Synopsis of an integrated lesson. Theme "Hats"

We enrich and activate our vocabulary. We consolidate the knowledge of nouns : headdress, hat, cap, beret, scarf, Panama, scarf, shawl, cap, peakless cap, cap, earflaps, cylinder, cap, helmet, cap, visor, brim, crown, lapel, pom-pom, strings; adjectives : comfortable, new, old, leather, suede, warm, officer, straw, light, fur, knitted, silk, down, wool, felt, antique, etc.; verbs : put on, take off, look at, try on, buy, sell, give, put on, take off, clean, wash, dry, wipe, walk, knit, sew, etc.

Introduce children to hats by reading them Poems about hats.

Games and exercises

Ball game “One - many” Panama hat – many Panama hats hat – hat – beret – scarf – cap – scarf – “Name what these objects are” felt hat – felt hat wool hat – silk scarf – fleece beret – leather cap - “What is missing” (game with pictures, remember all the hats, then close one picture) - the game develops visual attention and memory.

Exercise to develop sound analysis skills (for children 5-7 years old)

“What is the first sound in a word? (last)". Takes - beat (t) handkerchief - p (k), etc. “Count to 5” (for children from 4 years old) One hat, two hats, three..., four..., five hats. (for children over 6 years old) One leather cap, ………… five leather caps. Straw hat Woolen scarf Play the ball game “Which one?” Which? Which? Which?" You throw a ball to your child and name the objects, the child catches the ball, says what they are, and returns the ball to you. Straw hat (what kind?) – straw. A hat made of felt (which one?) - felt. A scarf made of down (which one?) - downy. Wool hat (what kind?) – wool. Calico scarf (what kind?) - calico. Silk headscarf (what kind?) – silk. Panama hat made of cotton (which one?) – cotton Helmet made of plastic (which one?) – plastic Game “The Fourth Wheel”. Name what is superfluous, explain why? Hat , coat, raincoat, skirt. Cap, Panama, boots , scarf. Boots, hat , sandals, slippers. Sandals, headscarf , sneakers, felt boots. Game “Walk a Word” Invite your child to remember the names of hats and take as many steps as there are syllables in the word (hat-ka, cap-ka, hat-pa, shawl-tok, fu-razh-ka, pi-lot-ka, ko -son, etc.).

Finger gymnastics


On the way to Tyapy-Lyapi, we “walk” with our fingers along the table. Four hats walked in single file. We bend an old hat with a feather on the left hand, fingers one at a time, starting with the big one. Called grandfather Peter. right hand movement on the head Hat with a blue tassel right hand at the top working the brush Called grandmother Aksinya. A hat with a red ribbon, right hand at the bottom, waving back and forth. Called granddaughter Lenochka. Well, put the hat with the visor on your right hand. The name of the grandson is Igor. Learn poems about hats with your child, reinforcing the correct pronunciation of the given sounds. At any time of the year, there were budenovki. For a very long time, the officer under his jacket protects his head, puts on a cap, and a headdress. The general is always in the winter If the sun shines brightly, He flaunts his hat. Don’t walk without a Panama hat, But the most beautiful ones - If the snow swirls, the wind, These are women’s hats, You put on earflaps. Urban women love them. And to the military uniform of strict Fashionistas and rural ones. The headdress is special. Headgear for clothing There is a soldier’s cap, Pick it up slowly, Sailors wear peakless caps, So that it not only warms you, but before You don’t know, but once it was fitting and adorned. Panama (sounds s, z, r, r) Irishka is in grief, Mom will scold him: The red Panama ended up in the sea. Like a lazy seagull, it sways on the waves, and does not fly away, and does not return. N. Gorodetskaya Washing (sounds li, l, r, r) You guys, don’t interfere with us. I do my laundry together with my mother! So that the dress is cleaner And the scarf is whiter - I rub, not sparing the soap, I rub, not sparing my strength. The Panama hat has become clean. - Mom, come on, look! My mother smiles at me: “Strongly, daughter, not three.” I'm afraid that after washing I'll have to mend the holes! D. Chuyako Takes (sounds l, r, r) I took the beret without asking, Grandmother is not in the hallway. My grandmother's blue beret covered my face up to my nose. Hat (sounds sh, l, l, r, r) Ice slide, Woolen hat. The wind won't blow your hat off if you tie it tightly. Masha is riding quickly down the hill, and the pompom on her hat is dancing. Let the sled fly - But the strings are strong. Hat (sounds l, l) There is a beautiful hat in the hallway, There is a shallow crease at the top. My dad wears it. And that means we’ll go for a walk. Cap (sounds r, r) Autumn day with the wind, Bully breeze! I hold my corduroy cap by the visor. Panama (sounds l, l) Panama is a hat with a brim, It is made of white linen. The rays will not burn me - The sun shines from above. Fur hat (sounds sh, r, r) Fur hat With warm ears - Let winter come Along with the cold weather! I'll lower my ears and sit in the sled - the cold won't look under my earflaps. Kerchief (sounds l, l, r, r) The scarf has three corners, It fell on my shoulders. I hold the two ends in my hands and tie them with a knot.

Learn the poem (don't forget about intonation):

Hat (sounds sh, l, l, r, r) - Hat, hat, where was it? – I was at the cinema. - What did you see, hat? – It was so dark... I accidentally dozed off on the owner’s lap. - Hat, hat, where was it? - There is a tent in the circus. - What did you see at the circus? – Hats and coats, Number plates, umbrellas and sticks – Everything that was in the locker room! We teach you to think, choose a rhyme, solve riddles. I’ll cover any girl’s hair, I’ll also cover any boy’s short haircuts. I am protection from the sun - that’s what I was made for. (Panama hat) So I will grow up like my dad My beret will replace... (Hat) Your grandmother will knit it, And then she will tell you - What kind of headdress is she Knows, loves for a long time. He will give the matter a piece - Tie it for yourself... (handkerchief) Put it on my head And run on the hottest day, And if you take it off, mom is dissatisfied. I am a summer hat - ... (Panama) I am protection from the sun, That’s what I was sewn for. (Panama) Summer house for the head. (Panama) I’ll cover any girl’s hair, I’ll also cover any boy’s short haircut. I am protection from the sun - that’s what I was made for. (Panama) What kind of friend is it that you can’t leave the house without in winter? (Hat) The hill is covered with a knitted trough, The round hill is hidden in a hole, The forest on the hill is quiet and huddles to the ground, The hill under the trough is sheltered from the cold. You solve this mystery and identify the trough! (Hat) I’m sitting astride, I don’t know who I’m riding, I’ll meet an acquaintance - I’ll jump off and greet him. (Hat) So that my ears don’t freeze, I’ll listen to mommy, And I’ll slowly put on “something” warm, with ears! Does anyone know about “Something”? And will he solve the riddle? (Hat) Someone will knit, someone will sew, The one that lives on the head, And in the cold it is not replaceable, It will warm your ears in the winter. (Hat) If you don’t want to catch a cold, buy a warm hen: Even if the weather is chilly, it will warm your head... (Hat) The big-eared one is worried, and will go outside. He ties his ears and sits on the top of his head. (Hat) There is an openwork lock on the head. There is a lock underneath it. Good for the winter, but sweaty in the summer. (Hat) Fur ears in winter on Tanya. (Ushanka hat) I wear fields on my head, But this is not land at all. (Hat) What kind of headdress have men worn since ancient times? With a jacket, jacket, shirt They like to wear... (cap) Guess what we'll tell you: A hat made of yarn, Has it been in fashion for many years? - Elegantly knitted... (takes) Peasant woman's headdress We chose for ourselves: Both to work and to walk - What should we knit? Collected into a bundle Made of fabric... (scarf) In appearance it will remind you of a boat Headdress... (cap) If you want to be fashionable, Have time to keep an eye on it! Even the color of your gloves Should match... (hat) About hats. Everyone has known this for a very long time. A headdress protects the head. It's all in the bag, it's all in the bag, Dad's wearing a fashionable hat. The sun is bothering mom. Mom puts on a hat. Grandmother in a beret sews on a stool. Grandfather has been hunting for a long time. There is a feather inserted into the hat. My sister has it right, There’s a cap for every T-shirt. And in a baseball cap, on one side, Brother staggers all day. The baby is sleeping soundly, with a cap on her head. An employee in a cap is cleaning the plaques. So that the soldier sleeps in the trench, no stone falls on his head. There's no embellishment here, a helmet is required. A Siberian serves with earflaps, He can’t do without it. A sailor on leave, capless cap, anchor. On a submarine, orderlies in caps. They find the enemy zealously, Scouts in a bandana. At attention - he said to all the troops, The chief general is wearing a hat. An amazing fakir conquers the whole world. From the cylinder, eyes clenched, a boa constrictor appears. A clown will come out to us with a bow, He will wear a beret with a pompom. The old man is hiding his bald head, He has a new wig. The bride has a veil, The guest is wearing a skullcap in the morning. Hat, hood, cap, headdress - that's it! N. Kostousova Top

Complex speech therapy lesson “Hats”

TYPE OF CLASS: Complex lesson. Familiarization with the environment in the senior group.


Program content: To consolidate children's understanding of hats worn by people of different professions; enrich children's knowledge about the properties of the materials from which objects are made; develop imagination using TRIZ, using the technique of focal objects, cultivate interest in educational and cognitive activities.

Material: Nurse's headdress, military and policeman's caps, soldier's cap and cap, two black satin ribbons, fireman's helmet, motorcyclist's helmet, crystal vase, wooden paper cube, metal bowl, Tip-Top turtle toy, newspaper for each child, glue, brushes, stands, record.

Previous work: Introducing an album and examining illustrations about professions, talking with children about the professions of their parents, learning N. Konchalovskaya’s poems “To everyone. Everyone, everyone” with children.

Progress of the lesson

Methodological materials Interaction between teacher and children Anticipated actions of children
Artistic word - Guys, listen to the riddle: I’m sitting astride not knowing who. What is this? - A cap
Question - That's right, what types of hats are there?

/I take out a hat with earflaps, a Panama hat, a knitted hat/

— Guys, there are also special hats that are worn by people of different professions. Who do you think Natasha “works” if she is wearing this white cap? — Natasha works as a nurse, a doctor.
— Why does the doctor wear a white cap? — So that hair does not interfere with work
Artistic word

Demonstrative pictures depicting a chef

- Who else wears a white cap? - Seller, cook.

Here is a cook in a white cap standing with a ladle in his hand,

He makes pea soups and it turns out not bad.

- Why do the cook and the seller wear caps? — To prevent hair from getting into the pan or onto the food.
Teacher's story “And I once saw how they worked at a watch factory, and the senior master made sure that everyone put on either a hat or a scarf, so that not a single hair got into the watch, so that they walked like this, tick-tock, tick-tock.”
Question - Guys, I’m very interested to know what your parents do and do they wear any hats?

Let's sit on the chairs and talk. Who wants to be the first to tell?

Children's stories - Please, Alyosha, tell us about your dad. A child's story
Conversation about professions, parents, their hats — From your interesting story, we learned that your dad is a policeman and you are proud of his profession.
“Seryozha also really wants to talk about his mother.” ——
Grade — How much Seryozha knows about his mother’s profession. Well done!
Grade — I think that you all know a lot of interesting things about what your mothers and fathers do.

- Now, look, what is this in my hands?

— Two black ribbons
Question — What headdress do they remind you of?

/showing the children the cap/

Peakless cap, sailor's hat
Question — Why do you think there are such long ribbons on the capless cap? - For beauty.

— I think to find out where the sailor serves.

— Can tape help somehow in windy weather? -I think that you can tie ribbons under your chin and your head will be warm and you shouldn’t wear a hat.

Physical education moment

The nimble titmouse is jumping, she can’t sit still,

Jump, jump, jump, jump, spin like a top,

She sat down for a minute and scratched her chest with her beak.

And from the fence to the fence, tili-tili-tili-shadow.

Gaming technique — Guys, do you know what’s new in the group?

/I invite the children to go to the table where the Tip-Top turtle lies and find a chest. Look, an unusual chest. Let's see what's there. I take out the Crystal Vase./

Examination of objects, analysis of their properties - Look what a beautiful vase. What is it made of, please name the properties of glass. — From crystal, glass
- Imagine that the vase has turned into a hat. Do you think it would be comfortable for us in it? - No
- Who can wear such a hat? - Snow Queen, Bigfoot.
- Do we still have anything in the chest?

/I take out the cube./

- What is this? - Cube.
- What is he like? — Wooden, green.
Questions to develop imagination - What do you think, if the hat was made of wood, what would it be like? - Durable, heavy, uncomfortable.
- Look, the little turtle has another “I” in his chest... - Paper.
— I wonder, if you and I wore paper hats, what would they be like? - The wind will blow them away, it will get wet in the rain, you don’t need to buy it...
/I take out a metal bowl/.

-What does it look like? Who can wear such a headdress? Who would benefit from it?

— Iron Man
Appeal to personal experience - Think, what if you and I wore paper hats? — We made caps in the summer.
— Are there metal hats? - Yes. No.
— What professions do people wear iron/metal/ hats on their heads? — Fireman, Builder, steelmaker
— It turns out, guys, both fairy-tale heroes and real people have metal headdresses.
Artistic word — But Dima and Sveta know a very interesting poem about hats. - Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone

Nowadays you need a helmet

And to workers on the roads, to climbers on the forts,

Steelworkers at the furnaces and builders who can build a house out of bricks.

On the screens we see: hockey players wear helmets,

Those who want to fence must wear a helmet

And a fireman at a fire wears a helmet in the smoke, in a fume.

The helmet is worn by a miner at the mine face and by a soldier during battle.

Tankers put on a helmet, a motorcyclist needs a helmet,

Without a helmet, he pays a fine and will also lose his license.

Show illustration - And also, guys, astronauts wear transparent hats, in which they watch our beautiful planet - Earth.
- Let's imagine that you and I are going on a trip wearing hats made of different materials.
Music is playing /Children wear crystal, iron, paper, and wooden hats./
— Which one were you most comfortable in? - On paper.
— Do you want to make interesting headdresses yourself and make an exhibition out of them?
“Then let’s not waste time, let’s open our workshop, choose the material and everything necessary for the work ourselves, and start creating on our own.”
I turn on the music Individual assistance to children in registration
Analysis and objective assessment of children’s activities in the classroom — So our exhibition of headdresses has been created. What kind of headdresses could you tell us about?

I was very pleased today that you were attentive and answered questions. Everyone worked hard in the workshop and you will be able to use all the products.

- Give it to the kids, let's play games ourselves.

This concludes our lesson on hats.

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