Automation of sound [L]. Part 3. Sound [L] in reverse syllables and at the end of words

Collocations (217)

  • arsenal of means
  • no options
  • no questions
  • no fools
  • no frills
  • without flaws
  • no comments
  • without complexes
  • without further ado
  • without many words
  • no brains
  • bluntly
  • without intermediaries
  • without providing evidence
  • without crashing
  • without words
  • no brakes
  • Without feelings
  • No chance
  • without equivocation
  • without incidents
  • White filling
  • favorable coincidence
  • air dilution
  • in most cases
  • most cases
  • fermentation of minds
  • defiant
  • Be healthy
  • bouquet of flowers
  • was like that
  • to be against
  • In most cases
  • in the mists of time
  • to the depths of centuries
  • in the end
  • in some cases
  • part
  • spring snow melt
  • includes in
  • impressive size
  • forever and ever
  • hairline
  • armed to the teeth
  • everything and business
  • all kinds
  • included in
  • included in
  • are part of
  • part of
  • oppose
  • range of feelings
  • without blinking an eye
  • to your fingertips
  • to the brim
  • until the end of time
  • to hell
  • good night
  • achieved positive results
  • emotional impulse
  • women's team
  • pros and cons
  • except in cases
  • at the expense of funds
  • is
  • consist in
  • conclusion of contracts
  • vocabulary
  • protection of interests
  • protection of rights
  • have at one's fingertips
  • and was like that
  • play on words
  • from time immemorial
  • from time immemorial
  • personnel composition
  • like the back of my hand
  • skin covering
  • bundle of nerves
  • conflict of interest
  • land of fathers
  • range of issues
  • range of interests
  • talent forge
  • lexical composition
  • Forest
  • flattering review
  • dental treatment
  • personnel
  • mopping floors
  • 180 degrees
  • one hundred percent
  • one hundred percent
  • a set of words
  • bored as hell
  • drugged
  • there were no cases
  • unable to bear it
  • not a head, but a house of advice
  • not ready
  • without flinching
  • without thinking it through
  • without thinking
  • not producing the desired results
  • do not mind
  • no comments required
  • intangible asset
  • untranslatable pun
  • breakdown
  • few hours
  • no questions
  • no words
  • lack of funds
  • neither alive nor dead
  • lunch break
  • deception
  • metabolism
  • community of interests
  • narrow-mindedness
  • sense organ
  • sense organs
  • basics
  • Human Resources Department
  • absolution
  • advocacy
  • package of documents
  • a couple of trifles
  • list of questions
  • food of the gods
  • fruit of labor
  • by coincidence
  • under pressure of circumstances
  • recruitment
  • summarizing
  • rolling stock
  • preparation of documents
  • full to the brim
  • positive feedback
  • soil cover
  • representatives of the intellectual majority
  • presentation of rights
  • skills development
  • pleasant dreams
  • brainwashing
  • brainwashing
  • through negotiations
  • five points
  • fifty percent
  • Debriefing
  • distribution of elephants
  • variety of colors
  • development of methods
  • breaking patterns
  • consideration of issues
  • vegetation cover
  • problem solving
  • native blood
  • several advantages
  • a number of cases
  • a number of factors
  • from the first words
  • taking into account factors
  • fundraising
  • tax collector
  • discount
  • settling scores
  • socialite
  • code of laws
  • chain of stores
  • Sweet dreams
  • vocabulary
  • snow cover
  • the words
  • mushroom picking
  • Board of Directors
  • set of circumstances
  • forty barrels of prisoners
  • consists of
  • a color scheme
  • writing poetry
  • List of sources
  • calm as a boa constrictor
  • missed deadlines
  • flock of sheep
  • coincidence
  • one hundred percent
  • one hundred poods
  • bailiff
  • lucky coincidence
  • creative impulse
  • staff turnover
  • quiet disposition
  • Vehicle
  • labor collective
  • labor resources
  • you're wrong
  • You are right
  • at the origins
  • killing two birds with one stone
  • kill two birds with one stone
  • lucky coincidence
  • narrow-mindedness
  • improving skills
  • steady masculine impulse
  • elimination of defects
  • brain drain
  • participation in
  • lost
  • horror
  • chemical composition
  • economic entities
  • breadth of interests
  • art school
  • psychological freak show
  • resource efficiency
  • I'm against
  • sign language

On this page you can find the most popular words ending with "v" (at the end of the word - V). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing V.

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Interesting facts about the letter B

The name of the letter “ve”, which is familiar to us, was not always like this. For example, earlier, and even now, in the Church and Old Slavonic alphabet, this letter is called “vedi” and “vede”, respectively. And the letter took its name from one of the forms of the verb “to know” or “to know.”

In the Roman alphabet B is “vita”, i.e. "life".

The Cyrillic form of the letter is borrowed from the Greek letter “beta”, which also had the shape of a three with a left column, only a little longer downwards.

In Russian, В is used to denote two sounds [в] and [в`].

[в] and [в`] are pronounced before voiced consonants and vowels (vera, in addition).

Before voiceless consonants, in the middle or at the end of a word, the letter is deafened and we hear and pronounce the sound indicated by its paired consonant F, i.e. [f] or [f`] (Tuesday - [ftornik], shop - [lavka], courtyards - [dvorof]).

Any foreigner who begins to study our great language wonders why the same letter B, being in different parts of the word, is pronounced differently and replacing the sound is simply unacceptable. For example, the surname “Vasiliev” begins and ends with the same letter, but must be pronounced differently - [vas'il'y'if].

And in many words this letter is not pronounced at all. It seems to dissolve among other consonants (feeling - [feeling]).

The letter B is present in the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, but there it is not deafened, but sounds like a vowel sound [u] - “everything” - [truncated].

Lesson notes “Sound B”

Russian words ending with U

Reverse Russian dictionary (word endings in U) - Igor Garshin's website




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Common Slavic roots of Russian: | | | | | E, E, Ѣ | | | | | | | | | | | | | U, Ѫ | | | | | | Yu, i | I, and

Original Russian words: | | | | | E, Yo | | | b, s, b | | |

Foreign borrowings in Russian: | | | | | | | | |

Alphabetical sections of Trubachev's ESSAY : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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Dictionaries on the site:Fasm. | Tsyg. | Shan. | Sem. | Shap. | Shim. Dahl | Krysin ( Ozhegov Arch. | Novg. | Psk. | SRNG AcademyLopatin | Tikhonov Oil&Gas | Prombez | | GIS

Words ending with: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

  1. at
  2. aw
  3. neyblau
  4. methylene blau
  5. jailau
  6. Frau
  7. Kammer-Frau
  8. marabou
  9. taboo
  10. zebu
  11. I'll love you
  12. rendezvous
  13. completely
  14. I'll say hello
  15. disruption
  16. in reality
  17. yeah
  18. stew
  19. for a long time
  20. by golly
  21. little by little
  22. a lot
  23. yes
  24. gugu
  25. cockatoo
  26. really
  27. really
  28. between
  29. in between
  30. in view of
  31. rhea
  32. from a young age
  33. forever
  34. old age
  35. Urdu
  36. everywhere
  37. everywhere
  38. from everywhere
  39. along with
  40. in a row
  41. in a row
  42. I'll tell you
  43. sapajou
  44. biju
  45. outward
  46. basics
  47. straightaway
  48. at the bottom
  49. from below
  50. from below
  51. downwards
  52. down to the bottom
  53. below
  54. from below
  55. interrupted
  56. staggered
  57. at the ready
  58. overlay
  59. saddle stitch
  60. offhand
  61. taking a closer look
  62. undischarged
  63. squat
  64. forever
  65. crow
  66. on alert
  67. nearby
  68. running around
  69. interspersed
  70. little by little
  71. nasher
  72. skipping
  73. take a puff
  74. at a stretch
  75. stretched out
  76. at attention
  77. because
  78. waddle
  79. waddle
  80. side by side
  81. quietly
  82. inside out
  83. early in the morning
  84. for the first time
  85. racing
  86. after
  87. on the side
  88. from the side
  89. scattered
  90. down the drain
  91. very tightly
  92. squint
  93. randomly
  94. in a bite
  95. upset
  96. tack
  97. upside down
  98. overlapping
  99. dry
  100. soft-boiled
  101. kuku
  102. rocking
  103. little by little
  104. skipping
  105. little by little
  106. a little bit
  107. little by little
  108. in a hurry
  109. waddle
  110. waddle
  111. quietly
  112. a little bit
  113. very close
  114. waddle
  115. wide open
  116. mixed up
  117. make-believe
  118. to my heart's content
  119. a little bit
  120. because the
  121. insofar as
  122. little by little
  123. little by little
  124. slowly
  125. since childhood
  126. little by little
  127. little by little
  128. little by little
  129. at first
  130. from the beginning
  131. at first
  132. igloo
  133. by force
  134. down
  135. half-heartedly
  136. Zulu
  137. mu
  138. still
  139. in winter
  140. like spring
  141. autumn-like
  142. like summer
  143. homely
  144. in today's way
  145. in my own way
  146. in your opinion
  147. In my
  148. therefore
  149. Why
  150. In your
  151. in our opinion
  152. in an amicable way
  153. for real
  154. businesslike
  155. in a new way
  156. differently
  157. in any way
  158. apparently
  159. differently
  160. differently
  161. military style
  162. the old-fashioned way
  163. the old way
  164. That's why
  165. empty
  166. That's why
  167. emu
  168. Well
  169. Oh well
  170. equally
  171. wildebeest
  172. half
  173. half
  174. truly
  175. in vain
  176. I'm drunk
  177. going blind
  178. pile
  179. in the evening
  180. just right
  181. Whoa
  182. in the morning
  183. kangaroo
  184. foolishly
  185. fru
  186. su
  187. jujutsu
  188. that
  189. atu
  190. There is not
  191. Bantu
  192. unbearable
  193. frankly
  194. whisper
  195. passe-partout
  196. often
  197. simply
  198. in vain
  199. Pashto
  200. ugh
  201. fufu
  202. Ugh
  203. catechu
  204. upstairs
  205. up
  206. up
  207. to the top
  208. on top
  209. above
  210. on dry land
  211. chu
  212. at random
  213. towards
  214. meow


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© “”, 2012. Igor Konstantinovich Garshin. Subsidiary web project of Igor Garshin's Site. The author and owner of the sites is Igor Konstantinovich Garshin (see author’s resume). Write letters ( ).

Page updated 07/17/2019

Poems about V

Poems are dedicated to different people and events. And we will dedicate today's poems to the letter we met today. Take the baton and come up with your own two- and quatrains. Send them through the comment form. And I will add them to our common collection of poems about V.

*** How good life is for her. In third place in the alphabet. We call it “ve”, and the Greeks call it “vita”.

*** The letter B sits on a branch and shouts from there to Svetka: I will live in your name both at night and during the day.

Sveta smiled and turned away from the letter. “Who the hell are you, naughty letter?”

“I’m not playing with you, I don’t know you. I’ll collect flowers in a bouquet, and who do you look like?”

The letter B is like the number three (3) - Look at it. Everyone knows - Lena, Vita O is the third letter in the alphabet.

Words ending with the syllable "na"

The syllable “NA”, according to the initial sound, belongs to the type - covered

(begins with a consonant), according to the final sound -
(ends with a vowel sound), according to the initial and final sound -
(is not both closed and closed).

Consisting of 2 syllables:

  1. wave
  2. war
  3. loach
  4. clay
  5. length
  6. dune
  7. wife
  8. zina
  9. ice floe
  10. moon
  11. Lena
  12. mine
  13. Nina
  1. a country
  2. secret
  3. price
  4. tire
  5. link
  6. maple
  7. elephant
  8. member
  9. Lina
  10. Lana
  11. blast furnace
  12. hay
  13. Tina
  1. drunk
  2. noisy
  3. guilt
  4. given
  5. grains
  6. wall
  7. gene
  8. Khan
  9. horseradish
  10. won
  11. Dina
  12. change
  13. plan
  1. urn
  2. forge
  3. aina
  4. wound
  5. millet
  6. full
  7. dog
  8. smart
  9. Rena
  10. Dvina
  11. string
  12. scene
  13. foam

Consisting of 3 syllables:

  1. Alina
  2. arena
  3. Arina
  4. Alyona
  5. angina
  6. epic
  7. depression
  8. vertex
  9. crow
  10. Galina
  11. Elena
  12. greedy
  13. woman
  14. Irina
  15. names
  1. basket
  2. painting
  3. liana
  4. car
  5. raspberries
  6. Maryana
  7. malvina
  8. lowland
  9. aspen
  10. Oksana
  11. Rowan
  12. homeland
  13. plain
  14. district
  15. silence
  1. Tatiana
  2. Ulyana
  3. fortune
  4. fauna
  5. Faina
  6. hut
  7. central
  8. width
  9. bristle
  10. Yasmina
  11. Janina
  12. Anton
  13. banana
  14. gasoline
  15. Berlin
  1. chatterbox
  2. swimming pool
  3. balcony
  4. warrior
  5. volcano
  6. Ivana
  7. clown
  8. jug
  9. pocket
  10. trap
  11. lemon
  12. olive
  13. Milana
  14. penguin
  15. Pushkin

Consisting of 4 syllables:

  1. quiz
  2. Gagarin
  3. hygiene
  4. pea
  5. discipline
  6. pearl
  7. unfeigned
  8. awarded
  9. directed
  10. monkey
  11. web
  12. Ukraine
  13. owner
  14. scratch
  15. Juliana
  1. angelina
  2. grandma's
  3. citizen
  4. Mr.
  5. intimidated
  6. iguana
  7. bones
  8. quarantine
  9. million
  10. ocean
  11. plasticine
  12. postman
  13. restaurant
  14. region
  15. phone
  1. luff
  2. electron
  3. shark
  4. proscenium
  5. scared
  6. trampled
  7. lamb
  8. mutton
  9. protein
  10. valentine
  11. magnitude
  12. Yummy
  13. Levitan
  14. echelon
  15. Augustine
  1. outskirts
  2. upset
  3. engaged
  4. reviewed
  5. strewn
  6. sensitive
  7. businessman
  8. valid
  9. Karamzin
  10. trillion
  11. bastion
  12. Pakistan
  13. core
  14. veal
  15. pharaoh

Consisting of 5 syllables:

  1. Catherine
  2. Christian
  3. attraction
  4. airplane
  5. accordion
  6. epifauna
  7. evangelina
  8. widespread
  9. gibberish
  10. gas exchange
  11. hallelujah
  12. Azefovism
  13. bazaarism
  14. furnished
  15. turtle
  1. railcar
  2. Turkmenistan
  3. depicted
  4. spoiled
  5. microdistrict
  6. designated
  7. required
  8. used
  9. involved
  10. idiot
  11. avifauna
  12. cholesterol
  13. addressed to
  14. due to
  15. wormhole
  1. Bironovism
  2. heat exchange
  3. Asian
  4. range
  5. significant
  6. stunned
  7. fascinating
  8. rendered harmless
  9. Napoleon
  10. atamanism
  11. sentimental
  12. auction
  13. developed
  14. blocked
  15. tanker truck
  1. familiarized
  2. imitative
  3. spread out
  4. amazing
  5. aboriginal
  6. arrested
  7. armed
  8. car
  9. implemented
  10. fatherlessness
  11. released
  12. stunning
  13. muddle
  14. amazing
  15. car tires

Consisting of 6 syllables:

  1. disappointed
  2. confidential
  3. illustrated
  4. employed
  5. air exchange
  6. metro
  1. biomedicine
  2. carelessness
  3. paralyzed
  4. exchange of goods
  5. White Guard
  6. Arakcheevism
  1. organized
  2. self-discipline
  3. formulated
  4. interconnected
  5. concentrated
  6. worried
  1. equidistant
  2. tested
  3. landscaped
  4. implemented
  5. anti-Soviet

Consisting of 7 syllables:

  1. deactivated
  1. renovated
  1. registered
  1. interested
  1. opposed

Consisting of 8 syllables:

  1. aerial forest protection
  1. VCR
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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