Speech therapy center in kindergarten. What it is?

Speech therapy center in kindergarten. What it is?

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD) and general speech underdevelopment (GSD). And for various reasons, not all of these children manage to get into speech therapy kindergartens (speech therapy groups). Therefore, they can receive the help of a speech therapist (hereinafter referred to as speech therapist) only in general developmental kindergartens (ordinary kindergartens).

In a preschool educational institution (DOU), which does not have speech therapy groups, speech correction of pupils is carried out by a speech therapist within the speech therapy center .

If your child did not end up in a specialized speech therapy kindergarten (speech therapy group), and the problem of incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds worries you very much, there is a reason to go to a speech therapy center operating in our kindergarten. On its basis, work is being carried out to timely identify and correct deficiencies in the speech development of children.

A speech therapy center (abbreviated as “logopunkt”) is a place where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to another (specialized) group.

What kind of children are taken to the pre-school logo center?

During the school year, a speech therapist examines the speech of children aged 4 years and older. Based on the results of the survey, a predetermined number of children-speech therapists aged 4, 5 years and older are selected for the next school year. In the spring, at the end of the current academic year, a psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC) is held at the preschool educational institution, based on the results of which the roster of the speech center is approved.

Children from 5 years of age with uncomplicated (compared to diagnoses for speech therapy kindergartens and speech therapy groups) speech disorders are enrolled in the speech therapy center. Not all children in a regular kindergarten are taken to speech therapy centers, but only those most in need of help. There is a priority depending on the severity of the speech disorder.

First of all, children 6 years old who will enter school in a year are enrolled in the speech therapy center, that is, children from the school preparatory group, as well as those who did not complete classes with a speech therapist last year.

Some of the children in the older group are enrolled in the remaining places.

All other preschool children who need help from a speech therapist are put on a waiting list. Younger children can receive speech therapy help only in the form of consultations with parents (legal representatives) at a specially designated time.

With what diagnosis (speech therapy report) can I get to the preschool speech center?

Most often, children are admitted with the following speech therapy findings:

  • violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds - NPOS - (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FNR (phonetic speech underdevelopment);
  • phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FFND;
  • general underdevelopment of speech - OSD - the third level of speech development (in children with dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) or NVONR - mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech.

In what mode are classes held at the preschool educational institution’s logo center?

Correctional work with children enrolled in classes begins in September with an in-depth examination, in accordance with standard long-term planning and planning of individual work and in accordance with the structure of the speech defect.

Frontal classes (with a group of children) - at least once a week, individual-subgroup classes - 2 or 3 times a week. The best effect, of course, comes from individual lessons.

How often individual lessons are conducted with your child and their duration is determined by the speech therapist, depending on the severity of the speech disorder, the age of the child and his psychophysical characteristics. Typically, individual sessions at a speech center last from 10 to 20 minutes.

The goal of individual speech therapy sessions is the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic processes.

In the first half of the day, the speech therapist works 3-4 times a week. In the afternoon - 1-2 times a week. Most often, individual lessons and consultations with parents are held in the afternoon.

How many children are enrolled in the preschool education center?

The number of children attending a speech therapy center at the same time should not exceed 20-25 people.

Since speech therapy assistance is required by a large number of children with different types of speech diagnoses, the time frame for working with each child can vary greatly (from 3 to 9-12 months)

Therefore, children are removed from the speech center in kindergarten not as a whole group, but individually, as the speech disorder is corrected. Another child on the waiting list is immediately enrolled in the vacant seat.

Thus, the speech center in kindergarten is an open and extremely mobile system.

It is very difficult for a speech therapist to solve the problem of completely correcting the speech of children alone. Therefore, he intensively involves both parents and kindergarten specialists in his work.

To successfully correct children's speech, the help of parents is simply necessary! They must follow all the recommendations of the speech therapist, regularly attend consultations with a specialist, and do homework. And, of course, close monitoring of the baby’s speech is necessary on the part of parents.

Prepared by: Tarasenkova Yu.V., speech therapist teacher

Current problems in speech therapy "Logopunkt in preschool educational institutions"

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok"

With. Alexandrov-Gai Saratov region

Yakshainova O.D.

Speech therapy center preschool educational institution

Current problems, the state of speech therapy services in preschool educational institutions.
In the practice of modern education, there is a growing gap between the real situation of the increasing need for corrective and preventive influence at an early age and the existing regulatory and legal framework that regulates the activities of the speech center of preschool educational institutions and constrains the provision of timely speech therapy assistance to children

In middle and older age, deviations in speech acquisition become more complex and develop into various forms of speech disorders. The largest number of children with speech disorders were identified at the age of 4–5 years, 5–6 years. At the same time, only older children receive help within the preschool speech center, and work with younger children is limited to creating a data bank on speech disorders and counseling parents. The teacher-speech therapist primarily provides assistance to children of the older group; children of middle and younger age are left without speech therapy assistance.

Due to the increase in the number of preschool children with certain speech development disorders, it is impossible to provide them with correctional and pedagogical assistance and only within the framework of speech therapy groups. Moreover, the role and importance of speech therapy centers in preschool educational institutions is increasing as one of the most realistic and effective ways to ensure high speech and socio-psychological adaptation of children with speech disorders to the conditions of school education.

The choice of methods and forms of providing speech therapy assistance is directly related to the determination of the characteristics of children, the educational needs of parents (legal representatives), the capabilities of the regional education system itself, which together identifies the following forms: organization of speech therapy intervention:

 Speech therapy centers in preschool educational institutions;

 Intragroup differentiation of individual pedagogical work with children in the course of regulated and unregulated activities (the work comes down to the development of children’s speech, the formation of a coherent, expressive and logical statement in them).

A preschool speech therapy center is the “youngest” form of organizing speech correction assistance for children with speech impairments. Unfortunately, there is still not a single federal level regulatory document on this model of organizing speech therapy care. Publications in a number of publications, especially in the scientific and methodological journal “Logoped”, help to more effectively solve issues of prevention and correction of speech defects. However, speech therapists sometimes have problems that require an extraordinary approach, both to the organization and to the selection of the content of speech correction work.

When analyzing the currently available regulations on preschool speech therapy centers in individual cities and regions of the Russian Federation, many discrepancies and inconsistencies are revealed regarding the specifics of speech therapy work with preschool children. These discrepancies and inconsistencies relate to:

— a list of types and forms of speech disabilities with which children are enrolled;

enrollment mechanism;

— the number of children studying at the speech center at the same time;

— recommended frequency of individual and group lessons for children with different structures of speech defects;

— a list of documentation of the speech therapist teacher.

Inconsistencies in a number of provisions are caused mainly by the fact that they are based on the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center in a general education institution.” The wording of the title of the letter makes it possible to assume that it also relates to the activities of the speech therapy center of the preschool educational institution, since kindergartens are also general educational institutions. But this letter entirely determines the procedure for organizing the activities of only the school logo center, which follows from the contents of the letter and its appendices.

It is inappropriate to strictly regulate the work of a speech therapist in these conditions, since strict regulation will lead to formality in the work and will not allow fully taking into account the structure of the speech defect and the psychophysical characteristics of each child; will limit the initiative and creative approach to solving correctional, organizational and methodological problems of a speech therapist.

What are the specifics of working at a preschool speech center and how does the work of a speech therapist at a speech center differ from the work of a speech therapist in a group for children with speech disorders? There are several main differences.

1) The work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution in its structure and functional responsibilities differs significantly from the work of a speech therapist in a speech kindergarten. This is primarily due to the fact that the speech therapist at the speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it in parallel, as is customary in speech kindergartens. The work of a speech therapist is based on the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The work schedule and schedule of classes are approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

Unlike specialized preschool educational institutions (groups), the task of speech correction in a speech center is additional. There is no time in the children's schedule specifically allocated for classes with a speech therapist, so you have to very carefully draw up a schedule and work with the children in such a way as not to interfere with the assimilation of the preschool educational program. Teachers work according to their own plans, have difficulty monitoring the correct pronunciation of sounds, and have no incentive to do this work.

2) In the speech therapy group, the composition of children does not change throughout the year; there are up to 12 people per speech therapist, depending on the speech report. At the speech center, children enter and leave throughout the year, while 25 people study with one speech therapist at the same time.

3) In the speech therapy group, children have the same speech conclusion, which determines the lesson program. At the speech center, children with different speech impairments (FFND, ONR) are simultaneously trained.

4) There is currently no correction program for the work of logopoints; in our work we rely on modern technologies and developments by T.B. Filicheva, O.S. Ushakova, T.A. Tkachenko, O.E. Gribova, O. Gromova E.E., Solomatina G.N., Konovalenko V.V. and S.V. and etc.

5) The speech therapist at the speech center works in a different mode from the speech garden. The main forms of organizing work with children with speech impairments are individual and subgroup lessons: short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (2-3 times a week) and designed for a 6- or 12-month training period.

6) The speech therapist at the speech center is forced to intervene in the learning process on the day the child attends his classes. Children with speech disorders themselves receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily. All this leaves a certain imprint on speech therapy work.

Therefore, very often we have to resort to forms that are rarely covered in specialized literature, namely, group production of sounds.

Another form used is individual lessons in the presence of other children. While one child is working with a speech therapist, others are playing specially selected games to develop fine motor skills, color perception, sense of rhythm, etc. This form of classes was dictated primarily by the need to save time, but then its other positive aspects emerged: greater emancipation of children in class, increased interest in the speech of their peers, motivation for their own pure speech.

Methods and techniques used during the correction process

traditional, scientifically based. However, despite the fact that the main goal of a speech therapist teacher’s work in a speech therapy center is to correct violations of sound pronunciation, tasks related to the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of the child’s language are simultaneously solved. Replenishment of the dictionary occurs not only due to the introduction of new words into it, acting as speech material, clarification of their meaning, but also due to the word-formation skills gradually formed during classes. Figuratively speaking, in addition to correcting violations of sound pronunciation, the child receives a tool for further expanding his vocabulary, which, in turn, increases the possibilities of training exercises.

The overall success of correctional training in a speech therapy center

determined by the joint work of the speech therapist and parents. Parents become full participants in the educational process. The child receives individual correctional assistance only 2-3 times a week, so its effectiveness depends, among other things, on the degree of interest and participation of parents in speech correction. Newly formed sounds must be supported by all means, and not given to the child the opportunity to pronounce them without reinforcement and control.

The volume of advisory and methodological work of a speech therapist teacher in a
speech therapy center
From “all 4 hours of his working time, a speech therapist works directly with children” to “the weekly workload of a speech therapist in working conditions at a preschool speech therapy center is 20 hours, of which 15-16 hours are allocated to direct work with children, 4-5 hours - for organizational, methodological and advisory work with preschool teachers and parents.” Since the frequency and volume of advisory work are revealed in the process of speech correction work, then in the speech therapist’s working time for this, of course, there must be time free from classes with children.

List of necessary documentation for a speech therapist working at a preschool speech center:

1. Journal of primary examination of speech and consultations of children.

2. List of children enrolled in individual speech therapy sessions.

3. Register of children awaiting enrollment in individual speech therapy classes.

4. List of children in need of special conditions of upbringing and education.

5. Journal of expulsion of children from individual speech therapy classes.

6. Journal of dynamic observation.

7. Long-term and calendar plans for individual and subgroup speech correction classes with children.

8. Annual plan for consultative and methodological work with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and parents.

9. Report on the work done for the past academic year.

10. Speech card for each enrolled child.

Teacher - speech therapist in a preschool institution

Some parents, fortunately, do not even know why a speech therapist is needed in kindergarten . And parents of children with speech disorders had to come into close contact with the science of speech therapy and get acquainted with specialists in this field.

Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders, their overcoming and prevention through special correctional education and upbringing, which is one of the sections of special pedagogy - defectology, and is divided into preschool, school and adult. This article will mostly be devoted to preschool speech therapy . Speech therapy, which combines medicine, psychology and pedagogy, and without knowledge of the basics of these specialties, can be useless and sometimes “dangerous”

A kindergarten teacher-speech therapist is a multidisciplinary specialist who works with all types of speech disorders in preschool children.
What functions does a speech therapist perform in kindergarten ? A speech therapist in kindergarten conducts a complete and detailed examination of each child to determine the characteristics of his speech development. Most often this happens at the beginning of the school year, special examination protocols are used, the child’s medical record is studied, parents are interviewed, and if necessary, the speech therapist can refer the child for a consultation with an ENT doctor, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an audiologist, or a defectologist. Ideally, a conclusion about a child’s speech development is made collectively: by a speech therapist , a psychologist and a neurologist . And after this, the speech therapist , taking into account the characteristics of the child’s psyche and the severity of the speech defect, selects a speech correction program.

The speech correction program is carried out in stages, and in most cases, includes:

- formation of correct speech breathing,

- development of phonetic perception,

- normalization of speech motor skills,

-correction of sound pronunciation disorders,

- overcoming impairments and developing the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech,

- development of connected speech.

the speech therapist then teaches him the elements of literacy and prepares him for studying at a comprehensive school. The duration of the correction program depends on the severity of the speech disorder, the psychological and neurological status of the child, and on the professionalism of the speech therapist . Each lesson conducted by a speech therapist in kindergarten is a whole range of games and exercises, as well as various types of gymnastics and massages for children’s tongues. In classes, the speech therapist uses toys , pictures, musical instruments and a lot of various teaching aids. And the most important attribute of the classes is the mirror, in front of which most tasks are performed. has speech therapy instruments - probes for massage and sound production. A speech therapist in kindergarten regularly conducts not only frontal (classes with the whole group), but also subgroup and individual classes.

What speech disorders does a speech therapist correct in kindergarten ?

1. Impaired oral speech:

- dyslalia (tongue-tied)

– disturbance of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and preserved innervation of the speech apparatus;

-dysarthria – a violation of the pronunciation side of speech, caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus;

-rhinolalia – disturbance of voice timbre and sound pronunciation caused by anatomical and physiological defects of the speech apparatus;

- stuttering is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech, caused by the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus;

-bradylalia – pathologically slow rate of speech;

-tachylalia - pathologically accelerated rate of speech;

-alalia is the absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic damage to the speech areas of the cerebral cortex in the prenatal or early period of a child’s development.

In addition to problems with oral speech, children suffer from a written language disorder, which is corrected at school.

2. Violation of means of communication:

-FNR – phonetic speech underdevelopment. This is a violation of sound pronunciation with normal physical and phonemic hearing and the normal structure of the speech apparatus. There may be a disorder of a single sound or several sounds at the same time. Such disorders may manifest themselves:

• in absence (omission)

sound - aketa instead of rocket

• in distortions - throaty pronunciation of the sound r, buccal pronunciation - sh, etc.

Incorrect pronunciation can be observed in relation to any consonant sound, but less often those sounds that are violated are those that are simple in the method of articulation and do not require additional movements of the tongue (m, n, p, t; most often violated:

- whistling sounds - S, Z (and their soft pairs, C;

-hissing sounds – Ш, Ж, Х, Ш;

- sonorant (lingual)

– L, R
(and their soft pairs)

-rear lingual – K, G, X (and their soft pairs)


Most often, a speech therapist in kindergarten takes children with FND for six months.

-FFNR - phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. This is a violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system (native)

language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of sounds.
With intact physical hearing, children cannot distinguish or confuse similar sounds (whistling and hissing; sonorant; soft and hard; voiced and dull)
For example, when asked to repeat a number of different sounds or syllables , the child repeats all sounds or syllables as the same (pa-pa-pa instead of pa-ba-pa)
And, when a speech therapist in kindergarten asks what sounds he hears? The kid replies that the sounds are the same. It is not physical, but phonemic hearing (hearing for phonemes)
. And, as a result of a number of reasons, it turns out to be disturbed or unformed.

A phoneme is the minimum unit of sound structure of a language. Each phoneme in speech is represented by its own variants (allophones)

. A phoneme has a main variant - a sound in a strong position: for vowels - this is the position under stress, for consonants - the position before the vowel or sonorant.

Several conditions are identified in the phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of children:

• difficulties in analyzing sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation;

• with formed articulation, inability to distinguish sounds belonging to different phonetic groups;

• inability to determine the presence and sequence of sounds in a word.

The main manifestations characterizing FFNR:

1. Undifferentiated pronunciation of pairs or groups of sounds, i.e. the same sound can serve as a substitute for two or more sounds for a child. For example, instead of the sounds “s”

the child pronounces the sound
instead of
instead of
instead of

2. Replacement of some sounds with others that have simpler articulation, i.e. complex sounds are replaced by simple ones. For example, a group of hissing sounds can be replaced by whistling sapka instead of hat, “r”

is replaced by
laketa instead of rocket.

3. Mixing of sounds, i.e. unstable use of a number of sounds in different words. A child can use sounds correctly in some words, but in others replace them with similar ones in articulation or acoustic characteristics. For example, a child can correctly pronounce the sounds “r”

in isolation (i.e. one sound, not in a syllable or word, but in speech utterances instead of
“red cow”
he says
“lyzaya kalova”

In addition to the listed features of pronunciation and phonemic perception, children with FFDD exhibit: general blurred speech, unclear diction, some delay in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech (errors in case endings, use of prepositions , agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns).

A speech therapist in kindergarten children with such a speech disorder for correctional classes throughout the year.

-ONR – general speech underdevelopment. As the name suggests, with this type of disorder, all components of the speech system, that is, the sound side (phonetics)

– violation of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception;
semantic side (lexis, grammar)
- poor vocabulary, few generalizations, synonyms, antonyms, etc., errors in inflection and word formation, difficulties in coordinating words; poor development of coherent speech - the ability to tell and retell.

Children with OHP are characterized by:

•later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4 years, phrasal speech of two words by 5 years;

• speech is full of agrammatisms (irregular forms and variants of words)

and not sufficiently phonetically designed;

• expressive speech lags behind impressive speech, that is, the child, while understanding the speech addressed to him, cannot correctly voice his thoughts;

• the speech of children with ODD is difficult to understand.

Most often, when talking about ODD, they mean speech disorders in children with normal intelligence and hearing. The fact is that with hearing or intellectual impairments, speech underdevelopment, of course, occurs in most cases, but in this case, OHP already has the character of a secondary defect.

The formation of correct speech development is a complex process - it requires the joint work of a doctor - a neurologist, speech therapist , psychologist, educator, music worker, and physical education specialist. This work must be coordinated and comprehensive. By actively influencing the child with specific professional means, teachers build their work on the basis of general pedagogical principles. At the same time, by identifying objectively existing points of contact between various pedagogical areas, each teacher does not carry out his work in isolation, but complementing and deepening the influence of others. Therefore, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child with speech impairments, preschool education specialists outline a unified set of joint correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation and development of the motor, intellectual, speech and social-emotional spheres of personality development of a preschool child.

And at the end of my work, I would like to say that parents play an equally important role in the speech development of children. Therefore, in addition to classes with the child, the speech therapist in the kindergarten provides consultations to parents, during which he explains to the parents the child’s speech defect and teaches the necessary techniques and exercises for homework.

Stepanova O. A., Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor IPK and PRNO MO, Moscow In cases where a general developmental preschool educational institution does not have the opportunity to work in direct contact with a speech therapist, speech disorders in children should become the object of special attention and adequate influence from teachers within the framework of a separate directions of the preschool educational process. A retrospective study of the stages of development of speech therapy assistance for children in mass kindergartens shows that the active development of these issues was initiated in the 1920-1930s. identification of mild forms of speech disorders in children. Determining the nature of the correctional speech impact, M.E. Khvattsev focused the attention of teachers on the fact that his main method should be considered not systematic classes, but “showing the correct pronunciation in the process of normal communication with the child and corresponding games.” Only in those cases when children “speech is very upset and they cannot keep up with their team, they should be placed in speech therapy centers for children or kindergartens (stutterers, children with severe forms of tongue-tiedness...)” (Khvattsev M.E. On the organization of speech therapy assistance for schoolchildren. M., 1936. P. 69.) In the 50-60s. XX century A.M. pointed out the need to correct speech in a mass kindergarten using purely pedagogical techniques, as well as the possibility of widespread use of methods of speech therapy prevention and propaganda among teachers and parents. Alexandrovskaya, L.V. Melekhova, M.F. Fomicheva, V.I. Seliverstov, A.S. Feldberg et al. N.P. Kuznetsova, for example, when analyzing data on the speech status of kindergarten students, concluded that 42% of them have speech development deficiencies of one form or another and degree of severity. For the majority of these children, speech therapy assistance could be provided by preschool teachers, therefore, “the transfer of a child from kindergarten to school with incorrect speech should be considered as a serious shortcoming of the kindergarten” (Kuznetsova N.P. Peculiarities of speech therapy work in diagnostic and preparatory classes for children, suffering from mental retardation // Current problems of speech therapy. M., 1980. P. 110.) In the 70-80s. XX century, despite the intensive development of a system of special institutions and groups for children with speech disorders, the issues of organizing preventive and speech correction work in mass pre-school institutions also have not lost their relevance. The shortage of places in special groups, the shortage of qualified speech therapists and, as a consequence of this, the non-decreasing number of pupils with speech impairments in mass kindergartens prompted a further search for measures that would make it possible to provide assistance to those in need in a timely and effective manner. The work of a teacher only within the framework of the standard “Program for the upbringing and training of preschool children” (1985) did not give him the opportunity to work at full capacity, therefore, special, well-reasoned motivation was required for using all reserves and the creation of means of individualizing preventive and correctional speech work with pupils mass preschool educational institutions. In fact, classes conducted by preschool educational institution employees with children who have deficiencies in speech development can be regarded as one of the probable models of speech therapy work. However, often due to various objective and subjective reasons (preschool education specialists lack a sufficient amount of correctional pedagogical knowledge and skills, proper awareness and adequate assessment of their role in overcoming deficiencies in the speech development of children, etc.), it was not always possible to organize it at the optimal level possible. Today, reliance on scientific and methodological research and experience in working with children who have speech difficulties of varying severity in the conditions of a general developmental preschool educational institution makes it possible not only to sufficiently fully define the concept of the speech therapy orientation of teachers’ activities, but also to concretize it at the content-technological level. The main goal of this direction should be the creation of an educational environment that would contribute to the fullest possible disclosure of the potential speech capabilities of pupils, preventing and overcoming difficulties in their speech development. To achieve it, a number of interrelated tasks must be solved. The first of them – diagnostic – consists of dynamic observation and pedagogical control over the state of children’s speech, early recognition and identification of unfavorable tendencies, delays and deficiencies in its development and their correct qualification. The second task - preventive - in the most general form can be characterized as pedagogical assistance to preschool children in normal speech development. The third, corrective, task is the timely complete or partial elimination (smoothing) of speech disorders existing in children. When solving these problems, it is fundamentally important that they fit naturally and organically into the context of the educational work carried out in preschool educational institutions. Ideally, the diagnostic, preventive and correctional components should integrate the forms and means of the actual pedagogical work on the development of speech of preschoolers and elements of purely speech therapy influence, and both of them are not transferred in their pure form, but undergo qualitative changes, transforming into a special diagnostic and preventive and the correctional speech orientation of the teacher-educator of a general developmental preschool educational institution. In practice, this focus can be implemented in two ways. The first is that special (diagnostic, preventive and correctional) tasks are included in the educational program of a preschool educational institution already at the level of initial settings, and the means of its implementation simultaneously serve the general goals of the child’s upbringing and development. The second method consists of combining general developmental and speech correction work at the level of organizing the pedagogical process (the latter in this case acts as a complementary component). There is no doubt about the advantage of the first method, since it is it that provides the greatest opportunities for organizing pedagogically appropriate activities for children, creating an enriched general and speech environment in preschool educational institutions and the family, which is considered an active subject and full partner of teachers in working with preschoolers. Its priority is especially obvious in relation to children, whose speech deficiencies are predominantly age-related and/or social, and therefore transient in nature. The second method is more productive when it comes to children with speech development disorders of anatomical or pathophysiological origin. However, both methods can be used simultaneously, since the boundary between them is partly arbitrary, and the logic of their deployment is similar and provides for the primary solution of diagnostic problems. Only on a solid diagnostic basis, ensuring a clear and prompt formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis about the state of the child’s speech and with a well-functioning “feedback” system, is it possible to optimally design both preventive and correctional educational work aimed at eliminating deficiencies in speech development. The diagnostic block, therefore, is primary, initial in relation to the preventive and correctional-educational blocks of the preschool teacher’s activity. Diagnostic block The diagnostic work of the teacher is to identify the characteristics and difficulties of the child’s speech development; in the future, the entire system of correctional speech work is adjusted to them. Within this block, the teacher of the general development group acts according to a certain algorithm:

  • studies the level and dynamics of speech development of his students;
  • identifies children with advanced and normative speech development, with negative tendencies, delays and deficiencies in it;
  • qualifies (independently or with the help of specialists) the type of speech defects, establishes their possible causes;
  • designs group and individual programs of speech work with children of a preventive and/or correctional and developmental nature.

Obviously, such work requires possession of appropriate knowledge and skills, and its effectiveness will be ensured if a number of conditions are met. The first of these conditions is the systematic study of the speech state of preschoolers. It is optimal if the teacher does this twice a year: in the fall, in order to identify the level of children’s speech development and correctly plan the work for the upcoming school year, and in the spring, to sum up its results, thereby determining the effectiveness of their own activities. During the inter-diagnostic period, he conducts dynamic monitoring of the nature of speech development of pupils, and, if necessary, makes amendments to the programs of preventive and correctional speech work. The second condition is clear age targeting and the complex nature of diagnostic procedures. With all the diversity of educational programs operating in preschool educational institutions (comprehensive and/or partial), some invariant content of the teacher’s program for studying children’s speech has the right to exist, the main guidelines of which are not so much specific program requirements as age standards. Let us note that the recommendations for studying children’s speech that claim such invariance and are currently offered to teachers in some methodological publications are focused mainly on the need for a thorough study of their sound pronunciation. However, the peculiarities of the development of other components of the speech system and the success of their use by children in the process of communication with peers and adults should not escape his attention. Along with speech disorders, preschoolers may also have non-speech deficiencies, manifested in underdevelopment of both relatively elementary and complex psychophysical processes associated with speech development. Therefore, during the examination process, the teacher must take into account the close connections between the speech and mental, speech and emotional-personal, speech and physical development of children. The third condition is a variety of methods and sources of information collection. It would be incorrect to reduce the entire process of studying the speech development of children only to ascertaining the facts of its violation. In order to correctly evaluate and interpret the data obtained, the teacher needs to understand the reasons underlying the observed phenomena. To clarify them, he can use some complementary diagnostic methods, proven by long-term pedagogical practice:

  • monitoring the child during various types of activities and when performing special diagnostic tasks;
  • studying the history of his early general, speech development and conditions of family education;
  • conversations with parents;
  • involving specialists in the examination of children - speech therapist, neurologist, psychologist, etc.

Thus, in the process of directed observation, which is considered the main method of a general developmental preschool teacher, he receives fairly complete data on the state of all components of the speech system of preschool children. Both a group of children and an individual child can be selected as an object of observation. From conversations with parents and medical records, you can obtain information about the presence/absence in the medical history of biological or social factors that negatively affect speech development. The data obtained help create a more objective picture of the speech development of each and every child in the group and help make certain assumptions about the reasons that impede, restrain, change or, conversely, stimulate and accelerate its normal development. The teacher should remember that despite outwardly similar symptoms, speech problems may have a different basis and different mechanisms of formation. For example, a malocclusion often results in impaired pronunciation, causing distortion of articulation. At the same time, children often have speech deficiencies that arise from inattention to it, i.e. associated with social factors. In such cases, it is necessary to use a completely different set of techniques, different from the first one. Similar patterns can be mentioned when talking about the shortcomings of the tempo-rhythmic organization of children’s speech, etc. The fourth condition is to optimize the procedure for studying children’s speech and recording its results. This process should be as close as possible to the types of activities that are familiar and natural for preschoolers (play, artistic and practical, etc.). It is completely unacceptable for it to be of a testing nature and for children to have the feeling that they are being assessed. It is necessary to think in advance about forms that would allow, with a minimum amount of time, to obtain maximum and reliable information about the state of speech of pupils and to determine the degree of its compliance with certain age-average and easily detectable indicators. When performing special diagnostic tasks, the teacher can work with one child or with a subgroup (2-5 people). Moreover, collective classes can significantly reduce time limits and, due to the small number of wards, provide the opportunity to see the manifestations of each of them. It is also necessary to provide for the provision of dosed assistance to children during the examination, thereby identifying the zones of their current and immediate development for planning further influence. It is desirable that the final assessment of the diagnostic results of children’s speech development be presented not only in qualitative, but also in quantitative (possibly point or level) characteristics. This method helps to optimize the process of recording speech study data and present them in a generalized form that is convenient for analysis and further use, for example, as an “Information Card”, “Group Speech Profile”, etc. Thus, the teacher’s competent solution of the tasks of the diagnostic block and the delineation of the “problem field” in which to work largely determines the success of his future activities. This helps, on the one hand, to select the main organizational forms, methods and content of preventive and correctional-educational influence in relation to each and every pupil, and on the other hand, lays the foundation for establishing effective feedback in the course of preventive, correctional-speech work and tracking its results. Preventive block It was noted above that the preventive activity of a preschool teacher consists of assistance, methodological assistance to preschoolers in the natural and timely development of speech and ensuring its usefulness. The concept of “fullness” is key for the preventive block and largely determines its content. The teacher must remember that pre-school age is the period of the most intensive mastery by children not only of correct sound pronunciation, certain lexical and grammatical means of the language, but also of speech as a socially significant and constantly in demand activity. Therefore, prevention in a broad sense should be considered here as a set of necessary and sufficient actions aimed at stimulating the development and improving the speech activity of preschool children in the unity of its motivational-need and operational components. Modern psychological and pedagogical research and the practice of preschool education convincingly prove that the development and formation of a child’s speech is based on the development and formation of his entire personality. Therefore, paths directly addressed to him and aimed directly at the development of speech (storytelling, reading, explaining pictures, conversations, etc.) are insufficient. Of great importance are all those indirect, indirect methods that lead to “strengthening the child’s strength, to raising the entire vital tone, to filling his life with bright, varied content, creating an irresistible need for speech” (Arkin A.E. Child in the preschool years M., 1968. P. 324.) The development of such a need and the conditions for its satisfaction are one of the key aspects of the preventive activities of the educator. For this purpose, first of all, joint activities of the child with adults and peers should be organized in an accessible form and means. The more diverse and complex it is, the more necessary speech is and the higher the structural and functional requirements it must satisfy. The correct organization of such activities requires a high level of professional skill and creativity of the teacher, but it is precisely this activity that serves as the most powerful means of stimulating both the motivation of children’s speech and enriching its means and forms. In addition, the environment (“nutrient medium” in the terminology of A.N. Gvozdev) contributes to the fullness of speech development. An important component of it and at the same time a means of preventing speech defects in preschoolers is the correct speech of adults. “Before embarking on the responsible task of developing the speech of your students, you should take care of the development and streamlining of your speech,” reminds teachers E.I. Tikheeva (Tikheeva E.I. Development of children’s speech (early and preschool age). M., 1972. P. 51.) The methodological requirements she developed remain relevant to this day:

  • speech must be absolutely correct and literary;
  • in form and tone, speech must always be impeccably polite;
  • the structure of speech should be coordinated with the age of the children: the younger the child, the simpler the syntactic structure of the speech addressed to him should be;
  • the content of adults’ speech must strictly correspond to the development, stock of ideas and interests of children, and be based on their experience;
  • Adult speech must meet such criteria as accuracy, clarity, simplicity, emotional expressiveness, imagery, measured tempo and sufficient (but not excessive) volume.

The requirements for the culture of the speech environment are especially stringent, and the responsibility of the teacher increases in cases where it is necessary to work with children brought up in socially disadvantaged families, in a deprived speech environment or in conditions of bilingualism. And if it is much more difficult for a teacher to influence the causes of a pathogenic, pathophysiological or anatomical nature that predispose to the appearance of speech deviations (although to a certain extent it is possible), then the factors of the general and speech environment can always be changed by him. Preventive work in a narrower sense can be defined as preventing, with the help of pedagogical techniques and means, speech deficiencies in preschoolers and carrying out psychohygienic activities. Children's speech, as is known, during the period of intensive development is extremely vulnerable and sensitive to negative external influences. Therefore, the preventive activities of the teacher must necessarily include:

  • protection of the neuropsychic and physical health of pupils;
  • ensuring a calm, friendly atmosphere for children’s life, psychological comfort in the educational environment and preventing external influences traumatic for the child;
  • early identification of risk factors in speech development, deviations from the norm in health status, congenital and acquired diseases that affect speech development;
  • propaedeutics of possible difficulties for children at the school start stage related to speech readiness.

So, the content of the teacher’s activities within the framework of the preventive block and the basis for the selection of appropriate pedagogical technologies are determined by the informal and creative attitude of the teacher to solving program tasks for the development of the speech of wards, taking into account their age, socio-emotional and cognitive needs and development opportunities - on the one hand, and on the other hand, close attention to children with a high risk of developing speech impairments. The content of the correctional speech block will be disclosed in subsequent publications.

“Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool speech center (from work experience)”

Published: May 20, 2019

Author: Svetlana Viktorovna Alexandrova, speech therapist teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 55", the city of Seversk, Tomsk region

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” determines the requirements for the level of preparation of a preschooler for studying at school. A child at the stage of completing preschool education is characterized by such personality qualities as curiosity (research interest), competence, creative abilities (creativity), initiative (autonomy, freedom, independence), responsibility, and arbitrariness. Nurturing these qualities is the goal of children's development in preschool age. These age characteristics determine the main and possible achievements in the development of a child at the time of transition from preschool to school childhood.

In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of children who have undeveloped prerequisites for learning to read and write: writing and reading. The bulk of these children are preschoolers with speech impairments. It is important to correct various speech deficiencies in a timely manner.

The result of the search for forms, means of prevention and correction of speech disorders in children in the conditions of mass preschool educational institutions was the emergence of preschool speech therapy centers, where, with the participation of a speech therapist, correctional speech work with children is carried out.

Recently, the number of preschool speech centers at general preschool educational institutions has increased. Unfortunately, there is no regulatory support for organizing the work of a preschool speech center.

Also, the specifics of the work of a speech therapist in a general preschool educational institution differs from the work of a speech therapist in a group for children with speech disorders (compensatory or combined groups).

1. In the speech therapy group, the composition of children does not change throughout the year; there are up to 15 people per speech therapist.

A speech therapist in a general developmental preschool educational institution recruits children throughout the year, and 25 to 28 people study with one speech therapist at a time.

2. In a speech therapy group, children have the same speech conclusion, which determines the lesson program.

A speech therapist in a general developmental preschool educational institution simultaneously works with children who have various speech disabilities (FFN, ONR, dyslalia).

3. For a speech therapist at a general developmental preschool educational institution, the main goal is to correct a speech defect.

In a speech therapy group, the main goals of a child’s stay are correction of speech defects, development of all components of speech, and intellectual development.

When a speech therapist works in a speech therapy group, there is a relationship with pre-school specialists, which makes it possible to create a unified complex of joint correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation and development of the speech sphere.

A speech therapist in a general developmental preschool educational institution communicates only with the teacher.

4. The main organizational form of correctional work of a speech therapist at a general preschool educational institution is individual lessons; but if there are children of the same age with the status of “child with disabilities,” then these children are united for subgroup classes (up to 5 people). The main organizational form of correctional work in a speech therapy group is frontal classes [3].

The objectives of the preschool speech therapy center are: correctional and educational work with children with disabilities, early detection, timely prevention and overcoming deficiencies in the speech development of preschoolers, promotion of speech therapy knowledge among employees of preschool institutions and parents.

An important task in the practice of preschool institutions is the joint implementation of correctional and speech therapy activities by the teacher, speech therapist and parents.

Despite the fairly wide prevalence of groups for children with speech disorders, not all preschoolers in need attend them. A significant number of such children, at the request of their parents, remain in general developmental groups of preschool educational institutions.

Experience in working in a preschool speech therapy center allows us to convincingly say that it has already established itself as an effective model for organizing speech correction work with children, which, on the one hand, fits organically into the system of preschool educational institutions of any type, and on the other hand, is effective and simple. , convenient and, importantly in modern economic conditions, low-cost.

The difficulties that arise when organizing work in a speech center are largely explained by the insufficient development of specific issues, tasks and content of speech therapy work within the framework of the new model, their meager coverage in the pages of specialized literature, and the lack of normative and program-methodological materials. In this regard, the materials presented below are an attempt to highlight and meaningfully disclose the specifics of the organizational, methodological, speech correction and advisory activities of a speech therapist in a preschool speech therapy center.

The number of children attending the speech therapy center at the same time is 25-28 people. To optimize speech therapy work, children of the same age group with similar nature and severity of speech disorders are grouped into subgroups (up to 5 children) or mobile microgroups (2-3 children).

The duration of subgroup speech correction classes is 20-35 minutes, individual classes - 10-20 minutes.

The speech therapist enrolls children in correctional classes based on the results of an examination of children of all age groups of preschool educational institutions at the beginning and end of the school year. When enrolling children, the nature, severity of speech disorders, and age of the children are taken into account, first of all, providing correctional assistance to preschoolers who have the status of “child with disabilities” based on the conclusion of the Territorial Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission, and older preschoolers with speech development disorders that will hinder their successful inclusion in the school learning process.

The timing of speech therapy work is directly dependent on the severity of speech disorders in children and their individual personality characteristics. Practice shows that to normalize the speech of children with phonetic underdevelopment, it takes from 1.5 to 6 months, while work with preschoolers who have phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech usually continues for a whole school year or more. Children with severe, persistent disorders in speech development (general speech underdevelopment, stuttering) can attend speech therapy classes for up to 1.5-2 years or more.

As correctional work is completed, other children in need of speech therapy help are enrolled in the vacant places, and thus the next “round” of the algorithm of the correctional pedagogical process is “launched.”

Responsibility for the procedure for enrolling children in classes, the progress and results of correctional speech intervention lies with the speech therapist and the administration of the preschool educational institution.

At the end of the school year, the speech therapist prepares a report on the work and submits it to the head of the city methodological association.

The model of correctional speech support in the conditions of a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution does not replace already existing forms of special speech therapy work with preschoolers, but effectively and organically complements them, making it possible to provide the necessary and timely assistance to a significant number of children in dire need with varying degrees of severity of speech disorders. In addition, it helps to give a definite answer to the extremely relevant question for modern preschool education practice: how to provide support for children with various developmental disabilities within the existing system of educational institutions and without additional financial costs, providing broad prospects for constructing models based on it organizing corrective psychological and pedagogical support for other categories of children with deviations in sensory, intellectual and motor development. However, guaranteed quality and high efficiency in their development and implementation will be ensured only if the following basic conditions are met:

— individualized, complex and systematic impact on all aspects of development and personality of a preschool child with developmental disorders;

— the presence of a qualified speech pathologist as the main organizer and coordinator of correctional support for children;

- involvement of the child’s close adults (teachers of the preschool educational institution, parents) in the correctional pedagogical process as its active subjects and the organization of continuity of the preschool educational institution and the family in the work on the prevention and correction of deviating options in child development.

The absence in the conditions of a preschool speech therapy center of strict regulation of the work of a speech therapist, which fetters initiative and a creative approach to solving correctional, organizational and methodological problems, is an important factor that stimulates his independent pedagogical search, encourages modification of existing speech therapy methods in relation to new conditions for their implementation. and mastering new technologies for corrective speech work with preschoolers.

The speech therapist at the preschool educational institution maintains the following documentation:

  1. Journal of the speech status of the examined children;
  2. Documentation for submission to the Territorial PMPC; TMPK conclusions for children with disabilities;
  3. Individual correctional programs for the child’s speech development (for children with disabilities);
  4. Speech cards for children with more complex speech pathology;
  5. The work program of correctional educational activities of the speech therapist teacher itself (which includes annual, long-term plans);
  6. Speech Language Pathologist Teacher Performance Report and Annual Report.

Analytical and diagnostic activities - comprehensive speech therapy examination of pupils’ oral speech; collection and analysis of anamnestic data; psychological and pedagogical study of children; differential diagnosis of speech disorders; processing of survey results; determining the prognosis of speech development and correction; recruitment of groups and subgroups based on diagnostic data; drawing up a long-term plan for correctional and speech therapy work for each group; drawing up a class schedule and work schedule; preparation of the necessary documentation for participation in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation [2].

Within the framework of the diagnostic block, the speech therapist of the general developmental group operates according to the following algorithm:

־ studies the level and dynamics of speech development of its students;

־ identifies children with advanced and normative speech development, with negative trends, delays and deficiencies in this development;

־ qualifies the type of speech defects, establishes their possible causes;

־ designs group and individual programs of speech work with children with a correctional and developmental focus.

Obviously, such work requires possession of appropriate diagnostic knowledge and skills, and its effectiveness will be ensured if a number of conditions are met.

The first of these conditions is the systematic study of the speech state of preschoolers. It is optimal if a speech therapist conducts a study of the state of children’s speech twice a year: in the fall, in order to identify the current level of speech development of children and correctly plan the work for the upcoming school year, and in the spring, to summarize its results, thereby determining the effectiveness of one’s own speech therapy work. During the interdiagnostic period, they carry out dynamic observation of the nature of speech development of pupils, and, if necessary, adjustments are made to the programs of correctional speech work with them [1].

The second condition is clear age targeting and the comprehensive nature of diagnostic procedures. With all the variety of educational programs currently operating in preschool educational institutions (comprehensive and/or partial), there is a right to exist some invariant content of the program for studying children's speech by a speech therapist, the main guidelines of which are not so much the requirements of specific programs as age-related standards for its development.

The third condition for an effective study of the speech development of preschool children is a variety of methods and sources of information collection. In order to correctly evaluate and interpret the data obtained, the speech therapist needs to understand the reasons underlying the observed phenomena. To clarify them, he can use such proven long-term pedagogical practice and complementary diagnostic methods as:

־ monitoring the child in the process of various activities; studying the history of his early general, speech development and conditions of family education; conversations with parents;

־ involvement of specialists in the examination of children - a neurologist, psychologist, etc.

The data obtained contribute to the creation of a more objective picture of the development of speech of each and every child in the group and help to make certain assumptions about the reasons that impede, restrain, change or, conversely, stimulate and accelerate the normal course of its development.

The fourth condition is to optimize the procedure for studying children’s speech and recording its results.

The procedure for studying children's speech should be as close as possible to the types of activities that are familiar and natural for preschoolers (play, artistic and practical, etc.). It is necessary to think in advance about such techniques that would allow, with minimal time spent, to obtain sufficiently complete and reliable information about the state of speech of pupils and to establish the degree of its compliance or non-compliance with certain age-average and easily detectable indicators.

Thus, the speech therapist’s competent solution of the tasks of the diagnostic block and the delineation of the “problem field” in which to work largely determines the success of his future activities. This helps, on the one hand, to select the main organizational forms, methods and content of correctional and educational influence in relation to each of the pupils; on the other hand, the foundation is laid for establishing effective “feedback” during preventive, speech correction work and monitoring its results.

Preventive activities are targeted, systematic joint work of a speech therapist, educators, physical education instructor, music director and medical worker, as well as parents of students:

— identification of children at risk (as is known, stress factors and the level of mental and physical health of children negatively affect their speech development);

— prevention and overcoming of secondary disorders in children caused by a primary speech defect;

— protection of the neuropsychic health of children;

— adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions;

- creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in teaching and children's teams, in the family.

It is carried out in the form of speeches at parent-teacher meetings, methodological associations of teachers, individual consultations on speech correction for children-speech therapists, individual and subgroup classes with children. When identifying children at risk, a speech therapist teacher relies on data on the anamnestic development of children, diagnostics of the level of speech achievements, conversations with teachers and organizes correctional speech therapy taking into account these data. The preventive task of a preschool speech therapist can be defined as assistance, methodological assistance to preschoolers in the natural and timely development of speech and ensuring the fullness of this development.

Among the conditions that contribute to the formation of the need for speech and its satisfaction, first of all, one can include the organization of joint activities of the child with adults and peers that are accessible in form and means. The more complex and varied the activity, the more necessary speech is and the higher the structural and functional requirements it must satisfy. The correct organization of children's activities presupposes a high level of professional skill and development of the teacher's creative abilities, but it is precisely this that serves as the most powerful means of stimulating the development of both the motivation of children's speech and the enrichment of its means and forms [9].

Another condition that contributes to the full speech development of children is the environment. An important component of the environment and at the same time a means of preventing speech defects in preschoolers is the correct speech of adults. The culture of the speech environment predetermines the speech culture of the children themselves.

The obligatory components of the preventive activities of the educator include:

  • protection of the neuropsychic and physical health of pupils;
  • ensuring a calm, friendly atmosphere for children’s life, psychological comfort in the educational environment and preventing external influences that stress the child;
  • early identification of risk factors in speech development, deviations from the norm in health status, congenital and acquired diseases that affect speech development;
  • preparing children for possible difficulties at the school start stage.

So, the informal and creative attitude of the speech therapist to solving program tasks for the development of the speech of his pupils, taking into account their age, socio-emotional and cognitive needs and developmental opportunities - on the one hand, and on the other - close attention to children with a high degree of risk of developing speech deficiencies constitute the content of the teacher’s activities within the framework of the preventive block and the basis for the selection of appropriate speech therapy technologies [10].

Among the deficiencies in the speech development of children that a speech therapist may encounter, the most common are the following:

- isolated deficiencies in the phonetic aspect of speech; phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech;

- general, systemic (lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic) speech deficiencies; shortcomings of prosodic (melodic-intonation and tempo-rhythmic) organization of speech.

Corrective and developmental activities are aimed at the development and improvement of speech and non-speech processes, prevention, correction and compensation of speech disorders, development of cognitive, communicative and regulatory functions of speech. It is carried out in the form of individual and subgroup lessons. The results of speech therapy work are entered into the speech cards of children accepted for classes in speech therapy.

Promotion of speech therapy knowledge - increasing the level of professional activity of teachers and parents' awareness of the tasks and specifics of speech therapy correctional work and the activities of the correctional and developmental process with children with speech pathology. It is carried out through pedagogical councils, methodological associations, parent meetings, individual and group consultations, conversations, seminars, open classes, a speech therapy stand for parents with removable materials [7].

The methodological activities of a speech therapist are aimed at:

— increasing the level of speech therapy competence and professionalism;

— ensuring communication and continuity in the work of the speech therapist, teachers and parents in solving problems of overcoming speech underdevelopment in pupils;

— increasing the efficiency of the correctional and speech therapy process;

— improvement of software and methodological equipment of the correctional and speech therapy process.

Interaction with the child’s family is one of the important aspects of a speech therapist’s work.

In modern conditions of modernization of preschool education, such forms of work are relevant that provide a solution to the problem of each child and family individually.

That is why, at present, such interaction between preschool teachers and parents is in demand, which involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and experiences; it is also aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, i.e. imparting knowledge to them, developing their pedagogical skills.

One of the most important areas of correctional work with preschoolers is the correction of speech disorders, the prevention of speech disorders, early diagnosis, and the preparation of children with speech pathology for schooling. The success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly continuity is organized in the work of the speech therapist and parents. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. If the preschool institution and the family are closed to each other, then the child finds himself between two fires, which is why close cooperation between the speech therapist and parents is so necessary [8].

Work begins with diagnostics, i.e. from identifying the characteristics of the upbringing and education of a child in the family, drawing up long-term planning of the speech therapist’s work with parents, and then monitoring the implementation of assigned tasks.

As a rule, many parents are not competent in matters of mental and speech development of children.

Questioning and observation of the style of communication between parents and children showed that parents are interested in such problems as:

— speech disorders and the causes of their occurrence;

- the child has poor memory;

- when to start teaching your child to read;

- how to teach memorization of poetry;

— how and what to read to a child with a speech disorder.

In order for the partnership between the speech therapist and the family to be most effective, it is necessary to clearly define the tasks of speech therapy work. It is important for a speech therapist to involve parents in correctional work and familiarize them with the methods of teaching and developing speech. To help parents see the child’s current problem, or, conversely, to convince them of the child’s success in mastering certain knowledge and skills.

Forms of work of a speech therapist with parents:

— parent meetings (“Introducing parents to the tasks and content of correctional work”, “Joint work of kindergarten and parents to prepare the child for school”, “Results of correctional work for the year”);

— testing and questioning (allows us to identify the most pressing problems for parents);

- home game libraries (this section introduces parents to simple, but very interesting, and most importantly useful games for children, it includes a description of games that promote the development of a child’s speech, which parents could play with their child at any time convenient for them: “On kitchen”, “On the way to kindergarten”, “In a free moment”);

- open days (parents attend individual and subgroup classes, watch how their children are doing, what they need to reinforce at home, what else to work on);

-parental five-minute meetings (where parents receive the opportunity for short-term personal consultation);

Consultations - workshops (parents and children learn articulation gymnastics, etc., in small subgroups).

-festivities and entertainment (parents are invited to participate. At the end of the year, parents are invited to the final lesson - a holiday, where children demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the year).

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, presuppose the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and parents, and awareness by parents of the role of the family in the education and upbringing of the child.

The steady increase in the number of children with speech disorders raises the issue of providing them with adequate correctional and speech therapy assistance. Modern approaches to organizing correctional and speech therapy assistance for preschoolers require improvement. The experience of interaction between educational institutions and families in the field of general and special pedagogy allows us to assert that the active inclusion of parents in the correctional process makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of work with children who have problems in speech development. A necessary condition for the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction is the readiness of parents to participate in joint correctional work with a speech therapist.

The effectiveness of speech therapy is influenced by the early detection of deviations in speech development and the early start of comprehensive correctional work with preschoolers, a shift in emphasis from the correction of speech defects to prevention, which helps prevent secondary deviations in the development of the child, as well as reducing the number of children who will be correction is needed.

The organization of speech therapy work in a general preschool institution presupposes systematicity, purposefulness and phasing.

The main stages are:

– logopsychodiagnostics;

– planning correctional work to eliminate general speech underdevelopment in accordance with individual periods based on software and an individually differentiated personal approach;

– tracking the dynamics of ongoing changes in the speech development of children, assessing the effectiveness of speech therapy work depending on the creation of the necessary conditions.

We consider exactly those conditions that ensure the system and quality of speech therapy work and allow us to combine the efforts of a speech therapist and educators in overcoming speech underdevelopment in preschool children.

Overcoming speech underdevelopment is ensured through a system of speech therapy work in a general preschool educational institution, which involves the organization of the following conditions:

- creation in the group of an appropriate subject-development environment, a natural speech environment, a special mode of work, an appropriate combination of frontal and individual forms of work, the presence of professionalism of teachers, integration of the efforts of a speech therapist, educators and parents;

— systematic, focused and step-by-step work of the speech therapist teacher according to a program adequate to the structure of speech disorders in children;

— interrelation and continuity in the work of speech therapist and educators.

The possibility of creating these conditions is the basis for the effectiveness of all speech therapy work and overcoming speech underdevelopment in preschool children.


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