Automation of sound [L]. Part 4. Sound [L] in verse

The sound “L” is one of those sounds that children master quite late. The optimal age for its placement is 5-6.5 years. In addition, it often happens that without special help, a child is unable to develop the correct pronunciation skill for a given letter. Automating the “L” sound will help reinforce correct pronunciation.

Why is pronunciation impaired?

Before voicing the reasons why the “L” sound is violated, we should talk about the errors themselves, what they are. The most common violations are:

  • The child cannot pronounce this letter at all.
  • The baby distorts the sound because he uses the wrong location of the organs of the speech apparatus when playing.
  • The baby replaces “L” with other sounds.

Pronunciation is impaired due to reasons such as:

  1. Presence of a short hypoglossal ligament.
  2. Weakness of the muscle tissue of the tongue.
  3. Failure of phonemic perception of sound in the speech process.

In order to correct incorrect sound reproduction, it is necessary to regularly engage in articulatory gymnastics and special speech therapy exercises designed for sound automation. This can be done either at home with parents or with a speech therapist.

Automation of the sound [L] in syllables

When the child learns to make the required articulatory movements quite easily, and the phoneme is pronounced correctly, you need to move on to consolidation in syllables. You need to understand that syllables do not carry any semantic meaning for children, so you should think in advance about how to interest them in merging phonemes into one syllable.

Work on syllables can begin with both direct (LA, LO, LU) and reverse (AL, OL, UL) syllables. This depends on the staging technique, as well as on the individual progress of the child. Syllables with consonant clusters are reinforced as needed. In some cases, they are not practiced at all, since there is enough consolidation in words. With general underdevelopment of speech, syllables with a confluence are automated after the phoneme is fixed on the material of words containing open syllables.

Articulation classes

Before proceeding directly to fixing the sound, it is necessary to prepare the organs of the speech apparatus. To do this, it is recommended to perform several exercises from articulatory gymnastics. They perfectly warm up and strengthen the muscles necessary for sound pronunciation, so the time for sound automation will be significantly reduced.


The objective of this lesson is to develop the skill of holding and changing the position of certain articulatory positions. To perform this, you should smile, open your mouth, tense your tongue and pull it towards your nose, and then towards your chin. At first, such a swing should swing quickly, and then the pace should gradually slow down. In this case, you need to try to fix the tongue at the top or bottom for a few seconds.

During execution, you need to ensure that only the tongue moves. It is often found that a child does this exercise by placing the speech organ on the lower lip. As a result, only the lower jaw functions, and the tongue does not work. This leads to the ineffectiveness of the exercise, so this should not be allowed.


The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the upward movement of the tongue, stretching the ligament under the tongue. It must be done as follows: smile, open your mouth wide, apply a wide tongue to the palate located at the top, and then lower the speech organ down. You need to start the lesson slowly. The speed can only be increased as you improve this exercise.

If the exercise is performed correctly, a sound will be heard that resembles the clatter of horse hooves. During training, you need to make sure that your mouth is open wide throughout the entire session, and that your lower teeth do not move at all. If you have difficulty holding the lower jaw, you must hold it with your hand for the first time.


This exercise is performed in order to consolidate the upward movement of the tongue, as well as to acquire the skill of holding a certain location of the speech organs, and to stretch the frenulum located under the tongue. The child will need to smile, open his mouth wide, put his wide tongue to the roof of his mouth and fix this position as much as possible. The exercise should be done with the mouth wide open, and the lower teeth should remain motionless.

Having carried out such simple articulatory gymnastics, the baby will prepare the muscle tissue of his speech apparatus and will be able to more easily perform exercises to automate the required sound.

Automation of sound [L] in independent speech

The introduction of a phoneme into independent speech is the final stage of automation. Here you also need to follow some rules. For a long time, the child is not able to control two things at the same time - what to say and how to say it. It is quite difficult to teach him to include self-control over pronunciation.

At first, only specially organized, slightly unnatural situations are considered independent speech. At first, only adults - parents and teachers - will control the correctness of sound pronunciation. They develop what is called a “guard reflex” in speech therapy, when an adult controls two aspects: organizes the conversation and corrects all articulation errors. To teach a child to use a new correct sound, after each erroneous pronunciation, give him a sample, achieving correct reproduction.

Typically, independent monitoring and correction of incorrect pronunciation begins approximately two weeks after the phoneme is set. Adults must emotionally reinforce the creation of a new articulatory stereotype. Full automation of a given phoneme lasts approximately one and a half months.

This period is relevant only for dislastic defects; with more severe defects, the automation period increases. To get a positive result, you need to practice every day for about twenty minutes and control the child’s speech in everyday activities.

Games to improve pronunciation

It is best if the automation of the “L” sound in words and sentences is carried out in a playful way. After all, a small child needs to be interested, and the usual repetition of syllables, words, phrases is very tiring and boring for him.

You can conduct classes using a variety of pictures that depict objects or animals whose names contain the letter “L”. You need to arrange the drawings in three rows and ask the child to name the images from the top, then the middle and bottom rows.

Then you need to lay out five pictures on the table and give the child time to memorize them. Then close them and tell the child to name the drawings from memory in the order in which they were laid out. Then you need to replace some card and ask the child to say what was added.

You can also play by ear. The parent needs to name three words with the letter “L”, and the baby needs to remember and name them. You can use the same words each time, but be sure to change their order. This exercise will help not only consolidate pronunciation, but develop auditory perception and memory.

The next game is aimed at helping the child learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes. The parent names the word, and the baby comes up with a pet word. For example, a doll is a doll, an elephant is an elephant, a dress is a dress, an apple is an apple, a heel is a heel, a puddle is a puddle, and so on.

Poems for children about the letter "L"

The letter L in a dense forest met a fox in the summer.

Author: Krasnikova I.


L looks like a stepladder And the roof of a house too. Light Leaf Flew through the Forest, Didn’t Want to Land.

Author: Ivanov S.


The leaf flew into the boat not in winter, but in summer. The letter L will help us. Tell us about it.

Author: Manfish A.


The letter “A” went into the woods - Lost its belt... It got caught on a spruce: The result is the letter “El”! Lily of the valley, linden, elk, lemon, Labrador, flying squirrel, flax! In the first line and second

Down with unnecessary words! Elk - lives in the forest region. I give blue flax to the fields! The letter “El” is a forest fairy tale, The letter “El” is love and affection... The white swan is swimming, The letter “El” is calling to the Primer!

Author: Melnik N.


The lion is powerful, beautiful and smooth, He loves order in everything. Only the hairstyle let us down - for Leo one comb is not enough.

Author: Lavrova T.


“El”, like a slide and El trampLin - Down with speed Let's fly! They took a ride and started repeating the letter again.

Author: Anoshina V.


In the summer L walks in the forest and collects chanterelles. Her Lukoshka of Mushrooms is Full. And there are a few berries.

Author: Talanova O.


The frog healer is known in the forest; the frog treated the fox with a bow, and covered its paw with a rag. The elk was treated with lily leaf.

Author: Gorenburgova R.


The lion affectionately said to his lioness: “The lion cub needs to learn science. Leopard with Leopardess The baby leopard was sent to Lector Fox in an after-school care facility.”

Author: Beshentsev A.


Watering can, Watering can, water, Onions and turnips - sprout! Hot summer has arrived, There are no more puddles on the street!

Author: Atilla S.


The little fox asked the fox: “Little fox, where does he live?” The fox replied: “The mushroom grows in the fox forest!”

Author: Punko N.


Elk and Salmon lived separately: Elk - in the Forest, in the river - Salmon. But one day, in the blue stretch, Elk and Salmon met. The elk was glad, and the salmon was glad -

The two of us had more fun! Elk invited Salmon to visit: “I’ll be waiting at the pines at eight o’clock sharp.” No matter how much the Elk waited for the Salmon, there was no need to meet the guest.

Author: Mikhailovna I.


The ruler and eraser were lying idle in Lena’s pencil case. The Ruler asked the Eraser: “Are you made of plastic too?” “I’m made of Latex,” said Eraser, “And this is rubber, not plastic.”

Author: Radchenko N.


Meadow, Horses, Buttercups and Moon Flatbread. In the lily, as in LyuLechka, there is a tiny frog. The Moonbeam lightly sways Lily. And the forest with leaves only babbles: Hush...

Author: Marshalova T.


ONION - turning green in the garden bed. Plum LEAVES are on the branches. In the summer, ONIONS and plums ripen, and viburnum on the bushes.

Author: Mishutin A.


A lion is resting under a palm tree, A lion dreams of wings: - If only I had wings, I would fly to the moon!

Author: Tselishchev S.


Lenya will drink Lemonade.. And Lemon will be happy with Sweet Loves Lollipop... Lenya is just great!

Author: Limonova N.


The proud Lion licks his paw, barely restraining his anger, did not catch the Forest Doe, although he got up so early!

Author: Varteresyants E.


Moose was riding in a Limousine - he lived well! And the Frog, Lion, Fox on the Cart are miracles!

Author: Shusharina S.


The lion cub drank the milk, he sleeps sweetly and easily. In the cradle, the Lion Cub began to snore and dreamed magical dreams.

Author: Smiles D.


Boats float on the sea, people row with oars.

Author: Samuel Marshak


The falling leaves scared the lap dog. The poodle barked very loudly, he chased the leaves, he tried for the lapdog. Here the lapdog dared,

I also got down to business. And she ran along the yellow leaves to the poodle.

Author: Schott K.


The shaggy lion is the king of beasts. He is stronger than anyone in the world. Don't go near him, go around him.

Author: Goryunova I.


The lion reigns among the animals, He is the strongest and smartest of all.

Author: Ditkovskaya I.



Lollipops - bears, cockerels, yellow and scarlet, best friends. If I feel sad or I'm alone, I need a lollipop.

Author: Slutskaya L.


OLya, Kolya and Alyona Painted the Leaves of Linden and Dogwood with green paint, So that Our Summer would be delayed at least a little longer, So that the Sun would shine... It’s a pity that there wasn’t enough paint!

Author: Slutskaya L.


The boat floats on the waves, In the boat is the Anya doll. Don't worry about her - the waves are splashing in the bath. * Lara is crying in a white dress: She didn’t have time to take a walk, she crawled under the table with the cat and got the hem dirty

Author: N. Melnik


MEADOWS spread wide. IN THE HOLLOW, gray and deep, A herd is grazing. Fishermen were catching bream near the river. Suddenly, a white-maned HORSE KICKED the stallion furtively, His eyes slyly look up, - And you, try and figure it out!

Author: I. Mikhailovna



Once upon a time I forgot. - Where did you live? - Forgot. - Where were you? - Forgot. - What did you eat? - Forgot. - What did you drink? - Forgot.

Author: V. Lugovoi


There is a heavy drop of glass on the surface of the window glass. A drop fell on a blue flower and opened one petal.

Author: I. Belyakov.



The scarecrow jumped and jumped, the scarecrow on one leg walked into the forest along the path, It didn’t jump enough - the raven saw it, It got scared, it got confused, and it remained there.

Author: N. Sidelnikov



The blue bell bowed to you and me. Bellflowers are very polite. And you?

Author: E. Serova



The milk ran away, ran far, across the fields, through the meadows,

through forests, through cities. Aeroflot is sad, the plane does not take off. It's not easy for passengers. The milk ran out.

Author: R. Sef.


Exchanged the doll

Lida washed the doll Mila, but did not wash the dirt off the doll. But the soap made the Mila doll fade as much as it could. Out of resentment, Lida exchanged the doll for a donkey.

Author: N. Konchalovskaya


White swans White swans live in the sky, swans float smoothly across the sky. White feathers curl slightly. Hello, swans of the CLOUDS.

Author: L. Kudryavskaya.



Mila bought a doll and wore it all day. Mila dressed the doll, kissed it, and loved it.

She gave the doll a name - she called the doll Galochka. Mila rocked the doll. Nicely - nicely she sang:

Gala - Gala - Tick, Here's a jump rope, Here's a box, Chocolate and a bun.

Author: N. Yagushkina



And I was in the village in the summer, I fed a gray horse. (white). She chewed a cracker and nodded her head.

Author: I. Tokmakova.

Exercises for sound automation [L]

"Steamboat". The child is asked to look at a picture of a steamship and reproduce its whistle. Then you need to help the ship sail to the pier by running your finger along the path, clearly pronouncing the drawn-out sound [L].

"Forest Songs" In front of the child is a drawing depicting wild animals. Opposite each animal is a syllabic path. The child is asked to sing the syllables, imitating the voices of animals.

“Complete the sentence . The adult pronounces sentences. The child is invited to listen to them and add to each sentence a word with the sound [L] that has a suitable meaning. Then you need to repeat the sentences completely, emphasizing the sound [L].

"Find the word" . In front of the child are several pictures with the sound [L] in different parts of the word. The child names what is depicted on them, emphasizing the sound [L]. Then it is proposed to sort the words according to the location of the sound [L] and make a sentence with each word - the name of the picture.

"Fairytale path" The picture shows a fairy-tale character and his castle. The child is asked to lead the character to the castle along a path of syllables.

"Syllabic daisy." The picture shows a chamomile with multi-colored petals. A syllable is written on each petal. The child must read the syllables and form words from them by connecting petals of the same color. Using the resulting words, they make sentences.

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