Summary of individual lesson “Automation of sound [L] in syllables, words”

Lesson summary “Sound Automation [L]”

Author: Musalimenova Aliya Amanzholovna

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 11 “Rainbow” KhMAO-YUGRA, Khanty-Mansiysk

Lesson summary “Sound Automation [L]”

Individual speech therapy session on producing the sound [L] and automating its isolated pronunciation in speech

“The Adventures of Lou the Squirrel. Journey to a flower meadow"


Staging and automation of isolated pronunciation of the sound [L].


1. Correctional – educational:

— Clarify the articulation of the sound [L], place this sound and consolidate the articulation in an isolated pronunciation;

- learn to answer questions accurately and completely;

  1. Corrective and developmental:

-development of articulatory motor skills, speech breathing

– development of phonemic hearing and perception, syllable analysis skills,

- development of logical thinking, integrity of perception of attention, memory, color discrimination;

— development of general motor skills and fine motor skills of the fingers;

  1. Educational:

- cultivate interest in the lesson through the use of entertaining exercises; activity, perseverance, desire to overcome the defect.


a toy squirrel, a mirror, a computer with a presentation, pictures of large Christmas trees (for playing on the floor), a mushroom with a leaf on a string (a tool for developing air flow), a su-jok ball, pictures of vases with numbers 1, 2, 3 , cut picture, flag.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time

— Today we have a new guest in class, with whom we will go on a long journey. Guess the riddle and try to guess who it is.

-He will jump from a branch into his house, and on the way he will catch a pine cone. (squirrel)

This is a cheerful and kind squirrel. Her name is Lou. (Slide No. 1) She loves to collect nuts and mushrooms. Today Lou and I will go to a flower meadow

II. Main part

  1. Topic message

- Tell me, please, what is the 1st sound in her name? [L]. Lou is worried that he can't pronounce it. Let's teach her together. To do this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue work well, so you and I will do articulatory gymnastics and show it to our guest. (Slide No. 2)

  1. Articulation gymnastics
  2. We open the “home” mouth. Who is the boss in that house? The owner of it is Tongue. He lay down comfortably in the house.
  3. Lip doors are flexible. Can become a smile. They can gather themselves together and then smile again.
  4. I found myself on a swing. He flew up and went down.
  5. Tired of transformations, tongue licks jam.
  6. And now our Tongue is washing the roof of the mouth.

- Well done, you did the exercises perfectly.

3. Development of the air stream.

Lou found a fungus in the clearing and a leaf on it. (Slide No. 3) Help Lou blow the leaf off the mushroom. (aid) The child performs the exercise with the aid and a leaf also “flies off” on the slide.

  1. Sound production [L]
    Ask the child to perform one of the sound production exercises.

- Lips in a smile, teeth in a “fence”, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth, pronounce the sound [Y] loudly. You get a new sound, say it again and listen to yourself. Today you learned to pronounce a new sound. Say it again. What sound is this? How do we pronounce it? (Characteristics of sound based on articulation characteristics)

  1. Automation of isolated sound pronunciation [L]

1) - This sound resembles the sound of an airplane flying over our clearing. Let's sound like an airplane, with our arms spread out to the sides like wings. (Slide No. 4)

2) -And now we, together with the squirrel, will jump on the “Christmas trees” and pronounce this sound.

The child walks through pictures of Christmas trees laid out on the floor, pronouncing the sound [L]

3) Psycho-gymnastics.

- Let's close our eyes. Let's imagine that we find ourselves in a beautiful clearing with Lou. We'll be surprised. Let's be happy. The meadow is covered in colorful flowers. Let's smile and open our eyes. There are flowers in front of you of different shades, name them. Let's try to make a new sound by clicking on the butterflies. If you pronounce it correctly, the butterfly will fly. (Slide No. 5)

  1. Finger gymnastics with balls for su-jok therapy.

Ring massage of each finger with recitation of the poem:

-The squirrel was collecting cones and picked up as many as 10 of them. One, two, three, four, five, start counting again.

  1. Development of phonemic hearing.

Isolating the sound L among other sounds

-Raise the flag if you hear the sound [L].

(The sounds are listed: T, S L, K, L and syllables: ta, su, lu, etc.)

  1. Game "Feed the squirrel". Development of phonemic awareness.

— A squirrel was walking through the clearing and found a plate of food. Lou was very hungry. Help the squirrel choose pictures with sound sound [L]-

they will remain and the rest will disappear. (Slide No. 6)

  1. Physical exercise.

- Squirrel is a little tired. Let's relax together.

Here's the squirrel exercise. Do it in order.

Quickly stand up and smile. Reach higher, reach higher

Well, straighten your shoulders, raise and lower.

Turn left, right, touch your hands with your knees.

  1. Game with the manual “Assemble flowers into vases” Formation of syllabic analysis skills

Help Lou put flowers in vases depending on the number of syllables (the numbers 1, 2, 3 are drawn on the vases)

  1. Game "Collect the picture." Development of perceptual integrity.

Look, if you put this picture together, you will get something that Lou really enjoyed on his trip today. (Cut picture showing an airplane). Let's give this picture to Lou.

- Let's make a new sound with you that you made today. And now you and I will close our eyes, smile, remembering the adventures of the squirrel, and together with it we will return from our journey.

III. Summarizing.

- Today you and I played an interesting game - travel. Today you learned to pronounce a new sound. Let's remember him. Well done!

What did you like about our game today? What did you do best? What did you teach the squirrel?

Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Department of Education of the Yemanzhelinsky Municipal District Administration of MKU DO "DDT "Scarlet Sail"

Yemanzhelinsky municipal district of Chelyabinsk region

Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Additional education teacher

Ivleva Z.V.

Literacy lesson notes

Sound and letter "L"


· Introduce children to the letter “L”, teach them to read syllables, find the letter “L” in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end,)

· Repeat previously learned letters

· Develop attention, memory, logical thinking

· To develop the ability of continuous, conscious reading

Progress of the lesson


1. Psychological attitude - Guys, let's repeat the rules of our lesson: “We all speak beautifully, boldly and slowly. We say it clearly, we are not in a hurry” (said in unison)

2. Repetition of the material covered: children are given cards with the task: listen to the words and write in circles only the vowels of these words: onion, juice, cheese, poppy seed.

What sounds are these? (vowels)


What color are they indicated by? (red)

Repetition of the letter “T” learned in the last lesson. Didactic game “Catch the sound in your palms” - Tolya, whale, Tanya, hippopotamus, soup, bow, T-shirt, plane, tank, Kolya, kitchen.


3. Reading a fairy tale. We have a new letter visiting us. I will read you a fairy tale, and you can guess which letter we will meet today (a fairy tale about the letter L is attached)

What letter did we meet?

Look how I pronounce it (tongue presses against upper teeth) And now you try to pronounce it.

Can we sing it? (No).

So what sound is this? (consonant)

What color will we paint it with? (blue).

What does this letter look like?

What does it consist of?

Write the letter "L" in the air.

— Make the letter “L” from sticks.

4. Poem about the letter "L"

This letter loves to swim in the waves here and there.

It looks like a staircase, and like the roof of a house too.

The arrowheads also have the letter “L”.

5. Riddles (the answers contain the letter “L”)

Gold coins (leaves) fall from a branch

-I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, “Swim,” I invite you.

And you all love me for this. I - (summer)

-Guess what kind of bird it is, a small dark one.

White on the belly, tail spread into two tails.

She flies faster than anyone else, and there are plenty of midges on the go.

If it flies towards us, it means spring has begun (swallow)

6. Reading syllables. Game "Port"

The boat was sailing along the river, it was carrying the letter “L”.

She swam up to pier “A”, the children read – LA Swim up to pier “U”, read it together – LU Swim up to pier “Y”, read it quietly – LY Swim up to pier “I”, read it loudly – ​​LA

7. Physical exercise Letter L, legs apart, as if dancing - hands on hips. Bent to the left, right, it turned out great.

1 – 2 – head higher, 3 – 4 – legs wider, 5 – 6 – sit quietly.

8. Pure statements. In order to speak clearly and clearly, you need to prepare your breathing and voice. LO - LO - LO - it’s warm outside LU - LO - LU - the chair is in the corner. UL - UL - UL - our chair broke. OL - OL - OL - we bought salt.

9. Didactic game “Locate the place of the sound” At the beginning - lamp, boat, puddle, skis, fox, bow, lion In the middle - hammer, squirrel, shelf, peacock, orange, coat, chickens At the end - table, chair, floor, pencil case, woodpecker, dump truck

10. Exercise in reading the syllables LA - AL, - LO - OL, - LU - UL, - LI - IL, - LY - YL

11. Letter in copybook


What letter did you learn about in class?

What letter is this?

What color is it indicated by?


In front of you lie two suns with different moods (joyful and sad). If everything was clear and interesting to you during the lesson, then raise the sun with a smile, and if it’s not interesting, then raise the sad sun. Let's see what suns you raised?

A tale about the letter "L"

Letter L

“I don’t want to sleep, I won’t go to bed ,” the girl was capricious.

Mom frowned threateningly, but the letter L quietly whispered the magic word “ Love ” into her ear.

“I love you, my baby,” tenderly and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl calmly fell asleep.

love and affection more than anything in the world ,” thought the letter L.

She flew everywhere and gently whispered: “ I love, I love, I love ,” so that no one would forget to say this magic word.

Say the magic word “love” to everyone you love.

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