Speech material for automating the sound P in sound combinations -DR-, -TR- in syllables, words, sentences and verses. educational and methodological material on speech therapy on the topic

Exercise “Answer questions in complete sentences”:

  • Who chops the wood?
  • Where does the otter live?
  • When do blackbirds fly south?

  • How do you get water from a well?
  • What do you put the yeast in?
  • What can a dragon do?

Collocations (148)

  • tore throat
  • ragged throat
  • breastfed
  • skinned
  • hair pulling
  • tore like Sidorov's goat
  • clawed
  • goat jerk
  • rubbish
  • tore two skins
  • tore three skins
  • kicking heels
  • three-skinned
  • tail-wagging
  • fought with all his might
  • dueled
  • bladed
  • precious time
  • gems
  • precious books
  • gem
  • a precious metal
  • better half
  • teased the geese
  • scrub household utensils
  • toilet fight
  • dragons root
  • dragon reed
  • dragon fruit
  • dragon tree
  • draconian laws
  • draconian measures
  • Drakensberg Mountains
  • draconian laws
  • dramatically tense
  • tattered cat
  • dracaena carruzel
  • Dracaena massengeana
  • dracaena surprise
  • dracaena triangle
  • wood debris
  • tree mushroom
  • piety is more ancient
  • ancient legend
  • Hebrew
  • oldest profession
  • ancient times
  • ancient clans
  • ancient tales
  • Ancient world
  • ancient myth
  • Ancient Rome
  • ancient hall
  • ancient man
  • ancient legend
  • ancient literature
  • ancient era
  • tree of life
  • zebra mussel
  • drowsy state
  • dense forest
  • drainage system
  • trained the green serpent
  • crushed into small pieces
  • a fractional number
  • shaking as if in a fever
  • trembling like a hare's tail
  • trembling like a sheep's tail
  • trembling like an aspen leaf
  • trembling
  • trembling over every penny
  • trembling with fear
  • shivering from the cold
  • trembling voice
  • trembling with fear
  • trembling poplar
  • trembling trembling
  • brain jerk
  • without each other
  • friend without friend
  • into each other
  • in each other
  • children's friend
  • for each other
  • friend at home
  • each other
  • each other
  • each other
  • one after another
  • each other
  • friend of the evil one
  • to each other
  • each other
  • Each other
  • each other
  • about each other
  • each other about each other
  • apart from each other
  • against each other
  • together
  • each other
  • friend sieve
  • each other
  • on each other's heads
  • friend of friend
  • friend of human
  • other music
  • other side
  • other people
  • in another way
  • in a different order
  • in other words
  • other people
  • another type
  • there's nothing else to do
  • of a different order
  • of a different kind
  • of a different kind
  • another warehouse
  • you won't find another like it
  • look for another one like this
  • another thing
  • another dimension
  • other me
  • another variant
  • another question
  • another calico
  • another world
  • different orientation
  • other gender
  • another breed
  • another time
  • another conversation
  • other side
  • another man
  • friendship is friendship, and service is service
  • friendly help
  • friendly relations
  • friendly disposition
  • friendly relations
  • friendly with organisms
  • friend to friend
  • friendly company
  • friendly work
  • Friendly team
  • man's friends
  • kicking legs
  • decrepit people

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with “dr” (at the beginning of the word - DR). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing DR.

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Making the sound “r” without a speech therapist. Articulation gymnastics

You need to start with articulation gymnastics . It performs two tasks at once: it helps the sound mature (prepares the speech apparatus for pronouncing the sound) and “warms up” the tongue, lips, and cheeks immediately before the lesson. Otherwise, the exercises may not work out.

Speech gymnastics is best performed in front of a mirror. Or by imitation, when a child repeats after an adult. It is advisable to do exercises every day and not for long. The main condition is that the child must like it. It's better if gymnastics looks like a game.

Certain articulatory gymnastics exercises are designed specifically for training the speech apparatus to pronounce the sound “r”. They train exhalation, stretch the frenulum, and strengthen the tongue in the upper position.

A good powerful exhalation is the key to success. Soap bubbles or a ping-pong ball are very helpful for this; with a precise exhalation you need to be able to drive it into a goal, for example, between two cubes. This is a very exciting exercise that creates the correct air flow. More games for practicing exhalation are here.

Exercise "Swing". The mouth is wide open, the tongue moves up and down, alternately touching the teeth. Hold it at the upper teeth for 10-20 seconds. This exercise trains the tongue to stretch upward and stretches the hyoid frenulum.

Exercise “Delicious jam”. Raise your tongue to your upper lip and lick your lips clockwise and counterclockwise. We reach out with our tongue towards our nose. Let's keep our language broad.

Exercise "Turkey". We open our mouth slightly, reach with our tongue to the upper lip and make back and forth movements with the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip, without lifting the tongue from the lip. We increase the speed and try to say “bl-bl-bl”.

"Painter". We “paint” the teeth, cheeks, and upper palate with our tongue (back and forth).

Exercise “Punish the naughty tongue.” We stick out our tongue and quickly “bite” it with our lips several times, while blowing out air. Using this exercise, we relax the tongue with the lips and practice exhalation.

"Horse". The tongue clicks on the upper palate, imitating the clicking of a horse.

"Mushroom". When performing the “Horse” exercise, at some point we stop the tongue, “gluing” it to the upper palate, and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. The hyoid frenulum is stretched - this is the “mushroom leg”.

If all the speech therapy exercises go well and the child performs them easily, you can begin to play the sound itself.

Automation of the sound R in sentences combined with TR, DR using mnemonics:

  • Grandfather gets off the trolleybus.
  • Aunt Tonya is talking with a friend.
  • Uncle Trofim is sitting behind a cedar tree.
  • Peter has many friends.
  • Trams go one after another.
  • Three girlfriends are wearing snowflake costumes.

Automation of the sound R in sentences using mnemonics in a combination of consonants TR, DR will help introduce the sound R into coherent speech.

In addition to automating the sound R in sentences on our website, you can find material on automation in syllables, words, phrases, phrases, tongue twisters, stories and poems.

Exercise “Continue the sentence following the example”:

  • Katya enters the subway, and Kolya exits the subway.
  • Vanya gets on the tram, and Dima...
  • Tanya puts away the notebook, and Valya...
  • Misha goes to the theater, and Petya...
  • Nikolai sells the pipe, and Trofim...
  • Masha sits down on the mattress, and Dasha...
  • Dima climbs the springboard, and Tolya...
  • Vova is digging a trench, and Vanya...

  • Olya imitated the trumpet player, and Dima imitated the trumpet player.
  • Tanya touched the wall, and Vanya...
  • The willow was reflected in the water, and the birch...
  • Nastya tore off the sheet, and Petya...
  • Yulia was shivering from the cold, and Sasha...
  • Dasha kicked her leg, and Misha...

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