Games and tasks on the topic Autumn Card file on the world around us on the topic

Autumn with children from 1.5 to 2 years old - educational games and ideas for activities.

  • Seal

Details Author: Nalivaykina Lyudmila Published August 23, 2017

In this article I want to share with you ideas for autumn games with the youngest children - from 1.5 to 2 years old. They can be played separately or used as the basis for a real educational activity on the theme “Autumn”.

Since children aged 1.5 to 2 years can differ significantly from each other in their development, each game from the list below will need to be “adjusted” to your child’s level (complicated or simplified).

Quiz on the theme “Autumn” in the preparatory group

Summary of the game - quiz for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Golden Autumn”
Author: Olga Vitalievna Shkodina, teacher of the Shakhtarsky Nursery-Garden No. 4, Shakhtersk, Donetsk region Description of the material: this material will be interesting and useful for kindergarten teachers when carrying out projects, final educational activities. The quiz is intended for children of senior preschool age. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the features of autumn, natural phenomena, to update children’s knowledge about birds and plants in a given period of the year. Objectives: Educational:
expand ideas about autumn, wintering and migratory birds, animals in a given period of time, consolidate counting to 10.
develop curiosity, interest in nature, logical thinking, fine motor skills, attention, memory, enrich children's vocabulary.
to cultivate a love of nature, kindness, respect for playmates.
Cognitive tasks and questions will help children consolidate their knowledge about birds and trees. Materials: paper, acorns, chestnuts, nuts, assignments on pieces of paper, pencils, basket, feather, pictures of trees, autumn leaves.
Quiz progress:

Guys, today is an unusual day for us. You and I will go traveling, but we need to guess the riddle - where will we go: In spring and summer, everyone sees him dressed. And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off from the poor thing.. (riddle about the forest)

Yes, today we will go to the autumn forest, now we will unite into three teams and each team has its own task.
(children stand on the carpet in a circle)
Pass this autumn leaf and name the three autumn months in order
(children name September, October, November and gather in groups by month).
(during the quiz, participants receive a nut, acorn or chestnut for correct answers).
1.Task for teams “Name the autumn words” Guys, you must remember the autumn word (rain, fog, leaf fall, harvest, chestnut) 2 Task “Each tree has its own leaf” (there are leaves with stickers on the tables, and trees on the board) Guys , here is the next task: each team has its own trees, you need to select those leaves that belong to your team and attach them to the desired tree. But first, let’s do finger exercises: 1,2,3,4,5 – we will collect leaves: Birch leaf, aspen leaf, Poplar leaves, rowan leaf, We will collect oak leaves, We will take an autumn bouquet to Mom! Trees for teams: “September” - maple, willow;
“October” - oak, birch; “November” - chestnut, poplar. Well done, everyone did an excellent job!
Shall we continue our journey? 3.Task on pieces of paper “Whose children are from the branch?” (fine motor skills)

The forest keeps many secrets. But today we will solve and answer questions 4.Task for team captains. (Captains are responsible, team members help if necessary).
What holidays are celebrated in autumn?
(Day of Knowledge, Harvest Festival, Day of the Elderly); Name the gifts of autumn (Harvest of fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, berries); What is the name of the autumn season, when there are a lot of cobwebs flying, the sun is shining gently and it’s warm like in summer? What is the natural phenomenon called when leaves fall off? Which trees produce cones? Name a place in the forest where identical trees grow? What supplies does the squirrel store in the fall? What animals hibernate? Why do birds fly south? Physical exercise “A flock of birds is flying south” A flock of birds is flying south (children flapping their arms like wings) The sky is blue all around. (raise their hands up, showing the sky) In order to fly faster, you have to flap your wings. (they wave their arms like wings) The birds began to descend, everyone sits down in the clearing. (they squat down) They have a long way to go, (they imitate pecking at grains) The birds need to rest. (they imitate sleeping, hands on cheeks) And again it’s time to hit the road, We have a lot of flying to do. (Children stand up and flap their “wings”) Here comes the south. Hooray! Hurray! (They raise their hands up and wave as if they are greeting) It’s time for us to land. (Children sit at the tables) 5. Task on pieces of paper “What birds are hidden in the picture” I invite all participants in the trip to take a place at the tables and find all the birds in the picture (shade all the birds with colored pencils.

6. Task “Birds” For each team you need to name the birds: “September” - wintering birds, “October” - migratory birds, and “November - waterfowl (each participant hands over a feather and names the bird) Let's rest a little, guess the riddles: 1. Red - yellow beauty - Golden braid. It rains for a long time, the wind blows away the leaves, what is this? (autumn)
2. The wind will call the cloud, The cloud floats across the sky.
And over the gardens and groves there is a cold drizzle... (rain)
3. Autumn has come to the garden.
The red torch was lit. There are blackbirds here, Starlings are scurrying about, and, noisily, they peck at him. (rowan)
4. Yellow leaves are flying, falling, circling, and just laying under your feet like a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall? It's just... (leaf fall)
5. It flies, not a bird, Howls, not an animal
6. Near the forest on the edge, Decorating the dark forest, It grew motley, like parsley, Poisonous...
(fly agaric). 7.Task on pieces of paper “Collect the dots in order” (counting from 1 to 10) What is shown on the piece of paper? That's right, the mushroom is boletus.

A surprise awaits you: “The Hedgehog’s Labyrinth”

8. Task for teams “It happens - it doesn’t happen.” I will read you the questions, and you answer “it happens in autumn, but it doesn’t happen in autumn” (for the correct explanation, autumn fruit) Can you go swimming in autumn? Yes or no? Why? (children’s explanation) Do mosquitoes bite in the fall? Yes or no? Do you need to be able to climb trees to grow a rosehip? Yes or no? Can you go sledding in the fall? Yes or no? Is it possible to hear birds singing in the autumn forest? Yes or no? Can the crop be harvested all year round? Yes or no? 9. Task “Let's Harvest” For each team you need to collect your own harvest: “September” - collects vegetables, “October2” - fruits, and “November” - berries. (each participant hands over a basket and names a vegetable, fruit or berry)
Guys, do you know tongue twisters about autumn?
1. Bring vegetables - there will be cabbage soup. 2. Underfoot during leaf fall, yellow leaves rustle. 3. I was sitting at Oka’s, eating apples. 4. They put on Pasha's galoshes and gaiters. Or maybe someone knows proverbs? Let's sit down in the clearing and tell us about your month: September
sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
is cold, but full.
loves neither wheels nor runners.
covered the ground with leaves and snow.
with a nail, December with a bridge.
In November,
it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.
Our journey has come to an end, let's count how many autumn fruits each team collected? Well done, what can you do with them? (crafts, feed the animals or eat yourself) The results of the competitions are summed up and all teams are awarded medals.
I congratulate you on your victory and present medals from the autumn forest as a souvenir.

We recommend watching:

Integrated educational NNOD with children of the preparatory group on the topic: Autumn Scenario of an autumn sports festival in the preparatory group. Harvest festival Autumn phenomena in nature Autumn entertainment for children of the preparatory group

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Summary of an autumn walk in the preparatory group “Observing a sparrow in autumn”

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Summary of a walk in the preparatory group “Observing a poplar”

Summary of the walk in the preparatory group “Observing seasonal changes in November”

Sensory box "Autumn".

Surely your baby will be interested in a sensory box with the theme “Autumn”.

We got something like this, for example:

How to play with the box:

The box can be used to “play” various “autumn” scenes:

“The bunny collects leaves”, “The squirrel is looking for nuts”, “The leaves rustle underfoot.”

It will be interesting for the baby to watch how his mother acts out different scenes (“mini-fairy tales”) using this box, at the same time he will very quickly learn all the “autumn” words.

In addition, many children will enjoy fiddling around in such a box on their own.

Autumn words and pictures.

It would be quite useful to look at pictures with your child on the theme “Autumn” and study “autumn” words: leaves, rain, umbrella, puddles, falling, mushrooms, leaves, yellowed, etc.

Will help:

— Colorful autumn presentations.

— Autumn pictures that you can hang on the walls and periodically discuss them with your child.

— A selection of autumn photographs that can be viewed on a computer screen or printed as cards.

Just look at the illustrations with your child, name the objects that are depicted on them (cloud, leaf, tree, fallen leaf, wet puddle, etc.), ask to find the objects in the picture (show with your finger, where is the tree?), describe what what is drawn in the pictures in simple sentences (it is raining, there are puddles on the ground, the girl is dressed warmly, etc.).

Card index of didactic games on the topic “Autumn”

Card index

Didactic games on the theme
for children 4-5 years old

Didactic game “Autumn Signs”


: consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation skills,

attention, memory.


cards with signs of autumn (8 pieces) and other seasons (5-6 pieces), a playing field divided into 8 cells.

Progress of the game:

Children (2 people) take turns taking the picture, calling what is drawn on it and determining when it happens. If it is autumn, they place the picture on the playing field.

If at other times of the year, they put it aside. Next, for each picture, make up a sentence using the keyword “autumn.”


the game can be individual.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”


improve the ability to identify a fruit or vegetable by touch by its shape, correctly name its color, develop attention, memory, oral speech


: bag, dummies of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game:

the teacher shows the bag and says:

I am a wonderful bag

I am a friend to all the guys.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

Children put dummies of vegetables and fruits into a bag. Next, in turn, they take from

In the bag, an object is determined by touch what it is, they name it, and then they take it out.

After this, the children gather in groups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Didactic game “Whole and Part”


develop the ability to select pairs of pictures depicting a whole fruit and its part, develop oral speech, attention, and memory.


pictures of whole fruits and their parts.

Progress of the game:

2 children are playing. One has pictures of a whole fruit, the other has pictures of a part of it. One player lays out his picture, names what is depicted on it, and the other must pick up pictures depicting his part.


the game can be individual.

Didactic game “Two Baskets”


improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, learn to use generalizing words in speech, develop oral speech, memory, and attention.
two baskets, object pictures of vegetables and fruits.
Progress of the game:
children take turns taking a picture, name what is depicted on it, determine which group it belongs to and put it in the appropriate basket.


the game can be individual.

Didactic game “Stocks of animals”


improve the ability to select appropriate food for animals,

develop attention, memory, observation. Attributes:

pictures of animals, pictures of plants and mushrooms.

Progress of the game:

2 children are playing. One by one, they take a card with a picture of a plant or mushroom, say what it is, and put it next to the picture of a certain animal.


the game can be individual.

Outdoor game “Vegetables and fruits”


teach to distinguish fruits and vegetables by their appearance, develop attention and observation.


subject pictures of vegetables and fruits

Progress of the game:

In the center of the circle there are pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children walk in a circle saying: “One, two, three - take any object!” Children take any object and organize groups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Outdoor game “Tops and Roots”

(Option 1)


consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, and memory.


dummies of vegetables or natural vegetables.
Progress of the game:
an adult shows a vegetable (models or natural), children name it and show with movements where it grows; if on the ground, they raise their hands up; if underground, they squat. A child can also act as an adult and show the vegetables himself.

Outdoor game “Tops and Roots”

(Option 2)


consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, and memory.


dummies of vegetables or natural vegetables.
Progress of the game:
the adult only says the name of the vegetable, and the children show

movements where it grows.

Didactic game “What juice?” (“What jam?”)


improve the ability to distinguish and name fruits, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, and memory.


basket, pictures of fruits

Progress of the game:

Children take turns taking a picture from the basket and name the fruit depicted and say what the juice or jam from this fruit will be called. For example: “This apple is apple juice.”

Outdoor game "Couples"


: learn to make pairs of leaves according to one characteristic indicated by an adult, consolidate knowledge about shape, color and size, develop auditory and visual perception.


: autumn leaves of different sizes, colors and shapes.

Progress of the game

: children stand in a circle, in the center there are leaves (their number is according to the number of children and the leaves are selected so that pairs of leaves can be made). Children walk in a circle saying: “One, two, three - quickly take the sheet!” Everyone takes a piece of paper. The teacher says: “Find yourself a pair - a leaf of the same color.” (Other tasks: make a pair of leaves from the same tree, or leaves that differ

size: large and small, or leaves of the same size from one tree..)

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” »


: improve the ability to differentiate trees by their trunks and leaves, develop attention, observation, memory, imagination.


: trunks of three different trees drawn on separate sheets, autumn leaves of these trees.

Progress of the game

: Leaves lie scattered around drawings of tree trunks. Children should place the leaves on their tree


: the game can be played in group or individual form.

Didactic game “Which sheet?”


: improve knowledge of distinguishing the leaves of three trees, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.


: basket, autumn leaves.

Progress of the game

: Children sit in a circle and pass the basket to each other. Take turns taking out a leaf, saying which tree it comes from and forming an adjective. For example: this is a leaf from a birch tree - a birch leaf.

Outdoor game “Squirrel reserves”


improve the ability to act on a signal from an adult, develop

attention, memory, oral speech.


: squirrel mask, dummies of mushrooms, nuts, berries, pine cones.

Progress of the game:

a child is chosen - a squirrel, and a squirrel mask is put on him. In the center of the circle there are objects - dummies of nuts, berries, mushrooms, pine cones. Children walk in a circle saying:

“One, two, three - quickly take the item!” They take different items. Children with the same objects gather in a group. A squirrel child walks and chooses the group with the most children and says: “Today I will eat nuts” (mushrooms, berries, cones). A new child is chosen from this group - a squirrel.

Didactic game “Paired Pictures”


learn to correlate pairs of pictures according to the principle of “the whole and its part”, develop logical thinking, attention, observation, and oral speech.


a set of paired pictures on an autumn theme, where in each pair of pictures a whole image is drawn on one, and on the other a separate part of it in the form of a separate object, for example: a bird on an autumn branch - an autumn branch.

Progress of the game:

2 children are playing, one has a set of pictures with a whole image, the second has pictures with individual objects.
One child takes any of his cards, and the other must choose a pair for her, explaining his choice. Then the second one posts his picture, and the first child selects a match for it. Note:
the game can be individual.

Didactic game “Clap your hands”


: consolidate the ability to hear the names of vegetables and fruits,

find them in pictures, develop auditory attention,


: subject pictures on the topic

Progress of the game

: a poem is read, children must remember and name the vegetables (or fruits, or berries, or mushrooms, depending on the topic) that were mentioned in the poem, and show or post pictures with their images. When the poem is read a second time, children clap their hands if they hear the name of a vegetable (fruit, berries, mushrooms).

Didactic game
“What happens in autumn? "

: consolidate the concept of autumn phenomena, activate vocabulary on the topic.


plot pictures depicting different seasons of the year.


On the table are mixed pictures depicting various seasonal phenomena (it is snowing, a flowering meadow, an autumn forest, a starling in a birdhouse, etc.). The child chooses pictures that depict only autumn phenomena and names them himself or with the help of an adult. Example. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. It's raining. The leaves on the trees are yellow and red. Birds fly south. Animals are preparing supplies for the winter. People put on coats and raincoats, etc.

Didactic game
“Autumn Leaves” (lotto)

: expand the vocabulary on the topic “Autumn. Trees”, teach how to correctly use nouns in the genitive case.


: autumn leaves of birch, oak, maple and linden, glued onto one large card, and onto separate cards.


The game is played after getting acquainted with autumn leaves on a walk. There is a large card in front of the child. Small ones are stacked nearby. He takes one small card and determines which tree leaf he has: “This is a maple leaf,” etc. Then he looks for the same leaf on a large card and puts a small one on it. A non-speaking child is asked to find and show a leaf of a maple, birch, etc.

Didactic game
“Name it affectionately”

: learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.


subject pictures depicting large and small vegetables.


. An adult shows the child a picture of a large vegetable, for example, a tomato, and asks what it is called. Then he explains: “This tomato is big. What would you affectionately call a small vegetable like this?” Shows a picture (tomato.) Other vegetables are considered similarly (cucumber - cucumber, turnip - turnip, carrot - carrot, onion - onion, potato - potato). A non-speaking child is asked: “Show me the tomato. Now show me the tomato.”

Didactic game “Which vegetable did you miss?”

Goal: activation of vocabulary on the topic, development of attention and visual memory.

Equipment: “Hare” toy, natural vegetables or dummies.

Move. The adult shows the child the hare and explains that today is his birthday. Guests came and brought many gifts. An adult places vegetable gifts in front of the hare, listing them. He doesn't name one vegetable. The child must guess which one. He names or shows it depending on the level of speech development.

Didactic game
Purpose: activation of vocabulary on the topic, teaching the correct use of nouns in the accusative case.

Equipment: pictures of vegetables or natural vegetables.

Move. The adult asks the child to “cook” a treat for him (cabbage soup or salad). The child selects the necessary vegetables for the dish and names them. Then he explains how he will prepare this “treat” (take, wash, peel, cut, cook).

Didactic game
“Riddles of the Hare”

teach to identify an object by its characteristics, activate vocabulary on the topic.


“Hare” toy, bag, natural vegetables or dummies.


The adult explains to the child that the bunny wants to play with him and ask riddles: “The bunny will feel some vegetable in the bag and tell you about it, and you have to guess what it is.” Zaika's riddles: “Long, red (carrot). Green, long (cucumber). Round, red (tomato)”, etc.

Game "Big and small leaves."

Goal: teach the concept of “big - small”.

For the game you will need leaves - large and small.

You can use real autumn leaves or cut out leaves from paper.

The essence of the game: We put large leaves in a large box, and small ones in a small one.

This task will be quite easy to complete for children from 2 to 3 years old.

But children from 1 to 2 years old may have difficulties (“you begin to introduce the baby to a task, and he smiles and runs away from you into another room” - a familiar picture, right?).

In order for the child to cope with the task more successfully, it is important to conduct a “getting to know each other” ritual with the task.

For example:

  1. Look at the large piece of paper with your child. Say “here’s a big leaf.” Highlight the word “big” in the appropriate voice. “Let’s show how big this leaf is, so big” - we spread our arms wide to the side, showing the “big” sign, we encourage the child to repeat this gesture after you (if he finds it difficult, we spread his arms to the sides ourselves ).
  2. Take a small leaf. “And this leaf is “small” (we pronounce the word “small” in a “thin” voice.) Let’s show how “small” this leaf is (we bring our hands close to each other, showing the “small size” sign, encouraging the child to repeat this gesture after you , we help him do this if he himself finds it difficult).

This preliminary work - highlighting the words “big” and “small” in a special voice, showing the sizes “big” and “small” with pens - is very important. With its help, the child will better understand the meaning of the task and it will be easier for him to complete it.

3. After you have worked with the concept of “big - small leaf”, you can move on to completing the task. Show your child that large leaves should be put in a large box, and small ones in a small box. Ask him to arrange all the leaves into the boxes correctly.

How you can help your child:

- together determine the size of the leaf (mom says what kind of leaf it is - large or small).

— guide the child’s hand with the piece of paper to the correct size box if the child makes a mistake.

- if the baby finds it difficult to choose the right box, you can simply place the right box under the baby’s hand and ask him to “throw a big piece of paper into the big box.”

It seems that with such “help” the mother does almost everything for the child. But that's not true! In the process of completing a task together, the baby actively learns. His eyes look and remember (he examines large and small leaves), his ears hear and absorb (he constantly hears his mother comparing leaves by size), his hands “do” (kids absorb knowledge very well if it is presented through “movement” ).

After your child completes this task several times with you and with your help, he will feel more confident, better understand all the necessary concepts and begin to cope with similar tasks on his own.

Quiz about autumn with answers for preschoolers


  1. Direct participation of parents in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  2. Increasing children's cognitive interest in nature and its study.


  1. Expand children's understanding of the diversity of natural objects and phenomena.
  2. Learn to navigate the natural world.


  1. Develop the ability to speak as a means of communication and culture.
  2. Enrich your active vocabulary.
  3. Develop communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.
  4. develop speed of reaction, resourcefulness, intelligence, logical thinking.


  1. Foster love and respect for nature.
  2. Help to realize the value of joint activities.
  3. Foster a communicative culture.

Integration of educational areas:

  • cognitive development;
  • social and communicative development;
  • speech development.

Equipment :

  • multimedia projector;
  • screen;
  • hourglass;
  • team emblems;
  • presentations for the competitions “Barrels-troubles” and “Fabulous”.

The presenter enters the hall to the music.

Presenter: Today 2 teams are participating in the “Lucky Chance” quiz. A team of boys and a team of parents. Let's welcome them.

I invite the teams to take their places. I represent the players of the parents’ team, which is called “Znayki”. Our motto : We are ready for competitions, forward to new victories!

The team of guys is called “Pochemuchki”. Our motto: Let difficult questions lie ahead. We can find all the answers!

Presenter: Will help me conduct the “Lucky Accident” quiz for the jury. (Introduction of the jury members)

For each correct answer, the team receives one point. So, let's start our game.

Let everyone boldly enter into battle, In the excitement of competition, Success will not come by itself. Your knowledge will help.

And now, I ask one of the spectators, using a counting rhyme, to determine which of the teams will be the first to answer the questions.

1 game “Give me a word”

Our first game is called “Give me a word.”

I start a sentence and team members finish it.

Questions for the “Whychek” team:

  1. The owl flies, and the rabbit...
  2. The crow croaks, and the dog...
  3. The bear loves honey, and the cat...
  4. The little bear has a mother bear, and the little squirrel...
  5. The wolf howls, and the fly...
  6. The frog croaks, and the horse...

Questions for the Znaek team:

  1. The cow eats hay, and the fox...
  2. The mole digs holes, and the titmouse...
  3. The bird makes its nest, and the spider...
  4. The rooster crows and the hen...
  5. The cow has a calf, the sheep...
  6. The cat feeds the kittens with milk, and the whale...

Presenter: The distinguished jury announces the results of the 1st competition.

Host: Let's continue our game.

Game 2 “Barrels-troubles”

The next game is called “Barrel Troubles”.

Each team is given the opportunity to pull out a barrel with a task number. The game is very difficult, so I have prepared tips for you. On the screen you see natural objects that will tell you the correct answer. You just need to listen carefully and choose the right clue.

The team is given 10 seconds to discuss the riddle. Let's start with the team...

A team member takes out a keg and announces a number.

1. Striped calf Tied with a string, Lies and gets fat: The older, the sweeter. (Watermelon)

2. I ate grains, became lighter, became limp... Who digs mountains under a hole?

3. Silent during the day, screaming at night, No one understands, but does it scare tramps? (Owl)

4. A red maiden walks across the sky. (Sun)

5. The little animal is jumping, not a mouth but a trap. Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. (Frog)

6. The more you eat, the more you have leftover. (Nuts)

7. Yashka is standing in a red shirt. Whoever passes by will bow to him. (Berry)

8. He made a hole, dug a hole, the Sun is shining, but he doesn’t know. (Mole)

9. All made of gold, He stands in the sun. (Ear)

10. From branch to branch, fast as a ball, the red-haired circus performer jumps deftly. (Squirrel)

Presenter: The jury gives the floor, announce the results of the 2nd competition.

Game 3 “Proverbs are not said in vain”

Presenter: Our third game is the mini-game “Proverbs are not said in vain.” Members of one team begin the proverb, members of the other finish it.

Let's start with the team...

  1. Where there is a spider, there is... a “web”.
  2. Gruzdev called himself get in the body".
  3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".
  4. Without difficulty you can’t catch even... “a fish from the pond.”
  5. Where there is a flower - ... “there is honey.”
  6. To be afraid of wolves -… “don’t go into the forest.”

Host: After such difficult tasks, let's rest a little.

I know that the guys were preparing a surprise for the teams. And now I think it's time to present it.

Musical pause.

Presenter: The floor is given to the members of the jury. Game 3 results.

Host: And we still have everything ahead. Now is the time for the most amazing, most mysterious game.

Game 4 “Dark Horse”

Guess who our guest is? “The most harmful postman is a village resident who can easily fake a mustache of any length.”

Pechkin: Hello! It was I, postman Pechkin, who brought you telegrams from the forest. The only problem I have is this. Woodpecker, our forest telephone operator, forgot to convey who these telegrams were from. Help me!

Guess who sent them?

  1. I will help everyone whose alarm clock is broken.
  2. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic.
  3. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I will successfully grow a new one.
  4. I teach all sciences! I make birds out of chicks in a short time. Please note that I conduct classes at night.
  5. Everyone, everyone, everyone! If anyone has a need for horns, contact me once a year.
  6. I can help kind but lonely birds find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings. I wish you happiness in your personal life.

Pechkin: Thank you teams for your help, you helped me out. Well, I went, I still need to deliver all the telegrams. Goodbye!

Host: I’ll ask the jury to announce the score. Presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's continue the competition!

Game 5 “Fairytale”

Attention to the screen. Remember the names of the fairy tales whose heroes are depicted here.

The team starts first...

Presenter: Time flies very quickly and we have come to the last game. Before the last test, I will ask the jury to announce the leader.

So, the last game is “Race for the Leader”

Each team needs to answer as many questions as possible in 1 minute.

1. Who is called the forest doctor? 2. Which animal can pretend to be dead? 3. What desert dweller can go without drinking for a week? 4. Leo hairstyle? 5. What is Snow Maiden’s favorite time of year? 6. Deciduous tree with white bark? 7. Winter apartment of a bear? 8. A man-made birdhouse? 9. Flying flower? 10. Horse in a vest? 11. How do trees differ from shrubs? 12. Tallest African animal? 13. How does spruce differ from pine? 14. Who can go out into the open field without leaving their house? (snail). 15. What is the largest animal on the planet? (whale) 16. Which trees have red leaves in autumn? 17. What insect hears with its feet? (grasshopper) 18. Does she wear a red fur coat in summer, and a gray one in winter? (squirrel) 19. A bird that runs fast but doesn’t fly? (ostrich) 20. Part of the day from the end of the day to the beginning of the night? (evening). 21. Fruits and berries boiled in sugar syrup? (jam) 22. What grows with its top down? (icicle) 23. The bird whose legs became the most suitable support for Baba Yaga’s house? 24. Striped insect with a thin waist? (wasp) 25. Who uses his nose instead of his hand? (elephant) 26. The largest lizard in the world? (monitor lizard) 27. Not a person, but talking? (wind) 28. A sea animal with eight legs? (octopus)

Host: Our game is over. While the jury sums up the results, we have a musical break. Host: So, the jury has the floor to announce the results of the game.

Team awards.

Author: Krasnova Natalya Aleksandrovna

Learning colors.

This activity will help your child understand the concept of “red and yellow.”

Prepare leaves of two colors - red and yellow.

Examine the leaves, focus the baby’s attention on the fact that some leaves are yellow and others are red.

Then offer to put the yellow leaves in a yellow box, and the red leaves in a red box.

To help complete this task correctly, the same rules as for the previous lesson will help (we actively help the child complete the task, work together with the child, at first it is very useful to literally place the desired “box” under the child’s hand, saying the name of the color out loud (“this is red”) piece of paper, we put it in a red box").

"Autumn" No. 1

Read poems to your child and discuss them. (Memorize a poem of your choice.)

Autumn The leaves are falling, falling - leaf fall in our garden. Yellow and red leaves curl and fly in the wind. Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes. Now the last flock is flapping its wings in the distance.

Autumn Autumn plays with the leaves, picks leaves from the branches. Yellow leaves fly straight into the children’s hands.

Gifts of Autumn Autumn walks in our park, autumn gives gifts to everyone: Red beads - for rowan, pink apron - for aspen, Yellow umbrella - for poplars, autumn gives us fruits.

Question. To whom does autumn give what?

Modeling + color study.

Review with your child two pieces of paper printed on a piece of paper. One of them is red, and the other is yellow (Download a picture with leaves


Only the mice ate holes in the leaves! This needs to be corrected urgently.

To play, you will need pre-prepared lumps of soft plasticine - yellow and red.

Show your child that “we will put red lumps on a red leaf and press them down with our fingers, and yellow lumps - on a yellow leaf, so we will close all the holes!”

Most likely, at first the child may get confused and put lumps of plasticine on a leaf of the wrong color. Therefore, actively help your child complete the task - say the name of the color he is currently working with, and tell him which piece of paper to attach the plasticine to.

This game not only develops modeling skills, but also helps to remember colors - during the work, the child will hear the words “red, yellow” from the mother many times, and this will definitely affect how quickly the baby remembers the names of the primary colors.

(When I give similar tasks in the early development group to children from 1 to 2 years old, then first (over several lessons) we always do “preparatory” exercises - we attach yellow plasticine berries to yellow plates drawn on paper, and red “berries” - on red ones, or we attach yellow/red lumps (apples) to yellow and red baskets drawn on paper, etc. - i.e. first we learn to attach yellow plasticine separately from red in a more free form, and only then make it more complicated , asking to attach the plasticine to a certain place).

Didactic materials on the topic: Autumn for kindergarten

Didactic material for consolidation on the lexical topic: “Autumn.”
Author: Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher - speech therapist MKOU Sh-I No. 8, Gremyachinsk, Perm region. Purpose: Generalization of students’ knowledge about the season - autumn. Objectives: Develop coherent speech, communication skills, auditory and visual attention, thinking; Improve the grammatical structure of speech; Cultivate curiosity. Description: It is known that good command of speech plays a significant role not only in everyday life, but also in a person’s professional activity. A person who is an interesting conversationalist and can effectively and clearly express his thoughts makes a more pleasant impression on others. Good command of your native language and speech is an art that needs to be learned. Why is it necessary to develop oral speech? - Be able to communicate with different people in different situations - Express your thoughts and feelings - Speak beautifully, correctly and pleasantly for listeners. Speech serves as a source of knowledge about the world around us, a means of communication and mutual understanding. In this regard, children’s ability to use speech becomes important. Every child feels the need to communicate. The need for communication is one of the most important in human life. When entering into relationships with the world around us, we communicate information about ourselves, in return we receive information that interests us, analyze it and plan our activities based on this analysis. And, of course, children want to be understood. Children often have difficulty describing people, objects, and phenomena. Even despite a sufficient vocabulary, most children do not know how to speak correctly, it is difficult for them to formulate their thoughts, they cannot fully participate in a conversation or conduct a dialogue. The formation of coherent speech is the main task of speech education. Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child’s personality. A didactic game is an excellent learning and development tool used in mastering any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to have a beneficial effect on all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills. The proposed tasks are aimed at consolidating material on the lexical topic: “Autumn”. This is a kind of homework that is interesting to do with children after a speech therapy session at home, during a walk. The material will be useful to educators, primary school teachers, parents, and speech therapists. Assignment:
“Read, add, make sentences.”

“Place the words in order, make the correct sentence.”

Boots, rubber boots, footwear.
(Rubber boots are shoes)

“Favorite poems”

Listen to the poem.
Find offers. Read it expressively. In order to let children feel the beauty of the poetic word, an adult himself must feel it and be able to convey it in his performance.
You cannot read the work monotonously, inexpressively. Autumn.

The lingonberries are ripening. The days have become colder, And the cry of birds only makes my heart sadder. Flocks of birds fly away, away across the blue sea. All the trees shine in a multi-colored dress. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up and cry awake.


A golden leaf is already covering the wet ground in the forest... I boldly trample with my foot the outer beauty of the forest. My cheeks are burning from the cold: I love to run in the forest, Hear the branches crack, Rake up the leaves with my foot!.. (A. N. Maikov)

Assignment: Read the poem. Come up with a name.

“Let’s clarify the signs”

Tell us what is typical for each autumn month? How is autumn different from summer?

Coordination of adjectives with nouns:
Task: Select epithets for the words: sun, sky, day, weather, trees, grass, animals, birds, insects.

Task: Find antonyms for the words: warm - cold, cloudy day - sunny day, dry - wet, long - short. Assignment:
“Say a tongue twister.”

First, say the tongue twister out loud slowly twice. Now to myself several times - at first slowly, then faster and faster. Learn to quickly pronounce tongue twisters out loud.

“All the maples have become red, And not a single one is teasing: Since everyone is red anyway, Who cares!”

“Learning to answer questions”
Depending on what task you set for the child, this is the answer you require: complete or short.
After reading the text, the answers can be full and meaningful. The question must be constructed competently and clearly so that the child is not distracted by extraneous details. Listen to the story.
Tell me, what time of year are we talking about? Look at the pictures, which one matches the story? It is important that the text read by adults is an example of the correct literary construction of a sentence, that it is bright and expressive.

Autumn comes after summer. Gradually the days become cloudier, the sun shines less and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It often rains – long, drizzling rains. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. A cold wind tears leaves from tree branches, and they fall to the ground, covering it with a golden carpet. The grass is withering. It's damp and slushy outside. The birds don't sing anymore. They hide from the rain, gather in flocks and fly far to warmer climes. You can’t go outside without an umbrella, you’ll get wet. And it’s cold without a jacket and boots.

Multi-colored boats.

I came to the pond.
How many colorful boats are on the pond today: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately set sail. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the boats will run out. And the pond will freeze. (D.N. Kaigorodov) Tell me what kind of boats float on the pond. What time of year do these boats happen? Color this picture and make up a story based on it. Share your impressions of autumn. Ask, how do you feel about autumn? Start your story with these words: I love autumn because... I don’t like autumn because...

Make up a story according to plan: “Day of Knowledge!”

Assignment: “What autumn gave us.” Words are helpers: garden, fruits, vegetables, vegetable garden, harvesting, harvest, mushrooms, baskets, forest, collect, ripened, harvest.

Game: “What grows in the garden?” Remember what grows in the garden. What grows in the garden? Look at the pictures, first name all the vegetables, then all the berries and finally all the fruits. Answer the questions and explain why there are several correct answers to the same question.

Game: “I cook myself” Show and name the vegetables from which borscht soup is made, and fruits for compote. We will cook borscht from... We will cook compote from...

Game: “I come up with a color” The names of some colors come from the names of words - objects. Let's come up with flower names together. Salad (what color?) – lettuce. Lingonberry (what color?) – lingonberry. Beetroot (what color?) – beetroot. Walnut (what color?) – nut. Carrots (what color?) – carrot. Plum (what color?) – plum. Game: “What kinds of juices are there?” What are these juices called? Apple juice – apple juice. Grape juice – grape juice. Carrot juice – carrot juice. Tomato juice – tomato juice. Cucumber juice – cucumber juice. Plum juice – plum juice. Cabbage juice – cabbage juice. Potato juice – potato juice. Cranberry juice - ... Pear juice - ... Assignment:
“Remember the proverb.”

Read the proverbs and explain how you understand them.

There is no turn from autumn to summer. Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies. In autumn, a gray morning, a red day.

Game: “What’s extra” Listen and guess which of the listed items is extra. Give a clear, complete answer. Start with these words: “I think I’m superfluous...” Chanterelle, porcini mushroom, fly agaric, boletus. Apple, pear, lemon, tomato. Sparrow, swallow, stork, heron, wagtail. Umbrella, jacket, hat, gloves, scarf. Provided you practice regularly, the results will not be long in coming.

We recommend watching:

Scenario for autumn fun in kindergarten. Middle-senior group Poems on an autumn theme for children 5-7 years old Autumn riddles for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten with answers Autumn changes in nature for preschoolers

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Rain - modeling.

It often rains in autumn. Look at the picture with a cloud and droplets with your child, show together “how the rain drips” (“drip-drip-drip”) and tap your fingers on the table.

Then invite your child to make “droplets for a cloud” - let him stick plasticine “droplets” onto a sheet of paper.

This task has three difficulty levels (it is better to choose the one that most suits the child’s level):

1. Simple level (for children who are still not good at sculpting or sculpting for the first time (usually children under 1.5 years old) - the mother puts pre-prepared balls on a sheet of paper and asks the child to press them with his finger.

2. Intermediate level (for children who are already familiar with modeling techniques ) - the child himself takes lumps of plasticine, places them on the paper himself and presses them with his finger.

3. “Advanced” level (for children who are already good at sculpting ) – the baby himself tears off a piece of plasticine from the “sausage” and attaches it to a sheet of paper (specially prepared drops are not required, the baby “makes” them himself).

Autumn copybooks for preschoolers


Thematic funny copybooks - autumn mood. These are recipes for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children with interesting and useful tasks that will help prepare the child’s fingers for writing. These are coloring pages, copybooks and tracings in one collection, where all the black and white pictures need to be colored in autumn colors so that it is immediately clear what time of year it is. Such funny autumn pages will be useful for children in the middle and older groups of kindergarten. And the main thing is that any picture of autumn copybooks you like can be downloaded and printed completely free of charge. To do this, right-click on the picture and select “save picture as”. And, of course, help the children complete all tasks, be patient and praise your kids more often.

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Music of the rain.

Take percussion or noise children's musical instruments that you have at home (or use these “household” instruments that can easily replace musical ones).

Take the child’s hands in yours and try together to “tap” the rhythm to the verses:

Rain, rain, drip and drip!

Don't drip so loudly!

Don't knock on our window!

Better wet the grass!

Drip - drip - drip - drip!

Then turn on the music and invite the child to play a “melody” to the song themselves (play along to Ekaterina Zheleznova’s composition “Rain” ).

The baby will do this with great pleasure if the mother also plays the rhythm on some musical instrument with the child.

Lotto "Couples".

Invite your child to play the autumn Lotto. By playing with lotto, kids develop attention and logic, and also expand their vocabulary (if the mother voices the objects drawn in the picture).

(If you are interested in lotto, click on the picture to enlarge the image).

Lacing - mushrooms

Starting from 1.5 years old, your child can learn to string beads on a cord. To teach this skill, it is better to purchase a set of children's beads, which comes with a cord with a wooden needle.

Since our activity is in the autumn, you can string leaves or mushrooms from paper glued onto cardboard onto a string.

You can download the file with mushrooms and leaves by clicking on the image below. Each pair of mushrooms in this picture is “mirror”, so if desired, the mushrooms and leaves can be made double-sided (glued to each other).

A game to develop attention - “find all the leaves in the room.”

Place the leaves throughout the room. Place some of them in visible places, and hide some, but so that the child can still find them.

Ask your child to find all the leaves and put them in a bucket.

Autumn drawings appropriate for kindergarten and school 2018

There are also crafts that are suitable not only for kindergarten, but also for elementary school. These include: painting fresh leaves using gouache, drawings drawn using the graffiti technique with crayons, drawing based on templates.

Below are several master classes with photos, distinguished by their versatility. This is because they are suitable for children of different ages.

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