Automation of sound X educational and methodological manual on speech therapy on the topic

How to compose a good phrasing yourself?

It's not difficult at all. But first, I would still advise you to practice selecting rhyming words.

  1. We take the letter for which the complete phrase is being compiled (Let it be the letter P) ;
  2. We add a vowel to it to make a syllable ( Ri );
  3. We select a word ending in the stressed syllable Ri ( background ri );
  4. We compose a phrase with the selected word ( the lights came on );
  5. Before this phrase we add our syllable 3 times.

Ri-ri-ri - the lights came on.

It is very important to compose a phrase with either neutral or instructive or educational content. Children need to be taught good things!

Use already known proverbs, come up with your own, enjoy the communication process, and don’t lose your sense of humor! Good luck!

Pure sayings for children 3–4 years old

Good May day, adults who are attentive to their kids! Is your little guy full of energy, constantly on the move, and chatting incessantly? Great, that's how it should be. But if your child has created and implemented his own language that only you understand, then this sometimes causes concern. Down with anxiety: more practice - and the baby will certainly speak correctly! For your attention - pure sayings for children 3-4 years old from “Eureka”!

Is it worth it?

Or maybe it will go away on its own? Probably yes. But you have friends who distort their words a little even in adulthood! So why wait and tempt fate? In addition, constantly encountering misunderstandings from others, the baby may feel insecure. Therefore, feel free to take our selection of pure sayings as a basis and repeat these simple and funny sentences with your child. In doing so, follow these simple rules:

  • Enlist the help of an experienced speech therapist.
  • The more often you practice, the better, but no tension or persuasion.
  • Classes should be held in the form of a game.
  • It doesn’t matter where and how much the baby speaks, what matters is how.
  • Change your environment to avoid boredom: at home surrounded by toys, on a walk in the park, in kindergarten.
  • Change intonation depending on the meaning: loud, quiet, calm, assertive.
  • Celebrate even the small victories and make sure to celebrate them.

Where do we start?

Each child develops speech differently. But most often, children find it difficult to pronounce “hissing” syllables and words with the sound “R”. However, there are often problems with the letters “L”, “N”, “T”, “K”. It's worth starting with them.

Sound "B"

  1. Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba, mom, mom, there's a pipe!
  2. Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo, you buy me a trumpet too!
  3. Be-be-be, be-be-be, I blew the trumpet.
  4. Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba, the pipe is no longer needed!
  5. Grandmother had a ram, he beat the drum smartly,
  6. And butterflies danced under my grandmother’s window.
  7. The hippopotamus opened its mouth: the hippopotamus is asking for rolls.

Sound "B"

  1. Wee-wee-wee, pick the cherry from the tree!
  2. Woo-woo-woo, we saw an owl in the forest.
  3. Wa-wa-wa, wa-wa-wa, here's the tall grass.
  4. You-you-you, you-you-you, even over your head.
  5. We-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve, cornflowers are visible in the grass.
  6. Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo, cornflower bouquet to Narva.

Sound "G"

  1. Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, do you want some pie, Galya?
  2. Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo, I can’t eat them anymore.
  3. Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi, I don't need pies.
  4. Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo, and I can’t either.
  5. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga, where are both pies?

Sound "D"

  1. Doo-doo-doo, I'll find fish in the pond.
  2. Do-do-do, there's a nest in the tree.
  3. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, don’t go there, Danil!
  4. Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, I’ll go there anyway.
  5. Di-di-di, di-di-di, you're wearing boots, don't walk!
  6. Yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes, oh! Cold water!
  7. De-de-de, de-de-de, and the shoes are all in the water!
  8. Dy-dy-dy, dy-dy-dy, dy-dy-dy, quickly get out of the water!

Sound "Zh"

  1. I'm buzzing, buzzing, knitting a blouse.
  2. The pie is good, there is curd inside.
  3. Jo-jo-jo, I'm driving a Peugeot.
  4. Zhenya was kind to Zhanna: he lent her chewing gum twice.
  5. Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi, there are floors in our house.
  6. Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha, there are two floors below me.
  7. Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha, there are two floors above me.
  8. Same, same, same, same, what floor am I on?

Sound "Z"

  1. Lisa bought Zina a basket at the store.
  2. Zina's bell rings loudly.
  3. Za-za-za, za-za-za, there is a goat tied here.
  4. Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy, the goat doesn’t have enough grass.
  5. Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu, we untied the goat.
  6. For-for-for, for-for-for, a goat climbs into the garden.
  7. Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu, we tied the goat.
  8. Zi-zi-zi, zi-zi-zi, bring the monkey!
  9. Zya-zya-zya, zya-zya-zya, monkeys are not allowed here.
  10. Zi-zi-zi, zi-zi-zi, if you can’t, don’t take it.

Sound "K"

  1. Ko-ko-ko, the cat loves milk.
  2. Peek-a-boo, the cuckoo is sitting on a branch.
  3. Ak-ak-ak, a fisherman is sitting by the river.
  4. Uk-uk-uk, and there’s a spider sitting in the grass.
  5. Ok-ok-ok, it's snowing outside.
  6. Ki-ki-ki, I added all the cubes.
  7. Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki, spiders are hiding.
  8. Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, a fly in a spider's net.
  9. Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki, spiders are useful to us.
  10. Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, don't be afraid of the spider.

Sound "L"

  1. Lu-lu-lu, Taras sharpened his saw.
  2. Li-li-li, the soup is salty, no salt!
  3. Grandfather Danil divided the melon.
  4. La-la-la, oh, how the top is spinning!
  5. Ly-ly-ly, there are new boilers in the house.
  6. Ol-ol-ol, I watch football with my dad.
  7. La-la-la, Lilya loves the king.
  8. Lu-lu-lu, I love strawberries.
  9. La-la-la, la-la-la, we all love poplars.
  10. La-la-la, la-la-la, but they make the earth go down.
  11. Lu-lu-lu, lu-lu-lu, poplars and I love them.

Sound "M"

  1. Om-om-oh, we will build a new house.
  2. Mom washed Mila in the bath.
  3. Ma-ma-ma, go away quickly, winter.
  4. Moo-moo-moo, pour some milk for someone?
  5. We-we-we, so we waited for winter.
  6. Mi-mi-mi, together we play the note “mi”.

Sound "N"

  1. But, but, but, it’s dark in our room.
  2. The nanny is babysitting Nata and Nina.
  3. Na-na-na, the lamp by the window is shining.
  4. Well, well, well, I’m pulling the sled up the hill.
  5. He-he-he, suddenly the phone rang.
  6. An-an-an, they bought me a drum.
  7. An-an-an, my mother sewed a sundress.
  8. In-in-in, I was sent to the store.
  9. No, no, no, oh, alarm clock, don’t ring!
  10. It's finally a warm day.

Sound "P"

  1. Whoop-whoop-whoop, I'm making soup for dad.
  2. Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.
  3. The baker baked rolls in the oven.
  4. Oop-op-op, a digger is digging the ground.
  5. Philip was sawing a log of linden trees; Philip dulled the saw.
  6. Up-up-up, I often hear snoring at night.
  7. Yip-ip-ip, somewhere there’s a violin: “Creak” and “Creak.”

Sound "R"

  1. Ra-ra-ra, the mountain is visible outside the window.
  2. Roar, roar, mosquitoes fly into the windows.
  3. Ru-ru-ru, we start the game.
  4. Ro-ro-ro, the raven dropped the feather.
  5. Ar-ar-ar, let's inflate the red balloon.
  6. Ur-ur-ur, don’t chase the chickens, little dog.
  7. Ryu-ryu-ryu, I look at the daisy.
  8. Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, there is a mountain in our yard.
  9. Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru, gather the kids.
  10. Ry-ry-ry, ry-ry-ry, let's ride down the mountain.
  11. Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, the kids are very happy.

Sound "S"

  1. Sonya's sleigh goes down the hill on its own.
  2. Senya met a fox in the forest.
  3. Sa-sa-sa, Sasha has a long braid.
  4. Su-su-su, quiet in the forest in autumn.
  5. Sy-sy-sy, the fox has cubs.
  6. Si-sy-sy, Alice has two braids.
  7. So-so-so, spins the wheel quickly.
  8. The old elephant sleeps peacefully
  9. He can sleep standing up.

"T" sound

  1. Ta-ta-ta, open the gate.
  2. Tu-tu-tu, the cat likes the mouse.
  3. You-you-you, flowers grow in the meadow.
  4. That's it, I'm not cold in my coat.
  5. From-from-from, a plane is flying in the sky.
  6. Whoops, I'm going for a walk.
  7. Oh, yeah, yeah, I really want to sing.
  8. That's it, I love playing lotto.

Sound "F"

  1. Af-af-af, we bought a new wardrobe.
  2. Fani has a sweatshirt, and Fedya has shoes.
  3. Fa-fa-fa, there is a sofa against the wall.
  4. Af-af-af, there is a giraffe at the zoo.
  5. Fe-fe-fe, grandma lives in Ufa.
  6. Fe-fe-fe, we’ll eat in a cafe.

Sound "X"

  1. Ha ha ha, the rooster has a colorful tail.
  2. Hoo-hoo-hoo, we made fish soup.
  3. Wow, wow, wow, a rooster is walking around the yard.
  4. Them-them-them, the rain has finally died down.
  5. Oh-oh-oh, soft moss underfoot.
  6. Eh-eh-eh, there is a nut in the shell.
  7. Hee hee hee, hee hee hee, let me try the fish soup.
  8. Heh heh heh, heh heh heh, there's only salt in your ear.
  9. Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee, I don’t want that soup!

Sound "Ts"

  1. Tsk-tsk-tsk, the swallow has chicks.
  2. Water flows from the well.
  3. The tit bird is small, but smart.
  4. Tick, tsk, we washed the cucumbers.
  5. Yep, tsk, the singer built a palace.
  6. Tso-tso-tso, tso-tso-tso, the chicken laid an egg.
  7. Tsu-tsu-tsu, tsu-tsu-tsu, pussy reaches for the egg.
  8. Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsa-tsa-tsa, scat, kitten, away from the egg!
  9. Tsu-tsu-tsu, tsu-tsu-tsu, don’t let him near the egg!
  10. Tso-tso-tso, tso-tso-tso, we’ll eat the egg ourselves.
  11. Tsk-tsk-tsy, tsk-tsk-tsy, have you driven away? Well done!
  12. Tse-tse-tse, tse-tse-tse, here's a fairy tale about an egg.

Sound "Ch"

  1. Cha-cha-cha, the Chukchi is sitting at the doctor.
  2. Chu-chu-chu, I don’t want to treat the tooth.
  3. Chi-chi-chi, we need bricks for construction.
  4. Cho-cho-cho, oh, how hot it is in the sun!
  5. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I really want to help.
  6. Four turtles have four hatchlings.
  7. Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, a candle is burning on the table.
  8. Cho-cho-cho, cho-cho-cho, oh, the candle is hot.
  9. Chu-chu-chu-chu-chu-chu, I'll blow on the candle.
  10. Chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi, I’ll blow out the flame from the candle.

Sound "Sh"

  1. Our Sasha was given little porridge.
  2. Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, our Sasha is good.
  3. Sho-sho-sho, sho-sho-sho, he sings songs well.
  4. Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, sings a song to the baby.
  5. Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi, kids love songs.

Sound "Ш"

  1. Now, now, Kostya is walking around without a raincoat.
  2. Cabbage soup, cabbage soup, we are looking for sorrel for cabbage soup.
  3. The pike swallowed the brush, the brush tickled its throat.
  4. Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, we’ll cook borscht.
  5. Shcha-shcha-shcha, shcha-shcha-shcha, there is no cabbage for the borscht.
  6. Cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup, let's prepare better cabbage soup.
  7. I feel, feel, feel, feel, feel, I’ll look for cabbage.
  8. Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, don’t put horsetail in the pan!
  9. I'm looking for a carrot, I'm looking for a carrot.
  10. Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye, my brother brought home bream.
  11. Cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup, let's eat cabbage soup first.

How are pure tongues useful?

Regular speech development classes with sounds that are difficult for a child to pronounce help correct the situation. In addition, pure talk in poetry develops:

  • hearing;
  • lexicon;
  • thinking;
  • memory;
  • correct diction.

Well, now is the time to move from words to action! We believe that your baby will be amused by these funny rhymes and at the same time teach him the correct pronunciation. Thanks for your feedback, and see you next time!

Automating the K sound in words

1. Kolya pricks stakes.

2. The ball fell to the floor, the cat was rolling the ball. 3. The cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner, the cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner. 4. The cat Tiny was eating porridge bit by bit on the window. 5. The cat looked out the window for a long time, for the cat in the window was a movie. 6. Kondrat’s jacket is a little short. 7. The crab made a rake for the crab. The crab handed the rake to the crab: “Rake the hay, crab, rake!” 8. The crab climbed onto the ladder, and the crab fell asleep soundly, but the squid did not sleep, and caught the crab in its paws. 9. Clara put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka to her. 10. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. 11.Karl put the onion on the chest. Clara was stealing onions from the chest. 12.Klara - Kralya sneaked with the crocodile to Lara. 13. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. Not true! Don't believe it! Didn't take Caral corals! And Clara didn’t take the clarinet from Karl! Karl gave Klara corals, and Klara gave her a clarinet in return. 14. The pockmarked hen is colorful and has an eager nose. White-breasted duck with a flat toe. 15. Buy a pile of spades, buy a pile of spades, buy a pile of spades. 16. Kostya drove to Kostroma for a visit. 17. Computer pirates are not welcome on the Internet. 18. Kotka has a cat, Yakov has a yak. 19. How do Cook Cook have cocoa and yak? 20. A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style. The bell is poured, the bell is forged, but not in the bell style. It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap. The bell needs to be re-belled and re-belled. 21. The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style - no one will re-cap it, no one will re-cap it. 22. In the morning, sitting down on a green hillock, magpies learn tongue twisters: Kar-r-r! Kar-toshka, kar-tonka, kar-reta, kar-tuz, Kar-r-r! Car-bottom, car-ramel, car-rapuz. 23. There is a button on the hemp, and there is a Petka on the button. 24. There is a haystack with a small haystack (small haystack). 25. Three needles curl around the stake. 26. Near the stake there are bells, and on the stakes there are bells. 27. The grandmother was walking out of the cage, spilling grains. 28. Koval Kondrat forged steel, forged it and forged it. - Peck, hammer, grain! Peck, hammer, grain! Peck, trigger, grain. 22. The cuckoo bought a hood. He put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood! (I. Demyanov) 25. In one, Klim, stab wedge (V. Dal). 26. Pound, Klim, in one wedge! (I. Snegirev). 27. One Klim pounded the wedge, pounded and hammered out (G. Naumenko). 28. A wedge with a sub-blade is cut out. 29. The tailor cut out a wedge with a sub-blade (pieces of fabric in the form of a triangle or a truncated triangle) and recut it, recut it and cut it out. 30. The farrier forged the horse, the horse forged the hoof, the farrier forged the horse.

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