Card index of didactic games for preschoolers in preparation for learning literacy card index for teaching literacy (senior group) on the topic

Game “Fill a Word”.

What two words are hidden in one? Airplane (flies by itself), leaf fall (leaves fall), vacuum cleaner (sucks dust). Thus, the use of games and various tasks in the educational process, the creation of a game situation in the lesson leads to the fact that children acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities without much notice and without much effort.

Taking into account the variability of individual games, based on the capabilities of the group, the teacher can choose the exercise necessary for the lesson. Such as: “What does a letter look like”, “Learn by playing”, “Entertaining material (tongue twisters, riddles, proverbs, etc.)”, “Dictionary (catchwords and expressions, origin of words)”.

In order for children to remember a letter better, you can invite them to fantasize about what it looks like, lay it out from counting sticks, pluck it from paper, cut it from a sheet of paper folded in half, transforming already known letters (for example, zh (beetle) comes from k, f - from p, t - from g). Children fill in the missing letter elements by playing “Put the Letters Correctly.”

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