Summary of a subgroup correctional lesson for children of the preparatory group with STD

Speech therapy lesson “Sounds [F]-[F`]”

Topic: Sounds [F]-[F`]. Letter F.


creating conditions for familiarization with the sounds [F]-[F`],

letter F.


  • Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds [f, f'].
  • Practice identifying the sounds [f, f'] against the background of the word.
  • Develop phonemic perception: the ability to identify sounds [f, f'] in a series of sounds, syllables, words.
  • Strengthen the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.
  • Develop the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
  • Form ideas about related words.
  • Introduce the letter F.
  • Practice writing the letter F.


  • Two dolls: Foma and Filya.
  • Pictures depicting a camera, photographer, photo album, photographs.
  • Pictures depicting objects whose names contain the sounds [f, f'].
  • Sound lines.
  • Pictures with the image of the letter F, eagle owl, key.
  • Checked notebooks. Simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time

Speech therapist:

Guys, two friends came to visit us: Foma and Filya. They brought a camera with them. What do you call a person who takes photographs? What does the photographer photograph with? What does a photographer get when he takes photographs? Where can I insert photos? What is the name of the photo album? Where does the photographer work? (Children's answers.)

2. Work on related words

Speech therapist:

Guys, which part is the same, common in the words photographer, camera, photo album, photograph? (Children's answers.) Yes, this part is “photo”. If you add other words to this word, you get new words.

These words are called “related”. They have one common part (photo), like a tree's root. These words form one family, which is why they are called cognates.

3. Isolation of the first sound in words, characteristics of sounds

Speech therapist:

Now I’ll say these words again, and you tell me what the first sound is in these words (photographer, photography, photo album, photo studio).

What is the sound [f]? (Firm, agreeable.)

In the word Phil, the first sound is ... (f). Tell us about the sound [f']. (Soft, consonant.)

Are the sounds [f, f'] voiced or unvoiced? (Deaf.) Explain why these sounds are deaf?

4. Subject message

Speech therapist:

Today we will listen and pronounce the sounds [f, f'].

5. Sound differentiation

f, f'
by ear
Speech therapist

: Now I will make sounds. And you, if you hear a hard sound [f] - raise the blue circle, and if you hear a soft sound [f'] - raise the green circle.

The speech therapist pronounces sounds (f, f, f, f, f, f, f...), and the children raise the corresponding mugs.

6. Differentiation of sounds by hearing

f, f'
in a series of syllables
Children are asked to stand on the carpet.

Speech therapist

: Guys, I will name the syllables. If you hear the sound [f] in a word, clap your hands, and if you hear the sound [f'], jump.

The speech therapist names the syllables (fa, fy, fi, fo, fyo, fya, fe, fe...).

7. Differentiation of sounds by hearing

f, f'
in a series of words
Speech therapist:

And now I will pronounce the words. If you hear the sound [f] in a word, clap your hands, and if you hear the sound [f'], jump.

The speech therapist names words (football, eagle owl, Africa, shoes, scarf, coffee...).

8. Game exercise “Find the right photo”

Speech therapist

: Foma and Filya took photographs. But they got confused. They argue about whose photo is. Let's help them, find the authors of the photos.

The photographs taken by Foma depict objects whose names contain the hard sound [f], and the photographs taken by Filya depict objects whose names contain the sound [f'].

The speech therapist lays out the “photos”, and the children take turns taking the pictures, determining the presence of the sounds [f, f'] in them and giving them to Phil or Foma.

9. Physical exercise

Speech therapist:

Filya and Foma, when they relax, like to do the following exercises:

And now everything is in order. Let’s get together and do some exercise.

Arms to the sides, bent, raised up, waved.

They hid them behind their backs and looked back over their right shoulder and over their left. They sat down together and touched their heels.

We stood up on our tiptoes and lowered our hands down.

10. Determining the location of sounds

f, f'
in the word
Speech therapist:

And now your friends are asking you to help them find out where in the words they really like the sounds [f, f'] are located - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. For example, Phil really likes the word “flag”. The F sound in this word is at the beginning. Now Filya and Foma will tell you words, and you will determine where the sounds [f, f'] are located - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

(Children complete the task using special sound lines.)

11. Game exercise to develop syllabic synthesis

Speech therapist:

Our guests thank you for your help and offer to play a game that they love and play often.

I will throw the ball and name two sounds. And you will catch the ball and make syllables from these sounds.

The speech therapist throws the ball, naming a couple of sounds, and the children make up syllables (f...a - fa, f...i - fi, o...f - of, etc.)

Then the speech therapist suggests coming up with words with these syllables: Filya and Foma tried to find words with these syllables, but, unfortunately, they did not succeed. Guys, please help them, name the words with the syllables you just made.

(Children name the words: veil, photograph, ficus, cap...)

12. Introducing the letter F

Speech therapist

: Today we listened and pronounced sounds [f, f]. These sounds are denoted by the letter F. The speech therapist shows a picture of the letter F.

Speech therapist

: What does the letter F look like?

(Children answer.)

After the children express their opinion, the speech therapist shows symbol pictures and reads poetry:

- Eagle owl, two huge eyes, will immediately remind you of the letter F.

– Everyone knows without prompting: The letter F is like the key to a fairy tale.

Karabas will never take it away from us.

- Filya walks with his hands on his hips, which means he has learned his lessons.

Speech therapist:

Stand up too, put your hands on your belt. Look, you look like the letter F.

13. Typing the letter F

Speech therapist:

See how to write the letter F correctly.

The speech therapist shows the letter letters on the board. Then the children write it in a squared notebook.

14. Writing syllables in a notebook

Speech therapist:

You have learned to write the letter F.

Filya and Foma invite you to try writing down the syllables. Filya asks to write the syllable AF.

What is the first sound in the syllable AF? What letter do we use to denote the sound A? Write it down. What is the second sound in the syllable AF? What letter does it represent? Write the letter F next to the letter A. Read, what syllable did you get?

Thomas asks to write down the syllable FO. What is the first sound in the syllable FO? And second? Skip one cell and write the syllable FO.

Guys, you remember, today we were looking for a common part in the words: photography, camera, photographer. What part is this? (Photo). Count how many syllables are in the word photo. Name the first syllable. We have already recorded it. Which syllable must be added to make the word “photo”? (The syllable “that.”) Complete it. Read what you got. (The word "photo".)

Filya and Foma thank you for your help!

15. Summary

Speech therapist

: Guys, who came to us today? What have we learned today? What did you learn? Which letter did you meet?

Well done! Filya and Foma say goodbye to you and wish you success!


Clarify the articulation of sounds [f—f']; teach children to differentiate the sounds [f-v], [f' - v'] in words; teach children to select several nouns for one adjective; practice making sentences from given words; consolidate the ability to divide a word into syllables; determine the sequence of sounds in a word; familiarize children with the image of the letter Ff; consolidate the images of letters.


Mirrors, diagram for articulation analysis, panels of letters, chalk, board, sheet of blue paper, stamps, white gouache; sound houses; a picture (toy) with the image of a hedgehog; scissors and cut out letters according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

I. 1. - We met the wolf and the crow. What song did the wolf compose for the crow? (Multiple answers)

Analysis of the word crow:

divided into syllables; identify the first sound in a word and characterize it.

- What can you call a wolf's song? (Howl)

Sound analysis of the word howl

using sound houses: sequential determination of the first, second and third sounds with characteristics; name how many sounds there are in a word.

II. —Who did you help escape from the wolf in the last lesson? (To the hedgehog) Today a grateful hedgehog came to visit us (demonstration of a picture or toy). He wants to talk about himself.

The hedgehog's name is Fedya. He lives in the forest. Fedya finds something tasty and puffs with pleasure. Like this: f-f-f-f .

(Children repeat after the teacher) And if Fedya meets a fox or a wolf, he immediately curls up into a ball and snorts:
f-f-f-f .
(Children repeat)

Articulation of sounds.

— The hedgehog reminded us of the sounds [f-f']. When we pronounce them, the lower lip is slightly pressed against the upper teeth; the upper lip is slightly raised; tongue below; air passes through a narrow gap; the vocal cords vibrate.

Characteristics of sounds.

The sounds [f-f'] are consonants, there are hard and soft.

III. The teacher continues the story. As the story progresses, he displays pictures (these words are highlighted in the text).

Every night Fedya the hedgehog met with his friend Filya the eagle owl.

The eagle owl loved to sit on the bottom
of a large
And the hedgehog sat down under a tree in
the grass.
They talked, looked at
the stars
and inhaled the delicate aroma of night
Then the eagle owl flew off to hunt.
And Fedya the hedgehog ran to the village. There, in one house, food was left for him. Today he found meatballs and fruit on a saucer.
The door to the house was slightly open.
And the curious Fedya looked through the crack. There, on the table, he saw a TV, a vase
of flowers,
markers, and
a socket with
The halva smelled so delicious. But she stood so high. Fedya sighed and ran home.

The teacher asks to name what is shown in the pictures on display and put them into two piles: words with sounds [f—f'] in one, words with sounds [v—v'] in the other.

The stack of pictures with the sounds [v-v'] is removed. Children are asked to identify words with hard and soft sounds {f-f'].

Sound [f]: fruits, markers.

Sound [f']:
eagle owl, violet.
3 .

Working with proposals.

The teacher asks the children to make sentences from the given words.

a) Eagle owl, sleep, day. (The owl sleeps during the day)

How many words are there in a sentence? What is the first word (second, third)?

b) Fedya, sniff, violet, (Fedya sniffs the violet)

Similar work.

c) Boy, draw, markers. (The boy draws with felt-tip pens)

Similar work.

IV. 1. Introducing the letter Ff.

- Today we learned a lot of words with sounds [f-f']. There are two sounds, but the letter that represents them is one.

The teacher shows the letter and places it on the panel of letters at the address: second floor (second row from the bottom), apartment No. 2 (second cell from the left).

2. Analytical and synthetic activity (using scissors and a letter constructor).

V. 1. Development of fine motor skills. Working with stamps.

Game "Snowfall". A sheet of blue paper is laid out on the table, jars of white gouache and several snowflake stamps are placed.

The teacher names an adjective, and the children select as many nouns as possible for it. Correct approval gives the right to make an imprint of a snowflake on a sheet of paper.

An approximate set of adjectives:

· February

(day, snow, frost, evening, wind, holiday, etc.);

· coffee

(service, smell, color, scarf, drink, etc.);

· violet

(pencil, tie, suit, etc.).

Attention! The game “Snowfall” can be continued after class.

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