Games and play exercises with children with mental retardation

How to stimulate speech activity in children with developmental disabilities. Games and exercises

Authors: Irina Gorelova, Anna Ivanova

Speech development delay (SDD) is often accompanied by aggression, anxiety, and difficulties with socialization. The article contains techniques that will help solve these problems and stimulate speech activity in children.

In recent years, children with speech development delay (SDD) have often been admitted to kindergarten. Children easily interact with gadgets, but do not speak. The tablet, phone, TV are not heard, they do not ask questions, they do not stimulate them to look for an answer, and there is no need to tell the child.

Delayed speech development leads to a slowdown in the rate of intellectual development, since memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination, and purposeful behavior develop with the direct participation of speech. This can slow down and distort the child’s mental development.

Important Remind parents that changes take time and patience, there is no need to force things; If there are no speech changes for a long time, you need to contact a specialist.

Young children need clarity.

The older the child, the less you need to show and the more you encourage him to act on the adult’s word. If a child does not speak or speaks little, you need to offer him entertaining games with objects and pictures.

What to do in the family.

Parents should talk more with the child, encourage them to use words and sentences, provide a sense of psychological security, and an informative and age-appropriate play environment.

Tell parents that before the age of 5, the brain develops rapidly, and this affects the development of speech. Brain development can be helped if the child walks more during daylight hours, does physical exercise, stays in well-ventilated rooms, preferably with pine or citrus scents, changes activities, eats a variety of foods, and does not overwork. It is also important that parents do not smoke in front of the child and that the child does not inhale the smell of cigarette smoke.

Exercise “Brain massage”

Every day, an hour or half an hour before breakfast, the child actively rinses his mouth with boiled water at room temperature for 5 minutes. At the same time, the adult says: “Cheeks wake up, lips wake up, tongue wakes up! Wake up, mind! Wake up speech!”

What to do in kindergarten

To activate children who speak little, you need to offer them tasks that take into account their inclinations and emotions. Educators should include activities in the calendar plan with children telling stories about their favorite toy, etc.

Assignment for the topic “A story about a favorite toy”

The child can draw it or bring it to kindergarten in advance and show it to the children and the teacher. An adult helps with questions: “What is the name of your toy? Can she bark? How angry is she? How happy is he?”

Folders with pictures, albums, books in the group's speech corner should be changed in accordance with the theme of the week. It is better to hang large pictures, as this activates the desire to tell.

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