Letter P for preschool children. Poem about the letter p for 1st grade

Funny poems. Letter P

The letter P in the gym was called the crossbar. - Come on, darling, don’t be lazy - Come and pull yourself up. ***Let's follow the path from here, And we will reach the letter P.

***Suitable gate. Come in if you want!

***At hockey. In football, the letter P is the gate to the field.

***Climbed on the letter Mischievous: He decided that P is a horizontal bar.

***For the letter P we have Sand, And Tomato, and Cockerel, Bubbles, Gifts, And Pony in the zoo.

***Petya's dad says, Learn Petya the alphabet, You will know the letter P, You will be able to travel.

***At home we will find the letter P,Looking into the doorway

***Someone recently said: “P” is like a gate, I was too lazy to object, I knew that “P” is like a stump.

***P - The Agile Bee Brought honey to the Bear. He thanked the Bee and gave him some sweet tea.

***Petya, Petya, Cockerel, gets acquainted with the letter P, In order to read “Papa”, everyone needs to know the letter P.

***Parrot, parrot, don’t scare mom and dad. Don’t look for a bug in the cereal, but find us the letter... P.

***– P, P, P! - the samovar steams full of tea. The porridge puffs on the stove, steam flies from under the lid. The steam locomotive lets out steam, running along the rails. The steamer floats smoothly along the river, the steam puffs... - P! - we put our lips together. - P! - we will exhale sharper! - P, P, P! - we puff dully, The sound has no voice!

***Draw an entrance, portal, Sail, pavilion, pencil case, Pedestal, poster, tablet, Folder, handrails, bag - The letter P is visible everywhere, It is simply written: Stick, stick, ceiling - P drew a chalk!

***Stick, stick, roof on top - The letter P is on the line.

Educational games / blog author: Marina Granovich

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Automation of the P sound in words

1. Peter baked pies for Peter.

2. The baker baked rolls in the oven. 3. Three bakers, three Prokopiy bakers, three Prokopyevichs walked; they talked about the baker, about Procopius the baker, about Prokopyevich. 4. Petya was sawing a stump with a saw. 5. Baker Peka baked a pie: baked, baked - underbaked, baked, baked - overbaked. 6. Potap doesn’t have five feet of heels - five feet of five feet; and the python has no mushrooms or heels. 7. The approach is not an undermining, the approach is not a catch. 8. The bird's chick is smart. 9. The captain has a Rooster in his trap. 10. The dipper’s paws are on honey mushrooms again. 11. The great-grandfather has a great-grandson, the great-grandson has a great-grandfather. 12. A pair of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out. 13. Daddy has glasses under the nightstand, and slippers on the nightstand. 14. Repeat without hesitation: the dewdrops on the aspen trees sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning. 15. The stumps have five honey mushrooms again. 16. Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump. 17. Potap the cat clapped his paw, and Potap caused the cat to drown. 18. The rooster sings about colorful birds, about lush feathers, about down. 19. The sparrowhawk caught a quail, a quail, a quail and a sparrowhawk. 20. Sawdust is falling out from under the saw. 21. Our Polkan fell into a trap. 22. The parrot said to the parrot: “I’ll parrot you, parrot!” To the parrot the parrot answered: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!” (V. Bakhrevsky) 23. Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen. 24. Tell us about your purchases. — What kind of shopping? - About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping. 25. A man was walking from the market. When bargaining, they don’t talk about the cut, they don’t talk about the hem, they talk about the purchase. 26. Prokop came, the dill was boiling, and under Prokop the dill was boiling. And Prokop left, the dill was boiling, and without Prokop the dill was boiling. 27. Without Prokop the dill boils, with Prokop the dill boils, Prokop came - the dill boils. 25. There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap. 26. Peter stands on a haystack, wearing a blanket and cap. And Peter has half a cap of peas in his blanket. 27. Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Petrov, went for a walk and caught a quail bird (pigalitsa); He went to sell, carried it around the market, asked for fifty dollars, they gave him a nickel, and he sold it like that. 28. Philip was sawing a log of linden trees; Philip dulled the saw. 29. Karp Polikarpovich Polikarp Karpych was watching for carps in a pond. And in Polycarp’s pond there are three crucian carp and crucian carp. 30. Ipat went to buy shovels. Ipat bought five shovels. I was walking across the pond and got caught on a rod. Ipat fell into the pond, five shovels disappeared. 31. If Philip had not cut down the linden trees, the linden trees would have bloomed in the summer, the bees would have brought honey, we would have treated the flu with honey.

Letter P tasks for preschoolers with pictures

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter P, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.


  • introduce the preschooler to the letter P and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter P in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Grandfather Pasha has a big shiny pipe. When grandfather blows the trumpet, it sings: pu-pu-pu!..

  1. Repeat as the trumpet sings.
  2. PU - what is the first sound here?

When pronouncing words, the adult and the child repeating syllables and words emphasize the sound [p].

  1. What was your grandfather's name?
  2. What is the first sound in the words PASHA? - SUNFLOWER? - TOMATO?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Tomatoes Train Rooster Sunflower

When we pronounce the sound [p], the lips first close and then open. Say: P! The lips prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [p].

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [p]?
  2. With or without a voice do we make this sound?
  3. What vowel sounds do you know?
  4. What consonant sounds do you know?
  5. Remember and name the words in which the first sound is [p].

Assignment: Printed letter P for preschoolers

Look at the letter P. What does it look like? Write the letter P in the air and once in your notebook, carefully in the cells with a pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line. If the preschooler has difficulties, the adult can draw two guide lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

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Continue the sentence

It will protect you from the wind and the heat, and it will protect you from the rain. How can you sleep comfortably in it! What is this? … (Tent.)

It is always there at the station, Trains approach it, it contains Double R and it is called... (platform).

He is with a bell in his hand, in a blue and red cap. He is a cheerful toy, and his name is... (Petrushka).

He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard. He has a comb on his head. Who is it? ... (Cockerel.)

I am growing in a red cap Among the aspen roots. You will see me a mile away - My name is... (boletus).

I am the mistress of different dreams About dolphins, about elephants. About crystal palaces And about distant stars. You lie down and dreams whisper in your ear... (pillow).

I took flour and took cottage cheese. I baked a crumbly... (pie).

If you know everything, You will get at school... (five).

It is round and red. Like the eye of a traffic light. Among vegetables there is no juicier... (tomato).

Chock, chock, snout. There’s a pink hook in the back. There’s a barrel in the middle. A thin voice, a bell. Guess who it is! It’s... (pig).

The fly gasped at first: “Oh, what lace,” And the head disappeared! The poor thing, as if in mud, Stuck in... (a web).

My briefcase is neither big nor small: it contains a problem book, a primer and... (pencil case).

Kolya and Lena are having fun - This means... (change).

Waddled from the ice floes to our matinee... (penguin).

I wanted to throw a ball and I invited guests to my place... (invited).

The spider dreams at night of Miracle Yudo on a branch. A long beak and two wings... If he flies, things are bad. And who is the spider afraid of? Guess it? It's... (a bird).

A tale about the letter P

Piglet's Day Piglet Peach came to the post office and said to Petya the postman: “Tomorrow is our holiday.” Pig Day. I want to send a parcel to my friend Donut. Here, in the scarf, are pies and pastries. He loves them very much.

And Donut lived on the other side of the pond.

“It’s a long walk, I won’t make it before the holiday. “I’d rather float on a raft,” Petya decided.

He sat down on the raft, set the sail and sailed slowly. And suddenly, in the very middle of the pond, the raft came untied, and Petya fell into the water! But he didn’t know how to swim at all.

- Help! I'm drowning! - Petya shouts, but does not release the parcel. And Donut Pig sits outside his house and thinks: “Will the rooster drown or not drown?”

Okay - Peach heard! He plopped down into the pond and began to push Petya towards the shore with his snout. Somehow I pulled him ashore.

- Why didn’t you help, Donut? After all, Petya was bringing you a parcel. “So if I had known what was for me, I would have helped.” And you can catch a cold.

(G. Yudin)

Riddles for children starting with the letter P

The brothers got ready for a visit, clung to each other, and rushed off on a long journey, only leaving a little smoke behind. (Train)

The path says - Two embroidered ends: “Wash yourself at least a little, Wash the ink off your face! Otherwise you will stain me in half a day.” (Towel)

I’m carrying a new house in my hand, The door of the house is locked. The residents here are made of paper, Everyone is terribly important. (Briefcase)

The housewife flies over the lawn. She fusses over the flower - He will share the honey. (Bee)

He willingly inhales dust, He doesn’t get sick, but he sneezes. (Vacuum cleaner)

He has a rubber tail and a canvas stomach. As his engine hums, he swallows dust and debris. (Vacuum cleaner)

They planted a seed, raised a sun. (Sunflower)

It comes with oatmeal, with rice, meat and millet, with sweet cherries. First they put it in the oven. And when it comes out, they put it on a dish. Well, now call the guys! Everyone will eat a piece. (Pie)

A friend came out from under the snow, And suddenly there was a smell of spring. (Snowdrop)

I was born on a rainy day Under a young aspen. Round, smooth and beautiful, With a thin and straight leg. (Boletus)

Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

I am higher than the house and easily with one hand I lift a huge load. Who, tell me, am I? (Crane)

There is a ladder in the field, a house is running up the stairs. (Train)

Five brothers will be born together, but of different heights. (Fingers)

Who grazes sheep and goats, Where the meadow is overgrown with grass? (Shepherd)

It will stumble, weave, it will sit and wait for prey. (Spider)

A tail with patterns, Boots with spurs. Sings songs, Counts time. (Rooster)

I wake everyone up on time, Even though I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

Not a king, but in a crown, Not a horseman, but with spurs. (Rooster)

Golden sieve Full of black houses. (Sunflower)

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter P

If you got up late, you lost a day; you didn’t study when you were young, you lost your life. The truth doesn’t burn in fire and doesn’t drown in water. The truth hurts the eyes. They write not with a pen, but with their minds. Confession is half the correction. To pour from empty to empty.

Funny poems about the letter P for children

Petya the Rooster was asked by the children: “Why is your name Petya?” So Petya answered the children: “I can sing well.” (I. Konkov)

The jacket is hanging. The sleeves are down. The jacket is living, The sleeves are down: I skipped class, And that’s all for him! Tell me, my friend, Has your head ever been on your shoulders? (G. Sapgir)

Saw Our sharp saw - She didn’t drink, but she sang. She didn’t drink, she didn’t eat. She never sat down. She sang loudly, As best she could, A cheerful saw. She sawed wood - Be healthy, master! (Translation by Ya. Akim)

Parrot - If you can, guess what the parrot will tell us? - That’s what he will say, I suppose, What was drilled into the parrot! (B. Zakhoder)

Striped poems Striped tiger cubs are striped from birth. The Raccoon has stripes, And the zebra has countless of them. There are stripes on the mattress, And stripes on the sailor suit. There are stripes at the barrier, And stripes on the birch tree. There are beautiful stripes at dawn and sunset. But there are guys - All striped from dirt... I don’t want to write about them in a striped notebook. (G. Sapgir)

PonyAddress mixed up Little horses: Instead of Lilliput, we got ponies. (A. Shlygin)

Vaccination - Get vaccinated! First class! - Have you heard? It's us! I'm not afraid of vaccinations: If necessary, I'll inject! Well, just think, an injection! Inject and go... It's only a coward who is afraid to go to the doctor for an injection. Personally, when I see a syringe, I smile and Just kidding. I’m one of the first to enter the medical office. I have nerves of steel, or no nerves at all! If only someone knew, That I would willingly trade football tickets for an extra injection!.. - For a vaccination! First class! - Have you heard? This is us !Why did I stand against the wall? My knees are shaking. (S. Mikhalkov)

Bird exercises The bird wants to wake up. The bird starts singing a song, Because it’s more interesting for a bird to wake up with a song. (V. Berestov)

“Don’t be sorry for the piglet,” says the cow. “Tasty, steamy!” - The piglets are right there: - We have a whole mug each! - Little pigs poke their little piglets... (A. Shibaev)

How beautiful the Peacock is! He has one flaw: All peacock beauty begins with the tail. (B. Zakhoder)

Look, what a peacock! The tail is like a painted fan. Don’t be proud of your tail, peacock—you’ll be considered a big fool. (F. Bobylev)

The spider arrived at the market, the spider brought goods to the flies. He hung it on the aspen tree: - Which of you wants a web? (V. Orlov)

At that time, a pelican flew in from distant countries. He opened his wide beak and read the following lines: “A passenger steamer is sailing straight to the pier.” “There are a lot of words starting with the letter P,” the Little Warbler bird said. (G. Satir)

There's a passage across the rails, And on the rails there's a steamboat. There's transportation across the river, And there's a steam locomotive on the river. Let's change places. What do we see now? Here's a steamboat on the river, There's a passage across the river. Here's a steam locomotive on the rails, Through the rails - transportation. (G. Satir)

The mischievous Parsley brought a vacuum cleaner to the very pole. He cleaned the ice floe in five minutes, and then - a jacket for the penguin. (G. Satir)

Reason It helps out anyone who is lazy. It explains. It covers, It saves from shame and disgrace. Didn’t do it, Forgot, It’s hard, Far away... You’ll find the reason - And breathe deeply! Peace with conscience. Honor is not stained... There’s something missing, But the reason -that is! Guys, guys, tomorrow you will be men. No need for reasons! Don’t look for reasons! (V. Viktorov)

Not a fluff, not a feather. Early in the morning, Mama Kvochka sent her Son to class. She said: - Don’t fight, Don’t tease, Don’t be cocky. Hurry up, It’s time. Well, not a feather, not a feather. An hour later, Barely alive, the Cockerel goes home. He hobbles barely. -He’s barely from the schoolyard. And in fact there’s not a fluff or a feather on him. (V. Orlov)

Extended day Two girls said: - At our school they extended the day! - I love extended days. Enroll me too! Enrolled us. Immediately they took us to the extended class. There, through the extended window, the surprised Sun. And then extended lunch - Borscht, whitened with sour cream. And then - attention! - There’s a party in the yard! And then - an extended period, To learn a lesson. Only the evening was very, very shortened that evening. (L. Fadeeva)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

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Poems about the letters “U”, “F”, “X”, “C” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “U”
Poems about the letters “U”, “F”, “X”, “C” for 1st grade:

The letter U resembles the ears of a bunny on the top of its head. The snail's horns also look like the letter U.

Ulyana taught the alphabet, The letter U, it hums, Already, a snail, a corner, I know the letter U by heart.

F got slightly angry, placing her hands on her hips. An owl, a flag, a hairdryer and a lantern... Here's a dictionary for the letter F.

Funtik and Fantik ate dates, Fekla's fruit was boiling in compote, a lively flamingo pecked at a pheasant, the cat snorted, having eaten sour cream.

To read well, we need to know the Letter X, Bread, a cracker, a round dance, The Letter X is calling to itself.

The hamster sits, chews, he puts bread into his mouth with his paw, If you want to know the letter X, you need to call the hamster.

Letter C - See for yourself - Like a bench Upside down.

“Chick-chick-chick!” - I call the chicken. Tsap Tsarapych is our kitten. Tsa's hooves clatter, clatter, clatter - the pony rushes along the path.

The chicken on tiptoe kissed the flowers. Chick on tiptoe - Chick-chick, he is very small.

Poems about the letters “Y”, “E”, “Yu”, “I” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “U”
Poems about the letters “Y”, “E”, “Yu”, “I” for 1st grade:

But the letter Y is walking. Without Y you will not learn.

In the Russian language, alas, there are no words starting with “Y”.

This is a letter, the letter E, We need it everywhere, Hey, hey, hey! You meet us, quickly give us the echo. We came to the mountains as a class, but we didn’t find an echo there.

To the Eskimos, the Eskimo carried an Eskimo in his pocket... Eskimos now know: A Eskimo melts in your pocket.

The letter Y is all bent, holding his wand. This is what she looks like - an old woman with a stick.

A yurt is a house in the tundra, Yunga is sailing on a boat, Katya has a fluffy skirt, Yurka is jumping on the bed.

The letter I has always been dear to everyone, but we advise, friends, to remember the place of the letter I!

A hawk flew from the sky like a stone, A hawk wanted to steal the letter I, A hawk, don’t take the letter I, We need it, you know.

Poems about the letters “Ch”, “Sh”, “Shch”, “b”, “b” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “Ch”
Poems about the letters “Ch”, “Sh”, “Shch”, “b”, “b” for 1st grade:

We drew the number 4 - We drew the letter H

It's Katyusha's birthday! So there will be tea with jam. Katya takes out the cups and pompously puffs up her nose at the teapot.

The letter Ш in the following words: School, pole, charade, check. I wrote the letter Ш: Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.

My brother bought himself a flashlight, and I bought a balloon. He dances above my head as if alive.

This letter Ш seems to be... Cast all doubts aside. This letter is decorated with a pig tail.

My puppy, the Watch puppy, guards the house and yard. From dawn to dark night he walks with a telescope.

The hard sign -Ъ is written like this: A wheel and a match, Behind is a pigtail.

They turned the letter P over, and sat down as if on a chair, and called the letter like this - a soft sign - b.

A deer came to class. He began to read the word “stump.” Yes, I couldn’t read it at all: He forgot about the soft sign.

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