Notes on preparation for teaching literacy “Sound [e], letter E”

Liliya Dashieva

Notes on preparation for teaching literacy “Sound [e], letter E”

Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the preparatory group , teacher Dashieva L.L.

Topic: Sound [e] , letter E.

Goal: creating conditions for familiarization with the sound [e] and the letter E.


— Introduce children to the sound [e] and the letter E.

— Teach children to find a letter in three positions .

— Develop phonemic awareness.

— Form children’s oral speech.

Collocations (240)

  • Evpatiy Kolovrat
  • Jewish by profession
  • Jewish streptocide
  • Jewish nationality
  • EMS
  • European Union
  • European class
  • binge eater
  • Egyptian execution
  • Egyptian work
  • Egyptian labor
  • His Majesty
  • his
  • his behavior pattern
  • his holiness
  • Egor's spear
  • food on the go
  • barely visible
  • barely standing
  • barely alive
  • barely noticeable
  • barely noticeable
  • barely familiar
  • hardly
  • hardly possible
  • almost
  • barely
  • almost
  • barely dragging his feet
  • barely perceptible
  • barely perceptible
  • subtle
  • barely audible
  • barely audible
  • barely coping with financial difficulties
  • barely standing
  • barely
  • subtle
  • unified picture
  • United Russia
  • one system
  • unit of analysis of consciousness and psyche
  • unit
  • unit of cultural information
  • unit of account
  • unit of language
  • single case
  • unanimous opinion
  • whole
  • the only joy
  • the only immortal creature on the planet
  • the only one among
  • one of a kind
  • the one and only
  • the only one of
  • the only one left
  • unique in its qualities
  • unity of time and space
  • unity of knowledge and its verbal expression
  • unanimous in opinion
  • single complex
  • unified approach
  • with one spirit
  • in one fell swoop
  • flies eat you
  • her man
  • if only
  • if and
  • if anything
  • daily change of heifers
  • variegated hedgehog
  • hedgehog gloves
  • no brainer
  • riding on the ears
  • crazy
  • riding army
  • fucking bobai
  • Catherine the Great
  • Catherine II
  • barely visible
  • barely visible
  • barely holding on
  • barely breathing
  • barely alive
  • barely noticeable
  • barely noticeable
  • barely
  • I can barely walk
  • barely dragging his feet
  • can barely move his legs
  • barely noticeable
  • barely perceptible
  • barely catching his breath
  • barely audible
  • barely audible
  • barely perceptible
  • barely escaped
  • barely a soul in a body
  • Elena the beautiful
  • Champs Elysees
  • green Christmas trees
  • pasta container
  • the cards in his hands
  • what does he care
  • raccoon dog
  • Epaty Kolovrat
  • nonsense on vegetable oil
  • yes sir
  • if only
  • if only
  • if we take into account
  • if
  • if everything was as you say
  • if only
  • if only beans could grow in your mouth
  • if only mushrooms could grow in your mouth
  • to be precise
  • to be honest
  • if you like
  • if suddenly
  • if it is possible
  • if it arises
  • If you
  • if we talk
  • if
  • for that matter
  • to be honest
  • if you please
  • if the opportunity arises
  • if it happens
  • if you look into it
  • if earlier
  • if we consider the basis
  • if we consider the essence of the matter
  • if it happens
  • if you compare
  • if so
  • If only
  • if you like
  • if so
  • for that matter
  • if consider
  • if you want to
  • If you want
  • Honestly
  • just in case
  • if possible
  • eats in three throats
  • eats someone else's bread
  • natural history
  • habitat
  • natural thing
  • natural state
  • natural phenomenon
  • natural Sciences
  • natural conditions
  • natural selection
  • natural product
  • natural language
  • naturally
  • naturally
  • are available
  • There's a possibility
  • I have an opportunity
  • there is an opportunity to implement
  • there is room to turn around
  • have a head on your shoulders
  • there is sin
  • I have a guess
  • there is an agreement regarding
  • there is still a reserve of mental strength
  • there is life in the old dog yet
  • there is still energy
  • something to hold on to
  • there are other possibilities
  • there is information
  • there is kvass, but not about you
  • whether there is a
  • I have an opinion
  • something beautiful to see
  • there is something to see
  • there is something to see
  • there is a need
  • there is something to talk about
  • there is a need
  • there is a reason
  • there is a calculation
  • I have information
  • it makes sense
  • there is demand
  • there are such
  • there is such a thing
  • there is such a thing
  • is there anyone here alive
  • There is a chance
  • there are chances for
  • there are chances that
  • eshkin cat
  • eat - I don't want to
  • eat mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut
  • eat-drink - I don’t want to
  • even more
  • even more significantly
  • even more significant
  • even more strongly
  • even more
  • still would
  • not yet
  • back in the Soviet Union
  • even further
  • We will also inform you
  • there's still time
  • also
  • And how
  • another way to say it
  • still all right
  • not yet
  • not yet evening
  • it's not time yet
  • not understanding everything yet because of his age
  • not yet started
  • it's not too late
  • not soon yet
  • it is not known yet
  • nothing yet
  • Another one
  • another one
  • one more
  • Another
  • one more
  • still remaining
  • still keep on swimming
  • we'll see
  • again
  • it is too early
  • even stronger
  • back and forth
  • you'll still have time
  • what more
  • what else did you want

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "e" (E at the beginning of the word). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing E.

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Letter e in an open syllable

The sound [ i :] in the open syllable of the letter e

In an open syllable, the pronunciation of the English sonorant letter e is somewhat different, so we kindly ask you to pay special attention to this topic so that you and your child do not get confused in the future. Reading open syllables in itself is not difficult; the main thing is to remember and learn to distinguish between types of syllables and correctly pronounce a certain sound.

Especially for those who have just recently started learning English, we will simplify this rule for reading the vowel e . Thus, if you are not yet visually familiar with sounds, then we get the following law or condition:

Training words for reading the letter E in an open syllable:

E or E - which is correct?

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, Mass Information and Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

We should start with the fact that the letter е has a special status as a sign in the language, the strict obligatory use of which is limited. No other letter of our alphabet enjoys such a “privilege.” It is difficult to imagine that we could write or not write a, t or y, if we so choose. But here in front of you the word hedgehog is the same as hedgehog. The result is a “stereo picture”: a hedgehog is a hedgehog, and in our minds this is the same word.

Many people have a question: if there is no difference, if the use of a letter is not mandatory, then why is such a sign needed at all? Who needed to enter it and why?

Article on the topic

Day "Yo". How did the Russian alphabet change? So, in order. In understanding language as a system, treating it as a historical phenomenon will greatly help. When we read a textbook on the history of Russia, we are carried back into the past by exciting stories of fierce battles and great achievements. But believe me, the textbook on the grammar of the Old Russian language knows stories no less exciting than the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kursk and the collapse of the USSR. What are the first, second and third palatalizations worth, the development of intersyllabic synharmonism and the great fall of the reduced ones. If you get acquainted with the history of the language, you will never again think that someone forcibly changes it, spoils it, introduces something into it, takes something out of it, and all for the sake of some bad people in order to confuse all the other good people.

The appearance of the sign ё was the result of a global transformation in the Old Russian language - the transition of <е> to <о> (the transition of the sound [e] to the sound [o]). You can read more about this process in any historical grammar textbook. V.V. Kolesov writes in great detail about the prerequisites and the phenomenon itself .) Most often, the following example is given for understanding: before the transition of <е> to <о> the word honey was pronounced as [m´ed], and after that they began to pronounce it like this , as we hear it today - [m´od]. (The sign in the transcription indicates the softness of the consonant.) So, the phonetic phenomenon was formed, but there was no expression for it, but the appearance of a special sign, of course, was inevitable. In the 18th century, the combination io - miod appeared for this purpose, but it was not destined to take root, like other options - o, ьо, їô, ió, io.

Article on the topic

Second Catherine.
How Princess Dashkova led Russian science The designation of one sound by two letters io was questioned by the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences E.R. Dashkova .
And, despite the fact that the ё proposed by her could be replaced by the later proposed ö, ø, ε, ę, ē, ĕ, it is this letter that is known to us today as part of our alphabet. The search for another form of sound designation was natural: the fact is that writing е requires three broken actions, and in this е is also unique - not a single letter of our alphabet consists of three separate characters, the writing of which is limited by cursive. Write a word with a pen, in the middle of which there will be an e - you will track that you will need to write an e, stop, return your hand back, put one dot and then a second one. All this, of course, is not very convenient. But throughout its history it has been objectionable not only for this. Its spread in the 18th – 19th centuries was blocked by the attitude towards pronunciation with ё as ignoble, bourgeois. Pronunciation with e instead of ё was considered something like our call instead of call - it emphasized belonging to an approved group of native speakers. Pronunciation with ё was considered common, denigrating the language. The President of the Russian Academy A. S. Shishkov wrote that writing “stars” instead of “star” is a complete corruption of the language.

Article on the topic

"Ringing" or "ringing". Which is correct? There is an opinion (and you can check its validity yourself) that text with е is much more difficult to read than the same text with e. Perhaps due to the optional nature of the use of this letter and its ambiguous status, we have never been able to properly get used to it mind and return to it not only when writing - with our hands, but also when reading - with our eyes, as if “stammering”.

Well, in the end, ё is even denied the opportunity to be a full-fledged letter. So, A.A. Reformatsky writes that there is only a special umlaut icon (two dots) above the letter e, which is an opportunity to avoid discrepancies - but not an independent letter e.

So, we have already found out that her path is difficult, her fate is unenviable. It remains to understand the main thing: are there cases when the norm establishes its obligatory nature. Yes, there are such cases.

Firstly, it is required in special texts: primers, school textbooks for native Russian speakers and foreigners, as well as dictionaries. It is necessary for learning the language.

Question answer

How to type the letter e on an iPhone? Secondly, it is required to indicate the correct pronunciation in cases where the word is new, little-known, or vice versa - characterized by a common erroneous pronunciation, such as the words *convicted, *newborn. The letter е, which, as a rule, indicates the place of stress, also helps indicate the norm - convicted, newborn.

And thirdly, you will agree that there is a difference between whether we take a break, or whether we still take a break. In a number of cases, ё has a semantic distinguishing function - everything and everything, perfect and complete.

It is also obligatory in proper names.

In all other cases, the use of е is optional and is determined by the choice of the author of the text.

Words starting with the syllable "e"

The syllable “E”, according to its initial sound, belongs to the type - it consists of one vowel, constant sonority

, according to the final sound -
consists of one vowel, constant sonority
, according to the initial and final sound -
(is not both covered and closed).

Consisting of 2 syllables:

  1. ride
  2. barely
  3. If
  1. rider
  2. riding
  3. ride
  1. caustic
  2. traveled
  3. drive
  1. caustic
  2. drives
  3. caustic

Consisting of 3 syllables:

  1. Europe
  2. Yenisei
  3. Egypt
  4. Elena
  5. hedgehog
  6. jumble
  7. Eugene
  8. echidna
  9. hedgehogs
  10. Emelya
  11. nonsense
  12. spruce
  13. Christmas trees
  14. hedgehog
  15. hedgehogs
  1. hedgehog
  2. heretic
  3. unity
  4. cringes
  5. hedgehog
  6. hedgehog
  7. raccoons
  8. spruce
  9. elizar
  10. were driving
  11. Eroshkin
  12. was driving
  13. Christmas tree
  14. single
  15. united
  1. Jewish
  2. bishop
  3. Jewish
  4. went
  5. units
  6. raccoon
  7. cringe
  8. went
  9. Jews
  10. single
  11. Europe
  12. Europe
  13. Egor
  14. hedgehog
  15. Yerevan
  1. snide
  2. fir trees
  3. nonsense
  4. spruce
  5. driving
  6. unity
  7. fidget
  8. Jews
  9. Yegoryevsk
  10. hedgehogs
  11. Evpatiy
  12. raccoon
  13. Egyptians
  14. Jewish
  15. raccoon

Consisting of 4 syllables:

  1. diary
  2. unit
  3. once
  4. blackberry
  5. the only one
  6. naturally
  7. unit
  8. natural
  9. European
  10. spruce
  11. Evgeniya
  12. daily
  13. Euphrosyne
  14. Egyptian
  15. the only one
  1. Eurasia
  2. hedgehogs
  3. Epanchinsky
  4. sledding
  5. Egyptians
  6. Evdokia
  7. European
  8. Egyptian
  9. Evgenyevich
  10. spruce
  11. the only one
  12. blackberries
  13. hedgehogs
  14. natural
  15. traveling
  1. natural
  2. natural
  3. single
  4. natural
  5. Europeans
  6. spruce
  7. European
  8. blackberries
  9. eupraxia
  10. sledding
  11. the only one
  12. unit
  13. European
  14. daily
  15. only
  1. spruce
  2. Elizarov
  3. European
  4. spruce
  5. united
  6. hedgehog
  7. daily
  8. blackberries
  9. Eurasian
  10. Yerevan
  11. units
  12. united
  13. Egozily
  14. diocese
  15. Evgenievna

Consisting of 5 syllables:

  1. Evpatoria
  2. Elizabeth
  3. natural
  4. daily
  5. the only one
  6. Catherine
  7. the only one
  8. blackberry
  9. Ekaterinburg
  10. quarterly
  11. daily
  12. Emelyanovich
  13. monthly
  14. single
  15. the only thing
  1. natural
  2. natural
  3. daily
  4. natural
  5. daily
  6. single-handedly
  7. natural
  8. weekly
  9. European
  10. diaries
  11. gospel
  12. annual
  13. blackberry
  14. every minute
  15. Evgenievich
  1. the only ones
  2. natural scientists
  3. unanimous
  4. European
  5. European
  6. single combat
  7. evangelina
  8. the only one
  9. annual
  10. Egoryevsky
  11. Evpatoria
  12. Eliseeva
  13. monthly
  14. unity
  15. Catherine
  1. naturalness
  2. unanimously
  3. European
  4. European
  5. martial arts
  6. Yerevan
  7. the only ones
  8. single
  9. unicorns
  10. natural
  11. Eurasian
  12. autocratic
  13. evangelical
  14. only begotten

Consisting of 6 syllables:

  1. raccoon
  2. natural science
  3. at one time
  4. like-minded person
  5. natural sciences
  1. quarterly
  2. monthly
  3. Ekaterinburg residents
  4. one-time
  5. Ekaterinburg
  1. martial arts
  2. weekly
  3. monthly
  4. Catherine's
  5. uniform
  1. unanimity
  2. daily
  3. evangelical
  4. monthly

Consisting of 7 syllables:

  1. uniformity
  2. uniformity
  1. Yekaterinburg
  2. one-time
  1. like-minded people
  2. uniformity
  1. natural science
  2. one-time
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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