Number of children per speech therapist? I have been working as a speech therapist for 10 years in a kindergarten.

Question about the chilliness of children in the speech therapy group

The further it goes, the more wonderful it becomes. I no longer know how to deal with it. I am in the Moscow region.

in the “Program for teaching children with underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech”, compiled by G.A.

I called the district education department, but it seems that she, as she tells some, has everything “grabbed” there, they told me that she herself can decide who to include in the lists and who not, and gave advice to find a speech therapist for the child herself and take care of in the summer, so that in September my daughter would go to a regular group. And they added that the commission made these recommendations for me personally.

Well, isn’t it nonsense? Yesterday I saw the head of the kindergarten leaving the kindergarten, having a nice conversation with the chairman of the PMP commission that we went through - it looks like everything is “grabbed” there too. Now I’m afraid that the protocol with the results will be rewritten retroactively. They told me to come up on Monday to get the discharge. After a statement written in her name about my daughter’s enrollment in the recommended group or about a reasoned refusal, she began to demonize me and forbade me to tell everyone anything.

I terrorized the teachers, I see how they began to look at me differently. She said that under no circumstances will we get into the group now and I can write anywhere, even to the president, she doesn’t care. However, she also added that speech therapy help is possible my child will still be provided with care in the kindergarten, but not in a speech therapy group, which does not suit me, since in case of erased dysarthria, as I understand it, it is the group that is indicated. On Monday I will go for an extract. Tell me what my next steps should be and where should I write ?

The case is happening in the Moscow Region and it looks like the local departments will not help me, because there have already been repeated inspections, including regarding the corruption component, but it always came out unscathed. I personally saw the decision of the commission with my own eyes from a speech therapist and diagnoses, FFND and erased dysarthria, and a period of 2 years. If they still decide to falsify the conclusion and remove dysarthria and the period of the recommended visit to the compensating group is 2 years, can I somehow challenge the decision of the PMPC?

Is it necessary to pass this commission at the location of the preschool institution?

Children under three years old are denied free nurseries under the pretext of new rules of the Ministry of Education

And this means that they themselves decide who to take to kindergarten and nursery, and who not to take.

Of course, after the Presidential decree, places in kindergartens immediately appeared. But for some reason, no one began to advertise that these very places were simply borrowed from the nursery.

It turns out that the problem of some children was solved at the expense of other children.

Natalya picks up her daughter from the nursery group of the kindergarten.

Private. For which she pays almost 19 thousand rubles a month. In the municipal, according to the girl, they did not find a place for her child. “For my part, I did everything in my power.

I put the baby on the waiting list on the third day after birth, and two years later I expressed my need,” says Natalya Borovskaya. However, in one of the kindergartens that Natalya applied to, they say: There are no nurseries this year, they were cancelled.

Tatyana has a low-income family. To feed one-and-a-half-year-old Vika, she needs to go to work. But they don’t take my daughter to a nursery anywhere.

“You have to live on something. Because the allowance for a one and a half year old child is 50 rubles.”

, says Tatyana Tomilova.

And so on throughout the city. Mothers who cannot arrange for their children unite in groups and create online forums. However, the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region denies this fact.

“Today, according to the data we receive from municipalities, the number of groups with toddlers is not decreasing”

,” notes the Minister of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region Yuri Biktuganov.

ONF reported on problems of accessibility of preschool institutions

Half of the teachers surveyed noted that the kindergarten where they work is not provided with educational toys. More than 37% of teachers reported that the kindergarten requires major repairs, and 1% of teachers said that the kindergarten building is in disrepair.

This information is confirmed by Rosstat data as of April 2017, according to which the buildings of 111 kindergartens are in disrepair. “To achieve the required indicators, regions are forced to tighten groups and open understaffed kindergartens. In these conditions, there is no need to talk about accessibility, which would not only take into account all children in need of preschool education, but would also provide for the availability of free places,” said the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, head of the ONF working group “Education and Culture” as the basis of national identity” Lyubov Dukhanina.

The monitoring results are confirmed by the president of the interregional public organization “Our Children” Yulia Zimova.

“An analysis of parents’ appeals to a public organization shows: often the main goal of distributing children to kindergartens is to reduce the queue, even if this goes against the needs of children and parents.”

, says Mrs. Zimova. The expert calls the most pressing problem of kindergartens the lack of professional staff.

The ONF survey showed that not all kindergartens are provided with the necessary specialists: only 8% of respondents indicated that a music director, physical education instructor, speech pathologist, social teacher, and choreographer work with them.

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In the USSR, the recruitment of groups was carried out according to the standards created by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of 1993. It contains a calculation of the number of personnel and equipment. According to Soviet laws, no more than 20 children aged 3–7 years could be in a group at the same time. Today the norms have changed.

On October 1, 2010, new Sanitary Regulations and Regulations were adopted, according to which it was not the number of children on the payroll that was important, but the actual arrival of children in kindergarten. The norms are calculated based on the area of ​​the playing room. Each pupil must have at least 2 square meters for children over 3 years old, and at least 2.5 square meters for the younger group.

The calculation is simple. If the area of ​​the playroom is 70 square meters, then at the same time there can be 28 nursery children or 35 pupils from 3 to 7 years old. At the same time, the number of service and teaching staff does not increase.

Only the actual list of children in kindergarten at the moment is taken into account; according to the list, there may be 45–49 of them.

Another innovation in the regulatory document was permission to convert the playroom into a bedroom during sleep hours. The kindergarten purchases cots and teachers place them in the playroom for those who do not have enough beds.

After sleep, the equipment is removed and the play area is free.

It is worth considering that 2 or 2.5 square meters per child is a relative figure. In fact, the game room serves as a dining room and study room. There are tables, chairs, toys, teaching equipment here. That is, half of the hall is occupied by furniture. This leaves 50 percent of the area.

Kindergartens with narrowly focused activities are more fortunate. Children with defects in mental, speech, mental and physical development were offered other conditions for staying in a preschool educational institution:

  1. There are up to 10 pupils with serious speech defects, and up to 12 with FFDD.
  2. Deaf and dumb people - the permissible number is 6 people.
  3. Hearing impaired - up to 8.
  4. Blind - up to 10.
  5. With cerebral palsy, musculoskeletal disorders - no more than 8.
  6. With mental retardation, cretinism - up to 10.
  7. In a combined group with diverse defects, no more than 15 people can be recruited for education.

This situation did not please the proactive parents of preschool children and representatives of the Public Chamber. Requests for clarification of legislative acts and regulatory documents were submitted. The answer came from Rospotrebnadzor.

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