10 amazingly simple tips on how to learn to speak beautifully

Speech is a powerful tool for influencing consciousness. Through speech, you can immerse a person in thought and motivate him to action, bring tears and lift his spirits, frighten him and make him believe in certain things. But in order to learn how to influence in this way, you need to understand how to speak beautifully, how to become eloquent, delve deeper into oratory, and take rhetoric classes, even in an online format. Our special selection will help you master the art of eloquence and master the basic skills of a speaker. If your work, creativity or hobby is related to words, these materials are exactly what you need.


Orthoepy - why it is important to speak correctly and how these rules arise

We live in strange times. On the one hand, we are told that in various fields professionalism is valued above all, and not how you dress, how you speak or how you present yourself. On the other hand, everywhere we have to deal with the opposite: a person is judged not by what he is, but by what he appears to be. Therefore, when applying for a job, a well-spoken candidate with dubious professional credentials has a better chance than a true master of his craft who cannot speak. So it is very useful for any person, regardless of his type of activity, to learn how to speak correctly. Even if his profession is not related to public speaking. Read more…


Vocabulary expansion

When you see an unfamiliar word, be sure to determine its meaning. The explanatory dictionary provides their detailed explanatory characteristics and scope of application. With representatives of different professions, age-old categories and social strata, rare words have their own special position.

By accumulating new knowledge, status increases, serious respect arises, and interesting acquaintances are acquired. How to learn to speak beautifully is no longer an unresolved dilemma, because beautiful syllables and amazing phrases slip into your conversation, becoming an excellent foundation.

How to develop eloquence: some tips

Many people dream of eloquence. It helps at work, and in communicating with the opposite sex, and in situations where it is necessary to agree on something, and much more. But even if you decide to make your speech beautiful, it is not always possible to achieve this. This requires a serious approach - enriching your vocabulary, getting rid of speech errors, working on pronunciation and much more. Our short article contains simple tips that will help you achieve your goal and develop eloquence. If you wish, you can start working on your speech after reading it. Read more…


Step-by-step instruction

Constructing correct sentences

If you still cannot immediately construct each of your sentences correctly, then regular practice and training will help you. It will be useful if you start keeping a personal diary. Every evening, describe in it the events of the past day and your relationship to them. Subsequently, re-read what you wrote. You will immediately understand which phrases and words stand out from the general text and are not in harmony with it.

In addition, it will be very useful to listen to audiobooks at any convenient opportunity - when you eat in the car, do household chores, apply makeup, and the like.

Reading books will help increase your vocabulary

Probably nothing can increase your vocabulary as much as reading literature. We are talking not only about the classics, but also about modern authors. A person who reads a lot gradually not only increases his intellectual level and acquires new knowledge, but also learns to express his thoughts beautifully.

The choice of good books is very large, and you can easily find something that suits your taste. If you want to spend your time usefully and are interested in science, then pay attention to such an author as F. Stephen and his work “The Book of General Delusions.”

Perhaps you want to immerse yourself in some exciting plot - read “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov or “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky.

Fans of foreign detective stories may be interested in the works about Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, or Agatha Christie and her unsurpassed Héccle Poirot.

Perhaps you feel the need for philosophical literature? You might like Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre or The Little Prince by Antoine Exupery.

Poetry lovers should pay attention to the work of Brodsky, Akhmatova, Nekrasov and many other talented poets.

Train your gestures and facial expressions

This is a very significant point in oratory. It's one thing to talk on the phone or text, but it's another thing to speak in front of an audience that can see you. Even correct speech and a rich vocabulary can cause rejection among listeners if you do not control your gestures and facial expressions. First, try recording your speech, with which you intend to appear in front of other people, on video. Watch the recording and pay attention to the expression on your face and where you put your hands when talking. You will see what you look like from the outside. Practice your speeches in front of the mirror more often, watching yourself.

If you want to look harmonious when speaking in public, regularly watch videos of public speeches by famous people you like. Take note of all the nuances - facial expression, hand position, posture, gaze, intonation.

Diction and pronunciation - read tongue twisters

Perhaps a tongue twister is one of the most effective ways to improve your diction and work on correct pronunciation. Correct articulation is also important.

You can often meet people who read a lot of books, have an excellent vocabulary, express their thoughts clearly and beautifully by correspondence, but at the same time are not the best interlocutors due to unclear diction. To avoid this, try not only to say tongue twisters more often, but also to read books aloud with expression. Read an excerpt from any work, recording it on a voice recorder. Listen to your speech. Do you feel like you can speak more clearly and beautifully? Read the passage again and study the recording again - do this until you are satisfied with your pronunciation. To achieve a positive result, you should read aloud for at least half an hour a day.

Some speakers prefer to underestimate the benefits of breathing exercises and correct posture. Meanwhile, without these two points it is simply impossible to deliver a long speech with expression and correct, clear diction.

Don't be afraid of public speaking

Many people are afraid of public speaking, and if you are one of them, start fighting your fear. If you know that you will have to give a speech in front of a large number of people, then first write your message on a piece of paper. Having made a plan for your future speech, try to rehearse it by recording it on a voice recorder. Listen to the recording and determine whether there are any weaknesses in the performance, correct any possible shortcomings.

In general, be prepared for the fact that in any public speaking there may be shortcomings, and you are no exception. By the way, there is nothing wrong with this, and this is a completely natural phenomenon.

Perhaps your fear did not appear out of nowhere, and you have had extremely bad experiences with public speaking in the past. Remember how it was, what caused your failure. Realize that a lot of time has passed since that day, and now everything will be completely different. Try to look at a situation that is in the past with humor, and this time avoid past mistakes. In order to protect yourself from additional unnecessary anxiety, take care of your appearance in advance - neat manicure and hairstyle, clean shoes, neat clothes.

Before appearing in front of an audience, make sure that your breathing returns to normal if it has become irregular due to excitement. Remember that due to anxiety, the muscles of the chest can tense and oxygen almost stops flowing into the lungs. This may cause your voice to become barely audible or even cause you to lose consciousness. Therefore, before the performance, take a few deep breaths, relax, imagine what you will be doing in a few hours - how you will meet with friends or relax at home.

People who are afraid of speaking in front of a large audience will benefit from taking acting classes. There you will learn to treat your performances as you would a game and a part of your work.

If you understand that you cannot cope with your fear on your own, then it makes sense to consult a psychologist who will develop the necessary technique for you.

Getting rid of parasitic words and surzhik

Please note that surzhik irritates many people, and if you use it in your speech, then be prepared for the fact that this irritation may imperceptibly transfer to you personally. It is also important to get rid of the ubiquitous parasitic words: “here”, “in general”, “in short”, “as if”, “this is the same”, “what’s his name” and many others.

You yourself may not notice how often you use such words in your conversations. Record some of your phone conversations with friends and then listen to the recordings. O appears most often in your conversations. To get rid of their use, you have to control yourself daily, carefully selecting every word. It won't be easy at first, but it will get better on its own.

Nora Gal's advice to those who work with words

Any form of activity that requires the ability to find the right words is a difficult challenge for most of us. Whether we are writing a novel, composing a text for a rap battle, or thinking through a public speech, we are faced with the agony of choice: which word or phrase to choose? How to structure the text in such a way as not to sound like a robot? The answer is simple: you need to tirelessly monitor your speech, remove unnecessary things from it, be in a constant search for suitable words and read Russian classics. However, a person is lazy, and in the modern world he also has little time for this. Therefore, we need a book, after reading which you will be eager to learn Russian for the rest of your life, without considering it a waste of time. This book was written by Nora Gal. Read more…


Arrangement of future words

Make it a rule to start each lesson by saying the phrase: “I dream, I want to speak beautifully.” Thoughts, having a material basis, will definitely turn into reality, and the right actions to bring your dreams to life will take on a special spirit.

So, let's move on to the first point, which will bring us closer to understanding the main task:

  • Sentence construction is important for communication and comprehension. The narrator, when communicating information to others, must mentally arrange the events taking place in chronological order so as not to disrupt the theme.
  • People who do not have experience may have their thoughts confused, and the presentation will turn out to be incoherent and illogical. Therefore, keep a diary, where on the pages you describe the dialogues you heard, interesting details, daily reflections, and family relationships.
  • The paper, hiding the absurd expressions, will gradually present a beautiful surprise. Well-structured beautiful statements will form a meaningful content with eloquent quotes, reasonable turns of phrase, and logical phrases. The brain, clogged with unnecessary “garbage,” freed from a large amount of news, stories, experiences, will give free rein to a new stream of thoughts, bringing you closer to the answer to the question: “How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully.”

Five Canons of Rhetoric

One of the greatest orators of all time, Winston Churchill gave a weekly radio address aimed at boosting the confidence of his people during the war. He dispelled their fears and convinced people that they were fighting for a just cause. Over time, his eloquence became legendary. Churchill deeply understood the art of rhetoric and knew how to persuade as if he were communicating with one person - his words had an impact on all people, regardless of values, education or position in society. Special rhetorical canons played a significant role in Churchill’s eloquence, which we invite you to get acquainted with. Read more…


What does it mean to “speak beautifully”

We admire people who are able to attract attention with just one word. It’s nice to listen to them, you want to follow their advice. It is much more pleasant to watch a program and listen to the radio with presenters who have a good voice and can speak beautifully.

The concept of “speaking beautifully” is understood as well-delivered, laconic speech, with the necessary stress, pauses and intonation. People with such skills can correctly formulate their thoughts; their vocabulary is free of verbal garbage, filler words, and unnecessary pauses. About such people we can say that they have competent speech, they understand the meaning of the words they use, do not repeat themselves and know how to bring the story told to the end. The presentation of thoughts plays a big role. You can speak competently, without speech errors, but not be able to hold your voice, speak quickly or, on the contrary, draw out your words. A person who really knows how to speak beautifully and has competent speech can teach any information so that he is heard and understood. That is why all speakers and popular presenters have such abilities: it is important for them to be heard, their words understood and believed.

However, the ability to speak beautifully is not only for famous speakers. An ordinary person with such abilities easily finds a common language with others, it is easier for him to get his way and explain any information. That is why more and more people are beginning to care about the literacy of their speech, about the sound of their voice, because beautiful speech is the lot of successful people.

Oratory: exercises

Many of us would like to have public speaking talent: the ability to speak beautifully and persuasively and present our ideas can greatly improve everyone's life. But what steps do you need to take towards becoming an outstanding public speaker? This is where special exercises come to the rescue. Of course, you can ignore such things, thinking that everything will work out on its own, but practice shows that even in rhetoric, a systematic and competent approach greatly increases results and allows you to achieve success many times faster than if you study haphazardly. Read more…


Learning to breathe correctly

Exercises to train breathing from the diaphragm

Constant breathing training will help a person master the ability to speak beautifully. The most suitable is the diaphragmatic-costal one. It involves a quick, light inhalation, which slightly lifts the abdominal muscles and slightly expands part of the chest. Exhalation is done through the mouth, the air passes slowly and smoothly.

At first, when performing the exercise, you should place your hand on the diaphragm area for control (it should be tense, while the shoulders and chest do not move).

How to get rid of filler words: 5 tricks

This article tells how you can quickly, effectively and permanently get rid of filler words, while making your own spoken language cleaner and more understandable. If you wish, you can easily unlearn such popular parasitic words as “um”, “uh”, “in short” and others. It is very difficult to communicate with interlocutors whose speech is replete with such words, so many people work hard on themselves. By eliminating all unnecessary words from spoken language, any report will become clearer and ordinary small talk will become more enjoyable. This note contains five basic techniques for improving speech, the daily implementation of which will help you get rid of parasitic words forever. And we’ll start with the main question: “Why do we introduce filler words into our conversation?” Read more…


How to learn to understand the taste of a word

There are times when words are the tool that will allow you to achieve your goal: to find mutual understanding, to convince someone, to evoke emotions. People understand words differently. Despite this, first you need to do a lot of work on yourself, understand the taste of the word, and only then learn to influence other people. Therefore, we will primarily focus on the first step. Has it ever happened to you that you suddenly understand the essence and taste of a word that you use every day? This is called insight and happens to everyone. To put this process on stream, in order to develop the skill of noticing what is hidden under the iceberg, you need to adhere to several rules. Read about them in the article. Read more…


Speech errors: types, causes, examples

We think of speech as an abstract category, inaccessible to direct perception. Meanwhile, this is the most important indicator of a person’s culture, his intellect and thinking, a way of understanding the complex connections of nature, things, society and transmitting this information through communication. It is obvious that when learning and already using something, we make mistakes due to inability or ignorance. And speech in this regard is no exception. Moreover, the concept of speech culture as the idea of ​​a “speech ideal” is inextricably linked with the concept of speech error. In this article we will look at their types, examples and reasons. Read more…


Development of speech culture

"Say the word to me and I'll tell you who you are." Speech is our calling card. Speech culture reflects a person’s way of thinking, level of upbringing, education and awareness. Poor, clumsy and uncultured speech is not capable of influencing others. Moreover, it causes rejection towards the speaker. If you want to command the attention of your interlocutor, make a favorable impression on him and be convincing in your statements, develop a culture of speech, work on content, vocabulary, and lexical norms. In this article we will tell you how this is done. Read more…


Public performance

There comes a crucial moment when your speech is intended for a large audience:

  • Here it is advisable to think through all the dialogues and lines. Write down the points of the plan. According to the plan, gradually develop the topic of conversation.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder. As you listen to the speech several times, weak expressions will become noticeable. Prepare your speech in advance so that you have enough time to correct the gaps and then the motto of the day: “I want to speak beautifully” will become an indispensable companion.
  • It is impossible to learn to speak beautifully without an audience. Those close to you get used to the style of communication and do not notice errors in speech. Unfamiliar listeners will immediately react to an uninteresting story, showing this by behavior and noticeable noise. Before speaking, it is important to know the age characteristics of your upcoming interlocutors.
  • Seek advice from friends who have had to speak in public. Take into account their beautiful performances, speech, note key points, use the information received as a “magic wand”.
  • Choose answers to the expected questions to learn how to direct your presentation in the right direction. Study books on the topic, write down catchphrases and famous quotes. Base your report on familiar names. With such a basis, your presentation will take on a scientific and fundamental appearance.
  • The art of speaking requires mandatory training. Settle for a small and familiar audience at first. Having developed the skills to communicate with a group of people, gradually increase their number in order to learn how to change the flow of the conversation and thematic focus.

Online program "Modern Rhetoric"

In 8 weeks in this program, you will master and learn how to apply traditional and modern rhetoric techniques for speeches, presentations, vlogging, stand-ups and much more. You will learn to speak clearly, intelligibly, control your voice, behave correctly on stage and work with the audience, cope with the fear of speaking, prepare good speeches - from planning and searching for material to the actual text of the speech, and, of course, argue your speech. The program is suitable for both those who are just starting their journey as a speaker, and those who are already professionals but want to improve their skills. Find out more...

Working with words is work, but the work is interesting and exciting. The faster you immerse yourself in the process, the faster you will taste success. Go for it!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Nora Gal's advice to those who work with words
  • Best Blog Content of 2021: Writing
  • The power of words in practice
  • Recommendations for learning Russian
  • Orthoepy - why it is important to speak correctly and how these rules arise
  • Tips for working effectively with your audience
  • Preparing and delivering a speech
  • Learning your native language: a selection of useful materials
  • How to develop eloquence: some tips
  • Five Canons of Rhetoric

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