Summary of educational activities in the preparatory speech therapy group on the topic: “Autumn”

Synopsis of a frontal correctional and developmental lesson on the topic “Autumn”

The outline of a frontal correctional and developmental speech therapy lesson is aimed at activating the vocabulary on the topic “Autumn” in preschool children with OPD.

Correctional educational task:

  • systematize children’s knowledge about autumn and autumn phenomena;
  • activate the verb dictionary on this topic;
  • continue to learn how to make sentences based on pictures, and from them a short story;
  • continue to teach children to answer questions in complete sentences;
  • continue to learn to coordinate movements with speech.

Corrective and developmental task:

  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers through finger exercises;
  • continue to develop memory and thinking through games and exercises.

Corrective educational task:

  • cultivate a positive attitude towards the lesson, independence, control over one’s own speech.

Equipment: presentation, autumn leaves, music “Sounds of the autumn forest”, ball.

Preliminary work: reading poems about autumn by F. I. Tyutchev, A. K. Tolstoy, P. M. Pleshcheev, A. S. Pushkin. Learning poems about the autumn months.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Guys, say hello to our guests. Today we have an unusual activity, we will travel with you! Guess what time of year we'll go?

I bring in the harvests, I sow the fields again, I send the birds south, I strip the trees, But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees. I... (autumn)

Speech therapist: That's right, we're going to Autumn.

The music of the autumn forest sounds.

2. Game “Autumn Piggy Bank”.

Speech therapist:

— What autumn months do you know? (September October November).

- Tell poems about autumn (Children recite poems about the autumn months).

The collective farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have flocked to the southern edge of the earth. The doors of the schools opened... What month has it come to us?

The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy, the vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices have fallen silent. The bear fell into hibernation... What month did it come to us?

The field became black and white. It's raining, then snow, and it's also getting colder, and the waters of the rivers are frozen in ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field... What month is it, tell me?

Speech therapist:

— Guys, what autumn signs do you know?

  • The sky is covered with clouds. The sun peeks out from behind the clouds less and less.
  • An angry north wind is blowing.
  • It often rains coldly.
  • The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red, and fall off.
  • Leaves cover the ground with a colorful carpet.
  • Birds fly away to warmer regions.
  • People are harvesting.
  • Mushrooms and berries appeared in the forest.

3. Game “Pick up the action”.

Speech therapist:

— Guys, you said that the wind often blows in autumn. Today it has been blowing since the very morning, I met him on the way to kindergarten, and he gave me a magic ball.

The autumn and magical ball will jump into your hands and ask questions.

Speech therapist:

- Guys, let's go to the autumn meadow and play a game. To whom I throw the ball, he answers the question, and for the correct answer I will give you an autumn leaf.

Leaves in autumn (what do they do?) - Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall off, etc. Rain in autumn - Rain in autumn drizzles, falls, etc. Harvest in autumn - Harvest is harvested in autumn. Birds in autumn - Birds fly away in autumn. Trees in autumn - Trees shed leaves in autumn. Animals in the fall - Animals in the fall prepare for winter, change their coats.

4. Breathing exercises

Speech therapist:

- Take the leaf that you like best and gently blow on it. Now let’s blow on the leaves with force.

We perform breathing exercises.

This is the kind of leaf fall we have.

5. Game “Autumn Leaves”.

Children with pieces of paper in their hands stand in a circle and recite a poem together with the teacher.

Leaf fall, leaf fall, (leaves in hand, waves alternately with both hands) Yellow leaves are flying, rustling underfoot (crouching, throwing leaves on the floor) And flying, flying, flying...

6. Finger game “Autumn Bouquet”.

Speech therapist:

- Guys, let's collect an autumn bouquet.

Children say in chorus: One, two, three, four, five - Let's collect leaves. (Clench and unclench your fists). Birch leaves. Rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves (bend your fingers one by one). We will collect an autumn bouquet in a vase. (Clench and unclench your fists).

7. Retelling the story using pictures.

Speech therapist:

- Listen to the story and try to retell it using the pictures.


Autumn has come. The sun is weakly warm. Strong wind blows. Gray clouds are floating across the sky. It often rains coldly. The wind tears yellow leaves from the trees. Leaves cover the ground with a colorful carpet. Birds fly south.

Retelling the story.

8. A moment of relaxation.

Speech therapist:

- Now let's rest. Lie down on a yellow autumn meadow, close your eyes, relax.

The children are lying “in the clearing”, the speech therapist is reading a poem.

“In Autumn” (A. Pleshcheeva)

Autumn has arrived. The flowers have dried up, And the bare bushes look sad. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow, Only the winter in the fields turns green. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine; The wind howls in the field; The rain is drizzling. The waters of the fast stream began to rustle, the birds flew away to warmer lands.

Calm music sounds.

9. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist:

— The lesson has come to an end, tell me, what time of year did we talk about during the lesson? What happens only in autumn?

Transition Valentina Vladimirovna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU Volokonovsky combined kindergarten No. 1 “Berezka” Volokonovsky district, Belgorod region
  1. Speech therapist assignments on the topic [Autumn]
  2. Summary of a lesson on the development of coherent speech, topic [Autumn], senior preschool age
  3. Homework on the lexical topic “Autumn” for children in the senior speech therapy group
  4. Summary of individual correctional and developmental lesson: Sound production [Ш]
  5. Information for parents of the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Golden Autumn”

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Correctional educational goals:

  • Activation of the dictionary on the lexical topic “Autumn” ;
  • Learn to form words with the same root for the word AUTUMN:
  • use synonyms;
  • Develop skills in writing a short descriptive story;
  • Strengthen children's skills in performing syllable analysis and synthesis.

Corrective and developmental goals:

  • Reinforce the idea of ​​the characteristic signs of autumn.
  • Learning the poem by I. Mikhailova “How offensive” through modeling.
  • Activate figurative expressions from poems in children’s speech.
  • To develop children’s emotional and aesthetic perception of their native nature in the poetic word, music and visual arts.

Correctional and educational goals:

  • Cultivate a feeling of love for native nature.
  • Develop teamwork skills.

Equipment: models of a poem, story, computer, music by Tchaikovsky “October” , cards “Autumn” (house, tree, clouds), cards (schemes with 1,2, 3 syllables).

Integration of educational areas:

  • Cognition.
  • Communication.
  • Reading fiction.

Educational technologies used:

  • Gaming technology.
  • Information and communication technologies.
  • Health-saving technology.

Vocabulary work:

Expand predicative (verbs: spin, fly, crumble, fall, etc.) and adverbial (adjectives: late, golden, crimson, bright, etc.) dictionaries.

Activate the vocabulary: leaf fall, golden, capricious, late (autumn), in short azure, gloomy, cloudy (sky), shallow, drizzling (rain), etc.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know Russian poets. Memorizing poems by A.S. Pushkin “Sad time. The charm of the eyes” , A.I. Pleshcheev “In Autumn” , I. Bunin “Forest, like a painted tower” .

Getting to know the signs of autumn.

Drawing on the theme: “Golden Autumn” , application: “Maple in Autumn” Observation of autumn nature, collecting leaves to make an “Autumn Bouquet” .

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist teacher: (hereinafter U-L:)

-Hello, guests! Hello children! You need to start every day in a good mood. And to make the mood good and cheerful, let's say hello to you.

Song - greeting HELLO to T. Sikacheva

Hello golden sun! Hands above head, fingers spread in the form of rays

Hello blue sky! Show the sky

Hello, free breeze! Show the breeze (we wave our arms left and right)

Hello, little oak tree! Show oak tree.

Hello, Morning! Gesture right

Hello Day! Gesture left

We are not too lazy to say hello! Hands to the chest, then spread to the sides.

The children sit down.

“The Seasons” sounds October" (slide show on an autumn theme).

Speech therapist teacher: (against the background of quiet music).

Quietly in the silent autumn forest, The leaves are spinning, look at the fly, As if they are sad about the past life, It’s as if “goodbye” .

The air is transparent, clean and fragrant, the leaves lie like a multi-colored carpet. A late autumn flower cheers, a transparent stream murmurs peacefully,

The songbirds are ready to fly away, The toiling woodpecker is hammering the trees, The oak tree is dropping acorns and rustling, The maple tree is burning red.

And I want to see everything without end - a picture worthy of the creator’s brush. Lush willows bent towards the water, Yellow braids rinse in the water.

U-L: Look how bright and beautiful everything has become. The hall was filled with colors. Are you in a happy mood? (children's answers) That's good.

II. Main part.

Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you listen carefully...

I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again, I send the birds south, I strip the trees,

But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees. I...... (Autumn)

-Yes, it really is autumn. Autumn is an amazing, charming time of year. It pleases us with an abundance of colors and lush decoration. There are many beautiful words that can be said about autumn. What words do you know about autumn?

The game is played: “Word on the palm” . What is autumn?

— Many poets loved this time of year and sang it in their poems. Who knows poems about autumn? (children read poetry, name the author). What words and expressions did you especially like in these verses?

— Guys, autumn is not only a beautiful time of year, but also a little sad. I suggest you listen to I. Mikhailova’s poem “How offensive”:

Autumn with a long thin brush Repaints the leaves Red, yellow, gold How beautiful are you carved leaves

And the wind puffed out its thick cheeks, puffed up, puffed up And blew, blew, blew onto the colorful trees Red, yellow, golden The whole colored leaf flew around!

How insulting, how insulting... There are no leaves, only branches are visible.

Questions for children:

—What autumn phenomenon are we talking about in this poem?

— What colors did autumn repaint the leaves in the poem.

—What was the beauty of autumn? (suggest repeating lines from the text)

- Show me how the wind puffed out your cheeks.

Let's show how the wind blew on the trees. Red, yellow, gold Flowed around the entire colored sheet! How offensive, how offensive... (show how offensive it is to you)

There are no leaves, only branches are visible.

- We have already said a lot of beautiful words about autumn. Guys, let's make up new words with the word autumn. (N.: autumn rains, autumn morning, autumn clothes, etc.)

Physical exercise “Falling leaves” . Children "turn into leaves"

A strong wind suddenly blew (the children exhale)

And quickly blew off the leaves (take a long exhale)

All the leaves flew (alternating inhalation and exhalation, pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” , with arms raised up, lean to the right, left)

And they sat quietly on the ground (alternating inhalation and exhalation, pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” , lowering their arms, squatting).

Turn left, right (circle smoothly)

And turn into kids.

— And there is also one game “say it differently . What is the sky like in autumn?

— What kind of trees are they in autumn?

— In autumn the birds don’t have enough.

Finger gymnastics:

The hedgehog stomped along the path Children take turns bending their fingers first

And he carried mushrooms in a basket. on the left, then on the right hand. At the end

To count mushrooms, they must have hand exercises

You need to bend your fingers. clenched into fists. Rep. exercise several times.

Syllable analysis and synthesis “autumn”

The speech therapist gives cards to the children. Some depict pictures, the words of which have one, two, three, four syllables, and others “bricks” indicating the number of syllables (based on the theme “Autumn” ).

You need to select a card for each picture according to the number of syllables.

- Well done, you performed the exercise correctly.

III. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Summarizing. Farewell to children

Summary of an open group speech therapy lesson with children 6-7 years old on the lexical topic: “Autumn”

Lexical topic: Autumn.

Goal: To activate and expand children’s vocabulary on the topic “Autumn.”


  1. Clarifying the idea of ​​autumn and its signs.
  2. Updating knowledge about changes in nature in autumn.
  3. Consolidating and activating vocabulary on the topic.
  4. Improving word formation skills.
  5. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.
  6. Development of coherent speech.
  7. Development of speech hearing.
  8. Development of auditory, visual attention, memory, thinking.
  9. Development of spatial orientation skills.
  10. Strengthening and preserving the health of children with the help of health-saving technologies: physical education with elements of logarithmics, breathing exercises using computer technology biofeedback “Healthy Breathing”.
  11. Development of general and fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to coordinate speech with movement.
  12. Development of performance skills by changing types of activities and target settings.
  13. Formation of a child’s personal qualities: friendliness, activity, independence.
  14. Cultivating a sense of love for nature, developing observation skills.

Equipment: computer, BOS computer program “Healthy Breathing”, pictures with images of autumn, pictures with leaves of birch, maple, oak, spruce, aspen, chestnut, rowan; pictures of trees, individual cards for coloring, ball, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment. Greetings.

II. Main part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

- Guess the riddle. — The leaves turn yellow, fly off the trees, and animals hide in the forest. A cold wind blows through everyone, The clouds bring rain to us. Even though the sun is shining, it still doesn’t warm. The grass doesn't turn green. The birds all gathered in flocks quickly. - What time has it come to us? - Autumn.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

- Right. Today we will talk about autumn.

3. Activation of attention.

— What signs of autumn were mentioned in the riddle? (The leaves turn yellow, fall from the trees, cold, rain, the sun does not warm, the grass does not turn green, birds fly south...)

4. Clarification of the sequence of seasons.

— What time of year will it be after autumn? (winter) - What time of year was it before autumn? (summer)

5. Actualization of speech experience. Game “Agree a Word.”

1) - What is the sky like in autumn? - Gloomy, gray, dull... - What is the sun like in autumn? — What is the wind like in autumn? — How does it rain in autumn? —What are the leaves like in autumn? — What is the grass like in the fall?

2) – What do leaves do in autumn? - They turn red, turn yellow, fall off, rustle, wither... - What does rain do in autumn? — What does the sun do in autumn? — What does grass do in autumn? — What do birds do in autumn? - What do animals do in autumn?

6. Development of spatial orientation. Game “What is where?”

The speech therapist puts pictures with leaves of birch, maple, oak, spruce, aspen, chestnut, rowan in a row. —Which leaf lies to the right of the maple leaf? And on the left? Which leaf is between aspen and rowan? Where is the oak leaf located? What number is an aspen leaf? What is the third leaf?...

7. Game “Which tree are the kids from?”

The children are given pictures. — Look carefully at the autumn bouquet that the squirrel collected. — Draw arrows from the leaves to the trees from which they fell. Children complete the task. - Name these trees. — What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees? (leaf fall)

8. Game “Name the leaf”

- What kind of birch leaf? (birch); rowan - rowan,...

9. Breathing exercises using computer biofeedback technology “Healthy Breathing” (Lesson 8. Autumn.)

- You did a very good job. Now it's time to get some rest. To do this, we will perform a breathing exercise. - Sit comfortably. Place your feet on the floor, place your hands on your knees. As you inhale, “inflate” your tummy like a balloon; as you exhale, slowly deflate the balloon. We inhale through the nose, exhale through slightly closed lips.

10. Game “Name the color”.

— The leaves become colorful in autumn. - What do we call a leaf if it is both red and yellow? - Red-yellow. — There are both yellow and red colors on the leaf. What color is the leaf? (yellow-green) - Red and orange, yellow and orange... . Color the leaves in the squirrel's bouquet. — Oak leaves in brown pencil, maple leaves in orange, rowan leaves in red, birch leaves in yellow, chestnut leaves in green.

11. Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives.

- Name which leaves are in the bouquet one at a time? - One maple leaf,... - Name which leaves are in the bouquet of two? - Two chestnut leaves...

12. Physical education minute. Exercise for coordination of speech and movements.

Autumn has come to visit us,children spread their arms to the sides
Brought rain and wind.tapping their palms on their legs
The wind is blowing, blowingwaving from side to side with arms raised above their head
The leaves are blown off the branches.pass the palm of the left hand along the outstretched right hand and vice versa
Leaves are spinning in the windspinning
And they fall under our feet.squat and smoothly lower your palms to the floor

13. Game “An extra word.”

Winter, autumn, summer, September; oak, dandelion, maple, aspen; cloud, rain, puddle, sun; mushrooms, spruce, chestnut, birch; umbrella, boots, swimsuit, jacket; harvest, leaf fall, snowdrop, mushrooms.

III. Summary of the lesson.

- What were they talking about? - What did you do? -What new did you learn? - What did you like?

IV. Assessment of children's work.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical Center for supporting the development of children "Development" of the Central region Teacher-speech therapist: Sorchik Lyudmila Svyatoslavovna

Also on topic:

Abstract and presentation on the lexical topic “Autumn time”

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