Automation of sound Card file on speech therapy on the topic

Collocations (279)

  • whatever it takes
  • whatever it takes
  • why suddenly
  • let's be honest
  • what good
  • whatever your heart desires
  • what do you want
  • what's better
  • what does my left leg want?
  • You won’t get enough of what you haven’t eaten
  • what for
  • what is it worth
  • what's there
  • what not
  • something is missing
  • minted step
  • a man of great intelligence
  • a man in a work cap and a bullet-riddled coat
  • outsider
  • second class citizen
  • man of the kindest soul
  • a man of good soul
  • man of duty
  • man of art
  • man of extremes
  • man of the world
  • errand man
  • man of moods
  • man of science
  • elderly man
  • right brain person
  • reasonable man
  • a person with a name
  • man from the street
  • old-fashioned man
  • a man of the old school
  • labor man
  • man of mental labor
  • a person who is mentally or morally deficient
  • person obsessed with gambling
  • a person who respects American culture
  • human activity
  • human activity
  • human soul
  • human activity
  • human life
  • human
  • human psyche
  • human female
  • human actions
  • human dignity
  • human qualities
  • human relations
  • human resources
  • human properties
  • human values
  • human spirit
  • human capital
  • human material
  • human resource
  • human male
  • human labor
  • human factor
  • human thinking
  • human society
  • human consciousness
  • human
  • jaw on the floor
  • jaw dropped
  • what God sent
  • the richer you are, the happier you are
  • the more
  • the more
  • the more you fight, the more excited I get
  • the higher
  • What are you doing
  • what are you doing
  • the less
  • the less haste in business, the better
  • what could it be
  • why are we worse
  • why we hedgehogs are not horses
  • what I owe
  • what's bad
  • what's bad
  • than before
  • than light
  • than the more
  • something
  • you never know
  • than this
  • suitcase without handle
  • a traveling mood
  • which have not be avoided
  • what will happen cannot be avoided
  • nonsense on vegetable oil
  • cap for twins
  • red gold
  • red gold
  • the attic is not in order
  • the attic is leaking
  • the attic is sparsely furnished
  • attic space
  • a series of reasons
  • after a while
  • over your head
  • one day after today
  • hyphenated
  • through the ass
  • every word
  • over the edge
  • after a short time
  • in moderation
  • over my corpse
  • I can't through
  • through him
  • over time
  • through the right people
  • in one place
  • through the stump deck
  • through the stump-deck
  • through an intermediary
  • through the prism
  • through the mouth
  • through force
  • through the word
  • through the line
  • an hour later, a teaspoon
  • at a snail's pace
  • at a snail's pace
  • too neat
  • black Widow
  • black hole
  • black comedy
  • black bone
  • a black cat ran between
  • black melancholy
  • black ingratitude
  • black sickness
  • black oil
  • black line
  • black power
  • Black Death
  • blacker than clouds
  • ink soul
  • ink rat
  • Chernobyl broiler
  • Black Sea
  • dirty business
  • ebony
  • black dossier
  • black clergy
  • black gold
  • black face
  • Black Sea
  • black word
  • envious with black envy
  • Black Apollo
  • black Raven
  • black funnel
  • Black eye
  • black mushroom
  • rainy day
  • black as night
  • black as soot
  • black as coal
  • jet black
  • Black Continent
  • black Swan
  • Black forest
  • black cash
  • black people
  • black PR
  • black list
  • black poplar
  • black Tulip
  • black bread
  • black color
  • black humor
  • Black Yar
  • black cash
  • black and white
  • damn him
  • damn it
  • damn it
  • damn it
  • the devil pulled his tongue
  • damn it
  • damn him
  • God knows
  • damn him
  • damn him
  • God knows
  • God knows where
  • God knows how
  • God knows what
  • God knows when
  • God knows who
  • God knows where
  • God knows what
  • damn them
  • damn them
  • damn them
  • what the hell is in him
  • damn me
  • damn me
  • the devil won't throw it at the stove
  • damn no brother
  • the devil can't tell
  • the devil will break his leg
  • Damn it
  • Damn it
  • damn brought it
  • to hell with it
  • what the hell
  • damn those
  • damn you
  • damn you
  • damn you
  • damn you
  • where the hell
  • what the hell
  • what the hell
  • bald trait
  • hell no
  • trait
  • devils in the eyes
  • where the devil is
  • damn doom
  • Baker's dozen
  • damn pepper shaker
  • damn abyss
  • damn wedding
  • damn apple
  • damn egg
  • damn harp
  • damn brother
  • leader traits
  • facial features
  • personality traits
  • character traits
  • human traits
  • scratching his turnip
  • scratching his tongue
  • scabies grass
  • honest slut
  • fair game
  • honest company
  • Honestly
  • my word of honor
  • honest pioneer
  • honestly
  • fair feast
  • an honest approach to yourself
  • fair man
  • fair rules
  • honor and praise
  • I have the honor
  • I have the honor to bow
  • honor by honor
  • honor honor
  • four-legged friend
  • four-legged lumberjack
  • four-legged helper
  • fourth estate
  • fourth part
  • Fourth dimension
  • quarter of century
  • clearly defined
  • clarity of thought
  • even number
  • four goals
  • four times
  • four samhitas
  • four wheeled friend
  • Chetyi menaion
  • scratch it
  • Cheshire Cat
  • scaly lichen

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "che" (at the beginning of the word - CHE). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing CHE.

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Words starting with the syllable "che"

The syllable "CHE" according to the initial sound belongs to the type - covered

(begins with a consonant), according to the final sound -
(ends with a vowel sound), according to the initial and final sound -
(is not both closed and closed).

Consisting of 2 syllables:

  1. Thursday
  2. garlic
  3. honest
  4. Honestly
  5. honesty
  6. Czech
  7. through
  1. honor
  2. honest
  3. why
  4. honest
  5. jaw
  6. covers
  7. cap
  1. couple
  2. what
  3. honest
  4. chester
  5. saberfish
  6. servants
  7. security officer
  1. chela
  2. Czechs
  3. quarter
  4. clear
  5. clearly
  6. clear

Consisting of 3 syllables:

  1. Human
  2. suitcase
  3. Czech
  4. cherries
  5. four
  6. scales
  7. four
  8. garlicky
  9. jaws
  10. Thursday
  11. garlic
  12. covers
  13. honest
  14. honesty
  15. four
  1. Czech
  2. four
  3. garlic
  4. itchy
  5. garlic
  6. scales
  7. honest
  8. Chelyabinsk
  9. four
  10. garlic
  11. scales
  12. four
  13. garlic
  14. Chekhov's
  15. Cherenkov
  1. in succession
  2. honor
  3. Chekhov
  4. scales
  5. case
  6. flake
  7. coinage
  8. skulls
  9. cheremosh
  10. coinage
  11. Chechen
  12. turtles
  13. Chechen
  14. Chechen
  15. too
  1. quarter
  2. Chechens
  3. security officer
  4. tap dance
  5. quarters
  6. tap dancers
  7. celesta
  8. carder
  9. carder
  10. fourth
  11. fourth
  12. fourth
  13. itch
  14. fourth
  15. a quarter

Consisting of 4 syllables:

  1. turtle
  2. four hundred
  3. fourteen
  4. bird cherry
  5. person
  6. humane
  7. garlic
  8. turtle
  9. suitcase
  10. person
  11. little man
  12. turtle
  13. little man
  14. bird cherry
  15. people
  1. turtles
  2. suitcases
  3. on all fours
  4. turtles
  5. suitcase
  6. ambitious
  7. little men
  8. bird cherry
  9. human
  10. turtle
  11. chebureks
  12. turtle
  13. Chekhov's
  14. little men
  15. bird cherry
  1. human
  2. turtle
  3. alternate
  4. Chelyabinsk
  5. turtle
  6. little men
  7. human
  8. person
  9. little man
  10. crescent
  11. in succession
  12. Chelyabinsk
  13. Chelyabinsk
  14. humanity
  15. scales
  1. scaliness
  2. Cheboksary
  3. minted
  4. Chelyabinsk
  5. petioles
  6. fourth
  7. drawer
  8. quarter
  9. quarter
  10. hellebore
  11. quarter note
  12. quarter notes
  13. fourth
  14. fourth
  15. carder

Consisting of 5 syllables:

  1. humanity
  2. human
  3. four hundred
  4. suitcases
  5. human
  6. humane
  7. human
  1. fourth grader
  2. human
  3. suitcase
  4. ambitious
  5. humanity
  6. fourth year student
  7. honoring
  1. Cheburechnaya
  2. ambition
  3. Chelyabinsk
  4. turtle
  5. through the grain
  6. quadruped
  7. humanity
  1. alternates
  2. four year olds
  3. Chelyabinsk
  4. alternating
  5. saddlemaker
  6. four-field
  7. petition
  1. fourteen

Consisting of 6 syllables:

  1. human
  2. human
  3. alternating
  4. human
  5. philanthropist
  1. human
  2. fourth grader
  3. Lepidoptera
  4. cuttings
  5. four years
  1. quadruped
  2. striped
  3. quatrains
  4. quatrains
  5. quadrigeminal
  1. four thousandth
  2. quadrilateral
  3. quartering
  4. fourteenth
  5. fourteenth

Consisting of 7 syllables:

  1. alternations
  2. humane
  1. homicide
  2. alternating
  1. quadcentenary
  2. quadrangle
  1. quadrilaterals

Consisting of 8 syllables:

  1. misanthrope
  1. anthropoid

The sound of words with combinations of consonants “cht”, “chk”, “chn”, “nch”, “nshch”, “schn”, “rshch”

In many words of the Russian language there are combinations of soft unpaired consonant sounds [ch'] and [ш'] with other consonants. When pronouncing words, these soft consonants affect nearby sounds and soften them. Assimilation (similarity) of consonant sounds occurs on the basis of softness. For example, let's listen to how the following words sound:

  • bell [b u b' e n' h' and k];
  • bathhouse attendant [b a n' sh' and k].

In words with combinations of consonants preceded by [h'] and [h'], the softness of these sounds is clearly heard, for example:

  • daughter [d o h' k a];
  • reader [h' t' e c];
  • graceful [and z' a sh' n y'];
  • exact [t o h' n y'].

Collocations (167)

  • you can chirp
  • Chicky Brikey
  • chili con carne
  • Chilean saltpeter
  • Chilean archipelago
  • rank by rank
  • rank of plane tree
  • rank by rank
  • troublemaker
  • obstructive
  • inflicted reprisals
  • court executor
  • mended
  • you create obstacles
  • bureaucracy
  • Cirneco del Etna
  • no number
  • numerical system
  • number of animals
  • Population
  • numerical superiority
  • numerical strength
  • enlisted
  • be registered in
  • be in service
  • number of days
  • number of animals
  • number of inhabitants
  • Pi
  • number of crimes
  • number of residents
  • number of participants
  • Phidias number
  • number of members
  • number of meeting members
  • beauty numeric symbol
  • more in number, cheaper in price
  • pure faith
  • pure water
  • blank board
  • a pure soul
  • clean skin
  • clean room
  • pure beauty
  • pure logic
  • pure love
  • pure mathematics
  • pure thought
  • pure science
  • clean clothes
  • pure truth
  • net profit
  • clean work
  • clean shirt
  • fresh shirt
  • pure theory
  • pure form
  • pure wool
  • pure water
  • clean house
  • brushed with pumice
  • feather preening
  • vacuumed
  • shoe shiner
  • bootblack
  • to clean a room
  • clean the dishes
  • vacuuming
  • clean shaven
  • pure gold
  • purely specific boy
  • purely on music
  • pure real guy
  • purely Russian
  • purely Russian
  • purely symbolic
  • purely theoretically
  • purely theoretical
  • pure timbre
  • clean linen
  • clean breath
  • pure knowledge
  • pure art
  • clean face
  • pure curiosity
  • pure thinking
  • clear sky
  • clean lake
  • pure flame
  • open field
  • clean space
  • pure heart
  • pure consciousness
  • clear glass
  • clean water
  • pure blood
  • pure suit
  • pure sample
  • sincere confession
  • cleanliness is the enemy of tourism
  • clean hair
  • clear eyes
  • clean money
  • pure perfume
  • pure souls
  • pure intentions
  • pure paints
  • pure thoughts
  • pure intentions
  • clear skies
  • pure thoughts
  • clean sheets
  • pure forces
  • pure aspirations
  • morally pure
  • clean look
  • clean look
  • fresh air
  • clear voice
  • clean house
  • net income
  • pure spirit
  • clear sound
  • pure source
  • pure as a tear
  • clean as glass
  • Blank sheet
  • clear firmament
  • clean sand
  • Clean Monday
  • clear mind
  • pure light
  • pure snow
  • pure alcohol
  • pure man
  • Maundy Thursday
  • pure money
  • cleaning agent
  • cleaners
  • reading in the shower
  • read in the heart
  • read aloud for public information
  • voracious reader
  • read interesting books
  • read the classics
  • proofreader
  • read between the lines
  • reading a prayer
  • reading the moral
  • read the instructions
  • lecturing
  • preacher
  • read the required literature
  • diagonally read
  • easy to read
  • reads with captivating interest
  • read with interest
  • read with unflagging interest
  • read the instructions
  • reading room
  • read carefully
  • read carefully
  • can read and write
  • sneeze on someone
  • wants to sneeze
  • you won't have time to sneeze
  • sneeze grass

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "chi" (at the beginning of the word - CHI). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing CHI.

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