Speech material on automation of sounds V-V

The sound "S" in poems

Automation of the sound “C” in poems will be useful for speech-language pathologists and parents of children with speech disorders.

After the sound “C” is set, its automation begins.
At first, the sound is automated in isolation, for example, water flows from a tap: S-S-S..., then in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, phrases... But in order for the automated sound to become firmly established in the child’s speech, it is recommended to memorize poems with this sound . In addition to learning the poem, the child also needs to control the correct pronunciation of sounds. This leads to awareness and faster introduction of the necessary sound into speech.

To make poems more fun to learn and easier to remember, all speech material is presented visually. Look at the picture with your child, read the poem and memorize it. Subsequently, when playing back the picture, it will be easier for the baby to remember the speech material.

We should not forget to do a speech warm-up before memorizing poems.

This is a complex of articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds. You will find it at the dedicated link .



Poems for automating the sound "C"


The rain has a little sister: “S – s – s.” This is quick water: “S - s - s.” “S-s-s,” she whistles. “S - s - s,” she sings And a stream from the tap pours: “S - s - s.” Listen to this song: “S – s – s.” Wash your ears cleanly with soap: “S – s – s.”


Sonya's and Sveta's soup is getting cold, and they are sucking on candy.

Snow scooter and scooter

Sanya’s dad will buy his son a snow scooter, and when spring comes, a scooter.

Catfish and house

Catfish talks to catfish: Where should the catfish put a house? - On the sand, of course! There is light and peace there.

Sleepy owls

During the day, sleepy owls sit on pine trees, When everyone falls asleep, they fly to hunt.

Sleep is coming

Quietly the dream goes on. Brings new tales. Fairy tales about everything in the world... So run to bed, children!

Dog and pussy

Today the dog stole Whiskas from the pussy's bowl, And the dog's pussy is eating sausages from the bowl with gusto.

Cat on the bench

Be able to say it yourself: There is a bench in the garden, A cat is sitting on the bench, He sings songs to us.


How many kittens does Sonya have in total? If two sit under the bench, and five sleep peacefully on the sofa?


Sonya sleeps and has a dream - The house and garden are covered with snow again, and there is frost everywhere - Blue, blue, blue.


Sanya has a snow scooter, Sanya has a sleigh. Give Sanya a snowfall - He will give everyone a ride.

Tale of an Owl

Sveta has a fairy tale about an owl. The owl in it puts on a mask and, sitting in the bushes, whistles and sniffs. She doesn’t sleep herself, and the forest doesn’t sleep.


A jay, sitting on a pine tree, sings a song about spring, about how the sun shines for all the children in the world.

Vacuum cleaner I will help my mother - Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust From the floor, from the rug, from the sofa... I will not get tired of vacuuming. Suddenly the dog Barbos barked: “Woof, woof, woof, let go of my tail!”


A glass glass, a frying pan, a saucepan, a dinner set, a beautiful tray, a salt shaker, a butter dish - all these are utensils. And a bowl of soup that Barbos likes. The dog eats the soup and wags his tail, and after dinner he plays with the bowl.


Sonya loves to sleep very much. They started calling Sonya Sonya. Sonya – Sonya sleeps all day. She's too lazy to even go for a walk. Look, Sonyushka, there’s sunshine outside!


A gander and a gander are walking along the line. The gander looks down on the gander. Oh, the gander will pluck the gander's sides!


Sana, Sonya and Yegorka had fun on the slide, but Marusya didn’t ride, she was afraid to fall into the snow.

Two tits

Two tits flew to a pine tree. Two sisters whistled about spring. How much light! How much light!

Summer is coming

The altitude has become blue, Summer is coming! Summer is coming soon! Beauty! Beauty!


A fox walked along the path and carried mushrooms in a basket. Five honey mushrooms and five chanterelles, For the little foxes and for the chanterelles. Who doesn't believe is him. Get out of the circle!


Ripe plums are hanging. The plum orchard turned blue. Plums on the left, plums on the right. Slava collects plums.


A catfish has a dream that he is a strong elephant, not a catfish. -Where is the mustache? - the catfish is alarmed. I don't agree with the dream.


Slava ate cabbage salad. The cabbage salad was delicious.


Snow is falling, falling from the sky. The winter forest sleeps under the snow. The sleepy garden stands in the snow, He also sleeps under the snow.


And on the same pine branch, two icicles - pendants are visible. Two icicles hang from a pine tree, Two icicles are afraid of spring.

Fidget Vasenka

Fidget Vasenka Doesn't sit still. Fidget Vasenka is with us everywhere. Vasenka has a mustache, There is gray hair on his mustache. Vasenka has an arched tail and a spot on his back.

One hundred guys

Once upon a time there were a hundred children, everyone went to kindergarten. Everyone sat down for lunch, everyone ate a hundred cutlets, and then went to bed. Start counting again.


The bicycle carried me, carried me somewhere downhill. He was left there without wheels and then I carried him.


The stork was carrying a load from the store in his stroller: Pineapples, oranges, apricots and watermelon.

Fox and wasp

The fox fell asleep under the bush, and the wasp bit the fox. Don’t sleep under the bush, fox, There is a wasp guarding that bush.


We'll build the plane ourselves, Let's fly over the forests, Let's fly over the forests, And then we'll return to mom!


There is a dishware - a samovar, There is a car - a self-propelled gun, There is a toy - a scooter And, of course, an airplane! I can cook the soup myself, I can go to the garden myself, I can roll my scooter myself, I can fly down the hill in a sled myself! This means that I myself am a samovar, This means that I myself am a self-propelled gun, This means that I myself am a scooter, This means that I myself am an airplane!

forty forty

Forty forty For their own people Forty shirts They scribble without quarreling. Forty shirts Stitched on time - Immediately quarreled Forty forty.

The dog and the wasp

The young evil dog was stung by the dog . “Not from the coolies,” I said to the ps u . “Drive away from the koreans .


We flew into koko s , into koko s . And koko s y you s oko, you s oko, And in koko s ah milk, milk.


They walk in single file, gander after gander, looking from high, gander at gander.


Pussy, pussy, where's your bowl? A pussy eats soup from a bowl: If the pussy is full, the bowl is empty.

Automation of the “S” sound in poems will be more successful if you repeat them several times a day in a playful way. For example, your princess is bewitched, a poem can disenchant her, or she can paint, sculpt, fold construction sets, recite a poem, etc.

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