Physical exercises for speech therapy classes (card file) card index on the topic

“Physical training minutes are a mandatory stage of speech therapy classes in a correctional school.”

Physical education lessons from A to Z

And now, guys, stand up!

They quickly raised their hands up,

To the sides, forward, backward.

Turned right, left,

They sat down quietly and got back to work.

- Stork, long-legged stork, show me the way home. - Stomp with your right foot, Stomp with your left foot, Again with your right foot, Again with your left foot. After - with the right foot, After - with the left foot. And then you will come home.

Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice. He spread his arms to the sides, Apparently he found the key. To get the key, you have to stand on your toes.

The ducks came out into the meadow, quack, quack, quack. (we walk) The green beetle flew. (we wave our arms like wings) The geese arch their necks:

Ga-ha-a. (circular movements of the neck) The feathers are straightened with the beak. (torso turns) The wind swayed the branches, (we swing our arms raised up)

Sharik also growled:

Rrrr! (hands on waist, lean forward, look ahead)

The reeds whispered in the river: Sh - sh - sh. (they raised their hands up and stretched) And again there was silence:

The mice came out one day (Walking in place or moving forward in a column.) See what time it is. (Turns left, right, fingers “tube” in front of the eyes.) One, two, three, four (Clap your hands above your head.) The mice pulled the weights. (Hands up and squatting with hands down “pulled the weights.”) Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound, (Clapping in front of you.) The mice ran away. (Running in place or to your place.)

Here, under the green Christmas tree (Stand up.) The crows are jumping merrily: (We jump.) Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Clapping hands above their heads.) All day long they shouted, (Turns the body left and right.) The guys were not allowed to sleep: (Tilts the body left and right.) Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Clapping hands above the head.) Only towards night they fall silent (Waving their arms like wings.) And everyone falls asleep together: (Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.) Kar-kar-kar! (Quiet.) (Clap your hands above your head.)

Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.) I found a porcini mushroom. (Clap your hands.) One - mushroom, (Bends forward.) Two - mushroom, (Bends forward.) Three - mushroom, (Bends forward.) Put them in the box. (We walk in place. When reciting a poem, children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend over and put mushrooms in the box. Movements should be leisurely and rhythmic.)

Rain! Rain! We need to go home! (We walk in place.) Thunder! Thunder like cannons. Today is a holiday for frogs. (Jumping in place.) Hail! Hail! Hail is pouring down, Everyone is sitting under the roofs. (Sit down, clap your hands.) Only my brother is in a puddle, catching fish for our dinner. (We walk in place.)

The wind is blowing from above. Herbs and flowers bend. Right-left, left-right Flowers and herbs are bending. (Tilts to the sides.) Now let’s all jump on the spot together. (Jumping.) Higher! Have fun! Like this. Let's move on one step at a time. (Walking in place.) So the game is over. It's time for us to get busy. (Children sit down.)

Barely, barely, barely, barely The carousel spun, (Hands on the belt, body tilts left and right.) And then around, around, Everyone runs, runs, runs, (Running in place.) Hush, hush, don’t rush! (Jumping in place.) Stop the carousel, (We walk in place.) One, two, one, two! (Clap our hands.) So the game is over!

The hedgehog stomped along the path and carried a mushroom on his back. The hedgehog stomped slowly, quietly rustling the leaves. (Walk in place.) And a bunny, Long-Eared Jumper, is jumping towards you. In someone's garden, I cleverly got hold of a slanted carrot. (Jumping in place.)

A beetle flew over the clearing, it buzzed cheerfully and sang: “zh-zh-zh.” So he flew to the right - Everyone looked to the right. So he flew to the left - Everyone looked to the left. The beetle wants to sit on your nose, we won't let it sit. Our beetle landed, buzzed and spun: w-w-w. Beetle, here is your right palm, sit on it for a little while. Beetle, here is your left palm, sit on it for a while. The beetle flew up and sat down on a tree. We stood up on our toes, but we didn’t get the beetle. Let's clap together - clap-clap-clap, So that he can fly away - "zh-zh-zh."

The gray bunnies are sitting, (crouched down.) Their long ears stick out. (We show our ears with our hands.) Here are our ears, Here are our ears; Ears on top of head. Here is a little fox running, (Running in place.) Cunning little sister. Hide, hide, (Sit down.) Jumping bunnies. Bunnies scattered across the forest clearing. (Jumping in place.) These are the bunnies, jumping bunnies.

On the lawn in the morning We started a game. You are Chamomile, I am bindweed, stand in our wreath. (Children stand in a circle.) One, two, three, four, move the circle wider. And now we are streams, Let's run in a race. (Running in a circle.) We hurry straight to the lake, The lake will become big.

One, two, three, four, spread the circle wider. Stand in a circle again, Let's play Sunshine. We are the cheerful rays. We are frisky and hot. One, two, three, four, spread the circle wider!

The wind quietly shakes the maple, tilts to the right, to the left: Once - tilt and twice - tilt, The maple leaves rustled. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, body tilted left and right.)

We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place.) We bent down and washed ourselves. (Bend forward, hands on the belt.) One, two, three, four, (Clap our hands.) That's how nicely refreshed we were. (Shake your hands.) You need to do this with your hands: Together - once, this is breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward.) One, the other - this is the crawl. (Circles with arms forward one by one.) All, as one, we swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place.) We went ashore on a steep bank (We walk in place.) But we won’t go home.

Raise your shoulders, Jump, grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump. We sit down, eat some grass, and listen to the silence. Hush, hush, high, Jump on your toes easily. (You need to push off with one foot and land softly on the other.)

We came out to the forest meadow, lifting our legs higher, through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps. Whoever walked so high did not stumble, did not fall. (Walking with high knees.)

We are autumn leaves, (Smooth swaying of hands above the head.) We sit on the branches. The wind blew and they flew. (Hands to the sides.) We flew, we flew, and sat quietly on the ground. (Sat down.) The wind came again and picked up all the leaves. (Smooth swinging of the arms above the head.) They spun, flew, and sat down on the ground again. (Children sit down.)

Clean water is flowing. We know how to wash ourselves. We take the tooth powder and brush our teeth firmly. Wash your neck, wash your ears, and then dry yourself off. Turn your head to the right, Turn your head to the left. Lower your head down and sit quietly. (We accompany the words of the text with actions.)

The bear crawled out of the den and looked around at the threshold. (Turns left and right.) He stretched from sleep: (Stretching - arms up.) Spring has come to us again. To quickly gain strength, the bear twisted its head. (Rotates his head.) Bent back and forth, (Bends forward and back.) Here he is walking through the forest. The bear is looking for roots and rotten stumps. They contain edible larvae - Vitamins for the bear. (Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.) Finally, the bear had eaten and sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)

We fly under the clouds, And the earth floats below us: Grove, field, garden and river, And houses, and little men. (Flap your arms like wings.) We were tired of flying, so we landed in a swamp. (Several deep squats.)

We start warming up, spread our arms wider, and then pull them up. Everyone's back will rest. (Stretching - arms to the sides and up.) We begin squats - One, two, three, four, five. And now you need to jump like frogs three times. (Squats - 5 regular ones and 3 jumps in a squat.) We complete the warm-up, spread our arms wider, and then pull them up. Everyone's back will rest. (Stretching - arms to the sides and up.)

We stomp our feet. Top, top, top. (Walking in place.) We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap. (Clap your hands.) Shake your head. (Tilts the head to the right, to the left.) We raise our hands, (Hands up.) We lower our hands, (Hands down.) We spread our arms, (Hands to the sides.) And we run in a circle. (Run.)

We can’t sit still, so we stretch our lower back. We twist the body left and right - So we will have a great rest. (Rotation of the body.) We had a good rest and returned to classes. (Children sit down.)

Like soldiers on parade, We walk row by row, Left - once, left - once, Look at us, everyone. Everyone clapped their hands - Together, have fun! Our feet pounded louder and faster! (Walk in place.)

Get ready to warm up! Spin right and left Count the turns, One-two-three, don’t lag behind, (Rotate the body to the right and left.) We begin to squat - One-two-three-four-five. The one who does the exercises can do a squat dance for us. (Squats.) Now let’s raise our arms and lower them with a jerk. It's like we're jumping off a cliff on a sunny summer day. (Children raise straight arms above their heads, then lower them with a sharp movement and move them back, then with a sharp movement up again, etc.) And now walk in place, Left-right, stand once or twice. (Walk in place.) We will sit on the mat together, and get down to business again.

Our rest is a physical education minute. (We walk in place.) Take your places: Step in place left, right, One and two, one and two! Keep your back straight, One and two, one and two! And don’t look at your feet, (Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down.) One and two, one and two!

What are the sparrows singing about (We walk in place.) On the last day of winter? (Hands to the sides on the belt.) - We survived! (We clap our hands.) - We made it! (Jumping in place.) - We are alive! We are alive! (We walk in place.)

Along the path, along the path We gallop on the right leg (Jump on the right leg.) And along the same path We gallop on the left leg. (Jump on your left foot.) Let's run along the path and reach the lawn. (Running in place.) On the lawn, on the lawn We will jump like bunnies. (Jump in place on both legs.) Stop. Let's rest a little. And we'll walk home. (Walk in place.)

The seed is growing - reaching for the sun. It plays with the wind, The breeze rocks it, Presses it low to the ground - that’s how fun it plays! (Stretched, arms up, bent, torso tilted, crouched.)

One, two, three, four, five, I make the bed, brush my teeth, wash my ears, stand in the shower for five minutes. One, two, three, four, five, I like to get up early. (Imitative movements according to the text.)

One-two - the ducklings walked, (We walk in place.) Three-four - they walked home. (Jumping in place.) The fifth trudged after them, (Clap our hands.) The sixth ran ahead, (Stomp our feet.) And the seventh lagged behind everyone - (We walk in place.) He got scared and shouted: (Clap our hands.) - Where are you, where are you? (Jumping in place.) - Don’t shout, we’re nearby, look! (We stomp our feet.)

We raised our hands and shook them (We shake our hands raised up.) These are trees in the forest. (Smoothly lower our hands down.) We bent our arms, shook our hands - (Shaking our hands.) The wind knocks down the dew. (We wave our hands in front of us.) We wave our hands to the sides, smoothly (We wave our hands to the sides.) These are the birds flying towards us. (Turns the torso with arms open to the sides.) We will also show how they sit down, (Squats.) Wings folded back. (They stood up and hid their hands behind their backs.)

Hands to the sides - in flight We send the plane, Right wing forward, Left wing forward. One, two, three, four - Our plane has taken off. (Stand legs apart, arms to the sides, turn to the right; turn to the left.)

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, like in a fairy-tale picture. We'll catch them with our hands and show them at home to mom. (Children raise their hands above their heads and make grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.) And there are snowdrifts around, the roads are covered with snow. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) To avoid getting stuck in the field, raise your legs higher. (Walk in place, knees rise high.) There the fox is jumping in the field, Like a soft red ball. (Jumping in place.) Well, we go, we go (Walking in place.) And we come to our house. (Children sit down.)

The sun has come out from behind a cloud, We will stretch out our arms to the sun. (Stretching - arms up.) Arms to the sides then We will spread them wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) We have finished the warm-up. Rested your legs and backs.

A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue all around. (Children wave their arms like wings.) In order to fly faster, you need to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.)

The ship pushed off from the green pier, (The children stood up.) One, two, He stepped back first (Step back.) One, two, And then stepped forward, (Step forward.) One, two, And swam, swam along the river, ( Wave-like movement of the arms.) Gaining full speed. (Walk in place.)

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws, (Stretched, arms up - inhale and exhale.) Prepared for exercise. (Jerks of arms in front of the chest.) Turned left, right, (Turns left and right.) Did the squat correctly, (Squats.) Cleaned the fluff with the beak, (Tilts the head left and right.) Quickly into the water - splash! (Sit down.)

Gray owl, old owl, (Clap your hands.) And your eyes burn like headlights. (Hands like “headlights” were put to the eyes.) Eagle owl - jump, eagle owl - jump, (Jumping in place.) He gave the little owl a flag. Little Owl is glad, glad - (Clapping hands.) Two lanterns are burning.

Hamster-hamster, hamster, Striped flank. The hamster gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his neck. The hamster sweeps the house and goes out to exercise. One two three four five! Khomka wants to become strong. (Children imitate all the movements of the hamster.)

A heron walks on water and dreams of food. Raise your legs higher You, like a heron, don’t yawn! (With a jerk, raise the leg bent at the knee as high as possible, then the other.) To catch food in the water, the heron must bend down. Come on, bend over too, and reach your toes. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then your right foot with your left hand.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock - All the clocks go like this: Tick-tock. (Tilt your heads first to one shoulder, then to the other.) Look quickly what time it is: Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (Swing to the rhythm of the pendulum.) To the left - once, to the right - once, We can do this too. (Legs together, hands on the waist. On the count of “one,” tilt your head to your right shoulder, then to your left, like a clock.) Tick-tock, tick-tock.

We twist our neck carefully - your head may feel dizzy. We look to the left - one, two, three. So. And look to the right. (Rotate your head to the right and left.) Let's stretch up, walk, (Stretching - arms up, walking in place.) And we'll return to the place again. (Children sit down.)

Yurt, yurt, round house, (We walk in place.) Visit that house! (They spread their arms to the sides.) The guests will hardly appear (Turns the body left and right.) Firewood jumps into the stove. (Jumping in place.) The stove is burning hot, (Clap our hands.) He’s in a hurry to treat him. (Sit down.) Ladushki, okay, (Clap our hands.) Round pancakes. (We walk in place.)

I'm going and you're going - one, two, three. (We walk in place.) I sing and you sing - one, two, three. (We clap our hands.) We walk and we sing - one, two, three. (Jumping in place.) We live very friendly - one, two, three. (We walk in place.)

I am a teapot - a grumbler, a busybody, a madman, (We walk in place.) I expose my belly to everyone, (Hands on the belt, turns my body left and right.) I boil the tea, bubbling and shouting: (Clap our hands.) - Hey, people, I want to have tea with you! (Jumping in place.)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Fizminutka is a play massage, which is important in the development of a child.

Fizminutka is a play massage, which is important in the development of a child.

Fizminutka is a playful facial massage, which is important in the development of a child.

Interactive physical education is a great success among teachers and their students. It does not take up the teacher’s time and effort, and the benefits are enormous. This is my first experience in compiling such physical exercises, I will be glad.

Tables and comments to them. These tables can be used in lessons as physical exercises for the eyes.

Musical morning warm-up is a great opportunity for children to usefully warm up, recharge themselves with vigor and good mood. This physics lesson can be used for students in grades 1-4.

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