Collocations (174)
- Swan Princess
- Princess Nesmeyana
- Tsaregrad bedryanka
- Tsaregrad pod
- queen of the seas
- Queen of Heaven
- queen of the night
- queen of the fields
- queen of flowers
- tsarist regime
- Kingdom of God
- the Kingdom of heaven
- kingdom of hades
- kingdom of limitless possibilities
- Kingdom of God
- kingdom of eternity
- kingdom of the dead
- Kingdom of heaven
- kingdom of pluto
- kingdom of peace
- The kingdom of shadows
- kingdom of darkness
- Tsar Boris
- king of the jungle
- king of beasts
- king of winter
- king and god
- king of stones
- king of crystals
- King of Heaven
- king of nature
- king of the birds
- king, god and military commander
- hair color
- aquamarine
- color of society
- aquamarine colors
- asp colors
- turquoise colors
- cherry blossoms
- raven
- strawberry colors
- emerald colors
- carmine color
- coral colors
- blood colors
- sea green
- colors of the night
- colors of fire
- ocher colors
- sand colors
- flame colors
- rust colors
- ruby colors
- soot colors
- lettuce colors
- lead colored
- resin colors
- straw colors
- steel colors
- terracotta colors
- charcoal colors
- ultramarine colors
- violet colors
- saffron colors
- chocolate colors
- amber colors
- clear sky colors
- blooms and smells
- colored carp
- color spectrum
- color scheme
- flower of Love
- sun flower
- flower composition
- flower dust
- flower pot
- blooming species
- flowers of life
- safe and sound
- the whole system
- healing properties
- the target audience
- target publication
- special purpose
- expedient operation
- goals and objectives
- completely
- completely covered
- virgin lands
- a whole series
- complete picture
- complete system
- kiss slowly
- for ages
- kiss your hands
- a whole century
- whole year
- all day
- safe and sound
- the whole complex
- whole box
- whole line
- quite close
- the purpose of life
- the end does not justify the means
- end justifies the means
- whole picture
- whole look
- integral character
- appreciated
- literature connoisseur
- security
- valuable thought
- valuable quality
- valuable property
- value orientations
- value guidelines
- securities
- valuable minerals
- valuable advice
- valuable instructions
- valuable contribution
- valuable gift
- price category
- price policy
- at the cost of great effort
- at the cost of the greatest efforts
- center of attention
- city center
- Center of the World
- call center
- center of gravity
- development center
- call center
- center of gravity
- the center of gravity has shifted
- Mission Control Center
- central idea
- Central Election Commission
- central nervous system
- central problem
- central role
- central part
- central importance
- central place
- central position
- central bank
- Central Bank of the Russian Federation
- central question
- central defender
- central authority
- no price
- chain reaction
- watchdog
- church service
- church condemnation
- cesar chicken
- food shop
- civilized countries
- circus and nothing more
- circus with horses
- Shapito circus
- rumor is circulating
- digital science
- digital entertainment
- digital technology
- digital techniques
- digital entertainment
- digital technologies
- ground floor
- gypsy broke out in a sweat
- gypsy milk
- chicken tabaka
On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "ts" (at the beginning of the word - Ts). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.
See also: words containing C.
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Sound C in reverse syllables
Pronounce syllables. Exercise “Listen, remember, repeat”
Ats-ots-uts-yts yats-yots-its-yts ats-yats-ots-yots
yts-uts-ots-ats yts-its-yots-yats yts-its-ots-ats
Game "Clapperboard" - clap your hands when you hear the sound C
T, s, c, sch, s, s, c, c t, h, c, s, h, c, etc.
Ats, he, ots, yts, ka, from, yats, yts, yav, yts, yas, from, uts, its, uch, us…….
Fighter, house, messenger, syringe, floor, yard, palace, seller, fool, life, kvass, ficus, blacksmith, bridge, bone, finger………..
English-Russian Dictionary in W
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English vocabulary starting with the letter W with translation into Russian. Total - 435 words.
- wad - a piece of cotton wool, a wad of money
- wadding - cotton wool, batting, stuffing
- waddle - waddle around
- wade - to wade, wade
- waders - wading boots
- wafer - waffle
- waft - blow, carry
- wag - wave, wave, joker
- wage - wages
- wage war - wage war
- wagecat - salary reduction
- wager - bet, bet, bet
- waggish - playful, playful
- wagon - cart, van, cart, wagon
- wagon lit - sleeping car
- wail - to mourn, lament, howl
- waist - waist
- waistcoat - vest
- wait - wait
- wait on - to serve
- waiter - waiter
- waive - to give up the right
- wake - wake
- wake - wake up, wake up, sleepless, alert
- walf - street child, animal
- walk - walking, path, profession
- wall - wall
- wall - wall street
- wall eyed - eyesore
- wallet - wallet
- wallflower - wallflower, lady at a ball without a gentleman
- wallop - to hit, strong blow
- wallow - wallow, flounder
- wallpaper - wallpaper
- walnut - walnut
- walrus - walrus
- waltz - waltz, waltz
- wan - pale, emaciated
- wand - wand, stick
- wane - decrease, decline, weaken
- wangle - to be cunning
- want - need, lack of want
- wanton - arbitrary, wanton, wanton
- war - war
- warble - twitter
- ward - guardianship, ward, ward, prison cell
- wardhouse - goods warehouse
- wardrobe - wardrobe
- wardroom - officer's wardroom
- wares - products, goods
- warfare - war
- warily - carefully
- warlike - warlike
- warm - warm, warm up
- warmonger - warmonger
- warmth - warmth, hotness
- warn - warn, warning
- warp - to warp, bend
- warrant - justification, guarantee
- warrior - fighter, warrior
- warship - warship
- wart - wart
- wary - careful, prudent
- was - was
- wash - wash, wash, slop
- wash out - loser, complete failure
- wash stand - washbasin
- washed out - faded, pale
- washerwomen - laundress
- washing - linen, washing
- washleafer - washable suede
- wasp - wasp
- waste - waste, waste, desert
- waste paper hasket - waste paper basket
- waste pipe - waste pipe
- watch - pocket, hand watch, guard, guard
- watch maker - watchmaker
- watchmen - night watchman
- watchword - password
- water line - waterline
- water melon - watermelon
- water proof - waterproof raincoat
- water shed - watershed
- water space - water jacket
- water tight - waterproof
- water tower - water tower
- water works - waterworks
- watercolor - watercolor
- waterfall - waterfall
- watering can - watering can
- watering place - watering hole, resort
- watering pot - watering can
- watery - watery, colorless
- watt - watt
- watter - water, to water
- wattle - wattle fence
- wave - wave, swing, curl, wave
- waver - waver, waver
- wavy - wavy
- wax - to arrive / about the moon /, to become, to become, an attack of anger, wax
- way - road, path, direction
- wayside - side of the road
- wayward - wayward
- we - we
- weak - weak
- weaken - weaken
- weaking - weak, weak-willed person
- weakly - frail, weak
- weakness - weakness
- weal - good
- wealth - wealth, abundance
- wealthy - rich
- wean - wean / from the breast /, wean
- weapon - weapon, means
- wear - wear, put on
- wear - wear, put on, wear
- wear down - to tire
- wear off - pass, stop
- wear out - wear out
- weariness - tiredness, boredom
- weary - tired, get tired
- weasel - weasel
- weather - weather
- weather - protected from bad weather
- weather beaten - weathered, tanned
- weather burean - weather bureau
- weather forecast - weather forecast
- weathercock - weather vane
- weave - to weave
- weaver - weaver
- web - web, membrane
- wed - to get married
- wedding - wedding
- wedge - wedge
- wedlock - matrimony, marriage
- wednesday - Wednesday
- wee - tiny
- weed - weedy grass
- weeds - mourning
- weedy - skinny, overgrown with weeds
- week - week
- weekly - weekly
- weep - cry
- weigh - weigh
- weigh doun - burden, oppress
- weigh on - weigh down
- weigh out - weigh out
- weigh up - to evaluate
- weight - weight
- weir - dam, dam
- weird - creepy, strange
- welcome - welcome
- weld - to weld
- welfare - well-being
- well - good, well, source
- well - well-known
- well beeng - well-being
- well bred - well-bred, purebred
- well defined - clearly expressed, highlighted
- well heeled - rich
- well knit - strong build
- well off - prosperous
- well read - well read
- well to do - wealthy
- welt - welt
- welter - wallow, flounder, confusion
- west - west
- west end - west end
- western - western, cowboy film
- westminster - English parliament
- westward - directed to the west
- wet - wet, wet
- wet nurse - nurse
- whack - strong blow, pound
- whale - mass, a lot, whale
- whale boat - whaler
- whale bone - whalebone
- whaler - whaler
- wharf - pier, embankment
- what - what, which, which
- what not - a shelf for trinkets, sundries
- whatever - whatever, whatever, any
- wheat - wheat
- wheedle - beg / flattery /
- wheerze - sniffle, brilliant idea, sniffle
- wheet - wheel, roll
- wheet barrow - wheelbarrow
- whelp - puppy, cub
- when - when
- whence - from where
- whenever - whenever, whenever
- where - where, where, there
- whereabout - location
- whereas - whereas
- whereby - by means of which, how
- wherein - in what
- wherever - wherever, wherever
- whet - to sharpen, to arouse desire
- whether - whether
- whey - whey
- which - which, which, what
- whichever - any
- whiff - whiff, smoke, faint smell
- whig - wig (fermented milk drink?)
- while - while, despite the fact that, a period of time, while,
- while - whereas, although, time
- whim - whim, whim
- whimcical - whimsical, capricious
- whimper - to whine
- whine - plaintive squeal, whine
- whinny - quiet neighing
- whip - whip, whip, knock down
- whip round - quickly turn around
- whip round - charity fundraiser
- whip up - to kindle, stir up
- whipper snapper - boy
- whirl - rotation, whirlwind
- whirligig - top, carousel
- whirlpool - whirlpool
- whirlwind - hurricane
- whirr - to buzz
- whisk - broom, wave, beat
- whiskers - sideburns, mustaches / animals /
- whiskey - whiskey
- whisper - whisper
- whistle - whistle, whistle
- whit - not a bit
- white - white, protein
- white - white house
- white hot - white-hot
- whiten - to bleach
- whitewash - whitewash solution, whiten
- whiting - whiting
- whittle - plan
- whittle away - to nullify
- whittle down - bring to nothing
- whiz - whistle
- who - who, which
- whodunit - detective novel
- whoever - whoever
- whole - whole, whole, amount
- whole hearted - sincere
- wholemeal - wholemeal flour
- wholesale - wholesale trade, wholesale
- wholesome - healthy, healing, beneficial
- whom - whom, to whom, whom
- whooping couth - whooping cough
- whore - prostitute
- whortleberry - blueberry
- whose - whose
- whosever - whoever
- why - why, well
- wick - wick
- wicked - evil, bad, immoral
- wicker - wicker
- wide - wide
- widen - expand / xia /
- widow - widow
- widower - widower
- width — width, latitude
- wife - wife
- wig - wig
- wigging - scold, scold
- wild - wild, violent, extravagant
- wilderness - desert, wilderness
- wile - cunning trick, to lure
- wilful - deliberate, capricious
- will - will, desire, testament
- will o the wisp - will-o'-the-wisp
- willing - willing, diligent
- willow - willow
- willoy - flexible and thin
- willynilly - willy-nilly
- wilt - wither, wilt
- wily - cunning, insidious
- win - to win, to win
- win through - victory, break through, overcome
- wince - to shudder, to shudder
- winch - winch, gate
- wind - wind, breath, wind instruments, smell, trumpet, curl
- wind off - unwind
- wind screen - front window of a car
- wind tunnel - wind tunnel
- wind up - wind up, wind up / watch /
- windbag - chatterbox
- windfall - faller, unexpected luck
- window - window
- windpipe - windpipe
- windward - windward, against the wind
- windy - windy, talkative, scared
- wine - wine
- wineglass - glass, shot glass, shot glass
- wing - wing, weather vane, wings, flank
- wing commander - aviation lieutenant colonel
- wink - blink, blink
- wink at - wink, look through fingers
- winner - winner
- winning - attractive, winning
- winnow - winnow, sift
- winter - winter, winter
- wintry - winter, cold
- wipe - wipe, erase
- wipe away - wipe away
- wipe off - wipe
- wipe out - destroy
- wipe up - wipe up
- wiper - rag
- wire - wire, telegram, wire fence
- wire in - work as hard as you can
- wireless - radio, wireless
- wiring - electrical wiring
- wiry - hardy, wiry
- wiscet - gate, window in the door
- wisdom - wisdom
- wise - wise
- wisecrack - sharpness
- wish - desire, desire
- wishy wishy - liquid, colorless
- wisp - shred, bunch
- wistful - thoughtful, sad
- wit - intelligence, wit, wit
- witch - witch
- witch hunt - witch hunt
- witchery - witchcraft
- with - with, together
- with reference to - in relation to, and such as
- with respect to - in relation to
- withdraw - pull back, take back
- withdrawal - removal, care, withdrawal
- wither - wither, dry up
- withhold - hold
- within - within, within
- without - without, outside
- without prejudice - without harming anyone
- withstand - withstand
- witless - stupid
- witness - witness /stvo/, to certify
- witticism - witticism
- wittingly - deliberately
- witty - witty
- wives - wives
- wizard - sorcerer
- wizen - wrinkled, dried out
- wobble - to wobble /sya/, to swing
- wobbly - wobbly
- woe - grief
- woebegone - dejected
- woeful - mournful, woeful, pitiful
- wolf - wolf, devour
- wolfish - wolfish
- wolves - wolves
- woman - woman
- womb - womb, womb
- women - women
- womenfolk - women
- womanhood - femininity, maturity
- wonder - miracle
- wonderful - amazing, wonderful
- wont - to have a habit
- woo - to court, woo
- wood - firewood, tree
- woodcock
- woodcut - wood engraving
- wooded - wooded
- wooden - wooden
- woodentter - woodcutter, wood engraver
- woodpecker - woodpecker
- woodpulp - wood pulp
- woodwork - wood products
- wool - wool
- wool gathering - absent-mindedness
- woollen - woolen
- woolly - woolly, fuzzy, sweater
- word - word, password, order, formulate
- wording - wording, editing
- work - work, business, essay, factory
- work at - work on
- work into - insert
- work on - process
- work out - develop a plan
- work over - redo
- worker - worker, employee
- working - working
- workmanship - art, skill
- workshop - workshop, workshop
- world - peace, light, universal
- world wide - distributed throughout the world
- worm - worm, worm
- wormwood - wormwood
- worry - concern, anxiety, torment, bother
- worse - worse, worse
- worship - worship, adoration, honor
- worst - worst, win
- worsted - woolen, worsted
- worth - value, cost
- worth while - worthwhile
- worthless - worthless, worthless
- worthy - worthy, honorable
- would be - with a claim
- wound - wound, injure
- wraith - ghost
- wrangle - quarrel, argue
- wrangler - wrangler
- wrap - shawl, blanket, wrap up
- wrath - anger
- wreak - pour out anger
- wreath - garland, smoke ring
- wreathe - to weave a wreath, smoke billows
- wreck - wreck, accident
- wreckage - wreckage
- wrecker - pest
- wrench - twitching, dislocation, pain, melancholy
- wrepper - wrapping robe
- wrepping - wrapper, wrapping paper
- wrest - to tear out of hands, distort
- wrestle - fight, fight
- wretch - unfortunate, scoundrel
- wretched - nasty, unhappy
- wriggle - bend, wriggle
- wring - squeeze
- wrinkle - wrinkle, frown
- wrist - wrist
- wristband - cuff, cuff
- writ - summons, order
- write - write
- write down - write down
- write off - write with ease
- write out - write out completely
- write up - describe in detail
- write up - commendable article
- writer - writer, author
- writing - writing, literary work
- wrong - unfair, wrong, fail
- wrought up - nervous
- wry - crooked, skewed
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Page updated 10/18/2019