Lexical topic February 23 homework. Lexical topic: our army

Speech therapist on preparation for school

Consultation with a speech therapist for parents, speech preparation of children for school in the family - the tasks of a preschool educational institution. Particular attention is paid to conversations with the parents of those children who will need to apply to specialized educational institutions due to disabilities, poor hearing and speech problems.

The school preparation program includes speech therapy tests at preschool educational institutions for children 5-6 years old, the results of which the teacher must inform the parent about.

Speech therapist consultation

Child’s speech readiness for school: consultation for parents

Today, in practice, methods are widely used that clearly indicate the criteria for a child’s readiness for school by passing specialized tests.

The main mistake parents make is incorrectly assessing their children’s readiness to enter primary school. It is a common opinion that the main criterion is the child’s amount of knowledge, but this is not so.

Consequences of incorrect assessment:

  • loss of interest in learning;
  • constant headaches and complaints;
  • poor understanding of the program.

To start studying at school you need to know the following:

  • features of subtraction and multiplication, determination of larger and smaller numbers;
  • methods of addition and subtraction, for example, 5+2 or 8-4;
  • the names of the months and all days of the week.

What else a preschooler should be able to do:

  • count forward and backward from 0 to 10;
  • name the exact number of items;
  • solve problems of the easiest level;
  • easy to draw signs on checkered paper;
  • express your thoughts in well-constructed sentences of 3-4 words or more;
  • divide simple sentences into several words, and words into syllables;
  • read fairy tales, stories and poems;
  • retell what you read.

Important! In kindergarten, readiness for school is determined on a psychological level. Good contact with everyone in the group, the ability to work in a team, and build friendships are required.

Consultation for parents on the speech preparation of children for school in the family

Once the children’s speech readiness for school has been determined, the speech therapist’s speech will help parents take all necessary measures to correct the situation and best prepare the preschooler for further education.

Tips for parents on adapting a first-grader:

  • It is important that in the morning, during getting ready, a calm and friendly atmosphere reigns in the house.
  • Warnings “God forbid you get a bad mark” are not the best strategy.
  • When meeting a first-grader, you don’t need to immediately ask the question: “What grades did you get today?”
  • There is no need to sit down a first grader for homework immediately after school. It is necessary to allocate 2-3 hours for rest.

Important! Patience of parents is the only opportunity to get good results and catch up with other children in terms of preparedness.

Lessons with a child

Speech therapy tests for children 6-7 years old

The best way to determine readiness for school is speech therapy tests for children 6-7 years old.

Examples of tasks:

  • “Name all the seasons.”
  • “Cross out the extra word from the row: table, chair, pants, sofa.”
  • “Name the color of vegetables: tomato, cucumber, eggplant.”
  • “Name the first and last sound in the word: shell, book, felt-tip pen, shoulder.”
  • “What number comes before: 2, 4, 8. And after?”

Preparing children for first grade is a task not only for teachers and speech therapists, but also for parents. If learning occurs in a playful way on an ongoing basis, positive results will be achieved.

Report to the project:

A defender is a person who protects other people. Defender of the Fatherland is a person who defends his homeland. And also protects all the people who live next to him.

He protects people and his country not only in times of war, but also in times of peace. He protects us from harm, fights injustice, and helps people who need it.

There is no need to ask the defender for help. He will see for himself when his help is needed and will rush to help.

The Great Patriotic War:

It began on June 22, 1941. On this day, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. This war brought many troubles and took countless lives. The lives of soldiers and ordinary people.

The entire people showed unprecedented courage in those years. As one, all people rose up to fight fascism and won. Many heroic deeds were accomplished on the battlefields and in the rear. Every Russian family has relatives who took part in those terrible events. We call them veterans and remember the feat they accomplished.

These people are the real defenders of the country. But even in our time there are those who can safely be called by this word. Ordinary workers, doctors, builders, steelworkers and representatives of all other professions. Each of them, through honest work for the benefit of the Motherland, contributes to its defense.

Protectors in my family:

My dad works in a construction company, but he can safely be called a defender of the Motherland. He served in the army, he was a tank driver and is now in the reserves. If the Motherland needs his skills and abilities, he will fall into line at the first call. Dad always says that the army helped him a lot in his youth. She taught him discipline and the ability to achieve his goals. She made him a real man and dad is proud that he can consider himself a defender of his native land.

My mother works as a nurse. She was finishing medical school and her job was to save the lives of other people. But she is liable for military service, like all other medical workers. Mom showed me her military ID, which says that she is a reserve warrant officer. If the Motherland needs it, my mother will become its defender, just like my father.

But if dad defends the Motherland with arms in hand, then mom will also save lives.

My great-grandfather took part in the Great Patriotic War and fought against fascism. He defended our fatherland with weapons in his hands and was wounded several times. My great-grandfather is a real hero and I am proud of him.

I am still studying and cannot say to myself that I am a defender of the Motherland, but when I grow up, I will become one too. I will definitely join the army. I want to become a tank driver like my dad.

After all, defending your homeland is the sacred duty of every citizen and patriot.


Veterans, those who went through the crucible of the great war, celebrate their holiday on May 9. This is Victory Day. On this day, parades and rallies are held in all cities, but the most grandiose and beautiful is in Moscow, on Red Square.

Soldiers are passing by in formation, military equipment is passing by, planes are flying by. And thousands of people carry portraits of their relatives who fought at the fronts or worked in the rear. This is the procession of the Immortal Regiment. It is always led by surviving veterans.

In addition, on February 23, our country honors all defenders of the Fatherland, military, police, doctors and nurses, firefighters, emergency workers, and many other ordinary people. It is their duty to protect their homeland, their people. They did not participate in the Second World War, but if necessary they will not disgrace the honor of their ancestors.


The defenders of their Motherland, the Fatherland, are not only veterans of long-gone battles and battles. They also turn out to be ordinary people, our grandparents, parents. Even we ourselves will someday definitely deserve this honorary title.

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