Self-presentation at the municipal teacher competition “The Coolest Class”

Self-presentation “My profession is a teacher”

Ekaterina Stalchuk

Self-presentation “My profession is a teacher”

Self-presentation Profession-teacher

2. Ekaterina Andreevna Stalchuk, teacher of the highest qualification category of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 17 of a combined type”

3. Whoever decides to connect his life with childhood will remain young forever.

This means he is rightfully lucky, which means I am a happy person.

It seems to many that my day begins the same way as the day of all the residents of our village. We quickly get dressed, have breakfast and rush to work. We hardly smile at each other, we don’t hear the birds singing, we don’t notice how beautiful our nature is - we have no time, we have a lot to do, and this is how each of us spends his day. I’m glad that my day is different, for one reason - I work with children, in a wonderful team, and it’s an amazing job.

4. There are many different professions , and each has its own charm.

But there is no one more noble, more necessary and more wonderful than the one I work with!

For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the sincere, understanding and accepting world of childhood, in the daily, and sometimes every minute, land of fairy tales and fantasies.

And you involuntarily think about the importance of the teaching profession when you see in the wide-open, trusting eyes of children the delight and expectation of something new, catching my every word, my glance and gesture. Looking into these children's eyes, you understand that they need you, that you are the whole universe for them, you support them with your love, you give them the warmth of your heart.

5. My greatest desire since childhood has been to work with children. I wanted to work in school, so I graduated from St. Petersburg Higher Pedagogical School No. 1 (college)

them. N. A. Nekrasova with qualification: teacher of Russian language and literature. By the will of fate, I came to work as a teacher in a kindergarten. Current work experience is 13 years.

6. A teacher is a person who must have a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. And the main thing is to endlessly give your love and affection to your students, without asking for anything in return. At first, I was tormented by questions: “How can I interest and surprise children?”

“Will the children be comfortable communicating with me?”
“Will they appreciate me as a teacher?

Not everything worked out right away. But time passed, I studied methodological literature, adopted the experience of fellow educators, took advanced training courses, was certified for the first category, and subsequently for the highest, I am still actively engaged in self-education , gaining knowledge via the Internet.
7. The role of the educator is very multifaceted. I can be a doctor and an artist, a poet and an artist. And thanks to the guys, I never get bored, because there is always a lot of something new and interesting in my life.

8. The priority direction in my work is the development of children's speech through theatrical activities. This work is carried out with children, starting from a very early age .

9. Theatrical games in everyday activities with kids

10 Theatrical games at festive events with older children.

11 “A preschool child is the same as a university student, only he studies at all faculties at the same time and gets to know one main subject - the world around him.” I do various arts and crafts with the children, and we participate in competitions.

12. In work, in all endeavors, my family supports me, gives me strength and hope. I have a caring husband and a wonderful daughter.

13. In my free time from work, I enjoy embroidery, knitting, and growing indoor flowers.

14. After a hard day, embroidery allows me to relax, reveal my talents, and share my successes with friends. I like that the birth of Beauty is happening before my eyes, I am happy when I finish a difficult job, and I am happy that I can do something too! But joy is the feeling that we so need.

15. I consider the most important thing in my work with children: my highest achievements are ordinary and simple, and at the same time the main thing is the love of children, their desire to go to kindergarten, to a group and their reluctance to leave; I am pleased when my former students do not forget about me, thank me and miss me.

16 From shouting, noise and chatter,

From children's questions and fuss!

I am a teacher and have little experience ,

But with my desire I will achieve quite a lot,

And let the country not know about this,

The main thing is that I am a teacher for myself .

I am very proud of my profession and I think better profession than a teacher ! It makes you forget all your sorrows and grievances, gives you a feeling of eternal youth, eternal childhood.

Self-presentation for the pedagogical excellence competition “I give my heart to children”

Teacher - what is this word, why is it called that?

It seems so simple to the ear, but how much meaning is put into it!

To begin with, a teacher is, first of all, just a person,

Love for children is his path and he will never turn away from it!

A teacher is a man from God, everything is already inherent in him:

Kindness, purity, faith in everyone and also care for everything!

The teacher is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice,

He gave his heart to his children - for him this is both reality and romance!

Teacher... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this:

There are both personal and professional qualities here,

But the most important thing is taking care of children!

Sometimes you can tell a lot in one poem... Why did I choose the profession of a teacher? The answer to this question is very simple: for me this is not just a profession or a job - it is a calling, a state of mind, a way of life. Everyone chooses the path of life in their own way... The main question now is, did I make the right choice? And now, many years later, I can say with confidence:

-I am a happy man! I am allowed by fate to be close to our future - with our children! Every mother is happy when she relives her childhood period with her child. And I was lucky enough to enjoy this age many times, each time “teaching others, learning myself”! I can call myself “Mom” with a capital M, because I have more than a hundred children, and they are all mine, all my loved ones, I gave each of them a piece of my soul, my heart! Some of them already have children of their own, some have only recently started going to kindergarten - but they are all equally loved to me, I worry about each of them like a mother. Thinking about children, taking care of them, loving them is the most wonderful feeling that not everyone can experience. And that makes me happy!

I am a loving person! And this is many times more wonderful than being loved. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And I take great pleasure in bringing it to life, while simultaneously teaching my children this feeling. As Leo Tolstoy said: “To love means to live the life of the one you love.” These words contain the meaning of why you go to your children every day.

I am a creator! It’s not for nothing that children are called “the flowers of life”, and teachers are called “gardeners”. And it is we who have been entrusted by Humanity to “sow” the rational, the good, the eternal into the little souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth!

I am an educator!!! I am proud of this! There are many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, SHE chooses! There are no random people here; they simply cannot live in this state. “Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling.” (L.N. Tolstoy).

Someone becomes a teacher purposefully, from school, understanding the value of this great profession and, setting a goal, achieves it. For some, this path is not easy and thorny. This once again confirms that the profession of a teacher is life, and in life everything happens differently. But people who bear this proud title are united by one thing - they joyfully give their hearts to children and cannot imagine their lives without it! I agree that there are “Teachers” with a capital T. This does not always mean high professionalism; human qualities also play a huge role here. “If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.” (L.N. Tolstoy) Can I call myself an Educator with a capital E? I believe that this title is based on feedback from parents, colleagues and, of course, children. But it is not so much the opinion of others that is important, but the pedagogical process itself and interaction with children. Although everything in life is interconnected. The highest reward is the love of children! I want to emphasize once again that I am proud that I have been entrusted by fate to contribute to our future!!! To paraphrase the famous saying “From a spark to a flame!”, I can end my essay with the words: “Doing a little, you will get a lot.”

Essay “The components of happiness of a teacher of additional education”

If you choose work successfully

and put your whole soul into it,

then happiness will find you on its own.

K. Ushinsky.

Every person loves to dream. Some dream of wealth, some of fame, many of happiness. Let's think about it. Wealth - today it is, but tomorrow it is not. It is sometimes more difficult with fame than without it. And without happiness, life becomes meaningless! Everyone wants happiness: love, participation, warmth and care. This is the universal concept of happiness. What makes up the professional happiness and success of an additional education teacher?

For me, the highest Happiness is the joy of communicating with children, the smile on their faces. It costs nothing, but it gives a lot, it enriches those who receive it, without impoverishing those who give it. The most amazing and beautiful thing about my profession is that I constantly live in the world of childhood. This world prepares me something new and extraordinary every day. My students are unpredictable, interesting, funny, amazingly smart, and different from each other. As a modern teacher, I must correspond to them, which means constantly studying and learning, first of all, from the children themselves. Every child is unique. It is home to a talented artist, an inquisitive observer, and a tireless experimenter. He is open to beauty and goodness, sensitive to lies and injustice. The energy of childhood is inexhaustible. I never cease to be amazed at children's curiosity. And what a blessing that I can open up a whole world for them through sports! Every new day brings new discoveries and achievements, and I must turn these days into days of joy and happiness, into a place where it is cozy and interesting.

Going to work with joy, leaving work with pleasant fatigue - in this I see the highest happiness and meaning of life. A teacher who is passionate about his profession understands the importance and necessity of his work. I believe that only a person doing what he loves can be truly happy. I can call myself a happy person who gives his knowledge, his energy, his love to children. I give and simply give everything good, kind, bright that is in me, to them, to my students. And in return I get more: their trust, revelations, joy, little secrets and tricks, and most importantly, love. Children are the greatest value on earth; they are the ones in whose name we live. An adult raising children must love them deeply, then both he and they will be happy. Love for children, Love for work, Love for life - these are the three pillars on which life is built. And Love and Happiness always live nearby. Here is another component of teacher happiness.

Happiness is the inner sun that lives in each of us. If there is a kind person nearby, then the sun shines brightly, warming everything around with its rays. But a cloud hung over the sun - someone’s rudeness, or maybe anger, and the sun hid its rays. This means that happiness is the kindness that we radiate. And the more kindness we give to our students, the kinder and nobler they will become, in turn. I am deeply convinced: evil is not born from good. Here it is – the third component of pedagogical Happiness.

And now I will tell you another secret. Perhaps this is the most important component. Are you waiting for a sensation? And everything ingenious is simple! This term is My Family! This is my strong and reliable rear - my beloved husband and wonderful son! And for the hundredth, thousandth time, I thank them for understanding me, forgiving me for being eternally busy, supporting me, inspiring me to new heights. Without this support, I would not have succeeded as a teacher.

So, here they are - the components of Happiness for an additional education teacher: Joy, Love, Kindness, Family. I am a happy teacher! And only a happy teacher can raise happy and successful children.

Isn’t this the most important Happiness?

Becoming a master of your craft is not easy. I know one thing: you can’t stop there. It is not without reason that popular wisdom says: “Live forever, learn forever”

And I've been learning all my life. I take advanced training courses, received a diploma of professional retraining, read literature, and attend seminars. What gives me strength and energy for self-improvement? My hobbies are gardening, reading historical literature, playing sports, playing KVN, competitions, and active participation in the life of my favorite institution. I am also the administrator of the Testing Center of the All-Russian Federal Sports Society "GTO" in the Klyavlinsky municipal district, and a participant in the public campaign "Where you were born, you grew up there!"

Currently, I am implementing an additional general educational and general developmental program of physical culture and sports “Table Tennis”, which is intended for pupils aged 7-10 years, the implementation period is 4 years.

Purpose of the program:

Creating conditions for the mass involvement of children and adolescents in table tennis.

Program objectives:


- provide the necessary additional knowledge in the field of physical education and sports - sports games (table tennis);

- teach how to properly regulate your physical activity;

— teach those involved in table tennis techniques and tactics.


- develop coordination of movements and basic physical qualities: strength, agility, speed of reaction;

- develop motor abilities through playing tennis;

— to develop the skills of independent physical exercises during playful leisure time.


— promote the development of social activity of students: cultivate a sense of independence and responsibility;

- cultivate sociability, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, while maintaining your individuality;

— promotion of a healthy lifestyle, which leads to a reduction in crime among adolescents, as well as the prevention of drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism.

Relevance and pedagogical expediency

Children playing table tennis is undeniable. The words “table tennis” have firmly entered our vocabulary, and the game itself has become part of everyday life. From entertainment it turned into sports. And today table tennis is one of the most popular sports. In our country, 3 million people are engaged in it. This game is especially popular among children and teenagers. The good thing about it is that it can be both training and recreational. It develops physical and mental qualities and forms character traits. Table tennis improves not only the speed of movement, but also the speed of reaction, and promotes the development of operational thinking. In a word, a player of table tennis becomes dexterous, fast, resilient, and has excellent coordination of movements.


program is that it takes into account the specifics of additional education and covers significantly more people who want to engage in this sport, making feasible demands in the learning process. The need to draw up a work program is due to a number of features inherent in working with children in small villages. These are, first of all, objective problems when recruiting children associated with the small number of children of the same year of birth, at the stage of forming sports and recreational training groups. Another important factor is the lack of large gyms and standard playgrounds. In addition, the possibilities for using specialized equipment, devices and simulators are significantly limited. In this situation, there is a need to develop and use methods that to some extent smooth out the negative impact of these factors on the level of training of children, primarily in terms of physical and special physical indicators. Despite the apparent simplicity of the game, the technique and tactics of table tennis are very complex. The leading role in table tennis is played by speed, strength, agility and endurance in certain combinations. In this case, the speed of muscle contraction and regulation of the speed of movements, as well as the spatial accuracy of movements, are of paramount importance; in addition, table tennis requires the quick solution of complex motor problems in each playing situation. All difficulties place special demands on the physical, technical and tactical preparation of a tennis player.

In my professional activities, I set myself the task of raising a healthy, strong, purposeful, physically and morally developed young generation.

And in conclusion, I would like to wish all teachers of additional education:

“Create - creating,

Burn without being burned,

Love without losing

That’s all I wish for you!”

Thank you all for your attention!

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