Automation of sound X educational and methodological manual on speech therapy on the topic

Collocations (184)

  • neglect
  • negligence
  • nature of manifestation
  • data characterization
  • characteristic feature
  • characteristic
  • characteristic feature
  • characteristics
  • character traits
  • eulogy
  • stop being sour
  • coniferous forest
  • chemical substances
  • chemical composition
  • chemical reaction
  • surgical intervention
  • Bestseller
  • the hit of the season
  • cleverly invented
  • cunning like a fox
  • giggles and giggles
  • bread and salt
  • daily bread
  • some bread
  • bread place
  • bakery products
  • don't feed me bread
  • don't feed me bread just to
  • it won't be a hassle
  • mouth full of troubles
  • passage of time
  • knight's move
  • The way of thinking
  • progress of work
  • progress
  • line of reasoning
  • course of events
  • beating around the bush
  • tiptoeing
  • walking to the left
  • shopping
  • walking on a knife's edge
  • walk on hind legs
  • walk on the edge of a knife
  • there are rumors
  • current coin
  • walking encyclopedia
  • walking misunderstanding
  • walking wallet
  • walking university
  • home owner
  • master of the situation
  • master of the taiga
  • lady of the house
  • economic activity
  • economic life
  • economic activity
  • economic connections
  • economic entity
  • economic entities
  • hills of feminine charms
  • Cold War
  • steel arms
  • cold look
  • cold as ice
  • homo sapiens
  • good looking
  • a good life
  • good idea
  • good book
  • good memory
  • good weather
  • good job
  • good price
  • Have a good day
  • good quality
  • a little bit of good stuff
  • good upbringing
  • good deal
  • good quality
  • good opinion
  • good mood
  • good attitude
  • wellness
  • good condition
  • good qualities
  • good manners
  • good deeds
  • good conditions
  • good taste
  • good friend
  • good result
  • good comrade
  • good tone
  • good man
  • it is good to
  • highly visible
  • well known
  • well known
  • good or bad
  • well dressed
  • well-paid
  • well organized
  • having a good time
  • well done
  • fits well
  • well built
  • he who laughs last laughs best
  • looks good
  • well preserved in memory
  • I would like to
  • I'd like to
  • would you like
  • I would like to
  • would like to note
  • I would like to know
  • even if
  • at least henna
  • at least something
  • at least get into a noose
  • at least hang yourself
  • even a wolf howls
  • at least poke out your eyes
  • even if you have an eye
  • at least bang your head against the wall
  • though
  • at least collect needles
  • at least some
  • at least shout the guard
  • at least a stake on your head
  • even a bloody nose
  • anywhere
  • at least burst
  • more than enough
  • at least cry
  • a dime a dozen
  • at least once
  • at least take out the saints
  • at least some
  • even stand, even fall
  • at least hang up the ax
  • even though the grass won't grow
  • at least crack it
  • for the life of me
  • at least something
  • at least roll a ball
  • at least
  • I'm hungry
  • I want to note
  • sleepy
  • Believe it or not
  • like it or not
  • I want to note
  • I want to say
  • I want to inform you
  • Temple of Melpomene
  • God bless
  • guarded like the apple of his eye
  • information repository
  • kept in the depths of one's soul
  • knowledge keeper
  • hell knows
  • damn understand that
  • horseradish is not sweeter than radish
  • horseradish from the mountain
  • to hell with it
  • fuck you
  • For Christ's sake
  • limps on both legs
  • lame duck
  • gymnastics
  • fiction
  • piece of art
  • artistic creativity
  • artistic disorder
  • artistic taste
  • artistic image
  • artist from the word bad
  • skinny as a sliver
  • bad world
  • skinny person
  • worse than bitter radish
  • it can't get any worse
  • worse than ever

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "x" (X at the beginning of the word). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing X.

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Stories, texts starting with the letter (sound) X

Stories with pictures.

(The adult reads the sentence, showing the picture so that the child can add the word where it is needed.

The second time, the adult reads the entire sentence, highlighting the sound being practiced with his voice, and the child repeats after him.

In the first case, the child practices the sound in a word, in the second - in sentences.

Then the child tells the story himself.)


Tikhon really wanted to be given a (hamster).

And finally, she and her dad went to the Bird Market and bought (a hamster).

This (hamster) was a cute little animal with fluffy fur.

Tikhon tried feeding (the hamster) sugar, bread, and halva.

The (hamster) ate the bread, but didn’t even try the sugar and halva.


“Dad, I want to give my mother (perfume),” said Zakhar. “Give me money.”

“I’ll give (the perfume) to my mother myself. You’d better paint a good picture for her.”


Mikhail was collecting nuts. He collected 5 nuts from one branch and 4 nuts from the other. Mikhail decided to pick another nut and dropped 3 nuts. How many nuts does Michael have left?

Stories with questions.

(First, read the whole story. Then we read the sentences one by one, after each we ask questions. At the end, the child retells the story.)

  1. Mom went to work in Khimki.

What did you do...? Where…?

“Be the mistress, Nina, while I’m gone,” my mother said before leaving.

What did you say...? When…?

And Nina began to take charge.

What became...?

She put the sugar and bread in the cupboard so that there would be no flies.

What…? For what…?

The little housewife brushed away the crumbs and dust and swept the floor.

Who…? What did you do...?

Mom will come, praise Nina and say: “I am a good hostess.”

What will he say...?

  1. Uncle Pakhom took Petya hunting.

Who…? Where…?

The hunters arrived early in the morning and went to the capercaillie current.

Who…? What did they do...? Where…?

“You have to approach wood grouse very quietly,” said Uncle Pakhom.

What did you say…?

Uncle Pakhom is an unusual hunter - instead of a gun, he has a movie camera.


As soon as the capercaillie flew onto the moss and began to chatter, Uncle Pakhom began filming.

When…? Who…?

Another wood grouse was mating on a pile of brushwood, the third was on some old tree.

Who…? Where…?

After the “hunt,” Petya and Uncle Pakhom cooked fish soup and drank tea with crackers.

When…? Who…? What they were doing…?

  1. They bought a book for Nadya Khmelkova.

To whom…? What…?

It contains very good poems about the ticking fly.

Which…? About whom...?

And now Nadya tells everyone about the funny clattering fly.

Who…? How…?

  1. The hunter had two dogs.

Who…? What…? Who…?

One, Whirlwind, is good, strong, with a fluffy tail.


The other one looks thin, frail, with bow legs, nicknamed Ukhvat.


The hunter went hunting with Whirlwind and Grip.

Who…? Where…? With whom…?

Uhvat has a good sense of smell, he immediately picked up the trail - and the cunning fox did not leave him.

And the Whirlwind only rushed around, fluffing its tail, only scaring away the game.

Who…? How…?

  1. Kolya Tikhonov’s father and mother are artists.

Kolya often goes with them to exhibitions, looking at paintings by famous artists.

What is he doing…? What paintings...?

Kolya Tikhonov loves to draw and also wants to become an artist.

Who…? Who does he want...?

Recently there was an exhibition of young artists; on it, Kolya Tikhonov’s drawings received a prize.

What…? Whose…?

  1. Zakhar and Kolya played hockey on the transition track.

Who…? What...? Where…?

They disturbed all passers-by, but did not leave the path.

To whom…? What they were doing…?

— Do you want to really play hockey? — asked the janitor Uncle Tikhon. “Come with shovels behind the house, we’ll fill the skating rink.” That’s where you’ll play hockey.”

What did you say…?

  1. Khariton’s father works as a livestock specialist on a fur farm.

Who…? By whom…?

Animals with valuable fur are raised there.

Who is being raised... Who...?

One ferret cub was left without a mother.

Who…? Whom…?

Khariton's father brought the ferret home and placed it with the kittens.

The cat came, sniffed the ferret and fed it milk.

What did you do...? Whom…?

The ferret became a flexible, beautiful animal with fluffy fur.

What did you become...?

Haritosh didn’t want to give the ferret away, but his father took it to the fur farm.

To whom…?

Hamster braggart

Once upon a time there lived a braggart hamster. Every evening the hamsters gathered on the hill to listen to his amazing stories.

“Believe it or not,” began the Hamster, “and one day I dug a passage through the whole earth and came out in Africa.” And there is such cold - worse than ours! As soon as I got out, I saw an elephant standing, twisting its trunk and grunting. I told him: “Why did you grunt?! Have you seen any hamsters, or what?” And he “oink-oink” and “oink-oink”! I got angry, grabbed him by the trunk, gave him a good spin and threw him to the very top of the tree.”

- Wow! — the hamsters admired.

— I’m moving on. Snow underfoot - crunch-crunch. I look - two huge snakes are lying and sleeping. They snore all over Africa. I quietly crept up and tied their tails in a knot! And then I…

- What, what then?! - The hamsters begged. - Don’t delay!

- Good job! — the braggart was offended. - Do you think it’s so easy to make up ideas about something you’ve never seen?!

G. Yudin


Piglet was grunting in the yard. Didn't give anyone peace. Chicken approached him and said:

- What are you doing, Piglet, everything is oink and oink. Your head already hurts from your grunting. It would be better to squeal in a thin voice - pee-pee-pee|

The piglet answers him in a hoarse voice:

- Yes, I got my feet wet. Here comes the oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!


Once upon a time there lived a rooster, corydalis and their babies - fluffy chickens. A ferret and a sly fox kept walking and circling around their house. But the rooster vigilantly guarded his family. One time the corydalis took the chicks out for a walk, and the ferret was right there. The corydalis cackled: “Whack-dah-dah!” Come to me, kids, come to me!”

All the chickens ran and hid under their mother’s wings. Only the smallest ones didn’t have time. The ferret grabbed him. But then the father rooster flew up, screamed, flapped his wings and began to peck the ferret. The predator got scared, threw the chicken, jumped behind a bush - and it was gone. And the winning rooster shouted to the whole yard: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Sly Fox

An old man was riding a sleigh and carrying fish. And the cunning fox sensed that it smelled like fish. She lay down the road and pretended to be dead. The old man saw her and was delighted: “The old woman will have a nice fur collar for the winter.”

I grabbed the fox by the tail, but it didn’t move. Then the old man put the fox in the sleigh and rode on. And the fox quietly threw fish after fish onto the road, and then jumped off herself.

An old man drove up to the hut: “Hey, old woman, go and look at the collar I brought for you.” The old woman saw the empty sleigh, grabbed the handle and shouted: “What, are you thinking of making fun of me!” Only then did the old man realize that the fox had outwitted him.

What spring smells like (Abridged)

My father went to work on a collective farm. Mom said:

“When it smells like spring, we’ll go too.”

And I don’t even know what spring smells like. I don't remember from last year. The sun began to warm up. The sky is high and blue. I speak:

- Does it smell like spring?

“No,” my mother answers. “Spring is just beginning to speak.”

Finally all the snow melted. At the crossroads they sell spring flowers. Mom bought a bouquet of snowdrops. They are so blue and have short legs. Mom smelled the snowdrops and said:

- Now it smells like real spring! It's time to go!

I sniffed it too. It turned out that snowdrops do not smell like flowers or green grass or leaves. Spring smells like ordinary earth.

Rooster (Abbreviated)

A big rooster walked around the yard like an owner. Neither the cat Murka nor the dog Zhuchka can get away from him: he pounces on everyone, he pecks at everyone. Michuk ran to the garden to get some onions. The rooster ruffled his feathers, fluffed his tail, and look, he’ll peck. Michuk cried:

- Mother! Mother! The rooster is fighting!

Mom chased away the rooster. Michuk narwhaled onions in the garden and just opened the gate when the rooster came to him again. Michuk slammed the gate and began calling his mother. Vanya walked past and asked:

- Why are you shouting?

“I want to go home, but the rooster won’t let me in.”

“Oh, you little coward,” Vanya laughed, “if you’re afraid of a rooster, you should stay at home.” - How can you not be afraid of him, because he fights.

But Vanya boldly approached the rooster, waved his hands at him, and the rooster did not touch him.

“Now you go,” Vanya shouted. Michuk came out the gate. Rooster to him. And Michuk shouted at the rooster:

- Shoo! Shoo!

The rooster turned and went to his chickens.

“You should never show that you are afraid,” said Vanya. “After all, they scare those who are afraid.”

Max Main

Woodcutter and nut

(Translation from Serbo-Croatian by L. Kondrashchenko)

One day a woodcutter went into the forest and decided to rest under a large nut tree. Lies and says:

- Wonderful nut! What a pleasant coolness underneath!

Nut thought: “What a kind man, we must definitely treat him!” And one large nut fell right into the woodcutter’s hands. The woodcutter ate it and said:

- A truly wonderful tree! How sweet is its fruit!

The nut sent him another fruit. Then the nut fell right into the woodcutter’s lap. The woodcutter ate the second nut and said:

- Wonderful nut! How pleasant its foliage smells!

The walnut tree was pleased with this too. And three more nuts flew into the woodcutter’s bag. Then the woodcutter thought and said:

- But this tree has a good trunk! You could cut it down and make excellent furniture out of it.

As soon as the nut heard this, it trembled with fear. And then one nut fell from the very top and - bam! - to the woodcutter on the head. A second one flew after him, a third one - the nuts began to fall on the woodcutter like hail. They filled the woodcutter's head with cones. He even buried his ax... And he could never find it.

Dragan Lukic

Sit quietly

Mom brought Tikhon a turtle. The turtle immediately hid in its shell house and became quiet. Tikhon decided that the turtle was cold, wrapped it in his mother’s robe and took it to the kitchen. But the turtle doesn’t want to get out of his shell house. “She’s probably hungry,” thought Tikhon. He pulled the turtle out of his mother’s robe and gave her halva. “Would you like some halva? Then here's some bread and a roll, and here's some sugar. Don't you want it too? What can I give you, turtle? Maybe I should catch you a fly?”

Then mom came home. “Mom, the turtle is cold and doesn’t want to eat anything.” “No,” says mom, “the turtle is not cold. She's just afraid. You sit quietly and quietly, and she will crawl out of her house. And you need to feed her not bread, sugar, flies and halva.”

Do you guys know what to feed a turtle?

Compose a story on a topic.

  1. Uncle Zakhar was an unusual hunter . He “hunted” animals and birds with a camera. And a dog named Mukha helped him find them in the forest.

Come up with a story about how Mukha helped Uncle Zakhar find a bear in the forest, how the “hunter” photographed the bear, and how Mukha helped him escape from a dangerous beast.

  1. On a warm summer day, Uncle Zakhar organized a trip for rural children to the city. His son, six-year-old Mikhasik, persuaded his father to take him with him. We walked mostly through the forest. And on the way, Mikhasik fell behind the detachment and got lost.

Tell us about how and why this happened, how Mikhasik wandered through the forest, how he was eventually found, and how this trip ended.

Syllable tables

Since letter combinations are represented in large numbers in the Russian language, we suggest studying each consonant separately in combination with all vowels. Thus, the table for one game becomes much smaller in volume, and it is easier for the child to put all the syllables in their places. You can also download these tables on our website. Here are examples of what syllables might look like for your kids in tables:

“Sounds [x], [x′]. Letter X." Summary of GCD for teaching literacy

Goal: to form the correct pronunciation of the sounds [х], [х′] in syllables, words, phrases, to distinguish them by ear and in pronunciation from other sounds.

  • Develop phonemic awareness; teach children to correctly pronounce the sounds [х], [х′] in speech, distinguishing them from other sounds of the Russian language.
  • Identify the sounds [х], [х′]. at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word.
  • Continue to develop the ability to independently perform a complete sound-syllable analysis of short words and transform words.
  • Practice composing simple two- and three-word sentences and laying out diagrams for them.
  • Introduce the letter X, form words from letters.
  • Strengthen the skill of pronouncing the sounds [х], [х′] in poems and tongue twisters.
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking, motor skills.
  • Prevent children from becoming overtired.

Integrated educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive - research, play, motor.

Demonstration material: Piggy toy; demonstration pictures (robe, trunk, fly agarics, flies, rooster, sunflower, refrigerator, artist, bread, crackers); letters; cards for reading syllables; color schematic symbols of sounds.

Handout material: pencil cases with symbols for sound analysis of words and construction of sentences; cash registers; mirrors; velvet sheets of paper for thread writing; letters for the game "Live Letters".

GCD move

Organizing time


- Picture how an old grandmother climbs the stairs, it’s hard for her, she moans: “Oh, oh, oh!” You helped her and told your mom about it. Mom was delighted: “Ah, ah, ah!” At the holiday you danced: “Eh, eh, eh!” And completely tired: “Wow, wow, wow!”

Report the topic of the lesson.

The toy Piggy, the braggart, is on display.

- Today we have Piggy as our guest. This Piggy is such a braggart! He claims to know everything about everyone.

- Piggy, do you know what sound your name begins with? (with sound [k]). Do you agree with him?

- What was the first sound you heard in the words “Piggy, braggart”? (Sound [x]).

Today we will listen and pronounce the sound [x] and [x′]. The sound [x′] is the brother of the sound [x]. They are very similar and at the same time different. Today we will learn to distinguish them.

Characteristics of sound.

Sound symbol: grandfather snores: XXX...

— Look in the mirror how to pronounce the sound [x] correctly:

— sponges and teeth are free;

- the tip of the tongue is lowered down, and the back of the tongue is moved towards the hard palate, forming a gap for warm air;

- the neck is “silent”.

Characteristics: [x] - consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to air), voiceless, can be hard or soft and is indicated by a blue and green circle without a bell (the letter “X” and its sound designations are placed on the board).

Development of phonemic awareness.

- Let's teach Piggy to distinguish the sound [x] from other sounds, let's play the game “Catch the Sound.”

X, P, M, X, K, R, T, X, L, T, K, X

Ha, ho, pu, ky, hy, ta, pa, ha, ah, om, oh, ap, et, eh

Bread, milk, loaf, moss, ear, duck, fish, tails, clouds, dishes, trunk.

Exercise “Sing songs.”

Reading and singing forward and backward syllables with the sound [x].

Game “Add a sound” that was lost from the words.

Petu..., pasta..., lopu..., goro..., rest..., zap..., shoro..., mo..., sme..., str....

Game “Replace the first sound” in a word with the sound [x].

Salad is a robe, hunger is cold, litter is chorus, year is progress, dump is praise, buzz is to lose weight, Gleb is bread.

Saying "X" in words.

- Piggy wants to ask you riddles. He says that the answers contain the sound "X". Shall we check?

Soft, fragrant, tasty fresh, with a crispy crust (BREAD).

- Where in the word is the sound [x] heard?

With a red crest, it pecks at grain and sings loudly. (ROOSTER).

A mottled quack catches frogs, waddles, and stumbles. (DUCK)

Small, black, flying around the room, buzzing loudly. (FLY).

-Which picture is missing here? (duck)

- Let’s name these pictures, which one is the odd one out? Why?

Sunflower, tassel, robe, fly agaric.

Artist, crackers, plate, refrigerator.

- And now we will correct the words that Piggy did not learn to pronounce correctly.

Muta sits on the glass. (No, fly). The picture is drawn by a painter. (Artist). Here's the saffar. (sugar). The elephant has a phobot. (trunk).

— Our Piggy has a friend, the hamster Khomka. Let's do some exercises with him.

Physical exercise.

Khomka - hamster, hamster, striped flank. The hamster gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his neck. Khomka sweeps the hut and goes out to exercise. One two three four five! Khomka wants to become strong.

Introducing the letter "X".

-What does the letter “X” look like?

The letter "X" from fingers: cross the index fingers of the left and right hands.

Typing it with your finger on the table, on your neighbor’s back.

Thread writing of the letter "X".

Sound analysis of words.

Let's show Khryusha and Khomka how we can perform sound analysis of words. The girls lay out the word “flies” from the circles, and then from the letters of the cut alphabet, and the boys create the word “fir”.

(Analysis of words: - How many sounds are in a word? How many vowels? How many consonants? Voiced? Voiceless? Hard? Soft?)

Converting words using split alphabet letters:

Fly - flies, fir - fir.

Compose sentences of 2 – 3 words with the words “fly” and “fir”. (Let us remember how “sentence”, “word-object”, “word-action” are designated schematically)

The fly is flying. The fir is growing.

Game in the subgroup “The word has crumbled.”

Let's make words from letters.

(Sound accompaniment - howling wind). - The words fell apart. Let's make words from letters. Look, there is an icon on the back of the letter. Gather into subgroups based on the icons and make up your own words.

1 subgroup: fluff. 2 subgroups: moss. Subgroup 3: ear. 4th subgroup: Khoma.

Game "Live Letters".

Let's make up the word: ear, hut, echo, grip, flies.

Pronouncing the sounds [х], [х′] in tongue twisters and poems.

It’s good to praise and giggle, but it’s bad to brag and whine. The crested little girls laughed with laughter: Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, ho-ho-ho, he-he-he.

Exercise “Gifts for Piggy.”

(Based on pictures).

- Guys, let's give Piggy gifts with his favorite sound in the names. For example: - I will give Piggy a refrigerator so that he can store food in it. (Children make sentences)

Summary of the lesson.

Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Ivanova, teacher - speech therapist, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 324, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition.

Games for learning to read

A table of all syllables, which you will need to download from our website, will help you teach your child to read. Soft and hard consonants, as well as vowel sounds and letters are indicated in different colors for contrast. Thus, syllable combinations look bright and colorful.

First, we teach the child to distinguish syllables in Russian from each other. To do this, you will need not only cards where the syllables of the language to be read are written, but also a whole table of syllables. To do this, you will have to download and print it again. We lay out the table and ask the child to match the cards with syllables and the corresponding cell in the table. So gradually the baby will remember individual syllable combinations and name them, and then read them. Thus, we form a lotto from a table, only instead of images there are letter combinations.

At the next stage of learning to read, we offer the child a couple of different syllables and combine them into a word. Please note that before starting this game, the child must read individual syllable combinations well and then put them into words. For example, we take the syllable ZHA and add the syllable BA to it. It turns out to be a TOAD. You can draw arrows or come up with a fairy-tale character who will walk from one syllable to another and connect them into words. As a result of such a simple game, the child will quickly learn to read.

How to learn to read?

At the beginning of learning to read, it is necessary to convey to the child such concepts as vowel and consonant sounds and letters. Vowel sounds can be stressed or unstressed. Among the consonants, there are voiced and voiceless, hard and soft.

By the way, special attention should be paid to the hardness and softness of sounds. This characteristic of sounds within a syllable is determined by soft or hard signs or vowels located after consonants.

So, the letters E, E, I, Yu, I indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound, and the letters E, O, U, Y indicate hardness.

A table of all syllables on our website will help illustrate soft and hard consonant sounds. It can be read online or downloaded and printed from our website.

Syllables for children to learn to read can be presented in the form of a game. To teach your child to read, you need to download a table of syllables and print it. Then cut into individual cards. To prevent syllables and cards from becoming wrinkled, they can be glued onto thick cardboard. Now we will try to introduce syllable combinations to children in the form of a game.

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