How to develop speech and learn to express your thoughts beautifully to an adult

Rapid, incoherent, inconsistent speech is characteristic mainly of a child, schoolchild or teenager. An adult can formulate thoughts in clear, logical and clear language. However, there are moments when it is difficult for an adult to reason and communicate, and speech problems make themselves felt. In such situations, you should acquire skills and understand how to develop speech and improve the quality of communication.

Public speaking in front of a large audience

Adult speech development

In the modern world, the problem of how to develop your speech and learn to speak beautifully is especially relevant not only for those who burr or have a lisp, but also for people with good diction and speech.

For congenital defects, there are general recommendations for visiting a speech therapist to eliminate deficiencies and inability to pronounce sounds correctly. Some may need surgery, which provides an accurate guarantee of eliminating pathologies in the future.

The development of speech, both oral and written, is necessary for every person. You need to constantly study and work on yourself in order to be able to convincingly express your thoughts and formulate ideas. Exercises will help with this:

  • You should stock up on a rich vocabulary. Having chosen a prose text and taken a sheet of paper, you need to replace the words in the text with synonyms. For this you may need a Russian language dictionary and a dictionary of synonyms.
  • To develop logic, you should work on keywords. Having chosen 5 or more words from the text, come up with a story or a short sketch with them, using your imagination.
  • To achieve confident and emotional speech, you need to stand in front of a mirror and first read the text without emotions, then using a range of appropriate emotions. Observe how it looks from the outside.

Training in front of a mirror, looking at yourself from the side, is effective.

  • Record yourself on a voice recorder. You can read it several times emotionally and by looking at the text. Then try to reproduce it by heart. Work until the speech seems ideal not only to yourself, but also to your interlocutor based on subjective feelings.
  • Find a partner and try to conduct a dialogue with him based on 10 key words that you should first write down. Carry on a conversation until the speech seems forced and unnatural.

Important! Today you can take many trainings remotely or online.
Some techniques promise to teach the beauty and culture of a language in a short time. offers to take the training “Your competent speech in a year” and receive certificates for completing the course. Upon completion, the student will be able to speak beautifully, brightly and learn to hold the attention of listeners.

Rhetoric and oratory

Oratory is not just the ability to speak a lot and beautifully. A good speaker must master the basics of psychology and acting, philosophy and analytics. Its main goal is not just to convey certain information to the interlocutor, but also to arouse interest among the audience and encourage listeners to take certain actions.

10 Basic Rules of Rhetoric

In rhetoric, there are 10 components that influence the quality of speech and form the basis of oratory.


You should not present your own beliefs as an immutable truth. The speaker's speech must be unbiased and the information truthful;


A long monologue containing a lot of secondary information causes irritation and a negative reaction from others. The text of the speech should be quite short and concise, while remaining meaningful and informative;


Clarity is the ability to explain complex things in simple words, to present information in a form understandable to the interlocutor;


Using real life situations as examples, comparison and contrast, causes the listener to associate with familiar, familiar things. The feelings and emotions that arise in this case simplify the perception of information and make speech more memorable;


The main idea of ​​what was said should be easily grasped and quickly remembered;


The interlocutor needs to be captivated, interested, and, while maintaining intrigue and increasing the degree of tension, gradually bring him to the climax of the story;


A non-standard approach and a fresh look at the situation increase the audience’s interest in the speaker and his speech;


The listener should not be burdened with an abundance of difficult-to-understand terms and formulations; they should be interspersed with simple and easy-to-understand information;

Comic effect

Humor smooths out rough edges, endears the audience, and performances, diluted with a good joke or appropriate wit, are better remembered;


You should not make pretentious and sublime speeches, but at the same time, what is said should not seem vulgar or vulgar. The choice of narrative style depends on its content and the target audience for which the speech is intended.

Read further: Secrets of oratory and public speaking

Why learn to express your thoughts?

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How to learn to express your thoughts is taught at school. However, not every student can answer the question of why this is needed. When expressed well, you can respectfully, concisely and accurately describe information so that the interlocutor can easily understand everything. Competent speech shows the level of education and reading, this is valuable at all times. Also, clear speech can express thoughts out loud or on paper without distortion.

When a person is not verbally literate, it is difficult for other people to understand him, he has difficulty finding words. As a result, he develops a fear of communication, isolation and introversion.

If you are unable to express your thoughts, it is difficult to communicate with people even on the phone

Note! If you do not know how to write correctly, this will create difficulties when preparing papers, documents, and contracts. In this case, even a simple message will seem funny, causing an incident during communication. When a person does not have literacy in expressing thoughts, there will be a feeling that there is a lot being said, but there is no meaning in it.

Tongue twisters starting with "l"

  1. Have you seen me in invisibility? I wouldn’t have gotten out of the invisibility.
  2. The linoleum faded and faded, faded and faded.
  3. It is not clear whether the shares are liquid or illiquid.
  4. Do you have taxable grace?
  5. - Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!
  6. Depilated fillet paraded at the fildepers defile.
  7. Once there was a case in distant Macau: a koala macaque was dipping in cocoa, a koala was lazily lapping cocoa, a koala was dipping, a koala was dipping.

Rich vocabulary

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A rich vocabulary helps you express your thoughts beautifully and succeed in life. Rich speech speaks of a person’s culture and good education.

The importance of a rich vocabulary is great, since with its help you can express yourself freely, conduct business negotiations and quickly move towards your goals.

Knowing a lot of words and being able to speak beautifully are not the same thing. The vocabulary needs to be replenished with a broad outlook, knowledge, beautiful speech and expressiveness.


How to develop imagination in adults and children - recommendations

Diction refers to the clear pronunciation of words and all letters. If diction is good, then this has a favorable effect on the perception of a person by the people around him. To gain an understanding of how to competently conduct a dialogue and talk with people, you should study the issue of correct diction.

As a rule, it is not clear by nature. It can be improved both in childhood and in adulthood. Actors, for example, need to have excellent diction, since career success will depend on it.

All actors must have good diction

10 exercises to develop diction:

  • With nuts and sweets in your mouth. The tongue should not come into contact with the object; only the teeth hold it. Pronounce consonants first, then syllables with vowels, then words.
  • Tongue Twisters. Focus on “problematic” sound combinations.
  • Articulation of sounds “sh-zh”, “k-g”.
  • Practicing the sound “ts”. For example, a heron is a saber.
  • First, slowly, then quickly pronounce combinations of letters: tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, ktsch.
  • First, slowly, then quickly pronounce the words: stay awake, philosophize, postscript, cheer up, transplant, supersonic, disheveled.
  • Train the pronunciation of consonants in the combinations “k-k” (to Clara), “v-v” (top - up).
  • Work through sounds in the form of a sound game, for example, “hammering nails,” while pronouncing the lines: gbdu, gbdy, gbde.
  • Practice sounds in certain designs, for example, jasper in suede.
  • First, slowly, then quickly, but clearly pronounce the words, follow the “difficult” junctions of sounds: the one who took advantage, the reverberator, territorial integrity.

Everyday style of speech

There is nothing complicated about how to express yourself and speak correctly in everyday life.

The most important obstacles in constructing a beautiful speech:

  • Parasite words. These include: “well”, “this”, “uh”, “like” and others. They do not decorate speech at all and have no meaning.
  • Curse words. It is a deep misconception that swearing brings people together in a company. In fact, a person with literate speech without using swear words will make a positive impression in any circle of people.

The company always pays attention to a person with competent speech

  • Slang. Currently, it seems that slang helps to keep up with the times. However, not everyone is familiar with new buzzwords and may simply not understand their opponent. If there is no desire to make communication more difficult, then slang should be avoided.

Additional Information. You should always pay attention to how the conversation is structured. Some people just open their mouth and say the first word, and the interlocutor begins to involuntarily wince. The issue may concern not so much speech as voice timbre. Therefore, you should also work on the sound of your voice.

Let's vote

To make your voice big and sound beautiful, you need to learn how to use the upper (skull, mouth and nose) and lower (chest) resonator systems. Take ten shallow breaths into your belly. Short inhalation and slow exhalation. And you can start exercising.

Moan – don’t forget about your posture. Say the sound “M” with your lips closed. Say it as you exhale, without straining. Now start changing the position of your head while making the same sound. Gradually you will begin to feel vibration in the upper resonator. Having mastered the sound “M”, start adding other vowels: o-a-i-y-u, so that they sound like “mmmm-e-mmm-o-mmm-a-mmm-i-mmm-u-mmm-y” " When you have mastered this practice, move on to the continuous pronunciation of different variations of these sounds.

Tongue Twisters . Pronouncing tongue twisters is a truly great way to hone your speech and master the art of speaking beautifully, pronouncing each letter clearly. Try saying the phrase: “broke,.. broke, broke,.. broke, broke, broke,” while rubbing your forehead. We do the same with the words “we are lazy” - rubbing the nasal cartilage, “we caught burbot” - rubbing the cheeks.

Beep - straight posture, lips in a tube, pronounce the sound “U” as you exhale. Next, combine it with other vowel sounds. The main thing is not to change the position of your lips.

Poems - read them out loud and with intonation, using a medium tone. At the end of each line, inhale and say the line as you exhale. I recommend finding the poem “Reading Rules” on the Internet, which was written by A.V. Pryanishnikov. It is ideal for performing this exercise correctly.

Exercises for formulating thoughts

A number of ways to help you understand how to correctly express your thoughts:

  • Speak in public more often. Take advantage of every opportunity to make a presentation at meetings and gatherings. Of course, you should prepare in advance.
  • First try to express your thoughts in writing. Before you send an email, you should skim through it, analyzing the organic nature of the sentences.
  • Listen to good speakers, read quality books. There can be both business books and fiction books. The benefits of reading are known to be underestimated. This will help expand your vocabulary and introduce new colloquial structures into your speech.
  • Develop your brain. This means eating right, exercising, and solving intellectual problems.
  • Study the techniques of oratory and rhetoric. Books by D. Carnegie would be good works to implement this idea.
  • Make sure that communication does not become talkative. Verbosity is the inability to express one's thoughts.
  • Take an active part in discussions and meetings. This will help you learn to defend your position.
  • Before the performance, record yourself on a voice recorder.
  • A person’s environment plays a special role. Therefore, to make your speech more diverse, you should communicate with people who have a rich vocabulary.
  • Write a summary of the speech. Having a structured speech plan before going out in public is a business-like approach to business.
  • Do not use too sophisticated words and complex sentences. The simpler and more interesting the speech, the more people will understand it.

Developing the habit of speaking competently is not always easy, so you will have to work hard. However, it should be remembered that in the end you can significantly increase your vocabulary, be able to express all your thoughts out loud without embarrassment, and improve your spoken language by introducing new words into it.

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