Speech card for examination of children 4 - 7 years old; material on speech therapy (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Simplified speech map from 4-6 years

Speech card

Child's name______________________________________________________________

Date of birth, age________________________________________________

Home address _____________________________________________________

Contact number_________________________________________________

Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus

Lips (thick, thin, cleft, scars) _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Teeth (sparse, crooked, small, outside the jaw arch, missing teeth, double row of teeth) ________________________________________________________________________________

Bite (prognathia, progenia, open lateral, open anterior, crossbite) _______________________________________________________________________________

Hard palate (high narrow, gothic, flat, shortened) ________________________________________________________________________________

Soft palate (absent, shortened, bifurcated, lack of a small uvula) ________________________________________________________________________________

Tongue (massive, small, short, long, “geographical” hypertrophy of the tongue root) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Sublingual ligament (short, shortened, normal, presence of adhesion to the tissues of the sublingual area) ________________________________________________________________

The state of articulatory motor skills (tone, volume, ability to switch, substitutions, synkinesis, tremor, abundant salivation, deviation of the tip of the tongue, etc. - filled in after test exercises).


Pronunciation state

whistling sizzling sonorous other sounds
With sya h s ts w and h sch l l R ry j

1 – isolated; 2 – in words; 3 – in spontaneous speech Norm – N

Violations: absence (–), replacement (→), confusion (↔), distortion - interdental (m/z); paradental (p/z), labiodental (g/z), labiolabial (g/g), lateral (b.), uvular (uv.), velar (vel.), sibilant (spike.), etc. .

State of phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis

Repetition of syllables with opposition sounds:

ba-pa__________________ ba-ba__________________________________________________________

ga-ka __________________ ka-ha__________________________________________________________

da-ta __________________ ta-da__________________________________________________________

ma-ba__________________ ba-ma________________________________________________________

va-ka __________________ ka-va__________________________________________________________

nya-na_________________ na-nya_________________________________________________________

5 years

ba-ba-ba _______________ pa-ba-pa_________________________________________________

da-ta-da ______________ ta-da-ta_________________________________________________

ga-ka-ha ________________ ka-ha-ka_________________________________________________

for-sa-for ________________ sa-for-sa__________________________________________________

ta-ta-ta________________ ta-ta-ta_________________________________________________

sa-sha-sa _________ sha-sa-sha_________________________________________________

zha-sha-zha ________ sha-zha-sha________________________________________________

sa-tsa-sa__________ tsa-sa-tsa_________________________________________________

cha-cha-cha _________ cha-cha-cha__________________________________________________

la-la-la___________la-la-la____ _____________________________________________

6 years

Isolation of initial stress from words 5 years

Astra ________________ arch_______________________________________________________________

Autumn_________________ lake__________________________________________________________

Beehive__________________ ears______________________________________________________________

Needles _________________ sparks __________ ________________________________________

Isolating the final consonant from words 6 years old


Isolating the initial consonant from words 6 years old

Bridge __________________ bank_________________________________________________________

Floor ___________________ slippers_________________________________________________________


Water_________________ apron__________________________________________________________

Cat ___________________ year___________________________bread___________________________

Determining the sequence of sounds in a word 6 years old

Cat ___________________ cotton _____________________________________________________

House ___________________ oaks_______________________________________________________________

Determining the number of sounds in words 6 years

Bull______ cotton______ house_____ banana_________________

Study of the sound-syllable structure of words

Repeat the words (one at a time):

4-5 years Knock, bridge, candy wrapper, step, bulldozer, aquarium, motorcyclist.

5-6 years old Excavator, medicine, architect, parachutist, plumber, airport.

6-7 years old Aerodrome, escalator, barrier; repair radio, typewriter, laughing boy.

Vocabulary: (sufficient, corresponds to the age norm, insufficient) Grammatical structure: (without violations, impaired, some deficiencies)

Coherent speech: (formed by age, not formed enough)

Speech therapy conclusion:



Date of examination _______________ teacher-speech therapist _________________________

Map of individual work of a speech therapist teacher with preschoolers with special needs development

Previously, I posted a speech card for a speech center on the Speech Therapy Portal website.

Later, a map of the individual work of a speech therapist with preschoolers with ODD was developed, which I would like to present here.

I would be glad if it helps young professionals in their work.

Card of individual work of a speech therapist teacher

from ________________ to 20___-20______ academic year

The content of the work holding a pose mobility switchability
Development of fine differentiated movements of the tongue and hands
Working on breathing and prosodic aspects of speech diction rhythm, tempo, strength exhalation corresponds to the number of words in a phrase
Correction of sound pronunciation staging automation differentiation
Correction of sound pronunciation
Development of phonemic awareness recognition of the first sound in a word selection of words for a given sound differentiation
Lexico-grammatical structure of speech nouns adjectives Verbs

Sample of filling out an individual work card

speech therapist teacher with a child

Card of individual work of a speech therapist teacher
Misha Ivanov for the 20 14 -20 15 academic year
(sample of filling out the card)
The content of the work holding a pose mobility switchability
Development of fine differentiated movements of the tongue and handsteach how to hold a posedevelop mobilitytrain switching postures
Deadlines October november March
Dynamics + +
Working on breathing and prosodic aspects of speech diction rhythm, tempo, strength exhalation corresponds to the number of words in a phrase
achieve clarity of speechWork on rhythm and tempodevelop speech breathing
Deadlines May May May
Dynamics + + +
Correction of sound pronunciation staging automation differentiation
ww,fsh-s, w-z
Deadlines november December January
Dynamics + + +
Correction of sound pronunciationl rl rl-l* r-r* l-r
Deadlines January February April
Dynamics + + +
Development of phonemic awareness recognition of the first sound in a word selection of words for a given sound differentiation
learn to highlight the first sound in wordspractice selecting words and pictures for a given soundsh-s* r-r* l-r
Deadlines november December March
Dynamics + + +
lexico-grammatical structure of speechnounsadjectivesVerbs
learn to name parts of an object, generalize, expand your vocabulary on the topic “Furniture”learn to form possessive adjectives, expand your vocabularylearn to form prefixed verbs, expand vocabulary
Dynamics + +
use diagrams when composing sentences with prepositionsword formation and inflectionteach retelling, creative storytelling, working with diagrams,
Dynamics + +

Ustinenko Alla Vasilievna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU No. 19 “Ivushka”, Salsk

  1. Speech therapist documentation - Long-term plan for individual correctional and developmental work
  2. Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with teachers
  3. Work plan of a speech therapist teacher with a young specialist
  4. The use of computer technologies in the work of a speech therapist with preschool children with mental retardation
  5. Planning the work of a speech therapist teacher in a secondary school

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