Automation of sound Card file on speech therapy on the topic

Online speech therapy exercises

Speech therapy of vowels:
| | | | | | | | | Difficult vowels:
e;e;yu;ya |
e;u;e;y;a;o;e;ya;i;yu | Setting consonant sounds and letters:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Difficult consonants:
b;p | w;w | z;s | g;k | s;ts | v;f | r;l | p;l | r;p;l | z;s;c | h;f;sh;sch;ts;x |

You can use all the speech therapy material provided on the site as a speech therapy aid! Speak words clearly pronouncing letters and syllables. Classes with a specialist and computer programs will help the child improve memory and attention. Articles and exercises from the site () will help you understand whether your child speaks correctly.

The age of the child and the readiness of his speech apparatus

Schematically, a child’s speech development can be divided into stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory

The baby's age is up to 1 year. At this time, an important moment in the baby's development is humming and babbling. At first, sounds appear involuntarily, and by 5 months the child learns to imitate and respond to adults.

Stage 2. Pre-school

Lasts from 1 to 3 years. During this period, children begin to speak in monosyllabic phrases (instead of “Grandma, go,” they say “Baba, di”). Until the age of two, the vocabulary of objects and verbs increases (up to 24 months, the vocabulary is 90-100 words).

After two years, work begins on the quality of speech, and a clear pronunciation of most sounds is formed.

In the pre-preschool period, parents should contact a speech therapist if the child does not put words into short sentences.

Stage 3. Preschool

Lasts up to 7 years. By this age, the child’s active vocabulary includes 3000 words. At 3-4 years old, the baby can still replace some sounds (ts, ch with t), soften consonant sounds.

By the age of 5, softening should pass, whistling and hissing sounds are formed.

By the age of 6, the child learns to pronounce the sounds R and L, and complex, well-constructed sentences appear in speech.

Stage 4

At 7 years old, a child’s speech should be a full-fledged means of communication. Children not only pronounce all speech sounds correctly, but also distinguish them by ear and know how to analyze them. Conjunctions and allied words appear in speech; there are practically no errors in pronunciation. After several comments, the child analyzes the speech and corrects mistakes.

5th period. School

Lasts from 7 to 17 years. At this time, speech, both oral and written, is brought to perfection. The age period from 7 to 9 years is considered critical. This is explained by the fact that after 9 years of age, a child who has no experience of verbal communication becomes unable to learn.

By the age of 11, all phonetic errors in pronunciation disappear.

Activities with a child

First of all, you need to make sure that the child’s phonemic hearing is sufficiently developed, and if not, then you need to work on its development (for example, during the following exercises: determine whether this sound is in the word, where it stands - at the beginning, in the middle or in at the end of a word; come up with words with a given sound; select pictures whose titles contain it, etc.).

It is necessary to do articulatory gymnastics in the form of exercises and games. Such gymnastics should be done daily (or even better, several times a day) for 5-10 minutes. Adults show the baby certain movements of the lips and tongue, and then he controls himself using a mirror. Of course, only those who can pronounce this sound correctly can work with a child.

You can begin to correct the sound “ch” only if the sound “sh” is pronounced correctly, since the soft pronunciation of “sh” is an element of the correct pronunciation of “ch”. If the child pronounces “sh” correctly, then you can immediately start working on the “h” sound itself. At the moment of clearly pronouncing “th”, when the tongue is tense and raised to the upper teeth, you use a spatula, stick or just your finger to push it slightly back and up towards the alveoli. At the same time, lightly press the corners of your mouth with your fingers, thereby pushing your lips forward. With this position of the lips and tongue, instead of “t” you get “h”. The same exercise can be done by pronouncing not the sound “t”, but the syllable “at”, the syllable “ach” will be obtained.

We “set” the sound for the child. But from its single utterance, and even with outside help, there is still a long way to go to its correct use in speech. Let's move on to fixing (automating) sound. This is best done in reverse syllables: “ach”, “och”, “uch”, “ich”. Then the pronunciation is fixed between vowels (“acha”, “acho”, “achu”) in straight syllables. Next, you need to consolidate the sound in various words, phrases, poems.

After fixing the correct sound, work is carried out to distinguish it from others that are similar in sound. The sound “ch” can be mixed with “s”, “z”, “sh”, “zh”, “sch”, “ts”. The child’s attention should be drawn to the difference in the articulation of sounds and sound. First, teach him to distinguish isolated sounds, then the same ones as part of a syllable, word and sentence. In this work, special attention should be paid to words in which both sounds are mixed at the same time, for example: “student”, “inkwell”, etc. The child either repeats these difficult words for him after adults, or names pictures, or comes up with sentences .

Correct articulation of the sound Ch

When articulating the sound H, the speech apparatus is in the following positions:

  • The lips are rounded and moved forward slightly.
  • The teeth don't connect.
  • The tip of the tongue, without straining, connects with the upper teeth. There should be a small gap between the tongue and teeth.
  • There is a flow of air in the middle of the tongue, which is clearly felt when you bring your palm to your mouth.
  • The soft palate rises and presses against the back wall of the pharynx, while the passage into the nasal cavity closes, air passes through the mouth.
  • The vocal folds do not tense, nor do they move apart.

Word combinations and phrases starting with the sound Ch

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning and at the end of words in monosyllabic words.

Hour of cleanliness, cast iron vat, chaga tea, part of a cup, scratching a bull, be silent Chuk, whose forelock, check Chuka, honor Chuka, a worm sticks out, someone else's siskin, teal a match, a grimy rook, Chuka's crying, the doctor feels, lie down crying, looking for game , burn a candle, a plague night, a cast iron sword, the stove is hot, speech is fluid, slash with a sword, an owl smells, a stream is flowing, a night ray, Chuka’s daughter, the ball is dirty, the weaver is cleaning, the rook’s cry, the key is sticking out, the French jacket is dirty, the match is over, away rook, bake a cake, brick oven, chum chukchi, chuk silent, cast iron vat, doctor treats, black night, evening tea, evening ray, game is bitter, bouncy ball,

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 2 complex words with an open syllable.

Chacha is stinking, the spell is enchanting, a wonderful child, a cup of tea, a thicket of mock orange, black chaga, combed chuni, miracle night, black plague, night Chile, the clock is being repaired, an honorable couple, Chuka dacha, a lot of balls, I want lecho, black cloud, I want chacha , I teach how to repair, I often joke, chaga smokes, Chapa the turtle, hot lecho, a sorcerer’s spell, a man’s brow.

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 3 complex words with an open syllable.

The clock was repaired, the scarecrow is black, night miracles, a wonderful monster, someone else's thicket, alien Chuvashs, I'm cleaning the scales, four hours, a series of miracles, a black thicket, Chuka's nonsense, a series of successes, I want good luck, Chuka's task, the beginning of the task, successful prey, I'm peeling the cherry plum , swing often, issuing tasks, serving game, very hot, excellent studies, night shack, pichuga cleans, boiling chaga, splinter bakes, clean face, study well, scarecrow gets dirty, black abyss, black cloud, pike scales, swing swings, I'll get it passing, passing the test, boiling milk, starting school, learning the task.

Collocations with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 2 complex words with an open syllable, with a confluence in the middle of the word, at the beginning of the word.

The seagull smells, the cup is flowing, the glass is clean, the bangs are combed, the rosary is minted, speech is clearer, the Chukchi sharpens, the stove chock, pure feeling, the seagull's instinct, the Czechs are clean, the number four, the chips are baked, I draw a line, the line of the drawing, very clean, cleaning the stove , Chuka kharcho, clean shoulder, clean ranch, better be silent, Chukchi keep quiet, almost clean, mail task, clean mail, baked kidneys, stove is baking, barrel of chacha, wonderful night, excellent car, clean dacha, pile of soil, pike hiding, pack chips, a river flows, a black cloud, wet your pen, Chuk's dream, Zhuchka dreams, the mast sways, the daughter reads, the bulls jump, soil mulch is like mail, always dreams, personally mints, often sneezes, a pilot's dream.

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word in 2 complex words with a closed syllable.

Black cast iron, clean stocking, wonderful weirdo, night weirdo, stranger, clean closet, smell the night, a little weird, turtle skull, human jaw, mend a suitcase, read reading material, sneeze often, glasses case, weird for an hour, in an hour, lapwing cleans , the siskin is chirping, the cap is clean, the hearth is baking, sadness is tormenting, the seal is printing, the head of cabbage is being cleaned, shake the shoulders, start reading, moo often, growl often, the net is clean, the goby is swinging, counting the tanks, combing the bangs, the score is taken into account, a ray of light, a ball pumped up, wonderful evening, study the test, treat the bull, the liver of the bull, wet the kidneys, the coachman is jumping, the stream is flowing, why are you hiding, take into account the rosary, bake a cake, bake a kalach, the bitterness of sadness, the rich man is galloping, a prickly ball, someone else’s head teacher, minting change, barbel bug, stag beetle, strongman shakes, executioner dreams, take care of a person, burn a pike, bake a roll, finish baking a cake, light a candle, help a man, a bull mooes, a black case, a wonderful stocking, someone else's closet, eccentric Chaplin, someone else's sadness.

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 2 compound words with a consonant cluster in the middle with a closed syllable.

The kettle is clean, Chaplin spends the night, slurps often, black man, stale cake, clear drawing, even Thursday, scratching the forelock, sensitive man, drawing is striking, peeling garlic, drawing a line, black attic, shuttle, scooping with a ladle, keeping silent often, the trestle bed is clean, a worm sticks out, a clean brick, I twist a hoop, midnight is black, a cosmach man, a circus performer mints, a violinist circus performer, a humpbacked man sneezes, a loudmouth screams, a stunted man sneezed, a cast iron block, I twist a hoop, a silent man is silent, a hot pepper, postman Pechkin.

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle of words, in 3 complex words with an open syllable with a combination of consonants at the beginning, in the middle of the word.

The teapot is clean, the cup is flowing, the cup is clean, the fringe is combed, Chukotka is enchanting, a foreign land is sad, a piece of Chukotka, frequent sneezing, neat Chukotka, a clean reading room, the chapel is enchanting, the cherry is turning black, pike scales, black ink, tap dancing is being minted, the chimney sweeper is black, the dog is scabies , blueberries get dirty, fix the chasing, clean the teapot, a teapot of tea, a strongman's rocking chair, a security officer's cart, a clean washcloth, distributing rolls, locusts are jumping, a small river is flowing, a clean little hand, a little girl is sneezing, a little girl is shaking, a man's chain mail, a stove is baking, a birdie is chirping, a larva sticks out, the ham is baked, the filling is blueberries, the poker of the oven, the cart is being repaired, the sharpener is sharpening, the stamen is getting dirty, the hanger is sealed, Ninochka is a weaver, Vovochka is a chimney sweep, Vanechka is clean, Anechka is reading, Dimochka is dreaming, Tanya is doing weird things, Genochka is fixing, Lenochka is dreaming, Yurochka is minting, Irochka is baking, Temochka is reading, water is flowing, the stick is drawing, the cap is clean, the tweezers are sharpening, the sprig of buds, the fists are knocking, the boat is clean, the hare is sneezing, the meatballs are baking, the board is getting dirty, the baked goods are getting stale, the nanny is baking, the rose is enchanting, the chicken is cackling, the crust is stale , Velcro strap, blueberry bun, wonderful Christmas tree, girl's shop, dog smells, Cossack woman bakes, goat smells, Ninochka's vase, daughter's fishing rod, sharpening wire cutters, daddy sneezes, jar of apples, warbler bird, daughter's pipe, clean duck, string string, bath fragrant, wonderful mommy, sad girl, fragrant ham, a wolf rushes, a merchant's wife sneezes, I hide a ring, a black watering can, a night butterfly, a pearl miner, a cup of tea, a bird cherry sprig, blackened cherries, baked zucchini.

Phrases with the sound Ch at the beginning, in the middle of a word in 3 complex words with a closed syllable.

A cast iron couch is being repaired, a cast iron trestle bed, a grimy man, a cleaned trestle bed, a reader is reading, a repaired trestle bed, a suitcase is being repaired, a sorcerer is enchanting, a clean petiole, an honest man, I want a cheburek, a watchman, I’m reading for an hour, the watchmaker is repairing, upload a report, print a report, the rudiment of a stamen , a barrel is being cleaned, a bunch of garlic, a clean snout, a black spider, a radiant beacon, a soaked Easter cake, an honest scientist, a clean tongue, a fist is knocking, a rubber ball, smell the ball, a teacher teaches, a bunny head of cabbage, read the record book, a sticky ball, peel a head of cabbage, hot food liver, mighty bunny, hot kettle, mighty man, eccentric prince, bearded prince, eccentric Gorynych.

Complex phrases with the sound Ch.

A teapot, a smiling pilot, black gloves, the silence of a scout, a gullible pinscher, a forgetful boy, a scaly turtle, Chukovsky's "Chukokalka", a talkative translator, a wonderful eccentricity, a grimy pig, a black prune, a teacher's pet, a wonderful bird cherry, the fourth boat, a black champion, scarlet chain mail, soaked apples, fragrant ham, flying dandelion, learned little jackdaw, mysterious sorcerer, pugnacious wolf cub, turn on the button, an excellent student teaches.

3 word sentences.

The charm of a moonlit night. Cast iron in the oven. Tea from a cup. Tea leaves in tea. Tea in a teahouse. Kettle under cover. Cucumber with bitterness. They wither away from consumption. Sheepskin gloves. Crowd in the tavern. Speaker from Kamchatka. Chuvash in Chuvashia. Contractor's report. Tea drinking in a teahouse. Chukchi in Chukotka. It smokes a little. The stuffed animal is wearing a turban. I'm crying with sadness. A bun in a bakery. There is a barrel on the trestle bed. There is a blouse on the nightstand. Twitchy bearded man. It's hot in the oven. Chock-chock heel. Hook on a fishing rod. Cookies with filling. Flowered handkerchief. Grasshopper in a fist. Cookies in the oven. The poker is by the stove. Boy in a T-shirt. Girl in a skirt. Krivichi and Uglichi. Cheburashka with glasses. Turtle in a scarf. Suitcase under the sofa. Locker key. The kochet calls the quack. The girl received the ball. The nomads changed their nomadic habitation. Chebotar was repairing the shoes. Man is a friend to man. The girl is mending her stockings. The wolf cub smelled the sheep. The prince is baking Easter cake. Success was predicted for the undertaking. A doctor treats a man. Bochar was repairing barrels.

4 word sentences.

Cookies were served with tea. The stoker is working in the stoker. Received receipt for ink. Speak more clearly and concisely. Lapwing and siskin chirp. The teacher teaches students drawing. The teal is screaming, the birdies are chirping. A stranger is a stranger alien to us. Ninochka instinctively senses something. Olechka was treated with bird cherry decoction. The student did not answer. Boys have boyish habits. Girls have girly habits. The stuffed monster read "Chayan". A program about luck began. A trestle bed sticks out near the stove. The champion was honored at the championship. A butterfly swings on a branch. The chicken spends the night on a perch. The bunny was swinging on a swing. Someone else's hat for a girl. Ninochka is digging in her shoes. Don't catch butterflies with a fishing rod. The wolf senses where the prey is. Need will teach you how to bake rolls.

5 word sentences.

Tanya's glasses fell into her slippers. The girls had sad faces. Ball and hoop for girls. A sensitive boss is upset by the sadness of his subordinate. The postman read almost all the mail. A reader reads nonsense at a party. On a hummock, a quonset clucks desperately. I turn what I want. The milkman and the baker soaked the milkweed. The turtle's petals are too black. I want to teach, I don’t want to remain silent! Glasses in a vase on the nightstand. The turtle received apples in a parcel. Bug's grimy face smelled a piece. The boy has a butterfly in his fist. The shepherd was driving the sheep into the sheepfold. The little rabbit asked the rabbit for blueberries. Water, water, wash my face. Helen is crying - she hit her knee. Where there is a needle, there is a thread. Our rank does not like sheepskins.

Sentences of 6-8 words.

At the dacha there is a wheelbarrow at the water pump. The shepherd in the sheepfold grumbled at the shepherd, she growled. The boy has a fishing rod and worms in a jar. The decorous Chukchi read in the plague reading room. I’ll answer the doctor in the shack: “I’m paying, but I’m paying off my debts.” The girl repaired her “daughter’s” stockings, cap and gloves. The hottest dream of a pilot is a precisely “drawn” flight at night. A squirrel on a branch, a duck on the river. The rooks shout to the rooks, the rooks take care of the rooks. The worm and the spider are silent and under their heels. They brought bricks for the dacha in a wheelbarrow. There is a dot on the piece of paper, and the stepmother has a daughter. They moor to the pier and cast off from the pier. There is a pile of cleaned tiles on the dacha plot. One button on the jacket was black. There was a sticky butterfly larva on the dandelion. The boatman's evening ended with tea and cookies. A broom on a bench, a ribbon on a stick. Mommy bathed the little girl Lenochka in the bathtub. A pile of twine, ropes, hooks and other small things lay black on the shelf. The doctor's cards are in a box. The postman took a guide to Chelyabinsk from the postmaster. Lenochka has wonderful ribbons in her braids. A boy in a brown jacket and a girl in black stockings, screaming and crying, rushed in a chaise to the post office. Take a jar of buckwheat on the shelf. Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent. Wheat suitcase for chicken and duck. Girls and boys are jumping like balls. What a little thing - they wash you with a washcloth at midnight. Give me hot pepper for buckwheat with ham. The rolls on the stove are hot as fire. The Chukchi did not approach the black plague. In the evening, the turtle goes to meet the spider. I’ll read the mail and fly to Chita. The scientist hides a drawing book in the stove. Hooks and rings are hidden in suitcases. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.

The article was prepared and compiled by Elena Yuryevna Borovskaya. You can contact me about classes on alalia correction via Skype.

Setting the sound Ch

The sound Ch can be made in several ways:

  • Start by pronouncing the soft sound t. Pronounce it quickly. In this case, the tongue should touch the tips of the upper teeth, then the tongue is slightly curled, as if stroking the bases of the upper teeth. At the same time, the corners of the lips are stretched into a smile.
  • Alternately name the sounds t and sh. Do it quickly. At the same time, the lips are stretched into a smile again.
  • To find the hole between the teeth from the inside, you can use a piece of paper. First, the hole is felt with your hands, and then paper is applied there. To hold it, you need to apply force - this is an excellent warm-up for the tongue.

Setting the sound [H] in two ways

Shmakova Elena

Setting the sound [H] in two ways

Setting the sound Ch.

The sound Ch can be made in two ways.

Method 1 . We pronounce the combination t-t-t at a fast pace (the tip of the tongue touches the base of the upper incisors)

Then gradually begin to move the tip of the tongue back, as if stroking the upper alveoli. At the same time, we stretch our lips wide in a smile. The result should be a clear Ch sound .
Method 2 . First slowly, then increasing the pace, we pronounce a combination of sounds th and sh - dark . Don't forget to smile widely. It is important!

Practice pronouncing the sound Ch in isolation : “How does the clock tick?”

“How does a grasshopper chirp?”
“How to calm a noisy baby?”

Staging and automation of sound [H].

Affricate, fused (T,W: T - not lingual-dental, but lingual-alveolar; Ш - upper, voiceless, oral, occlusive-frictional.

Articulation is normal when spoken in isolation.

The lips are slightly pushed forward. Distance between incisors (teeth)

compressed or brought closer together
(2 - 3)
At the first moment, the tip of the tongue is pressed to the alveoli - a bow. At the second moment, the bow opens with an explosion and moves to the “upper”
. The lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars, the back and root are lowered.
The entire tongue is shaped like a cup
. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage to the nose. Vocal cords are open. You can see the position of the lips, that the tip of the tongue is at the top and the position of the lateral edges. You can feel the absence of vibration and the air flow as with C.

Staging . Auditory - visual analysis before sound , repeated repetition (Sh must be without defects)

Tactile - vibration sensations. AS - AC (the tip of the tongue is not at the upper incisors, but at the alveoli - we move it further)
. We rely on the nature of the air stream. Mechanical way. On the C base, using a probe, spatula, finger. C must be free of defects. You place a spatula under the tip of your tongue: “Say C—the lips are not labialized, but when C—they are labialized. Don't rush to give the letter. Only when it is possible to remove the spatula.

Types of incorrect pronunciation. "Dental sigmatism"

The tip of the tongue opens and falls down, not remaining in position with the sound “Ш”
. Auditory - visual + tactile - vibration sensations with the
sound Ш. Replacing Ch with Sh. The tip of the tongue does not form a connection with the alveoli, there is no jerky jet, only a continuous one. This phoneme is acceptable according to the abbreviated system of phonemes, only before the sound “CH”
“Whistling sigmatism”
Ch = C. The tip of the tongue is at the bottom, the back does the jerking work.
Reinstall, but not on the basis of C. “Lateral sigmatism”
Cheeks swell, saliva splashes, side edges work; the tip of the tongue forms a bridge either with the alveoli or with the lower incisors, or closes the gap between the incisors. We set the sound again .
Automation of sound [H] . Correctly pronounce the sound [H] in syllables . CHA, CHO, CHU, CHI, CHE, CHA-CHO, CHA-CHO, CHA-CHI, CHA-CHE, CHO-CHA, CHO-CHO, CHO-CHI, CHO-CHE, CHO-CHA, CHU-CHO, CHOO-CHEE, CHOO-CHEE. We highlight the stressed syllables CHACHA, CHACHACHA,, CHACHA, CHACHACHA, CHACHACHA

We pronounce the sound Ch in words . HOUR, MIRACLE, MONSTER, CAST IRON, PURITY, MAN, THOOK, STOCKING. We automate the sound [CH] between the vowel sounds ACHA , OCHO, UCHO, YCHI, ACHO, UCHA, OCHA, OCHU, ACHU. We pronounce the sound Ch in words . ROCKING CAIR, WASTE SHARPENER, SWING, COACH. Correctly pronounce the sound CH in combination with the consonant CHVO, CHVA, CHLO, CHMO, CHNO, CHRO, CHVA, CHLA, CHMA, CHNA, CHRA, CHWU, CHLU, CHMU, CHNU. We pronounce the sound Ch in words . DAUGHTER, BUMMET, POINT, NIGHT CLOUND. We pronounce the sound CH in the reverse syllable АЧ, ОК, УЧ УЧ. We pronounce the sound H in words . DAUGHTER, NIGHT, ROOK, ROLLER, HOOP, BALL. We pronounce the sound [H] in sentences . ON THE ROOK TREE, MOTHER HAS A DAUGHTER, NIGHT HAS CAME.

Articulation gymnastics

It is best to perform all exercises in front of a mirror so that the child can see how he performs them. Each exercise is performed at least three times.

  • “Window.” Pull your lips forward as much as possible and give them a square shape. Make sure that the corners of your lips do not touch each other.
  • “Pancake.” Smile as widely as possible. Place your tongue on your lower lip, relax and count to 10. The tongue should stretch across the entire width of the lip, but you don’t need to reach it out too far, just enough to cover the lip.
  • "Painter". Stretch your lips in a smile, open your mouth slightly, and reach your upper palate with your tongue. Make smooth movements, as if using a brush, from the teeth to the throat.
  • “Brushing our teeth.” Smile and make movements with your tongue that imitate brushing your teeth. Be sure to ensure that your tongue reaches the gums and does not run along the bottom edge of the teeth.
  • "Cup". Stretch your lips in a smile, stick out your tongue and reach your nose. Remain in position for up to 10 seconds.
  • “Delicious food.” Open your mouth and lick your upper lip with your tongue. Movements should be made from top to bottom, not from side to side.
  • "Air football" Pull out your lips with a tube. Blow on the cotton wool, but your cheeks should not swell. Blow for 10-15 seconds.

Lip exercises

  • “Grimaces of a Clown.” Keep your lips smiling. In this case, the lips should be tense, and the teeth should not be visible. The duration of the exercise is 15 seconds.
  • “Fence.” Smile again, but at the same time close your teeth and expose them. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • “Tube”. Pull your lips into a tube and hold for a third of a minute. The teeth don't connect.
  • "Bagel". Round your lips and pull them forward slightly. Hold in position for 15 seconds.

To achieve good articulation, exercises need to be alternated, changing the sequence each time.

How to pronounce the sound “ch” correctly?

This sound is complex, representing a unity, a close connection of “t” and “sch”, which are pronounced together one after the other. At the first moment of pronunciation, the tongue closes with the front edge of the palate behind the alveoli. The back and lateral edges of the tongue occupy the same position as with the sound “sch”. The soft palate is raised, the passage to the nose is closed (oral sound), the vocal folds are open, and there is a glottis between them (voiceless sound). Following this, the front edge of the tongue rebounds to the position required for the sound “sch”, and the connection between the front edge of the tongue and the palate seems to explode.

This is the normal articulation of this sound. We told you how to correctly pronounce the sound “ch” in detail because classes with a child cannot be conducted blindly, without imagining the position of the organs of articulation for a particular sound.

Exercises to develop exhalation

  • The baby stands with his feet shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, he spreads his arms with his nose, while exhaling, he squats and hugs himself with his arms.
  • Starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Connect your hands in a “lock”, they are at the bottom. As you inhale, your arms rise up, while your breath is held. Then exhale very slowly, lowering your hands and saying “uh.”
  • Puff out your cheeks to the maximum, hold for half a minute. Then pull your cheeks in and hold again for the same amount of time.
  • Sit on a chair. Slowly lower and raise your hands, saying “Kaar”.
  • Game-competition. Children compete to see who can growl the longest in one breath. (You can also compete to see who can hum the longest while exhaling.)

Tongue exercises

Language exercises are divided into static and dynamic.

Static complex:

  • "Spatula". Relax your tongue and place it on your lower lip. Stay in this position for 10 seconds (the edge of the tongue should touch the corners of the lips).
  • “The point of a needle.” Remove the tongue from the mouth, straighten and tense - the tongue at this time should be even and narrow.
  • “Angry cat.” Place the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth and touch the middle of your tongue to your upper palate. Stay in the position for half a minute.

Dynamic complex:

  • “Punishment for the tongue.” Stick out your tongue and place it on your lower lip. Press your tongue with your lips and say five-five-five.
  • “Watch.” Stick out your tongue and stretch it to one ear, then to the other. Keep the entire speech apparatus in tension.
  • “Swing”. Stick out your tongue and pull it alternately towards your nose and chin.
  • "Horse". Click your tongue, imitating the blows of a horseshoe. The middle of the tongue is always pressed to the palate.
  • "Little Turkeys" Run your tongue back and forth across your upper lip so that you make the sound bl-bl. The speed of movement gradually increases.

Automation of sound

  • Pronounce the sound h, clearly and intermittently.
  • Say chchch, extending the sound.
  • Game “Catch the Sound”. The adult names different sounds, and the child claps as soon as he hears the sound h. Then the exercise becomes more complicated - the adult pronounces not just sounds, but whole words.
  • Game “Repeat”. The adult pronounces sounds, the child repeats them. It is important to ensure correct pronunciation. Example syllables: cha-cha-cha, chu-chu-chu, che-che-che, cho-cho-cho, chi-chi-chi.
  • “Counting table.” Count the balls from 1 to 10, and then the keys (one ball, two balls, etc.).
  • "Sweet Nothing". The adult says the word, the child calls it in a diminutive form. (Stump-stump, hand-handle, water-water).
  • “Complex words and phrases.” Say the words lentil, tap dance, Chukchi, cap, and then phrases - mommy's cap, tea in a cup, Vanya's bunny, Anichkin's ball.

Sound production Methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)

Pronouncing the sound “Ch” often causes difficulties for children. To teach a child to pronounce it, you need to go through several stages.

Preparatory work

Work on any sound should begin with articulatory gymnastics. This will allow you to warm up the sore and get ready for work. For warming up, you can choose any gaming technique. Let's consider just a few options.

1. “Swing”: this exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the tongue and teach the child to control the tip of the tongue. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. The child alternately touches the top and bottom of the mouth with his tongue, then the upper and lower teeth, the place behind the upper and lower teeth.

2. “The tongue walks through the teeth” The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. The child touches the outer and inner surfaces of the upper and lower teeth with his tongue.

You can also ask your child to clap his hands when he hears the sound “Ch.” Then you should first pronounce simply different sounds, then syllables and words. This technique will allow you to evaluate how well the baby recognizes the desired sound. If a child has better developed visual thinking, instead of words, offer him pictures with “H” in the name.

Setting the sound "Ch"

The sound “CH” consists of the sounds “Ш” and “Ть”. This means that a child who correctly pronounces the last two sounds will easily cope with pronouncing “Ch”. There are two ways to produce this sound.

1. The child must very quickly pronounce the combination of sounds “TH” and “SH”. It is very important that the lips are in a wide smile. 2. The child pronounces the sound “TH” very quickly, repeating it. First, the tongue should touch the base of the teeth from the inside, then you should gradually move it a little deeper, towards the alveoli. If you can’t learn to pronounce “Ch”, you can contact a speech therapist who will make the sound using a special probe.

To make sure that the sound is delivered, you should check how the child pronounces it in isolation. Game techniques are also used for this: the baby can be asked to imitate the passage of a clock using the sound “Ch” or to calm someone down (“Ch-Ch-Ch”). If everything is in order, you can start automation.

Automation of the sound "Ch"

Automation should be carried out taking into account the age of the child. With a baby, it is best to use pictures or toys; with older children, rhymes and songs are perfect. You should start by pronouncing syllables, and then gradually move on to words and sentences. In this case, you need to select such material so that the sound “Ch” appears in different positions. In any case, automation should take place in a playful way. There are a variety of games you can use.

1. “Songs with your favorite character.” It is necessary to choose any fairy-tale or cartoon character that is interesting to the child, and write on the cards the syllables containing the letter “H”. Then you need to offer the following task: “Your favorite hero decided to help you learn to pronounce “Ch” and prepared songs for you from the syllables. Sing along with him! Cha-cha-cha; Cho-cho-cho; Chu-chu-chu; Chi-chi-chi." It is very important that the child pronounces the “Ch” sound in a syllable correctly; only in this case can one move on to the next syllable. 2. "Echo". The child must repeat several words spoken by an adult in the same order, emphasizing the “Ch” sound. 3. "Offer". For this exercise, you can write a few words with the letter “C” on paper or use pictures. The child’s task is to make a sentence with each of them. 4. "Cubs" It should be suggested to name the cubs of various animals and birds (squirrels, hares, jackdaws, wolves), emphasizing the sound “Ch”. 5. "Confusion." The child is offered sets of letters from one word in a mixed order. His task is to collect the word and pronounce it.

Differentiation of sounds [h]-[t], [h]-[ts], [h]-[sch]

The easiest, but at the same time effective exercise.

Pronounce the following syllables in turn:

tsa-cha-sha-tatso - what - what - thattsu - chu - schu - tu
tsy - chi - cabbage soup - titse -che - more - thosesha - cha - tsa - ta
what - what - so - thenschu - chu - tsu - tucabbage soup - chi - tsy - you
shche-che-tse-thoseats - ach - ash - atots - och - oshch - from
uts - uch - ush - utyats - yach - box - yatits - ich - isch - it
ec - ech - yet - etash - ach - ats - atoshch - och - ots - from
ush - uch - uts - utbox - yach - yats - yatisch -ich -its -it
yet - ech - ec - ut
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