Automation of sound Card file on speech therapy on the topic

Game options:

"Name and Repeat"

Lay out one card with the sound [Zh] (pre-print and cut the cards, they are presented above) and offer to name them. If it is difficult for a child, help him by correcting incorrect pronunciation of sounds.

“What’s missing?”

Lay out 4-5 cards with the sound [Zh] (depending on age) in front of the child, naming them correctly. You give instructions that the pictures must be remembered. When the baby closes his eyes, remove one card and ask: “What’s gone?” (the Beetle is gone , the Toad is gone, etc.). In this game you can change places with your child, because he is also interested in being in the role of a teacher.

"What changed?"

Place 4-5 cards with the sound [Zh] , naming them correctly and asking them to remember. The child closes his eyes, you swap the pictures. Then ask to find changes.

"The Fourth Wheel"

For this game, you take cards with the sound [F] , as well as additional ones for other sounds (you will find them in the gallery just below). Lay out 4-5 pictures in front of the baby, naming them together. Ask the child to name the extra card in the row (for example, toad , paw, beetle , well . Extra card PAWS, there is no sound [F]).


For this game, it is necessary to use the “One-Many” model (you will find the model in the gallery below) so that the child has support for clarity. Explain to the child that by applying a card to an image with one circle there is one object, to an image with many circles there are many objects (for example, a beetle - many beetles, a vest - many vests, a knife - many knives). Don't forget to pronounce words correctly!

"Big small"

This game is also played using a model. You will find the “Big - Small” model in the gallery below. The game is played by analogy as “One - many”. Apply the card to the large circle - BUG, ​​to the small circle - BUG.

"Let's count"

The game “Let's count” will teach the child to correctly agree nouns with numerals in gender and number. It is also carried out according to the model (see gallery). The numbers in the model are of different colors: 1 is green, 2, 3, 4 are blue, 5 is red. The colors will help draw the child’s attention to changes in endings in words (one is toad , but two, three, four are toad , five is toad ). Explain this rule to your child and watch the endings of words.

Automating the sound “Ш” in words using pictures is the easiest and most accessible way to introduce sound into a child’s vocabulary. In this article you can find verbal and visual material on automating the sound “Ш” at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Setting sounds [Ч], [Ш]

Work to eliminate the shortcomings of pronouncing the sounds [Ч], [Ш] requires lengthy and painstaking actions. The teacher needs to clearly imagine the correct articulation of these sounds.

When pronouncing the sound [H]: • lips are rounded and slightly moved forward; • teeth do not close together; • the tip of the tongue, together with the back, forms a closure with the upper teeth or alveoli, this closure imperceptibly passes into the gap between them; • in the middle of the tongue there is a short air stream, which is felt as a push of air with the palm of the hand brought to the mouth; • the soft palate is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx, closing the passage into the nasal cavity, the air stream goes through the mouth; • vocal cords are open, the voice does not sound.

When pronouncing the sound [Ш]: • lips in a slight smile, teeth are visible; • teeth are brought together; • the wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli and forms a gap with them; • there is an air stream in the middle of the tongue, which is easily felt by the palm of the hand brought to the mouth; • the soft palate is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx, closing the passage into the nasal cavity, the air stream goes through the mouth; • vocal cords are open, the voice does not sound.

If the sound [Ш] is learned, deficiencies in the pronunciation of [Ш] and [Ч] are usually not observed, except in cases where [Ш] is replaced by [С'] and [Ч] by [Ц']. To pronounce the sound [Ш], pronounced as [С'], the easiest way is to use a special probe or spatula. By slightly lifting and moving the tongue (upper articulation) or just moving it back (lower articulation), you should achieve the required sound and then strengthen it with exercises, first with mechanical assistance, and then without it. In conclusion, it is necessary to consolidate the differentiation of the sound [Ш] and the sounds [С'] and [Ш].

When replacing the sound [Ч] with [Ц'] (or [Ц]), the same mechanical technique is recommended as when correcting [Ш]. If the sound [Ш] is learned, then you can get [Ч] by pointing out and showing that a soft hissing sound must be preceded by an explosive one in the form of [T'].

We can also recommend a technique for setting the sound [CH], in which the base is the sound [T'], pronounced with aspiration. If, at the moment of pronouncing such a sound, the tip of the tongue is raised and slightly moved back with a probe or spatula placed under it, then the upper [H] should appear; if the tip of the tongue simply moves away, then the lower [H].

However, not only the sound [Ч] from [Ш], but also the sound [Ш] from [Ч], if the latter was learned earlier, can be derived. In this case, it is enough to stretch out and then separate its fricative part from the fused sound (chch- — — — — — — — — - -, chch- — — — — -, ш — — — — — — — — - -).

Similar articles: Setting sounds [L], [L'], Setting sounds [P], [P'].

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How to teach a child to pronounce hissing sounds [Ш], [Ф], [Ч], [Ш]

Lyubov Nikolaenko

How to teach a child to pronounce hissing sounds [Ш], [Ф], [Ч], [Ш]

Many parents are concerned about the problem of correct pronunciation of the child's speech sounds . The sounds that a child pronounces are formed thanks to a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs. The older the baby gets, the clearer and more differentiated his articulatory and facial movements become, as a result the child’s speech becomes more and more understandable. Normally, the formation of the correct pronunciation of soft hissing words (ch, sch)
occurs by the age of four , and hard hissing words (w, zh)
by five years.
It is by the senior group of kindergarten (5 - 6 years old) the pronunciation of hissing sounds is considered complete. But in practice, a significant number of children, for a number of reasons (impaired intrauterine development, birth trauma, somatic weakness, physiological disorders of the articulatory apparatus, etc., do not have the skill of correct pronunciation of hissing sounds .
Correct articulation of hissing sounds

Ш - lips are slightly rounded, the tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper teeth, the tongue takes the shape of a cup, the voice is asleep, a warm air stream flows through the middle of the tongue. Ш - consonant, hard, dull, hissing

F - the same as sh, only the voice “woke up”

The neck is shaking. F – consonant, hard, sonorous, hissing .
H – lips slightly rounded. The tip of the tongue and its back form a closure with tubercles, this closure imperceptibly passes into the gap; between them, a strong, jerky stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The sound Ch must be pronounced briefly . The sound Ch is a consonant , soft, dull, hissing .

Sh - lips slightly rounded. The tip of the tongue is raised to the tubercles and forms a gap with them; a warm, smooth stream of air flows through the middle of the tongue. Ш – consonant, soft, deaf, hissing .

Disadvantages in the pronunciation of hissing sounds : interdental, nasal lateral pronunciation . In addition: “lower”
pronunciation of the sounds Ш , Ж
(reminiscent of the sound Ш , absence of hissing sounds and replacement with other sounds .

In order for children's speech to be clear and understandable, it is necessary to work on the development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. There are many special exercises for developing mobility of the tongue, lips, cheeks, and hyoid frenulum, which are called articulatory gymnastics. To for your child to do articulation exercises for the tongue and lips, we suggest you use fairy tales. It's time to remember the gnome Tongue and listen to his funny stories. Stories from the life of this gnome are told only while sitting in front of the mirror. What is today's talk about? Everything is very prosaic... The gnome Tongue is having breakfast.

Fairy tale "Breakfast of the Tongue"

“The gnome Tongue stands thoughtfully in the kitchen and can’t decide what to cook for breakfast. Finally, he takes the frying pan. (Exercise “Frying Pan”

: the mouth is slightly open in a smile, the wide front edge of the tongue lies on the lower lip, the lateral edges are raised, a kind of roll is formed along the edge of the tongue.
Hold in this position for at least 10 seconds.) “No, I won’t fry anything!”
The gnome puts the frying pan in the closet.
(Remove your tongue and close your mouth.) “But you can try!”
The frying pan is taken out again and placed on the stove (Exercise
“Frying Pan”
Then the Gnome’s gaze falls on the pink cup. “Better tea!”
- Tongue thinks and takes out a cup.
(Exercise “Cup”
: the mouth is open, a wide tongue with highly raised edges is located near the upper teeth. It is important that the lower lip does not
the tongue, and it is held in this position on its own for at least 10 seconds.)
At this time the doorbell rings. Friends came. For everyone, you need to get a cup from the cupboard. (The “Cup”
is performed as many times as there are friends who come to the gnome.)”

It’s simply wonderful if the baby performed both of these exercises correctly the first time. What if there are problems? For example, it is not possible to make the language broad. You’ll have to simplify the exercise and punish the naughty tongue by spanking it with your teeth “ta-ta-ta-...”

and lips:
“Kneading the dough”
Finally, the tongue spread out and obediently lay on the lower lip. Now is the time to bake the pancakes. (Exercise “Pancake”
: hold the wide tongue on the lower lip in a calm state for at least 10 seconds, it is important to ensure that the lower lip does not strain or pull on the lower teeth.) We bake pancakes in sufficient quantity: there should be enough for everyone!
Make sure that they are of the correct rounded shape with smooth edges. Oh, how delicious! Let's lick our upper lip with pleasure. But not from side to side, but with a wide tongue from top to bottom. Once again. And one more thing (Exercise “Delicious jam”
: smile, open your mouth; with your tongue in the shape of a cup, lick your upper lip from top to bottom (you can lubricate it with jam; the lower lip should not fit your teeth
(you can pull it down with your hand)
. Let’s hope that with one we have dealt with the problem: the tongue
has learned to be wide . We move on to the next stage: we will teach the tongue to hold on to the upper teeth. But this is the next story:
The fairy tale “A brave rider is picking mushrooms”

“The gnome Tongue loves to ride a horse. He takes the reins in his hands and skillfully controls his horse. (Exercise “Horse”

: loudly
the tongue, while the lower jaw should be motionless.) At first the horse gallops slowly, then faster and faster.
Where is our brave rider heading? In the forest. How many mushrooms are there! Here is a strong little boletus hiding under the tree. (Exercise “Mushroom”
: a wide tongue is sucked with its surface to the palate. The upper part of the tongue is a mushroom cap, the hyoid frenulum is a leg. Stretch it as much as possible, while opening the mouth wide. Make sure that
the child does not just raise the tongue up, but sucked it to the palate! Hold in this position for at least 5 seconds.) The gnome cut off the fungus (lower the tongue to the bottom of the mouth)
and immediately saw a pink wave (make
, holding the tongue in this position for at least 8 seconds) .

In a clearing near a young aspen tree there grew two bright red fly agarics. Their hats were so big! The fly agarics swayed on their thin legs, and it seemed that they were about to fall. (Child and adult make “Mushroom”

and hold their tongue as long as possible. There is a kind of competition going on: whose fungus will last longer.) The gnome did not take fly agarics: they are poisonous! But he collected a full basket of other mushrooms: porcini, boletus, aspen, saffron milk caps (perform the exercise several more times
“ Fungus

I must say that the “Mushroom”

It’s quite complicated, and not every kid can do it the first time.
Surely, the shape of the “hat”
will not be round; the tongue will not stick to the palate with its entire surface, but only with the tip.
You will have to return to the “Horse”
and ask
the child not to “snap”
the tongue during
the “clatter”

(get stuck)
as long as possible .
It should work! Each time the “stuck”
is extended.

What kids like most is the Focus

This is a very effective exercise. It has been used by speech therapists in the production of hissing sounds for a long time . cup-
shaped ) tongue out of your mouth, lift its front edge towards your nose, but under no circumstances press it against your upper lip!
There is a gap between the tongue and the upper lip. The lips are stretched in a smile, the lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. While the child is building this complex structure, you place a piece of cotton wool on the tip of his nose. And now the baby must blow on the cotton wool without losing the shape of his tongue. The fleece flies upward. If this does not happen , it means that the air stream went in the wrong direction, for example, to the corners of the mouth, or to the cheeks. Or maybe the baby couldn’t hold his tongue, and it “crawled”
into his mouth.
... It is necessary to give the tongue the correct form again. This may take more than one lesson. Patience, and again patience. The air stream is very important when staging hissing ones . But the path it takes is no less important. Normally, on the sounds Ш , Ж, the air flows strictly in the middle of the tongue. You should also pay attention to the lower lip. It sometimes gets in the way: it tucks under the lower teeth, tenses too much, and “pushes”
the tongue.
Such “disservices”
will have to be abandoned.

Lips play an important role when pronouncing sibilants . They should stretch forward with their proboscis

But it is not possible to give such a shape to the lips right away. You will have to resort to articulation exercises again: “Donut”
: close your teeth, round your lips extended forward, the corners of your lips do not touch, your lips do not cover your teeth, hold your lips in this position for a count of 5-10;
: stretch your lips forward like a tube, teeth open.

If you want to correct speech defects that have arisen in your baby, then articulatory gymnastics should be carried out daily. The child should perform these exercises in front of a mirror, and under adult supervision. You must first work through all the exercises yourself and be prepared to patiently demonstrate them to your baby countless times.

Setting sounds [Ш] , [Х]

After the above exercises are performed by the child easily and naturally, it is worth taking up the production of the hissing ones . It’s unlikely to do without a game here. Hissing is the privilege of a snake. Therefore, it is worth depicting it using... a hand. She will be the snake: the hand is the head, everything else is the flexible body. Here is the "snake"

crawls on the table.
Then he raises his head, makes a stand (resting on his elbow, pulls his head forward, and, opening his mouth, hisses: “Sh-sh-sh...”
. At the same time, it is worth drawing
the child’s attention to the fact that the tongue - the “cup”
is raised up, and the lips are pulled forward like a tube. If this is a problem, use your thumb and forefinger to lightly press on the cheeks in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth, giving the lips a
. Let the baby pretend to be a snake again and hiss. Is it really a failure again? Don’t despair. Help will come again handle of a teaspoon. If
the child pronounces the sound [C] clearly , let him reproduce it , and at this time you bring the handle of the spoon under the tongue, lift it up to the palate and push it back a little. Be careful not to press too hard on the tongue. It turned out "Rejoice with your child at the clear sound [SH-SH-SH-SH]. Together with your child, remember where else you can hear this sound ?
- the hiss of air coming out of the tire;

- the forest rustles in the wind;

— the mouse scratches under the floor ;

- the hiss of an angry cat;

- rustling of autumn leaves underfoot, etc.

The child all this using the sound [Ш] .

Correcting defects in the pronunciation of the sound [Zh] with acquired articulation [Ш] does not cause difficulties. The child is asked to pronounce the drawn-out sound [Ш] and “turn on”

This is first done by the adult himself, bringing one of the child’s hands to his mouth and putting the other to his throat (to feel the vibration)
. It’s time to pretend to be a good bug and buzz:
In addition to beetles, this sound is made by :
- ​​bumblebees,

— working electric motors

If the sound [Ш] , there are usually no deficiencies in the pronunciation of [Ш] and [Ч], with the exception of more complex cases in which it is necessary to consult a speech therapist.

It is important to know: you should follow the dosage of breathing exercises, as well as exercises related to the production and automation of sound [Ш] , as they are quite tiring for the child and can cause dizziness due to hyperventilation.

Automation of hissing sounds in a child’s speech

Automation of sounds - consolidation of correct pronunciation by gradually introducing a given sound into syllables , words, sentences, phrases, poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, texts and the child’s independent speech. In automation classes, an exaggerated, longer and clearer pronunciation of the automated sound . Invite your child to play (with sounds , with words, don’t tell him “Let’s do it”

For classes with children, it is advisable to use illustrated literature on automating hissing sounds .
When the child correctly pronounce the sounds Ш , Ж, Ш, Ш in independent speech? Even the most highly qualified speech therapist will not give you an accurate answer to this question. For one child, lessons from 2-3 months to six months will be enough; for another child, even a year will not be enough to learn to speak clearly . This depends on the individual characteristics of the child, his structure of the articulatory apparatus, and, ultimately, on the desire of the child himself to do this. Well, if problems arise, speech therapists are always ready to help you.

Speech material:

The sound “Ш” at the beginning of a word:

  • sorrel, happiness, happy;
  • pike, probe, tentacles, feel, puny, squint, pike;
  • rubble, chirp, chirp, goldfinch, flaunt, generosity, bounty, generous, cheek, cheeky, latch, tickle, tickle, tickle, crevice, crevice, click, puppy, sliver, pinch, pinch, chipped, chipped, stubble, generosity, cabbage soup;
  • click, lye, dandy, tickle, click, lye, brush, cheek, count, abacus, count, count;
  • cabbage soup, ankle, pinch, tongs, tweezers, shield, thyroid gland, shield;

The sound “Ш” in the middle of a word:

  • grove, square, platform, forgive, mercy, squeaked, drag, food, philistinism, promise, treat, rotate, hinder, turn, return, boardwalk, squeak, thick, grove, mother-in-law, forest, squeak;
  • thicket, click, latch, still, latch, paved, condensed, condensed milk, rattle, slums;
  • calculation, miscalculation, counting;
  • search, drag, shine, splash, touch, clean, thicket, treat, seek, food, whistle, clean, forgive, rinse;
  • look, things, drag, box, vegetables, bream, ticks, in a box, squeaks, groves, help, drags, seeing, ticks, walking, crack, seething, boiling, buzzing, smoking, trembling, holding, speaking, looking, seeing , lying, jumping, drinking, flying, protection, protector, boiling, prophetic, future, running;
  • from vegetables, koschei, forgiveness, pinch, clothespin, cave, bloodhound, gorge, treat, rotation, forgiveness, pinch, catering unit, food store, food, cave, dwelling, lizard, simpler, treat, future, torso, storage;

The sound "Ш" at the end of a word:

  • bream, thing, cloak, vegetable, tick, ivy, help, power, horsetail, borscht, cartilage, pimple, help, comrade;

The sound “Ш” in a combination of consonants:

  • predator, graceful, helper, powerful, vegetable, essential, general;
  • bathhouse attendant, burglar, museum attendant, sawyer, sitter, diver, washer, cleaner, mason, racer, inventor;

Helpful Tips:

  1. At the beginning of each sound automation lesson [Ш], we conduct 2-3 articulatory gymnastics exercises.
  2. During the lesson, pay attention to the correct articulation of the sound [Ш] (see articulatory gymnastics).
  3. We pronounce the words slowly, clearly emphasizing the sound [Ш]. Repeat words 2-3 times.
  4. Classes are held regularly for 20-25 minutes depending on the age of the child and alternating play exercises.
  5. At the first signs of fatigue, take a physical minute. Kinesiological exercises are very useful for relieving tension and emotional relaxation.
  6. Classes should be conducted in a friendly and comfortable environment for the child.

For greater efficiency, the sound [Ш] in words is automated sequentially: first we conduct classes on automating the sound at the beginning of words, then in the middle and at the end of words.

Automation of the sound “Ш” in words using pictures will become accessible to you. You just need to download the pictures in A4 format, cut them into cards, preferably laminate them for long-term use and have fun with them.

I would like to note that preschool age is a time of play activity. Therefore, it is better to play out all the tasks, come up with surprise moments, and then the child will be less tired and will study with pleasure. I offer you some game options. With their help, you will not only introduce the sound “Ш” into your baby’s speech, but also develop his grammatical structure.

Corrective work on sound [u] outline plan for speech therapy on the topic

Sound articulation [Ш]

Features of articulation

The lips are slightly pushed forward and rounded. The tip of the tongue is raised to the cusps behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is raised. The tongue is tense. The vocal cords are resting, the throat is not trembling (no voice).


The sound [Ш] is consonant, dull, always soft. The sound is indicated in green.

Preparatory exercises for sound production [Ш]

You can start making the sound [Ш] if the child pronounces the sound [Ш] correctly. First you need to try sound production by imitation (see). If imitation exercises do not produce an effect, you must proceed to the exercises given below. The sound [Ш] is pronounced in the same way as the sound [Ш], only more elongated and tense due to the strong pressure of the tongue on the palate.

Preparatory exercises

  1. Open your mouth. Suck your entire tongue to the roof of your mouth so that the frenulum is stretched. The tip of the tongue is raised to the front of the palate (at the alveoli). The child performs this exercise by placing his finger (spatula, teaspoon) under his tongue in a horizontal position. The finger should press the tongue to the palate in the middle part.

Having drawn in air, exhale it forcefully, pronouncing a long sound [Ш]. The sound [Ш] will be heard. In this case, the tongue should spring back. The elasticity of the tongue and the gap are adjusted by finger pressure.

It is necessary to achieve a long sound.

  1. Pronounce a sound without using a finger. If this exercise does not work, it is allowed to pronounce syllables and words with a finger.

The sound [Ш] is colored green (soft consonant sound). Vowel sounds are colored red.

The sound [Ш_] is pronounced for a long time (see articulation of the sound [Ш]).

If this does not work, it is allowed to pronounce sounds, syllables and words with a finger (the finger should press the tongue to the palate in the middle part).

1) Pronounce (read) syllables with the sound [Ш']

Sample: sch__a, sch__o, sch__e sch__u, sch__i, sch__e

2) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [Ш'] at the beginning

Sample: sh__u-ka

If words are pronounced with a finger placed under the tongue, then on syllables without the sound u the finger is removed. After the pronunciation is fixed, the words are pronounced without placing a finger.

  • shield
  • dipstick
  • gap
  • cheeks
  • pike
  • shields
  • brush
  • sliver
  • puppy
  • puppy
  • goldfinch
  • sorrel
  • bristle
  • click
  • pinching

3) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [Ш'] in the middle

Sample: things, area

  • food
  • I'm dragging
  • bream
  • thicket
  • grove
  • food
  • looking for
  • things
  • box
  • I'll treat you
  • raincoats
  • beeps
  • drags
  • vegetables
  • drags
  • ticks
  • general
  • I'm cracking
  • I'll put it
  • protection
  • bloodhound
  • gorge
  • shine
  • splashing
  • squeak
  • racer
  • going
  • latch
  • plank
  • paved
  • peeled
  • treat
  • seer
  • boiling
  • smoking
  • room
  • rod
  • school
  • rain
  • wolf
  • dancer
  • cutter
  • packer
  • winterer
  • storekeeper

4) Pronounce (read) syllables with the sound [Ш']

Sample: esch__, esch__, esch__, esch__, esch__, esch__, esch__, esch__, box__

5) Pronounce (read) words with the sound [Ш'] at the end

Sample: thing__, to-va-pish__

  • bream
  • thing
  • vegetable
  • cloak
  • vegetable
  • mite
  • ivy
  • cartilage
  • acne
  • help
  • comrade

6) Pronounce (read) phrases

Sample: That thing

  • Running puppy.
  • Boiling cauldron.
  • Growing vegetables.
  • Singing goldfinch.
  • I'm rinsing my coat.
  • Melting ice.
  • I'm looking for pliers.
  • Help from a friend.
  • Small gap.
  • Box of things.
  • Plank floor.
  • I'm carrying a box.
  • The waves are shining.
  • Climbing ivy.
  • Large bream.

7) Conjugate sentences

  • I'm looking for a brush.
  • I'm looking for wood chips.
  • I'm carrying things.
  • I walk across the square.
  • I grow vegetables and sorrel.


  • I'm looking for a box.
  • You're looking for a box.
  • He (she) is looking for a box.
  • We're looking for a box.
  • You are looking for a box.
  • They are looking for a box.

8) Say (read) sentences

Sample: Vova caught a le-sch__a. Sh__i is cooked from vegetables___

  • Children are looking for mushrooms.
  • Petya put on his cloak.
  • The puppy was given cartilage.
  • A friend came to Vanya’s aid.
  • The moon illuminates the grove.
  • There are bream in the lake.
  • Treat your friend.
  • There are goldfinches in the grove.
  • A puppy is squeaking in the yard.
  • Wolves prowl, looking for food.
  • In the grove, a stork flaps its wings.
  • My shuttle has disappeared; my puppy stole it.
  • The stars sparkle in the blue sky, the waves splash in the blue sea.
  • Listen up, buddy! You, they say, are a great master of singing!

9) Pronounce (read) pure sayings

  • Wolves prowl - looking for food.
  • Tongs and pliers - these are our things.
  • There are more thickets in our Pushcha. In our forest the thicket is thicker.
  • The puppy squeaks pitifully, he drags a heavy shield.
  • Bring vegetables and there will be cabbage soup.
  • You won't find pike or bream in the grove.
  • I clean the puppy with a brush, tickling its sides.
  • The pike swims around the bream, its fins fluttering.
  • Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
  • Yes, the brush has a floor stick above its head.
  • Stick click, puppies off your shoulder!
  • The two puppies walked away grumbling!
  • It's raining, it's raining, it's raining, I'm without a raincoat.
  • It's raining, it's raining, and I'm wearing a raincoat.
  • I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I won’t find you.
  • Cabbage soup, cabbage soup, cabbage soup - go and look for me.
  • I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I will find it now.

10) Pronounce (read) and retell the text


Red-cheeked goldfinches flew into the grove. They built a nest and got goldfinches. Vitya climbed up the tree to look at the goldfinches. There were no parent goldfinches. But the goldfinch did not let Vitya near. They didn’t know how to fly yet, so they ran away from Vitya along the branches. Two goldfinches fell. Vitya caught one. The goldfinch squeaks and pinches Vitya’s hand. Vitya planted the trembling goldfinch on a branch. But the goldfinch froze and was nowhere to be seen. The predator will not guess that it is a goldfinch. This is how goldfinches escape.

11) Pronounce (read) and memorize a poem

My puppy

The puppy was so puny. I kept feeding him cabbage soup and protecting him from the bitter cold. The puppy squeaked with joy. Still would! He grew up happy! Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a real dog!

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