Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences” outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic


Topic: Sound S.
Goal: Automation of sound S in words and sentences.

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to form the plural of nouns, the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns, the ability to coordinate the pronouns “my” , “mine” with nouns; strengthen the ability to make sentences based on pictures.

Planned results of the lesson: correct pronunciation of the sound C in words and sentences.

Equipment: articulation gymnastics cards, game picture material, sound tracks, mirror.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. (2-3 minutes). Speech therapist: - Today guests came to our lesson. Let's say hello to them. Hello, we are glad to see you as our guest! Speech therapist: - Listen carefully to the poem that I will read. Snow is falling, falling from the sky.

The winter forest sleeps under the snow.

The sleepy garden stands in the snow,

He also sleeps under the snow. Speech therapist: - Tell me, please, what sound did I highlight in my voice? (sound C). Right. Today we will practice correctly pronouncing the sound C. 2. Main part. (15 minutes). Articulation analysis. Speech therapist: - Let's remember how we pronounce the sound S. What happens to the lips? Are your lips stretched into a smile? Are your teeth visible? Yes. The mouth is slightly open. Where is the tongue located? The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth. In the middle of the tongue there is a groove along which a strong cold stream of air flows.

Articulation gymnastics. Speech therapist: - First of all, let’s prepare our tongue and do the exercises in front of the mirror. “Smile” - we stretch our lips in a smile, the mouth is closed, the lips are closed. “Tube” - stretch your closed lips forward like a tube. “Spatula” - place a relaxed tongue on the lower lip. “Slide” - open your mouth, the tongue rests on the lower teeth, bend the tongue in a slide. “Naughty tongue” - put the tongue on the lower lip and spank it with your lips, while saying five-five-five.

Automation of sound C in isolation and in syllables. Game “Friendly Sounds” Speech therapist: - there are paths in front of you, run your finger along them, pronouncing the sound S. Speech therapist: - clap your hands when you hear the sound S (SA-SHU-NU-SO-MO-KU-SI-LU-PA- SY-FI-SE).

Automation of C sounds in words and phrases. Game "One-Many" . Speech therapist: - Look, my picture shows a bag (owl, chest, etc.), and what about you? (bags, owls, chests). Game "Who's missing?" Speech therapist: - I turn the picture over, and you tell me who is missing. (dogs, owls, airplanes, barns). Game "Tell me how much?" Speech therapist: - Choose a card and say how many objects are depicted on it. Game “Share the toys” Speech therapist: - Let's help Anya and Vanya divide their toys and put them on the shelves. Give toys to Anya, about which you can say “mine” , and to Vanya “mine” (my doll, my horse, my plane, my robot).

Phys. Just a minute. Speech therapist: - I suggest you warm up a little. The bunny came out onto the porch, (we alternately change the position of the fingers “ring” ) On the porch he found a ring, And the ring is not simple, It glitters like gold. Automating the C sound in a sentence. Speech therapist: - Look at the pictures and answer the questions: - Where do plums grow? (plums grow on a tree) - Where is the baby sitting? (baby is sitting in a stroller) - Where is the stroller? (the stroller stands in front of the tree) - Where does the owl sit? (an owl sits in a hollow) -Where do bullfinches fly? (bullfinches fly over the snowman) - Where is the snowman? (the snowman stands in front of the pine tree). Speech therapist: - Well done. Now let's remember what words we used to make sentences.

Summary (2-3 minutes).

- Our lesson is over. Well done, you completed all the tasks.

Tell me, what sound did we continue to learn to pronounce correctly?

Automation of the sound [S] in 3-word sentences:

  • There are wasps in the garden.
  • The catfish has a mustache.
  • The son is eating soup.
  • The shepherd was tending the flock.
  • Denis drinks kumiss.
  • The son is washing the dishes.
  • Sanya washes the dishes.
  • Sonya eats a cupcake.
  • Denis drinks juice.
  • The sun is shining clear.
  • Sonya heard a knock.
  • The plane is flying high.
  • The dump truck spilled sand.
  • The wasp bit Sonya.
  • Sanya got a flat tire.
  • Pussy eats meat.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Automation in sentences will develop associative thinking, since the child needs to correlate each word with a picture.
  2. Automating the sound “C” in sentences will clearly show kids the meaning of prepositions and their designation with diagrams.
  3. With the help of preposition models, the child will learn to see and hear this “small” word. Children very often combine prepositions with nouns and consider them to be one word (for example, a combination of words ON the table , kids perceive them as one word AT THE TABLE , etc.). Models of prepositions are presented below.
  4. With the help of mnemonic tracks, the child will learn to correctly compose sentences and stories. This skill will also be useful in the future when studying at school, because... will teach the child to think figuratively.

Preposition models:

Automation of the sound [S] in 5-word sentences:

  • There is a tall pine tree in the garden.
  • The dog Jay stands under the pine tree.
  • Sonya has a waist-length braid.
  • Sonya puts her bag on the bench.
  • Sanya's sled glides on its own.
  • Owls are sitting on a pine branch.
  • Stas and Sonya go to the garden.
  • There is a hanging bridge near the high rock.
  • An empty bus is driving across the bridge.
  • Anfisa prepares a delicious soup herself.

Automation of the sound [С] in sentences of 4 words:

  • There are a lot of wasps in the garden.
  • Sonya eats the soup herself.
  • Anfisa drinks plum juice.
  • There is a bus on the bridge.
  • The dog eats a piece of meat.
  • Sanya is preparing soup for pussy.
  • Bushes were planted in the garden.
  • The bench is in the garden.
  • Sonya took off her boots herself.
  • An owl sits on a branch.
  • Sanya rides a scooter.
  • Sonya has a beautiful bag.

Automation of sound [С] in phrases:

  • Tasty soup ; _ _ whiskered catfish; tall pine; suspension bridge; pine branch; dry scarf; mother's beads; soft wax; high cliff; sleepy pussy; honeycomb; clear day; a skilled magician; dangerous ledge; butter dough; morocco boots; empty bowl; thick juice; shady garden; Pineapple juice; satin belt; empty bus; hearty jelly; meat sauce; bus stop; thin cloth; Empty room; baby carriage.

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