.Clarification of the meanings of children’s words and further enrichment of vocabulary, both by accumulating new words related to different parts of speech, and by developing in children the ability to actively use various methods of word formation.Development of perception and orientation in space. Practicing the concepts of “right” and “left”. Game "Drivers"
2Words denoting objects.Practicing the concepts of “right” and “left”. Exercise “Colorful dots”
3Words denoting actions.
4Words denoting actions.
5Differentiation of words-objects and words-actions.Performing exercises to master spatial relationships (“on”, “above”, “under”, “behind”, etc.). Exercise “Copying points”
6Differentiation of words-objects and words-actions.Recognizing an object by its outline and details of the drawing. Game "What is this?"
7Words denoting a feature of an object.
8Words denoting a feature of an object.Recognizing an object by its contour image and details of the drawing. Exercise “Composing a figure from scattered parts”
9Words denoting a feature of an object.
11Offer.Recognizing an object by its outline and details of the drawing. Exercise “Using games with buildings made of cubes”
13Offer.Recognizing an object by its outline and details of the drawing. Exercise “Making patterns from geometric shapes”
18Agreement of the verb with the noun in gender and case.
19Agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number.
20Control. Accusative.
23Instrumental case.
24Distribution of proposals.
30Speech. Sounds and letters. Alphabet. To form a complete understanding of the sound composition of a word based on the development of phonemic processes and skills in analysis and synthesis of the syllable-sound composition of a word.Development of auditory attention and phonemic perception (differentiation of non-speech sounds, syllables and words that are similar in sound composition)
31Speech. Sounds and letters. Alphabet. Recognizing an object by its outline and details of the drawing. Game "Labyrinths". Development of attention. Exercises aimed at increasing attention span. Game "Button"
32Vowels and consonants.
33Vowels of the 1st row.Exercises aimed at increasing the level of attention distribution
34Vowels of the 2nd row.Exercises aimed at enhancing concentration and stability of visual attention
35Vowels of the 2nd row.Strengthening the concentration of auditory attention
36Differentiation of vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows.Exercises aimed at training switching attention. Exercise “Red-black pairs”
37Differentiation of vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows.Exercises aimed at training the distribution and selectivity of attention
38The syllabic composition of the word.Exercises to develop the ability to recreate mental images. Exercise “Mental images that correspond to concepts directly or indirectly”
39The syllabic composition of the word.Exercises to develop the ability to recreate mental images. Exercise “Mental Images and Emotions”
40The syllabic composition of the word.Exercises to develop the ability to recreate mental images. Exercise “Mental images and their emotional coloring”
43Consonants: hard, soft. Indication of softness by vowels of the 2nd row.
44Consonants: hard, soft. Indication of softness by vowels of the 2nd row. Mindfulness exercises. Exercise “Awareness of visual material”
45Indication of softness by the letter soft sign.
46Indication of softness by the letter soft sign.
48Sounds of the letter p.Exercises for conscious perception. Exercise “Awareness of verbal material”
49Sound and letter b.Exercises for conscious perception. Exercise “Revitalization”
50Voiced and voiceless consonants. Differentiation of consonants b–p. Exercises aimed at the ability to establish connections between elements of the material. Exercise “Double memory stimulation”
51Differentiation of consonants b–p.
52Sound and letter d.Exercises aimed at the ability to establish connections between elements of the material. Exercise, “Illogical” paired word associations”
53Differentiation of consonants b–d.Exercises for using visual code. Exercise “A special way of cramming”
54Sound and letter t.Development of thinking. Corrective exercises aimed at developing imaginative thinking. Game “Add to...”
55Differentiation of consonants d–t.Development of thinking. Corrective exercises aimed at developing imaginative thinking. Game “Guess who is drawn”
56Differentiation of consonants d–t.Exercises aimed at developing abstract logical thinking. Exercise “Formation of artificial concepts” (according to L.S. Vygotsky - L.S. Sakharov)
57Differentiation of consonants t–p.
58Sound and letter r.Exercises aimed at developing abstract logical thinking. Exercise “Developing the ability to separate the form of a concept from its content”
59Sound and letter l.Exercises aimed at developing abstract logical thinking. Exercise “Developing the ability to establish connections between concepts”
60Differentiation of consonants r–l.Exercises aimed at developing abstract logical thinking.
61Sound and letter s.Formation of self-control techniques. Exercise “Toy Factory”
62Sound and letter z.Formation of self-control techniques. Exercise “Do the same”
63Differentiation of consonants s–z.Exercise “Developing the ability to identify essential features to maintain logical judgments when solving a long series of similar problems”
64Sound and letter sh.Exercises aimed at developing abstract logical thinking. Exercise “Formation of the ability to operate with meaning”
65Sound and letter z.Formation of methods of educational activities. Formation of the ability to accept a learning task
66Differentiation of consonants sh–zh.Formation of the ability to plan your actions
67Sound-letter analysis of words.Formation of the ability to focus on a system of signs (conditions)
68Sound-letter analysis of words.Formation of the ability to act according to the rule and different types of control and evaluation actions: planning, intermediate and final types of self-control. Exercise "Officer-Soldier"
69Sound-letter analysis of words.Formation of the ability to act according to the rule and different types of control and evaluation actions: planning, intermediate and final types of self-control. Exercise “Treasure Search”

Total: 69 hours

Literature used by the teacher-speech therapist when working on the program:

1. Boryakova N.Yu. Pedagogical systems of training and education of children with developmental disabilities.: Textbook. A manual for students. Pedagogical universities / N.Yu. Boryakova. – M.: AST; Astrel, 2008. 2. Gaidina L.I., Obukhova L.A. Speech therapy exercises: Correction of written speech disorders. 1-4 grades – M.: VAKO, 2007. 3. L.N.Efimenkova. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students - M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1989. 4. Zabrodina L.V. Texts and exercises for the correction of lexical and grammatical speech disorders in children of preschool and primary school age: Textbook. Toolkit. / L.V. Zabrodina, E.S. Renizruk. – M.: AST.: Astrel: Transitkniga, 2006. 5. Kovalenko O.M. Correction of written speech disorders in primary school students.

Krygina Natalya Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist MCOU "Ivaninskaya Secondary School" Kurchatovsky district, Kursk region, Ivanino village

  1. Curriculum “Correction of oral and written speech disorders in primary school students”
  2. Lesson summary in the first grade for a group of students with functional disabilities - Sounds [S]-[C]
  3. Methodological development of a lesson in the first grade for a group of students with FFND. Topic: B-B sounds
  4. Individual speech therapy lesson in 1st grade: Automation of sound [P] in words
  5. Planning for a speech therapist [Program for the correction of speech disorders in children with speech disorders]

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