Words starting with the letter E and E for children - 15 colorful pictures

Pictures of words starting with the letter E and E for children - 15 pictures

Here is a list of words starting with the letter e and the letter e, which consists of nouns, we specially selected them for small children: Christmas tree, Food, Blackberry, Unicorn, Raccoon, Echidna, Spruce, Hedgehog, Spruce, Elets, Hedgehog, Hedgehog-fish, Container, Brush, Brush.

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Flip through our magazine so that your child can better remember the letter E and the letter E

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How easy is it for a small child to remember the letter I?

The letter I is another vowel letter of the Russian alphabet. Start to draw the child’s attention to what the letter I looks like. Here are Lego pieces, they can be folded like the letter I. Here is a needle and thread and it can be folded like the letter I. But the lightning symbol, what does it resemble? That's right - the letter I!

What else does she look like? On the gate from the fence?

The letter I is a very important letter. She connects words. Mom and Dad. Mom and son. Mom and daughter! Thanks to this union we can be together.

Pure sayings with the letter E

It is important that the child not only remembers the letter E, but also can speak it correctly. Pure phrases are suitable for such purposes.

Be-be-be, the trumpeter plays the trumpet. De-de-de, we are interested everywhere. Same, same, where is dad? In the garage. Ze-ze-ze, let's take care of the goat. Ke-ke-ke, let's walk lightly. Le-le-le, they got dirty in ash. Me-me-me, we are ready for winter. No, no, no, we are standing aside. Pe-pe-pe, let's look for moths in the cereal. Re-re-re, the fox lives in a hole. Se-se-se, everyone loves cartoons. Te-te-te, take care of the cat. Fe-fe-fe, who lives in Ufa? Hehehehe, you can eat your ear. Tset-tse-tse, there is a tsetse fly.

Che-che-che, do you remember about the doctor? She-she-she, what do you know about noodles? Shh-sche-sche, what’s in the borscht?

Try showing your child the letter I with your body?

Ask him to repeat it? So, memorization is better through body language. You can also fold your fingers in the shape of the letter I, for example like this:

Can you repeat this? But mom takes something out of the closet or you hold a stick between your palms:

Which of the pictures do you remember best?

Coloring page for the letter E

Didactic material for express examination of sound pronunciation


To enroll in a speech therapy center, the speech therapist teacher must conduct a rapid examination of the entire group. Children with FFDD are enrolled in the speech therapy center. FFNR is caused primarily by a violation of sound pronunciation. Therefore, the speech therapist must have material for prompt mass examination of children in order to identify those in need of speech therapy help.

There is a manual by the country's leading speech therapists. Konovalenko V.V. and Konovalenko S.V. "Rapid examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age." In my opinion, it is no different in scope from the manuals recommended for in-depth examination of children.

That's why. I developed and developed speech material for an express examination of the pronunciation of sounds for preschool children.

The structure of the express examination for each sound is as follows:

First, we check the sound pronunciation in sentences rich in a given sound. Tongue twisters and sentences of complex and simple structure are used here.

If the child pronounces correctly, you can additionally check in his own speech. To do this, ask them to come up with suggestions based on the pictures. Based on the sentences compiled, it will be possible to judge how well the grammatical categories are formed. If it turns out that there is no understanding of grammatical forms (singular and plural nouns, feminine and masculine forms, incorrect use of cases), then you can continue working on the pictures: offer to name objects in singular. and in plural including, first name feminine objects, then masculine ones, etc.

Then move on to checking another sound.

If a defect is detected, continue the examination in the pronunciation of words of different syllable structures. It is advisable for the child to name the objects (objects) in the pictures. The words are selected taking into account the sequence in accordance with the main groups/classes of the syllabic structure of words.

And as a result, the isolated pronunciation of the sound is checked, as well as in forward and backward syllables, in syllables with a confluence.

This teaching material is printed on photographic paper, placed in a folder with files for 20 pieces. I always carry it with me. Very comfortably. When examining, I simply turn the pages.

I would appreciate your feedback.


(Whistling sounds. Sounds S - S)


Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. There is a tall pine tree in the forest.

Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own. Sonya bought juice.

2. Name and repeat: Beads - dog - soup - forest - sock - scooter - table - masks - shepherd - bench

3. Repeat: S-S-S-S-S sa – so – su – sy; as – os – us – ys;

ska - sko - hundred - stu - sleep - dreams - spa - sleep;

4. Repeat:

Senya is carrying hay in the canopy
Don't be afraid - it's a goose, Plums are hanging on a branch.

Senya will sleep on the hay. I'm afraid of him myself. Vasya is herding geese.

5. Name - repeat: Sieve - fox cubs - seven - goose - autumn - cornflower - snow - plums - traffic light

6. Repeat:

sya – syo – syu – si; as - axis - us;

slya - sli - laugh - stya - shame - sti - sleeping - sleep - sleep - all - all - all;


(Whistling sounds. Sounds З - Зь)

1. Repeat:

Zoya is the bunny's mistress, Zoya has a mimosa. Zoya puts a mimosa in a vase.

The bunny is sleeping in Zoya's basin.

2. Name - repeat: Goat - alphabet - tooth - cart - fence - name - umbrella - nest - Dunno

3. Repeat: Z-Z-Z-Z for - zo - zu - zy; az – oz – uz – yz; zva – zvo – zda ​​– zdo – zna – zna;

4. Name it - repeat: My little goat has green eyes. A goat gnaws on green cabbage.

In winter, Zina's nose gets cold. Kuzya goes to the museum.

5. Name - repeat: Winter - newspaper - goat - shop - snake - grain - monkey - strawberry

3. Repeat: zy - ze - zy - zi; azi – oz – uz – iz;

zve – zvi – zve; I know - I know - I know - I know; serpent - serpent;


(Whistling sounds. Sound Ts)

1.Repeat: From the neighboring well Chicken and hen The hare sits under an acacia bush.

Water flows all day long. They drink water on the street. There is water in the well.

2. Name - repeat: Face - chicken - chain - hare - well - saucer - flower - towel

3. Repeat: Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts ats - ots - uts - ets - its; tsa - tso - tsy - tse; tsva - tsve - tsvi;


(Hissing sounds. Sh sound)

1.Repeat: Hush, mice, don’t make noise, Masha sewed for the monkey, Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower.

Don't wake our cat. A fur coat, a hat and pants. The mouse has a hat.

2. Name - repeat: Porridge - reeds - jester - shower - bag - cockerel - closet - cherry - grandmother - sunshine

3. Repeat: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh sha - sho - shu - shi - she; ash - osh - ush - ish - ysh; shka - shko - shku

(Hissing sounds. Sound F)

4. Repeat: The beetle has fallen and cannot fly. Without sparing its legs, the hedgehog runs.

He is waiting for someone to help him. The hedgehog has a hedgehog.

5. Name - repeat: Skis - greedy - beetle - hedgehog - pie - spoon - scissors - skier - snowdrop

6. repeat: Zh-Zh-Zh-Zzha - zho - zhu - zhi - zhe; waiting - waiting - waiting; zhna - zhno - zhnu - zhzhny;

(Hissing sounds. Sound Ch)

7. Repeat: Water, water, wash my face. Tanya is swinging on a swing. The girl bakes cookies.

8. Name - repeat: Clock - swing - tea - ball - rich man - candle - barrel - cookies - Snow Maiden

9. Repeat: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch ach - och - uch - ich; cha - che - chu - chi;

chnya - chne - chnyu - chni; honor - honor - honor;

(Hissing sounds. Shch sound)

10. Repeat: I drag the pike, I drag it, The puppy squeaks in the gorge. Children are looking for a puppy.

I won't miss the pike.

11. Name - repeat: Pike - shield - cape - puppy - pliers - brush - click - glazier - traffic controller

12. Repeat: sch-sch-sch-sch - sch sch - sch - sch - sch; sha - schu - schu - cabbage soup;

schnya - schnyu - schni; vscha – vschu – vschi;


(Sonoras: Р – Рь)

1.Repeat: A mole climbed into our yard, Vera and Roma are drumming on a drum.

Digging the ground at the gate. There are carps in the pond.

2. Name - repeat: Feather - cow - cancer - ball - ram - tomato - pipe - watermelon - tram - grapes

3. Repeat: R-R-R-R-R ra - ro - ru - ry; ar - or - ur - yr; tra - tro - tru - tra; sconce - bro - bru;

4. Repeat: At my sister Marina’s, Rita and Varya are making jam.

Cheeks like tangerines. Marina is cooking rice.

5. Name - repeat: Turnip - rowan - lantern - cucumber - mushrooms - tourist - backpack - mittens - apricots

6. Repeat: rya - re - ryu - ri; ar - or - ur - yr; quack - cre - cru - cree; three - three - three;

(Sonoras: L - L)

7. Repeat: A young elk ran through golden straw. Mila was washing the floor in the classroom. Alla was eating an apple.

8. Name - repeat: Soap - milk - onion - pencil case - table - wolf - squirrel - lightning - flower bed - needle

9. Repeat: L-L-L-L-L al - ol - ul - yl; la - lo - lu - ly;

kla - klo - klu - slu - slo - sly - plo - ply - gla - glo - glu;

10. Repeat: They stomped and stomped, they stomped until they reached the poplar, Luda watered the tulips from a watering can.

They stomped all the way to the poplar, but their feet stomped. Lena has a green ribbon.

11. Name - repeat: Log - lion - lemon - vacuum cleaner - watering can - frog - snail - refrigerator

12. Repeat: la - le - lyu - li; al - ol - ul - il; for - for - for - for; vlya - slyo - angry - pli;

Coloring page for the letter E

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