Automation of the sound “C” at the end of a word in a stressed syllable MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “SECONDARY SCHOOL 37” OF THE CITY. - presentation

Collocations (44)

  • without Borders
  • White dance
  • fast dance
  • In the end
  • in the sweat of balls
  • mountain of muscles
  • group of persons
  • twenty first finger
  • good fellow
  • officials
  • a pet
  • yellow-throated chick
  • Golden Taurus
  • and finally
  • and the Swede, and the reaper, and the player of the pipe
  • from end to end
  • Ilya Muromets
  • Godfather
  • circle of people
  • cool guy
  • Flying Dutchman
  • best example
  • A little prince
  • Honeymoon
  • on the thumb
  • at worst
  • beginning and the end
  • has no boundaries
  • defining boundaries
  • handsome man
  • at the end
  • conqueror of women's hearts
  • conqueror of hearts
  • full paragraph
  • representing the best example
  • the end has come
  • Holy father
  • list of persons
  • middle finger
  • a happy ending
  • crown of thorns
  • cowardly as a hare
  • this is the end
  • pepper is clear

On this page you can find the most popular words ending with "ts" (at the end of the word - Ts). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing C.

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Russian words ending with C

Reverse Russian dictionary (word endings with C) - Igor Garshin's website




Home > Zaliznyak's Reverse Dictionary > Words ending in C

Common Slavic roots of Russian: | | | | | E, E, Ѣ | | | | | | | | | | | | | U, Ѫ | | | | | | Yu, i | I, and

Original Russian words: | | | | | E, Yo | | | b, s, b | | |

Foreign borrowings in Russian: | | | | | | | | |

Alphabetical sections of Trubachev's ESSAY : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Russian dictionaries:Bibliographies:EtymologicalIntelligentDialectalHistorical RegulatoryTerms
Dictionaries on the site:Fasm. | Tsyg. | Shan. | Sem. | Shap. | Shim. Dahl | Krysin ( Ozhegov Arch. | Novg. | Psk. | SRNG AcademyLopatin | Tikhonov Oil&Gas | Prombez | | GIS

Words ending with: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Russian words letter C.

  1. bam
  2. paragraph
  3. flyleaf
  4. ersatz
  5. palace
  6. parade ground
  7. mattress
  8. Hawaiian
  9. Paraguayan
  10. Uruguayan
  11. Nogai
  12. Malay
  13. Danish
  14. Nanai
  15. Chinese
  16. Altai
  17. Uriankha
  18. bread
  19. rower
  20. cellarer
  21. stallion
  22. cabbage roll
  23. column
  24. murderer
  25. prong
  26. trident
  27. bident
  28. cabbage roll
  29. scar
  30. fisherman
  31. lover of life
  32. lover of fame
  33. truth-teller
  34. freedom lover
  35. lover of the people
  36. hard worker
  37. philanthropist
  38. selfish
  39. sexist
  40. strange-lover
  41. money lover
  42. peace-lover
  43. power-hungry
  44. sensualist
  45. ambitious
  46. self-interested man
  47. selfish
  48. Plyugavets
  49. lender
  50. salesman
  51. reseller
  52. bookseller
  53. seller of Christ
  54. bastard
  55. sly
  56. scoundrel
  57. self-governor
  58. handsome
  59. handsome
  60. Poltavets
  61. stavets
  62. Senostavets
  63. supplier
  64. Karachay
  65. Wrangel
  66. metro builder
  67. singer
  68. sweet singer
  69. psalmist
  70. singer
  71. white tree
  72. redwood
  73. seedling
  74. Petrashevets
  75. negligent
  76. live bait
  77. colleague
  78. squeamish
  79. grumpy
  80. fair
  81. bashful
  82. proud man
  83. sleepy
  84. snotty guy
  85. grumpy
  86. seer
  87. lucky guy
  88. unlucky
  89. jealous
  90. sloth
  91. bloodsucker
  92. arrogant
  93. obstinate
  94. wicked
  95. merciful
  96. polite
  97. lice
  98. brat
  99. dealer
  100. slaver
  101. grain merchant
  102. fishmonger
  103. bookseller
  104. wine merchant
  105. timber merchant
  106. cattle dealer
  107. widower
  108. torpedo bomber
  109. congress member
  110. Bundist
  111. Mordovian
  112. orudovets
  113. university student
  114. college student
  115. Spartakist
  116. workers' faculty member
  117. Kolchakite
  118. member of the circle
  119. Berkovets
  120. Gorkovets
  121. catcher
  122. equalizer
  123. Kornilovets
  124. Cuman
  125. swimmer
  126. Orlovets
  127. genealogist
  128. foul-mouthed
  129. dynamo
  130. Nakhimovets
  131. orphanage
  132. regional committee member
  133. Zavkomov member
  134. district committee member
  135. executive committee member
  136. city ​​committee member
  137. local committee member
  138. Kuomintang member
  139. Klansman
  140. Ataman member
  141. Stakhanovite
  142. gradualist
  143. metropolitan
  144. open hearth man
  145. Makhnovist
  146. Gestapo man
  147. depot worker
  148. non-priest
  149. Arkharovets
  150. firewood
  151. Hitlerite
  152. Iskrist
  153. Suvorov veteran
  154. Timurovets
  155. syrovets
  156. Petliurite
  157. SS man
  158. Lithuanian
  159. Tolstoyan
  160. Dosaafist
  161. vekhovets
  162. smenovekhovets
  163. bitch
  164. mealybug
  165. dead man
  166. Swedish
  167. cool guy
  168. Canadian
  169. Leningrader
  170. Petrogradian
  171. household member
  172. heartbreaker
  173. Oseledets
  174. all-seer
  175. eyewitness
  176. self-witness
  177. dreamer
  178. clairvoyant
  179. seer
  180. spirit seer
  181. New Zealander
  182. Thai
  183. Dutchman
  184. Greenlander
  185. Laplander
  186. Dutchman
  187. Irishman
  188. Icelander
  189. Scotsman
  190. Fleming
  191. Norman
  192. Finn
  193. car manufacturer
  194. commander
  195. naval commander
  196. episode
  197. well
  198. Well done
  199. aspic
  200. people
  201. Novgorodian
  202. vegetable gardener
  203. foreigner
  204. freak
  205. suitable
  206. sailor
  207. income earner
  208. navigator
  209. pacer
  210. fast walker
  211. explorer
  212. pioneer
  213. tightrope walker
  214. native
  215. proud
  216. parasite
  217. dry eater
  218. Old Believer
  219. redneck
  220. Okhotnoryadets
  221. Adyghe
  222. Udege
  223. Indian
  224. guardsman
  225. young guard
  226. White Guard
  227. horse guard
  228. Red Guard
  229. judge
  230. Ostsee
  231. Aramean
  232. soldier
  233. Red Army soldier
  234. Guinean
  235. European
  236. Indo-European
  237. battery
  238. Hyperborean
  239. Pythagorean
  240. Korean
  241. epicurean
  242. traveler
  243. Achaean
  244. Prague
  245. skater
  246. Norwegian
  247. reliquary
  248. yeast
  249. liar
  250. bestialist
  251. Cossack
  252. arrowhead
  253. thunderer
  254. autocrat
  255. Petersburger
  256. customer
  257. Caucasian
  258. storyteller
  259. sample
  260. tile
  261. Abkhazian
  262. Congolese
  263. Togolese
  264. cutter
  265. monk
  266. surprise
  267. frost
  268. Genoese
  269. Nubian
  270. Bolivian
  271. Latvian
  272. Phrygian
  273. Belgian
  274. Andean
  275. Indian
  276. student
  277. Garibaldian
  278. Cambodian
  279. Eurasian
  280. Melanesian
  281. Polynesian
  282. Indonesian
  283. Thracian
  284. Phoenician
  285. Malian
  286. Somali
  287. Australian
  288. Delhiite
  289. Chilean
  290. Tanzanian
  291. Ionian
  292. Olympian
  293. Caspian
  294. Aryan
  295. Mari
  296. Alexandrian
  297. Nigerian
  298. Cimmerian
  299. Illyrian
  300. Syrian
  301. Assyrian
  302. Dorian
  303. Austrian
  304. Gurian
  305. Galician
  306. Mansi
  307. Baltic
  308. Byzantine
  309. party member
  310. Iraqi
  311. New Yorker
  312. roller
  313. giver
  314. perevalets
  315. flare
  316. Senegalese
  317. Bengali
  318. Sinhalese
  319. Latgalian
  320. Portuguese
  321. sufferer
  322. daredevil
  323. weeper
  324. Transbaikalian
  325. kid
  326. Guatemalan
  327. lard
  328. finger
  329. Nepalese
  330. Uralian
  331. wanderer
  332. capitalist
  333. Neanderthal
  334. insolent
  335. fugitive
  336. drafter
  337. scoundrel
  338. dace
  339. Belets
  340. businessman
  341. owner
  342. landowner
  343. dacha owner
  344. slave owner
  345. gardener
  346. shipowner
  347. cargo owner
  348. homeowner
  349. commodity owner
  350. co-owner
  351. mine owner
  352. farmer
  353. sitter
  354. Kozelets
  355. Fuegian
  356. craftsman
  357. Mingrelian
  358. fire victim
  359. Sagittarius
  360. Taurus
  361. alien
  362. survivor
  363. Israeli
  364. lodger
  365. Brazilian
  366. namesake
  367. brigadier
  368. breadwinner
  369. foulbrood
  370. drinker
  371. Narodnaya Volya
  372. volunteer
  373. loach
  374. barefoot
  375. pilgrim
  376. please
  377. Komsomol member
  378. eagle
  379. fleck
  380. dead man
  381. alien
  382. rogue
  383. Venezuelan
  384. stander
  385. guest
  386. annamese
  387. Vietnamese
  388. male
  389. Zemets
  390. stranger
  391. native
  392. foreigner
  393. native
  394. German
  395. favorite
  396. relative
  397. rogue
  398. stranger
  399. bribery
  400. covetous
  401. acquaintance
  402. stranger
  403. lame
  404. pet
  405. Duma member
  406. freethinker
  407. madman
  408. wit
  409. scoundrel
  410. stubborn
  411. Albanian
  412. Kuban
  413. impostor
  414. Lebanese
  415. karbovanets
  416. ragamuffin
  417. tomboy
  418. Javanese
  419. Ghanaian
  420. Kaganets
  421. Taganets
  422. bastard
  423. manganese
  424. ferromanganese
  425. Afghan
  426. windfall
  427. Jordanian
  428. Sudanese
  429. Pacific
  430. Fichtean
  431. Nietzschean
  432. Azerbaijani
  433. liar
  434. Arzhanian
  435. Fabian
  436. Schellingian
  437. Cartesian
  438. Malthusian
  439. neo-Malthusian
  440. Kautskyite
  441. vegetarian
  442. Presbyterian
  443. Thermidorian
  444. praetorian
  445. Kantian
  446. neo-Kantian
  447. Feuerbachian
  448. Venetian
  449. Macanese
  450. republican
  451. Anglican
  452. Dominican
  453. American
  454. South American
  455. North American
  456. African
  457. Mexican
  458. Corsican
  459. Moroccan
  460. skunk
  461. Franciscan
  462. slate
  463. messenger
  464. stlanets
  465. flange
  466. ataman
  467. Romansh
  468. German
  469. Burmese
  470. Ottoman
  471. slipper
  472. Hispanic
  473. backpack
  474. ram
  475. Tabasaran
  476. rookie
  477. ragamuffin
  478. poor guy
  479. prominence
  480. orange
  481. Iranian
  482. fender
  483. transom
  484. stranger
  485. foreigner
  486. dance
  487. Neapolitan
  488. British
  489. British
  490. Spartan
  491. rebel
  492. Dagestani
  493. Pakistani
  494. Peruvian
  495. trench
  496. lamb
  497. bell
  498. crown
  499. dependent
  500. Slovenian
  501. firstborn
  502. treasurer
  503. treasure sword
  504. baby
  505. translator
  506. divorcee
  507. information
  508. bred
  509. lollipop
  510. reborn
  511. degenerate
  512. defeatist
  513. seedling
  514. supplier
  515. refugee
  516. bigamist
  517. trigamist
  518. mover
  519. nominee
  520. tonsured
  521. polygamist
  522. decomposer
  523. native
  524. follower
  525. outcast
  526. pryazhenets
  527. opportunist
  528. ruler
  529. manager
  530. non-resistance
  531. resister
  532. renovationist
  533. green stuff
  534. migrant
  535. settler
  536. newcomer
  537. pioneer
  538. exiled settler
  539. evicte
  540. heater
  541. Yemeni
  542. Nenets
  543. renegade
  544. Varenets
  545. conciliator
  546. Volosenets
  547. burr
  548. fraxinella
  549. Black Hundred
  550. chick
  551. appointee
  552. Chechen
  553. militiaman
  554. guarantor
  555. dispossessed
  556. defector
  557. enlightener
  558. cross-baptist
  559. forgiving
  560. simpleton
  561. simplistic
  562. Red Banner
  563. reaper
  564. rozhnets
  565. twin
  566. blacksmith
  567. Ukrainian
  568. Jacobin
  569. Cuban
  570. Khivan
  571. Bukovinian
  572. Slovinets
  573. lead
  574. Tuvan
  575. Dargin
  576. Kabardian
  577. Bernardine
  578. servant
  579. Abaza
  580. little finger
  581. Bakuvian
  582. Beijinger
  583. Tekin
  584. Berliner
  585. West Berliner
  586. destroyer
  587. Leninist
  588. Filipino
  589. menagerie
  590. Michurinets
  591. Kyurinets
  592. blue
  593. Abyssinian
  594. Almaty resident
  595. Dalmatian
  596. child
  597. Imeretian
  598. Kakhetian
  599. Benedictine
  600. Yalta resident
  601. Levantine
  602. Argentinian
  603. infantryman
  604. motorized infantryman
  605. gift
  606. Augustinian
  607. commoner
  608. Sochi resident
  609. Archinets
  610. strapon
  611. bell
  612. chervonets
  613. messenger
  614. Donets
  615. Macedonian
  616. Londoner
  617. Krasnodonets
  618. end
  619. finally
  620. In the end
  621. Catalan
  622. Ceylonese
  623. solonetz
  624. Japanese
  625. defencist
  626. Voronets
  627. Saxon
  628. Breton
  629. Estonian
  630. marathon runner
  631. poshekhonets
  632. Chukhonian
  633. Cro-Magnon
  634. garnets
  635. monk
  636. swimmer
  637. swimming beetle
  638. shearer
  639. long-lasting
  640. fiber flax
  641. flapper
  642. runets
  643. stringer
  644. tuna
  645. Horde man
  646. youth
  647. seedling
  648. gloss
  649. blush
  650. scarlet
  651. flaw
  652. Lassallean
  653. Italian
  654. Hegelian
  655. Young Hegelian
  656. neo-Hegelian
  657. Voltairian
  658. fighter
  659. pile driver
  660. seal fighter
  661. stone slayer
  662. pig killer
  663. whaler
  664. slaughterer
  665. hammerman
  666. Albigensian
  667. blind man
  668. trep
  669. cap
  670. lipets
  671. guy
  672. tongs
  673. eunuch
  674. slob
  675. lad
  676. passion-bearer
  677. specialist
  678. merchant
  679. miser
  680. fool
  681. soup
  682. stupid
  683. sprinkle
  684. Avar
  685. Bavarian
  686. Adjarian
  687. Balkar
  688. casket
  689. orderly
  690. old man
  691. Bukharan
  692. Swiss
  693. brave man
  694. thyme
  695. scarlet
  696. player
  697. sage
  698. double-believer
  699. Tiverets
  700. gentile
  701. fellow believer
  702. old believer
  703. Hungarian
  704. pepper
  705. Terets
  706. character
  707. liqueur
  708. priest
  709. Siberian
  710. Algerian
  711. Kashmiri
  712. biting midge
  713. fighter
  714. snake fighter
  715. biathlete
  716. pentathlete
  717. decathlete
  718. god-fighter
  719. all-rounder
  720. tyrant fighter
  721. martial artist
  722. iconoclast
  723. warrior
  724. Dukhobor
  725. castle
  726. courtier
  727. one-palace
  728. hotel palace
  729. starling
  730. creator
  731. miracle worker
  732. hookmaker
  733. linguist
  734. songwriter
  735. peacemaker
  736. poet
  737. Highlander
  738. Montenegrin
  739. Ecuadorian
  740. korets
  741. Chernomorets
  742. Pomeranian
  743. Severomorets
  744. spur
  745. end
  746. conservative
  747. Alutorian
  748. Shoretz
  749. cunning
  750. sharpshooter
  751. rump
  752. gut
  753. cucumber
  754. raw
  755. Alsatian
  756. Parnassian
  757. stock
  758. sheep
  759. arctic fox
  760. Tunisian
  761. scribe
  762. painter
  763. greyhound writer
  764. recorder
  765. stenographer
  766. icon painter
  767. fabulist
  768. cursive writer
  769. chronicler
  770. altigraph
  771. Laotian
  772. mower
  773. aircraft carrier
  774. gonfalonier
  775. Ophiuchus
  776. squire
  777. medal winner
  778. standard bearer
  779. armadillo
  780. crowned
  781. swordtail
  782. cleric
  783. spearman
  784. God-bearer
  785. cuckold
  786. torpedo bomber
  787. star-bearer
  788. flagellate
  789. letter carrier
  790. order bearer
  791. destroyer
  792. destroyer
  793. porphyry bearer
  794. missile carrier
  795. shield bearer
  796. staff
  797. crusader
  798. placenta
  799. nipple
  800. ore explorer
  801. brother
  802. blasphemer
  803. Tibetan
  804. socialite
  805. storyteller
  806. secret
  807. portrait
  808. counter
  809. chintz
  810. father
  811. forefather
  812. joke teller
  813. Red Navy man
  814. goldenmouth
  815. sacrum
  816. plaintiff
  817. co-plaintiff
  818. clean guy
  819. tail
  820. simpleton
  821. flatterer
  822. putets
  823. reader
  824. thistle
  825. woodworm
  826. ring
  827. tiller
  828. farmer
  829. shchetz
  830. blitz
  831. slot
  832. prostrate
  833. spitz
  834. syringe
  835. Fritz
  836. flutz
  837. prince
  838. crown prince
  839. quartz
  840. biquartz
  841. piezoquartz
  842. hertz
  843. megahertz
  844. kHz
  845. tierce
  846. tuts
  847. fold
  848. brawn
  849. hare
  850. clown
  851. month
  852. crescent


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© “”, 2012. Igor Konstantinovich Garshin. Subsidiary web project of Igor Garshin's Site. The author and owner of the sites is Igor Konstantinovich Garshin (see author’s resume). Write letters ( ).

Page updated 07/17/2019

The letter "s" after "ts"

The choice of the letter “i” or “s” after “ts” depends on the place in the word and on the grammatical form of the lexeme. The letter “y” is written mainly after “ts”, not in the root, but in other morphemes:

1. at the endings of words:

a) for nouns in the singular genitive and plural forms:

  • near the border
  • at the table
  • two proverbs
  • past the outskirts
  • at my friend's
  • two smart girls
  • favorite oysters
  • delicious cabbage rolls
  • songbirds
  • noisy streets

b) for adjectives

  • broad-faced
  • scanty
  • pale-faced

2. in the suffix -yn- possessive adjectives:

  • sister's shawl;
  • empress throne;
  • lizard tail;
  • niece's phone;
  • fox hole;
  • chicken nest;
  • tit feather;
  • Kunitsyn fur.
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